  * API - check the database for compatibility with the given XML-DDL configuration. Additional add
  * all DDL in the scripts to the schema.
  * @param options - list with options per script (may be empty) - corresponding to index in
  *     'scripts'
  * @param scripts - scripts for schema (Soll-Zustand) Der Ist-Zustand steht in der Datenbank und
  *     wird mit dem Soll-Zustand verglichen.
  * @throws Exception
 public void checkDatabaseSchema(final List<Options> options, URL[] scripts) throws Exception {
   CatalogDescription expectedCatalog;
   DDLScriptSqlMetaFactory factory = getDDLScriptSqlMetaFactory();
   int idx = 0;
   for (URL script : scripts) {
     Options option = options != null && options.size() > idx ? options.get(idx++) : null;
     factory.fillCatalog(script, option == null ? null : option.format);
   expectedCatalog = factory.getCatalog();
   if (expectedCatalog == null) {
     assertTrue("No expected Catalog: neither schemaconfig nor scripts given!", false);
   } else {
     CatalogDescription databaseCatalog = readDatabaseCatalog(expectedCatalog.getTableNames());
     print("Checking Database Schema " + databaseCatalog.getSchemaName() + "..");
     assertCatalogsComplete(expectedCatalog, databaseCatalog);
     print("Schema : Check OK");