@Override public void onLookChecked() { if (isRenameActionMode || actionMode == null) { return; } int numberOfSelectedItems = adapter.getAmountOfCheckedItems(); if (numberOfSelectedItems == 0) { actionMode.setTitle(actionModeTitle); } else { String appendix = multipleItemAppendixActionMode; if (numberOfSelectedItems == 1) { appendix = singleItemAppendixActionMode; } String numberOfItems = Integer.toString(numberOfSelectedItems); String completeTitle = actionModeTitle + " " + numberOfItems + " " + appendix; int titleLength = actionModeTitle.length(); Spannable completeSpannedTitle = new SpannableString(completeTitle); completeSpannedTitle.setSpan( new ForegroundColorSpan(getResources().getColor(R.color.actionbar_title_color)), titleLength + 1, titleLength + (1 + numberOfItems.length()), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); actionMode.setTitle(completeSpannedTitle); } }
@Override public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { MenuInflater inflater = getSherlockActivity().getSupportMenuInflater(); inflater.inflate(R.menu.conversation_list_batch, menu); mode.setTitle(R.string.conversation_fragment_cab__batch_selection_mode); mode.setSubtitle(null); return true; }
@Override public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { mode.setTitle("Class Info"); MenuInflater inflater = parentAct.getSupportMenuInflater(); inflater.inflate(R.menu.schedule_action_mode, menu); return true; }
private void handleUnselectAllThreads() { ((ConversationListAdapter) this.getListAdapter()).selectAllThreads(); actionMode.setSubtitle( getString( R.string.conversation_fragment_cab__batch_selection_amount, ((ConversationListAdapter) this.getListAdapter()).getBatchSelections().size())); }
@SuppressLint("NewApi") @Override public void onItemCheckedStateChanged(ActionMode mode, int position, long id, boolean checked) { mWrapped.onItemCheckedStateChanged(mode, position, id, checked); if (getCheckedItemCount() == 0) { mode.finish(); } }
private void deshacer(final Modelo[] recibidos) { int j = 0; int total = recibidos.length; elegidos = new boolean[total]; ActionMode bar = action; bar.setTitle(Integer.toString(total) + " Recomendaciones"); for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { elegidos[i] = false; } i = 0; final Button[] parecidos = new Button[total]; for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { parecidos[i] = new Button(this); parecidos[i] = (Button) findViewById(100 + i); parecidos[i].setBackgroundColor(Color.BLACK); final Intent preview = new Intent(getApplication(), Preview.class); parecidos[i].setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub int id = v.getId() - 100; Selecciones.setMarcaElegida(recibidos[id].getMarca()); Selecciones.setModeloElegido(recibidos[id].getModelo()); Selecciones.setColorElegido(recibidos[id].getColor()); Selecciones.setFormaElegida(recibidos[id].getForma()); Selecciones.setMaterialElegido(recibidos[id].getMaterial()); Selecciones.setSkuElegido(recibidos[id].getSKU()); Selecciones.setPrecioElegido(Integer.parseInt(recibidos[id].getPrecio().trim())); Selecciones.setStockElegido(recibidos[id].getStock()); Selecciones.setBaseElegida(recibidos[id].getBase()); Selecciones.setAroAltoElegido(recibidos[id].getAroAlto()); Selecciones.setAroAnchoElegido(recibidos[id].getAroAncho()); Selecciones.setDiagonalElegida(recibidos[id].getDiagonal()); Selecciones.setPuenteElegido(recibidos[id].getPuente()); startActivity(preview); } }); } }
@Override public ActionMode startActionMode(ActionMode.Callback callback) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "[startActionMode] callback: " + callback); if (mActionMode != null) { mActionMode.finish(); } final ActionMode.Callback wrappedCallback = new ActionModeCallbackWrapper(callback); ActionMode mode = null; // Emulate Activity's onWindowStartingActionMode: initActionBar(); if (aActionBar != null) { mode = aActionBar.startActionMode(wrappedCallback); } if (mode != null) { mActionMode = mode; } else { if (mActionModeView == null) { ViewStub stub = (ViewStub) mDecor.findViewById(R.id.abs__action_mode_bar_stub); if (stub != null) { mActionModeView = (ActionBarContextView) stub.inflate(); } } if (mActionModeView != null) { mActionModeView.killMode(); mode = new StandaloneActionMode(mActivity, mActionModeView, wrappedCallback, true); if (callback.onCreateActionMode(mode, mode.getMenu())) { mode.invalidate(); mActionModeView.initForMode(mode); mActionModeView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mActionMode = mode; mActionModeView.sendAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED); } else { mActionMode = null; } } } if (mActionMode != null && mActivity instanceof OnActionModeStartedListener) { ((OnActionModeStartedListener) mActivity).onActionModeStarted(mActionMode); } return mActionMode; }
/** * Update the contextual action bar for the number of item selected * * @param numSelected */ private void updateCAB(int numSelected) { if (actionMode == null) return; Menu menu = actionMode.getMenu(); if (numSelected == 1) { if (selected.get(0).canEdit()) { menu.findItem(R.id.edit).setVisible(true); } else { menu.findItem(R.id.edit).setVisible(false); } } else { menu.findItem(R.id.edit).setVisible(false); } String title = getResources() .getQuantityString(R.plurals.quantity_sources_selected, numSelected, numSelected); actionMode.setTitle(title); }
@Override public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { setSelectMode(ListView.CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE); mode.setTitle(getString(R.string.edit_in_pocket_paint)); setActionModeActive(true); return true; }
private void getClicks(Modelo[] recibidos) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub int total = recibidos.length; elegidos = new boolean[total]; ActionMode bar = action; bar.setTitle("0 Seleccionados"); for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { elegidos[i] = false; } i = 0; final Button[] parecidos = new Button[total]; for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { parecidos[i] = new Button(this); parecidos[i] = (Button) findViewById(100 + i); parecidos[i].setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub int id = v.getId() - 100; ActionMode bar = action; if (!elegidos[id]) { elegidos[id] = true; parecidos[id].setBackgroundColor(Color.GRAY); seleccionados++; bar.setTitle(Integer.toString(seleccionados) + " Seleccionados"); } else { elegidos[id] = false; parecidos[id].setBackgroundColor(Color.BLACK); seleccionados--; bar.setTitle(Integer.toString(seleccionados) + " Seleccionados"); } } }); } }
@Override public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { setSelectMode(ListView.CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE); setActionModeActive(true); actionModeTitle = getString(R.string.delete); singleItemAppendixActionMode = getString(R.string.look); multipleItemAppendixActionMode = getString(R.string.looks); mode.setTitle(actionModeTitle); return true; }
@Override public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "[dispatchKeyEvent] event: " + event); final int keyCode = event.getKeyCode(); // Not handled by the view hierarchy, does the action bar want it // to cancel out of something special? if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) { final int action = event.getAction(); // Back cancels action modes first. if (mActionMode != null) { if (action == KeyEvent.ACTION_UP) { mActionMode.finish(); } if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "[dispatchKeyEvent] returning true"); return true; } // Next collapse any expanded action views. if (wActionBar != null && wActionBar.hasExpandedActionView()) { if (action == KeyEvent.ACTION_UP) { wActionBar.collapseActionView(); } if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "[dispatchKeyEvent] returning true"); return true; } } boolean result = false; if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU && isReservingOverflow()) { if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN && event.isLongPress()) { mMenuKeyIsLongPress = true; } else if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_UP) { if (!mMenuKeyIsLongPress) { if (mActionMode == null && wActionBar != null) { if (wActionBar.isOverflowMenuShowing()) { wActionBar.hideOverflowMenu(); } else { wActionBar.showOverflowMenu(); } } result = true; } mMenuKeyIsLongPress = false; } } if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "[dispatchKeyEvent] returning " + result); return result; }
@Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) { slidingDrawer.close(); currentClasstime = (Classtime) parent.getItemAtPosition(position); if (currentClasstime != null) { mode = parentAct.startActionMode(new ScheduleActionMode()); slidingDrawer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); String text = " "; text += currentClasstime.getCourseId() + " - " + currentClasstime.getName() + " "; String daytext = "\n\t"; String building = currentClasstime.getBuilding().getId() + " " + currentClasstime.getBuilding().getRoom(); String unique = currentClasstime.getUnique(); String time = currentClasstime.getStartTime(); String end = currentClasstime.getEndTime(); if (currentClasstime.getDay() == 'H') { daytext += "TH"; } else { daytext += currentClasstime.getDay(); } // TODO: stringbuilder text += (daytext + " from " + time + "-" + end + " in " + building) + "\n"; text += "\tUnique: " + unique + "\n"; classInfoImageView.setBackgroundColor(Color.parseColor("#" + currentClasstime.getColor())); classInfoImageView.setMinimumHeight(10); classInfoImageView.setMinimumWidth(10); classInfoTextView.setTextColor(Color.BLACK); classInfoTextView.setTextSize(14f); classInfoTextView.setBackgroundColor(TRANSLUCENT_GRAY); classInfoTextView.setText(text); slidingDrawer.open(); } // they clicked an empty cell else { if (mode != null) { mode.finish(); } slidingDrawer.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } }
/** reloadStores and clean Contextual Action Bar if present */ public void reloadStores() { Log.v("SOURCES", "reloading sources"); Loader l = getSherlockActivity().getSupportLoaderManager().getLoader(LOADER_INDEX); if (l != null) { adapter.clear(); l.forceLoad(); } if (actionMode != null) { actionMode.finish(); selected = new ArrayList<LayerStore>(); getListView().clearChoices(); getListView().clearFocus(); } }
@Override public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) { if (v instanceof ConversationListItem) { ConversationListItem headerView = (ConversationListItem) v; if (actionMode == null) { handleCreateConversation( headerView.getThreadId(), headerView.getRecipients(), headerView.getDistributionType()); } else { ConversationListAdapter adapter = (ConversationListAdapter) getListAdapter(); adapter.toggleThreadInBatchSet(headerView.getThreadId()); if (adapter.getBatchSelections().size() == 0) { actionMode.finish(); } else { actionMode.setSubtitle( getString( R.string.conversation_fragment_cab__batch_selection_amount, adapter.getBatchSelections().size())); } adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } } }
public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, MenuItem menu) { if (menu.getItemId() == R.id.delete) { stores.removeAll(selected); saveSources(stores); } else if (menu.getItemId() == R.id.edit) { LayerStore ls = selected.get(0); if (ls != null) { ls.openEdit(getSherlockActivity()); } } selected = new ArrayList<LayerStore>(); getListView().clearChoices(); getListView().clearFocus(); mode.finish(); reloadStores(); actionMode = null; return true; }
@Override public void setChoiceMode(int choiceMode) { mChoiceMode = choiceMode; if (mChoiceActionMode != null) { mChoiceActionMode.finish(); mChoiceActionMode = null; } if (mChoiceMode != CHOICE_MODE_NONE) { if (mCheckStates == null) { mCheckStates = new SparseBooleanArray(); } if (mCheckedIdStates == null && mAdapter != null && mAdapter.hasStableIds()) { mCheckedIdStates = new LongSparseArray<Integer>(); } if (mChoiceMode == CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE_MODAL) { clearChoices(); setLongClickable(true); } } }
/** * This method will be called whenever an item has been checked or unchecked. This will inform * the listener and finish the ActionMode, if the last item has been unchecked. * * @param mode The ActionMode providing the selection mode. * @param position Adapter position of the item that was checked or unchecked. * @param id Adapter ID of the item that was checked or unchecked. * @param checked Whether the item is now checked. */ public void onItemCheckedStateChanged(ActionMode mode, int position, long id, boolean checked) { listener.onItemCheckedStateChanged(mode, position, id, checked); if (ABSListView.this.getCheckedItemCount() == 0) { mode.finish(); } }
public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { mode.getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.delete_menu, menu); this.actionMode = mode; return true; }