/** * outputs a message in bright green to the chat box of the given player. * * @param msg the message to be chatted * @param player player to chat to. */ public static void chatConfirmation(ICommandSender sender, String msg) { sender.sendChatToPlayer(FEChatFormatCodes.GREEN + FunctionHelper.formatColors(msg)); }
/** * outputs a message in yellow to the chat box of the given player. * * @param msg the message to be chatted * @param player player to chat to. */ public static void chatWarning(ICommandSender sender, String msg) { sender.sendChatToPlayer(FEChatFormatCodes.YELLOW + FunctionHelper.formatColors(msg)); }
/** * outputs a message in red text to the chat box of the given player. * * @param msg the message to be chatted * @param player player to chat to. */ public static void chatError(ICommandSender sender, String msg) { sender.sendChatToPlayer(FEChatFormatCodes.DARKRED + FunctionHelper.formatColors(msg)); }