public static boolean hasFullLicence() { if (featman == null) { // Debug.out("featman null"); Set<String> featuresInstalled = UtilitiesImpl.getFeaturesInstalled(); return featuresInstalled.contains("dvdburn"); } boolean full = false; FeatureDetails[] featureDetails = featman.getFeatureDetails("dvdburn"); // if any of the feature details are still valid, we have a full for (FeatureDetails fd : featureDetails) { int state = fd.getLicence().getState(); if (state == Licence.LS_CANCELLED || state == Licence.LS_REVOKED) { continue; } long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); Long lValidUntil = (Long) fd.getProperty(FeatureDetails.PR_VALID_UNTIL); if (lValidUntil != null && lValidUntil.longValue() >= now) { full = true; break; } Long lValidOfflineUntil = (Long) fd.getProperty(FeatureDetails.PR_OFFLINE_VALID_UNTIL); if (lValidOfflineUntil != null && lValidOfflineUntil.longValue() >= now) { full = true; break; } } return full; }
public static void openStreamPlusWindow(final String referal) { String msgidPrefix; String buttonID; long plusExpiryTimeStamp = FeatureManagerUI.getPlusExpiryTimeStamp(); if (plusExpiryTimeStamp < 0 || plusExpiryTimeStamp >= SystemTime.getCurrentTime()) { msgidPrefix = ""; buttonID = "Button.upgrade"; } else { buttonID = "Button.renew"; msgidPrefix = ""; if (!MessageText.keyExistsForDefaultLocale(msgidPrefix + "text")) { msgidPrefix = ""; } } final String f_msgidPrefix = msgidPrefix; final VuzeMessageBox box = new VuzeMessageBox( MessageText.getString(msgidPrefix + "title"), MessageText.getString(msgidPrefix + "text"), new String[] { MessageText.getString(buttonID), MessageText.getString("Button.cancel"), }, 0); box.setButtonVals(new Integer[] {BUTTON_UPGRADE, SWT.CANCEL}); box.setSubTitle(MessageText.getString(msgidPrefix + "subtitle")); box.addResourceBundle( FeatureManagerUI.class, SkinPropertiesImpl.PATH_SKIN_DEFS, "skin3_dlg_streamplus"); box.setIconResource("image.header.streamplus"); box.setListener( new VuzeMessageBoxListener() { public void shellReady(Shell shell, SWTSkinObjectContainer soExtra) { SWTSkin skin = soExtra.getSkin(); skin.createSkinObject("", "", soExtra); SWTSkinObject soSubText = skin.getSkinObject("trial-info", soExtra); if (soSubText instanceof SWTSkinObjectText) { ((SWTSkinObjectText) soSubText).setTextID(f_msgidPrefix + "subtext"); } } }); new UserPrompterResultListener() { public void prompterClosed(int result) { if (result == BUTTON_UPGRADE) { SBC_PlusFTUX.setSourceRef("dlg-stream" + (referal == null ? "" : "-" + referal)); MultipleDocumentInterface mdi = UIFunctionsManager.getUIFunctions().getMDI(); mdi.showEntryByID(MultipleDocumentInterface.SIDEBAR_SECTION_PLUS); } } }); }
public static boolean hasFullLicence() { if (featman == null) { // Debug.out("featman null"); Set<String> featuresInstalled = UtilitiesImpl.getFeaturesInstalled(); return featuresInstalled.contains("dvdburn"); } licenceDetails fullFeatureDetails = getFullFeatureDetails(); long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); return fullFeatureDetails != null && fullFeatureDetails.expiry > now && fullFeatureDetails.displayedExpiry > now; }
public static licenceDetails getFullFeatureDetails() { if (featman == null) { Debug.out("featman null"); return null; } FeatureDetails[] featureDetails = featman.getFeatureDetails("dvdburn"); // if any of the feature details are still valid, we have a full for (FeatureDetails fd : featureDetails) { long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); Long lValidUntil = (Long) fd.getProperty(FeatureDetails.PR_VALID_UNTIL); if (lValidUntil != null && lValidUntil.longValue() >= now) { return new licenceDetails( lValidUntil.longValue(), fd.getLicence().getKey(), fd.getLicence().getState()); } Long lValidOfflineUntil = (Long) fd.getProperty(FeatureDetails.PR_OFFLINE_VALID_UNTIL); if (lValidOfflineUntil != null && lValidOfflineUntil.longValue() >= now) { return new licenceDetails( lValidOfflineUntil.longValue(), fd.getLicence().getKey(), fd.getLicence().getState()); } } Licence bestLicence = null; Licence[] licences = featman.getLicences(); for (Licence licence : licences) { FeatureDetails[] details = licence.getFeatures(); boolean isTrial = false; for (FeatureDetails fd : details) { Object property = fd.getProperty(FeatureDetails.PR_IS_TRIAL); if ((property instanceof Number) && ((Number) property).intValue() == 1) { isTrial = true; break; } } if (isTrial) { continue; } int state = licence.getState(); if (state == Licence.LS_AUTHENTICATED) { bestLicence = licence; break; } else { bestLicence = licence; } } if (bestLicence != null) { return new licenceDetails(0, bestLicence.getKey(), bestLicence.getState()); } return null; }
public static String appendFeatureManagerURLParams(String url) { long remainingUses = FeatureManagerUI.getRemaining(); long plusExpiryTimeStamp = FeatureManagerUI.getPlusExpiryDisplayTimeStamp(); String plusRenewalCode = FeatureManagerUI.getPlusRenewalCode(); String newURL = url + (url.contains("?") ? "&" : "?"); newURL += "mode=" + FeatureManagerUI.getMode(); if (plusExpiryTimeStamp != 0) { newURL += "&remaining_plus=" + (plusExpiryTimeStamp - SystemTime.getCurrentTime()); } newURL += "&remaining=" + remainingUses; if (plusRenewalCode != null) { newURL += "&renewal_code=" + plusRenewalCode; } return newURL; }
public static licenceDetails getFullFeatureDetails() { if (featman == null) { Debug.out("featman null"); return null; } TreeMap<Long, Object[]> mapOrder = new TreeMap<Long, Object[]>(Collections.reverseOrder()); FeatureDetails[] featureDetails = featman.getFeatureDetails("dvdburn"); // if any of the feature details are still valid, we have a full for (FeatureDetails fd : featureDetails) { Licence licence = fd.getLicence(); int state = licence.getState(); if (state == Licence.LS_ACTIVATION_DENIED) { mapOrder.put(-1L, new Object[] {licence, Long.valueOf(0)}); continue; } else if (state == Licence.LS_CANCELLED) { mapOrder.put(-2L, new Object[] {licence, Long.valueOf(0)}); continue; } else if (state == Licence.LS_INVALID_KEY) { mapOrder.put(-3L, new Object[] {licence, Long.valueOf(0)}); continue; } else if (state == Licence.LS_REVOKED) { mapOrder.put(-4L, new Object[] {licence, Long.valueOf(0)}); continue; } else if (state == Licence.LS_PENDING_AUTHENTICATION) { mapOrder.put(-6L, new Object[] {licence, Long.valueOf(0)}); continue; } long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); Long lValidUntil = (Long) fd.getProperty(FeatureDetails.PR_VALID_UNTIL); Long lValidOfflineUntil = (Long) fd.getProperty(FeatureDetails.PR_OFFLINE_VALID_UNTIL); if (lValidUntil == null && lValidOfflineUntil == null) { continue; } long minValidUntil = -1; long maxValidUntil = -1; if (lValidUntil != null) { minValidUntil = maxValidUntil = lValidUntil.longValue(); if (minValidUntil < now) { mapOrder.put(minValidUntil, new Object[] {licence, Long.valueOf(minValidUntil)}); continue; } } if (lValidOfflineUntil != null) { long validOfflineUntil = lValidOfflineUntil.longValue(); if (validOfflineUntil < now) { mapOrder.put(validOfflineUntil, new Object[] {licence, Long.valueOf(maxValidUntil)}); continue; } if (maxValidUntil == -1 || validOfflineUntil > maxValidUntil) { maxValidUntil = validOfflineUntil; } } mapOrder.put(maxValidUntil, new Object[] {licence, minValidUntil}); } if (mapOrder.size() == 0) { return null; } Long firstKey = mapOrder.firstKey(); Object[] objects = mapOrder.get(firstKey); Licence licence = (Licence) objects[0]; return new licenceDetails(firstKey.longValue(), ((Long) objects[1]).longValue(), licence); }