public SysApplication findById(long id) { String cacheKey = "sys_app_" + id; if (SystemConfig.getBoolean("use_query_cache") && CacheFactory.getString(cacheKey) != null) { String text = CacheFactory.getString(cacheKey); json = JSON.parseObject(text); SysApplication app = SysApplicationJsonFactory.jsonToObject(json); if (app != null && app.getNodeId() > 0) { SysTree node = sysTreeService.findById(app.getNodeId()); app.setNode(node); } return app; } SysApplication app = sysApplicationMapper.getSysApplicationById(id); if (app != null && app.getNodeId() > 0) { SysTree node = sysTreeService.findById(app.getNodeId()); app.setNode(node); } if (app != null && SystemConfig.getBoolean("use_query_cache")) { json = app.toJsonObject(); CacheFactory.put(cacheKey, json.toJSONString()); } return app; }
// 编辑器上传图片 @RequestMapping("/upload") @ResponseBody public JSONObject upload( @RequestParam("imgFile") MultipartFile file, HttpServletRequest request, ModelMap m) throws IOException { // String filetype = // StringUtils.substringAfterLast(file.getOriginalFilename(), "."); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); String ymd = sdf.format(new Date()); String realRootPath = getServletContext().getResource("/").toString() + "upload/choicenesscontent/" + ymd + "/"; YztUtil.writeFile(file.getInputStream(), realRootPath, file.getOriginalFilename()); /**/ String path = request.getContextPath(); String basePath = request.getScheme() + "://" + request.getServerName() + ":" + request.getServerPort() + path + "/"; // System.out.println("getContextPath==="+ // basePath+"upload/user/headimg/"+user.getId()+"."+filetype); String picurl = basePath + "upload/choicenesscontent/" + ymd + "/" + file.getOriginalFilename(); // user.setPicurl(picurl); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("error", 0); json.put("url", picurl); return json; }
@RequestMapping("/dumpThead") @ResponseBody public void doDumpThread(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { try { String app = request.getParameter("app"); String threadId = request.getParameter("threadId"); ThreadMXBean tBean = JMConnManager.getThreadMBean(app); JSONObject data = new JSONObject(); if (threadId != null) { Long id = Long.valueOf(threadId); ThreadInfo threadInfo = tBean.getThreadInfo(id, Integer.MAX_VALUE); data.put("info", threadInfo.toString()); } else { ThreadInfo[] dumpAllThreads = tBean.dumpAllThreads(false, false); StringBuffer info = new StringBuffer(); for (ThreadInfo threadInfo : dumpAllThreads) { info.append("\n").append(threadInfo); } data.put("info", info); } writeFile(request, response, data); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
/** * 统计注册人数 * * @creationDate. 2015-12-25 下午4:22:25 * @throws ParseException */ public void statistics() throws ParseException { List<YwUser> data = getData(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-M-dd"); JSONObject jsonData = new JSONObject(); List<String> listXdata = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Integer> incomeDataList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Highcharts> dataList = new ArrayList<Highcharts>(); Highcharts incomeChart = new Highcharts(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(data)) { for (YwUser obj : data) { listXdata.add(sdf.format(obj.getCreateTime()).toString()); // 日期 incomeDataList.add(obj.getRegiestCount()); // 当前日期注册数 regCounts += obj.getRegiestCount(); // 总注册数 } } incomeChart.setName("注册用户数"); incomeChart.setData(incomeDataList); dataList.add(incomeChart); jsonData.put("regCounts", regCounts); jsonData.put("listYdata", dataList); jsonData.put("listXdata", listXdata); try { super.writeNoLog(jsonData); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public static JSONObject headerEdit(String username, File header) { JSONObject items = new JSONObject(); boolean rs = false; if (!username.equals("")) { Record user = Db.findFirst("SELECT * FROM b_user WHERE username = ? AND status = 1", username); if (user != null) { System.out.println(header.getName()); String fileName = "head_" + username + String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()) + "." + header.getName().split("\\.")[1]; String QNToken = qiNiuKit.getUpToken(); boolean qnRs = new qiNiuKit().uploadFile(header, fileName, QNToken); if (qnRs) { user.set("head", qiNiuKit.headSave(fileName)); rs = Db.update("b_user", user); if (rs) { user = Db.findFirst( "SELECT bu.*,fur.content AS roleValue,fus.content AS sexValue FROM b_user AS bu LEFT JOIN f_user_role AS fur ON bu.role = LEFT JOIN f_user_sex AS fus ON = WHERE bu.username = ? AND bu.status = 1", username); items.put("user", user.toJson()); } } } } items.put("rs", rs); return items; }
private void initWeixinUser() { try { JSONObject jsonObject = WeixinUtil.getDepartUsersDetail("1", 1, WeixinDepartStatus.获取全部成员); if (null != jsonObject) { JSONArray jsonUserList = jsonObject.getJSONArray("userlist"); String errmsg = jsonObject.getString("errmsg"); String errcode = jsonObject.getString("errcode"); if ("0".equals(errcode)) { if (null != jsonUserList) { List<WeixinUser> weixinUserList = new ArrayList<WeixinUser>(jsonUserList.size()); for (int i = 0, size = jsonUserList.size(); i < size; i++) { weixinUserList.add( JSON.toJavaObject(jsonUserList.getJSONObject(i), WeixinUser.class)); } SystemCacheUtil.getInstance().getDefaultCache().add("AllUser", weixinUserList);"初始化所有用户信息成功!" + JSON.toJSONString(weixinUserList)); } } else { LOGGER.error("初始化所有用户信息失败,原因:" + errmsg); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); LOGGER.error("初始化所有用户信息失败!", e); } }
/** * 订单管理页面载入 * * @param page 页码,默认为1 * @param order_status 订单状态,为空时查找所有状态(0未分配状态,10表示未配送,20表示配送中,30表示配送完成,40表示结算完成,50表示返回入库,60表示已返回入库) * @param key 按关键字查找,为空时不按关键字查找(order_id-订单号、staff_id-配送人员编号) * @param value 查找关键字、key不为空时起作用 */ @RequestMapping(value = "/getAllOrder", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public JSONObject getAllOrder( HttpSession httpSession, @RequestParam(required = false, value = "page") Long page, @RequestParam(required = false, value = "order_status") Integer order_status, @RequestParam(required = false, value = "key") String key, @RequestParam(required = false, value = "value") String value) { staff staff = (staff) httpSession.getAttribute("staff"); // 获取员工 if (staff == null) { return CommonUtil.constructResponse(0, "员工不存在", null); } JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(); List<Order> orders = new ArrayList<Order>(); if (page == null || page <= 0) { page = Long.valueOf(1); } long total = orderService.getCountOrderManage( staff.getStaff_id(), staff.getStaff_rank(), order_status, key, value); if (total > 0) { orders = orderService.getOrderManage( staff.getStaff_id(), staff.getStaff_rank(), order_status, page, 10, key, value); } jo.put("total", total); jo.put("nowPage", page); jo.put("orders", orders); return CommonUtil.constructResponse(1, "success", jo); }
/** * * * <pre>解析封装职位分类列表 </pre> * * @param array JsonArray * @return * @throws JSONException */ private static List<PositionClassify> parsePositionClassList(JSONArray array, String pcode) throws JSONException { List<PositionClassify> positionClasss = null; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(array)) { int nn = array.size(); PositionClassify positionClassify = null; positionClasss = new ArrayList<PositionClassify>(nn); for (int i = 0; i < nn; i++) { JSONObject jObject = array.getJSONObject(i); positionClassify = new PositionClassify(); String code = jObject.getString("code"); positionClassify.setCode(code); positionClassify.setPcode(pcode); positionClassify.setValue(jObject.getString("value")); boolean has = jObject.getIntValue("hassub") == 1; positionClassify.setHasSub(has); if (has) { JSONArray subArray = jObject.getJSONArray("sublist"); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(subArray)) { positionClassify.setSubList(parsePositionClassList(subArray, code)); } } positionClasss.add(positionClassify); mapPositionClassifies.put(code, positionClassify); } } return positionClasss; }
public static boolean bind(WechatPost wechatPost) { try { String phoneNo = wechatPost.getUserPhone(); String strPostUrl = PropertyUtil.getProperty("config.ini", "PROXY_PHONE_URL"); String strRequest = "{\"groupGuid\":\"\",\"newMobile\":\"" + phoneNo + "\",\"workGroupName\":\"\"}"; LOGGER.debug("strRequest=> {}", strRequest); String strResponse = REST_HttpUtil.PostMsg(strPostUrl, strRequest); LOGGER.debug("strResponse=> {}", strResponse); JSONObject jsonObj = JSON.parseObject(strResponse); // {"result_code":"0","result_data":[],"result_desc":"21BD13F5028E65C6E050A8C0E701DEBD,4008106290-9250,14112153"} String resultCode = jsonObj.getString("result_code"); if ("0".equals(resultCode)) { String resultDesc = jsonObj.getString("result_desc"); String[] result = resultDesc.split(","); String groupGuid = result[0]; String phoneProxyNo = result[1]; phoneProxyNo = phoneProxyNo.replaceAll("-", ","); wechatPost.setGroupGuid(groupGuid); wechatPost.setPhoneProxyNo(phoneProxyNo); return true; } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error", e); } return false; }
@RequestMapping(value = "/doLogin", produces = "application/json; charset=UTF-8") @ResponseBody public String doLogin(HttpServletRequest request, LoginUserInfo loginInfo) { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); try { if (validateUserInfo(loginInfo, result)) { return result.toJSONString(); } LoginUserInfo dbLoginInfo = iUserMaintainDao.queryUserInfoByName(loginInfo.getUserName()); if (dbLoginInfo == null || !loginInfo.getPassword().equals(dbLoginInfo.getPassword())) { result.put("code", "400"); result.put("message", "Username or password is not correct"); return result.toJSONString(); }"The userId[{}] has been login", dbLoginInfo.getUid()); result.put("code", "200"); result.put("message", "Login success"); // request.getSession().setAttribute(Constants.SESSION_LOGIN_INFO_KEY, dbLoginInfo); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( "Failed to login the user[{}] and password[{}]", loginInfo.getUserName(), loginInfo.getPassword(), e); result.put("code", "500"); result.put("message", "fatal error. please try it again."); } return result.toJSONString(); }
@RequestMapping(value = "/doRegister", produces = "application/json; charset=UTF-8") @ResponseBody public String doRegister(SignInUserInfo signInUserInfo) { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); try { if (validateUserInfo(signInUserInfo, result)) { return result.toJSONString(); } signInUserInfo.setRoleType(Constants.USR.ROLE_TYPE_USER); signInUserInfo.setSts(Constants.USR.STR_VAL_A); iUserMaintainDao.addUser(signInUserInfo); if (StringUtil.isBlank(signInUserInfo.getUid())) { result.put("code", "500"); result.put("message", "Failed to register user" + signInUserInfo.getUserName()); return result.toJSONString(); } result.put("code", "200"); result.put("message", "register success"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( "Failed to register the user[{}]", signInUserInfo.getUserName(), signInUserInfo.getPassword(), e); result.put("code", "500"); result.put("message", "fatal error. please try it again."); } return result.toJSONString(); }
@Override public Boolean hangupEc2(Integer jobId) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("accessId=" + ConstantsForAccount.CALLENGINE_ACCESS_ID); sb.append("&accessKey=" + ConstantsForAccount.CALLENGINE_ACCESS_KEY); sb.append("&username="******""); if (res == null || res.equals("")) { return false; } JSONObject resJson = JSONObject.parseObject(res); String code = resJson.getString("code"); if (code != null && code.equals("0")) { return true; } return false; }
@Override public Boolean dialEc2(Integer jobId, String destMobile) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("accessId=" + ConstantsForAccount.CALLENGINE_ACCESS_ID); sb.append("&accessKey=" + ConstantsForAccount.CALLENGINE_ACCESS_KEY); sb.append("&username="******"&destNum=" + destMobile); System.out.println(sb.toString()); System.out.println(new Date()); String res = HttpRequestUtils.sendUTF8Post( ConstantsForAccount.CALLENGINE_URL, ConstantsForAccount.CALLENGINE_DIAL_METHOD, sb.toString(), ""); System.out.println(res); if (res == null || res.equals("")) { return false; } JSONObject resJson = JSONObject.parseObject(res); String code = resJson.getString("code"); if (code != null && code.equals("0")) { return true; } else { return false; } }
/** * 报销申请 * * @return */ @RequestMapping( value = "expenseApply", method = {RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST}) public @ResponseBody Object addExpense(HttpServletRequest request) { ResponseResult responseResult = new ResponseResult(); // 获取请假申请信息 String jsonExpenseApplyInfo = HttpRequestUtil.getInst().getString("expenseApplyInfo"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(jsonExpenseApplyInfo)) { throw new VyiyunException("报销申请信息为空!"); } try { JSONObject jsonExpenseApplyInfoObj = JSON.parseObject(URLDecoder.decode(jsonExpenseApplyInfo, "UTF-8")); String id = jsonExpenseApplyInfoObj.getString("id"); // 存在id说明是重新发起 if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(id)) { jsonExpenseApplyInfoObj.put("isAgain", true); } else if (StringUtils.isEmpty(id)) { id = CommonUtil.GeneGUID(); jsonExpenseApplyInfoObj.put("id", id); } responseResult.setValue(id); expenseService.doApply(jsonExpenseApplyInfoObj); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); responseResult.setErrorMsg("请联系系统管理员"); responseResult.setStatus(-1); } // 返回数据 return responseResult; }
public void test_1() throws Exception { JSONObject res = new JSONObject(); res.put("a", 1); res.put("b", 2); res.put("c", 3); String[] tests = { "{ 'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3 }", "{ 'a':1,,'b':2, 'c':3 }", "{,'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3 }", "{'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3,,}", "{,,'a':1,,,,'b':2,'c':3,,,,,}", }; for (String t : tests) { DefaultJSONParser ext = new DefaultJSONParser(t); ext.config(Feature.AllowArbitraryCommas, true); JSONObject extRes = ext.parseObject(); Assert.assertEquals(res, extRes); DefaultJSONParser basic = new DefaultJSONParser(t); basic.config(Feature.AllowArbitraryCommas, true); JSONObject basicRes = basic.parseObject(); Assert.assertEquals(res, basicRes); } }
/** * 签到处理 * * @return * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ @RequestMapping( value = "doSign", method = {RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST}) public @ResponseBody Object doSign() { ResponseResult responseResult = new ResponseResult(); try { // 获取请假申请信息 JSONObject jsonSignInfoObj = JSON.parseObject( URLDecoder.decode(HttpRequestUtil.getInstance().getString("signInfo"), "UTF-8")); Map<String, Object> resultData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); responseResult.setValue(resultData); if (null != jsonSignInfoObj) { String sSignTime = DateUtil.dateToString(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); Date signTime = DateUtil.stringToDate(sSignTime + ":00"); String id = CommonUtil.GeneGUID(); jsonSignInfoObj.put("signTime", signTime); jsonSignInfoObj.put("id", id); resultData.put("id", id); resultData.put("signTime", DateUtil.dateToString(signTime, "HH:mm")); } signService.doSign(jsonSignInfoObj); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); responseResult.setStatus(-1); } return responseResult; }
@POST @Path("offlineWithDecrypt") @Override public Map<String, Object> offlineWithDecrypt(Map<String, Object> parameters) { String code = ""; // 状态码 String message = ""; // 返回消息 if (parameters != null) { try { String resultJson = rbisService.offlineWithDecrypt(parameters); // 转换为json数据 JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.parseObject(resultJson); JSONObject content = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get("content"); int state = content.getIntValue("code"); if (state == 100) { code = "00"; message = "用户下线成功!"; } else { code = "11"; message = "用户下线失败!"; } } catch (Exception e) { message = "系统错误,用户下线失败!"; } } return CommonUtil.returnObjectMap(code, message, "", null); }
private String getReplyResult(String js) { if (null == js) { return "发送失败"; } js = js.replaceAll("window.script_muti_get_var_store=", ""); if (js.indexOf("/*error fill content") > 0) js = js.substring(0, js.indexOf("/*error fill content")); js = js.replaceAll("\"content\":\\+(\\d+),", "\"content\":\"+$1\","); js = js.replaceAll("\"subject\":\\+(\\d+),", "\"subject\":\"+$1\","); js = js.replaceAll("/\\*\\$js\\$\\*/", ""); JSONObject o = null; try { o = (JSONObject) JSON.parseObject(js).get("data"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("TAG", "can not parse :\n" + js); } if (o == null) { try { o = (JSONObject) JSON.parseObject(js).get("error"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("TAG", "can not parse :\n" + js); } if (o == null) { return "发送失败"; } return o.getString("0"); } return o.getString("0"); }
/** * 发货通知 * * @param access_token * @param openid * @param transid * @param out_trade_no * @return * @throws IOException * @throws NoSuchProviderException * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * @throws KeyManagementException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws ExecutionException */ public static boolean delivernotify( String access_token, String openid, String transid, String out_trade_no) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException { Map<String, String> paras = new HashMap<String, String>(); paras.put("appid", ConfKit.get("AppId")); paras.put("openid", openid); paras.put("transid", transid); paras.put("out_trade_no", out_trade_no); paras.put("deliver_timestamp", (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) + ""); paras.put("deliver_status", "1"); paras.put("deliver_msg", "ok"); // 签名 String app_signature = deliverSign(paras); paras.put("app_signature", app_signature); paras.put("sign_method", "sha1"); String json =, JSONObject.toJSONString(paras)); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(json)) { JSONObject object = JSONObject.parseObject(json); if (object.containsKey("errcode")) { int errcode = object.getIntValue("errcode"); return errcode == 0; } } return false; }
/** * 解析token数据 * * @param data * @return */ private boolean parseData(String data) { JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.parseObject(data); String tokenName = tokenName(); String expiresInName = expiresInName(); try { String token = jsonObject.get(tokenName).toString(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(token)) { logger.error("token获取失败,获取结果" + data); return false; } this.token = token; this.tokenTime = (new Date()).getTime(); String expiresIn = jsonObject.get(expiresInName).toString(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(expiresIn)) { logger.error("token获取失败,获取结果" + expiresIn); return false; } else { this.expires = Long.valueOf(expiresIn); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( "token 结果解析失败,token参数名称: " + tokenName + "有效期参数名称:" + expiresInName + "token请求结果:" + data); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; }
/** * @Title: commentDisplay @Description: 评论显示 * * @author <a href="*****@*****.**">蔡志杰</a> * @date 2015-8-25 下午4:35:12 * @version 1.0.0 * @param @param data * @param @param request * @param @return * @return Object 返回类型 * @throws */ @RequestMapping("/commentDisplay") public Object commentDisplay(String data, HttpServletRequest request) {"---------CommentsManagerController.commentDisplay-----------");"----------------------data:" + data + "-------------------------"); HeadObject headObject = null; ResultObject resultObject = null; try { JSONObject obj = JSON.parseObject(data); if (null == obj.getString("commentId")) { return processExpction("commentId不能为空!"); } else if (null == obj.getString("display")) { return processExpction("display不能为空!"); } String[] ids = {obj.getString("commentId")}; headObject = CommonHeadUtil.geneHeadObject("orderCommentService.updateOrderCommentDisply"); Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("commentIds", ids); map.put("display", obj.getString("display")); resultObject = (ResultObject) orderService.doServiceByServer(new RequestObject(headObject, map)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error(e.toString()); return CommonUtil.processExpction(headObject); } return resultObject; }
@ResponseBody @RequestMapping("doneDBRepay") public JSONObject doneDBRepayManage( RepayPlanQueryOrder queryOrder, PageParam pageParam, Model model) throws Exception { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); queryOrder.setPageSize(pageParam.getPageSize()); queryOrder.setPageNumber(pageParam.getPageNo()); List<String> status = new ArrayList<String>(1); status.add(RepayPlanStatusEnum.REPAY_SUCCESS.getCode()); queryOrder.setGuaranteeId(getGuaranteeUserId()); queryOrder.setStatusList(status); QueryBaseBatchResult<RepayPlanInfo> queryBaseBatchResult = repayPlanService.queryRepayPlanInfoGuarantee(queryOrder); Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); List<RepayPlanInfo> recordList = queryBaseBatchResult.getPageList(); if (ListUtil.isNotEmpty(recordList)) { for (RepayPlanInfo item : recordList) { Date date = new Date(); if (date.after(item.getRepayDate())) { item.setCanPay("Y"); getTradeLoanDemandId(map, item.getTradeId()); } } } jsonObject.put("map", map); jsonObject.put("page", PageUtil.getCovertPage(queryBaseBatchResult)); jsonObject.put("queryConditions", queryOrder); return jsonObject; }
private static String extractResult(String jsonStr) { JSONObject jsonObject = JSON.parseObject(jsonStr); if (jsonObject != null && jsonObject.containsKey(RESULTS)) { return jsonObject.get(RESULTS).toString(); } return null; }
/** * Update styles according to the given style. Then creating a command object for updating * corresponding view and put the command object in the queue. * * @param ref Reference of the dom. * @param style the new style. This style is only a part of the full style, and will be merged * into styles * @see #updateAttrs(String, JSONObject) */ void updateStyle(String ref, JSONObject style) { if (mDestroy || style == null) { return; } WXSDKInstance instance = WXSDKManager.getInstance().getSDKInstance(mInstanceId); WXDomObject domObject = mRegistry.get(ref); if (domObject == null) { if (instance != null) { instance.commitUTStab(IWXUserTrackAdapter.DOM_MODULE, WXErrorCode.WX_ERR_DOM_UPDATESTYLE); } return; } Map<String, Object> animationMap = WXDataStructureUtil.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(2); animationMap.put(WXDomObject.TRANSFORM, style.remove(WXDomObject.TRANSFORM)); animationMap.put(WXDomObject.TRANSFORM_ORIGIN, style.remove(WXDomObject.TRANSFORM_ORIGIN)); animations.add(new Pair<>(ref, animationMap)); if (!style.isEmpty()) { domObject.updateStyle(style); transformStyle(domObject, false); updateStyle(domObject, style); } mDirty = true; if (instance != null) { instance.commitUTStab(IWXUserTrackAdapter.DOM_MODULE, WXErrorCode.WX_SUCCESS); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); String getAccessTokenUrl = String.format( "", PropertyHolder.APPID, PropertyHolder.APPSECRET); String retData = restTemplate.getForObject(getAccessTokenUrl, String.class, new HashMap<String, Object>()); System.out.println("[Acess Token returned data] " + retData); JSONObject jsonObject = JSON.parseObject(retData); String accessToken = jsonObject.getString("access_token"); String jsapiTicketUrl = String.format( "", accessToken); retData = restTemplate.getForObject(jsapiTicketUrl, String.class, new HashMap<String, Object>()); System.out.println("[jsapiTicketUrl returned data] " + retData); jsonObject = JSON.parseObject(retData); String jsapi_ticket = jsonObject.getString("ticket"); String url = ""; Map<String, String> ret = sign(jsapi_ticket, url); for (Map.Entry entry : ret.entrySet()) { System.out.println(entry.getKey() + ", " + entry.getValue()); } }
public JSONObject getSomething(String something) throws Exception { // Connection con = datasource.getConnection(); // // Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); // // String sql = "select * from somewhere"; // // ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery(sql); // // JSONArray records = new JSONArray(); // // while ( { // // JSONObject record = new JSONObject(); // records.add(record); // record.put("value", res.getString("value")); // } // // res.close(); // stmt.close(); // con.close(); // JSONObject results = new JSONObject(); // // results.put("records", records); results.put("something", something); return results; }
/** 获取一周回看分类节目列表 */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) public void getBTVPrograms() { try { Assert.notNull(typeId, "分类id不能为空!"); Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("typeId", typeId); params.put("pageSize", String.valueOf(getPager().getMax())); params.put("curPage", String.valueOf(getPager().getPage())); String response = HttpUtils.sendPost(BTV_PROGRAMS_URL, params, "utf-8"); JSONObject jo = JSON.parseObject(response); if (null != jo) { String ret = jo.getString("ret"); if (StringUtils.equals("0", ret)) { String programList = jo.getString("result"); List<Map> rows = null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(programList)) { rows = JSON.parseArray(programList, Map.class); } if (null == rows) { rows = new ArrayList<Map>(); } resultMap.put("total", jo.get("totalCount")); resultMap.put("rows", rows); jsonMap(); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("调用接口getBTVPrograms失败", e); jsonRet("1", e.getMessage()); } }
public static byte[] responseJsonResult(boolean success, Map<String, Object> dataMap) { if (success) { Map<String, Object> jsonMap = new java.util.HashMap<String, Object>(); jsonMap.put("statusCode", 200); Set<Entry<String, Object>> entrySet = dataMap.entrySet(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : entrySet) { String key = entry.getKey(); Object value = entry.getValue(); jsonMap.put(key, value); } JSONObject object = new JSONObject(jsonMap); try { return object.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { } } else { Map<String, Object> jsonMap = new java.util.HashMap<String, Object>(); jsonMap.put("statusCode", 500); Set<Entry<String, Object>> entrySet = dataMap.entrySet(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : entrySet) { String key = entry.getKey(); Object value = entry.getValue(); jsonMap.put(key, value); } JSONObject object = new JSONObject(jsonMap); try { return object.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { } } return null; }
@RequestMapping("/loadRuntimeInfo") @ResponseBody public JSONObject doLoadRuntimeInfo(HttpServletRequest request) { try { String app = request.getParameter("app"); RuntimeMXBean mBean = JMConnManager.getRuntimeMBean(app); ClassLoadingMXBean cBean = JMConnManager.getClassMbean(app); Map<String, String> props = mBean.getSystemProperties(); DateFormat format = DateFormat.getInstance(); List<String> input = mBean.getInputArguments(); Date date = new Date(mBean.getStartTime()); TreeMap<String, Object> data = new TreeMap<String, Object>(); data.put("apppid", mBean.getName()); data.put("startparam", input.toString()); data.put("starttime", format.format(date)); data.put("classLoadedNow", cBean.getLoadedClassCount()); data.put("classUnloadedAll", cBean.getUnloadedClassCount()); data.put("classLoadedAll", cBean.getTotalLoadedClassCount()); data.putAll(props); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(true); json.putAll(data); return json; } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
private String getClientUpdateLogWhere(JSONObject jsonobject) { if (null != jsonobject) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); Integer equip_id = jsonobject.getInteger("equip_id"); if (null != equip_id) { sql.append("equip_id =" + equip_id + " "); } else { sql.append("equip_id is null "); } Integer column_id = jsonobject.getInteger("column_id"); sql.append("and "); if (null != column_id) { sql.append("column_id =" + column_id + " "); } else { sql.append("column_id is null "); } Integer version_id = jsonobject.getInteger("version_id"); sql.append("and "); if (null != version_id) { sql.append("version_id =" + version_id + " "); } else { sql.append("version_id is null "); } Integer version_type = jsonobject.getInteger("version_type"); sql.append("and "); if (null != version_type) { sql.append("version_type =" + version_type + " "); } else { sql.append("version_type is null "); } return sql.toString(); } return ""; }