public static RuntimeException throwCME(String msg) { if (CommonUtils.isClient()) { return ClientHandler.throwCME(msg); } throw new RuntimeException(msg); }
public class NEIServerConfig { private static MinecraftServer server; public static ConfigFile serverConfig = new ConfigFile(new File(CommonUtils.getMinecraftDir(), "config/NEIServer.cfg")) .setComment( "NEI Server Permissions \n Names are Comma (,) separated \n ALL, OP and NONE are special names"); public static File worldSaveFile; public static File worldSaveDir; public static NBTTagCompound worldCompound; public static HashMap<String, PlayerSave> playerSaves = new HashMap<String, PlayerSave>(); public static HashMap<ItemKey, HashSet<String>> bannedblocks = new HashMap<ItemKey, HashSet<String>>(); public static void load(World world) { if (MinecraftServer.getServer() == server) return; System.out.println("Loading NEI"); server = MinecraftServer.getServer(); initDefaults(); loadBannedBlocks(); loadSavedConfig(world); } private static void loadSavedConfig(World world) { try { worldSaveDir = DimensionManager.getCurrentSaveRootDirectory(); worldSaveFile = new File(worldSaveDir, "NEI.dat"); if (!worldSaveFile.getParentFile().exists()) worldSaveFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); if (!worldSaveFile.exists()) worldSaveFile.createNewFile(); if (worldSaveFile.length() == 0) worldCompound = new NBTTagCompound(); else { DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(worldSaveFile)); worldCompound = (NBTTagCompound) NBTBase.readNamedTag(din); din.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private static void initDefaults() { serverConfig.setNewLineMode(1); serverConfig.getTag("permissions").useBraces(); serverConfig .getTag("permissions") .setComment("List of players who can use these features. :Eg. time=CodeChicken, Friend1"); serverConfig.getTag("BannedBlocks").useBraces(); serverConfig .getTag("BannedBlocks") .setComment( "List of players who can use these blocks. :Anyone not listed here will not have these blocks appear in their item panel.:format is {itemID}::{itemDamage}:Eg. 12::5=CodeChicken, Friend1"); setDefaultFeature("time"); setDefaultFeature("rain"); setDefaultFeature("heal"); setDefaultFeature("magnet"); setDefaultFeature("creative"); setDefaultFeature("creative+"); setDefaultFeature("adventure"); setDefaultFeature("enchant"); setDefaultFeature("potion"); setDefaultFeature("save-state"); setDefaultFeature("item"); setDefaultFeature("delete"); setDefaultFeature("notify-item", "CONSOLE, OP"); serverConfig.getTag("BannedBlocks." + Block.bedrock.blockID + ":0").setDefaultValue("NONE"); } private static void setDefaultFeature(String featurename, String... names) { if (names.length == 0) names = new String[] {"OP"}; String list = ""; for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (i >= 1) list += ", "; list += names[i]; } serverConfig.getTag("permissions." + featurename).setDefaultValue(list); } private static void saveWorldCompound() { try { DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(worldSaveFile)); NBTBase.writeNamedTag(worldCompound, dout); dout.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private static NBTTagCompound getDimCompound(int dim) { if (!worldCompound.hasKey("dim" + dim)) worldCompound.setCompoundTag("dim" + dim, new NBTTagCompound()); return worldCompound.getCompoundTag("dim" + dim); } public static boolean canPlayerPerformAction(String playername, String name) { return isPlayerInList(playername, getPlayerList("permissions." + NEIActions.base(name)), true); } public static boolean isPlayerInList( String playername, HashSet<String> list, boolean allowCards) { if (playername.equals("CONSOLE")) return list.contains(playername); playername = playername.toLowerCase(); if (allowCards) { if (list.contains("ALL")) return true; if ((ServerUtils.isPlayerOP(playername) || ServerUtils.isPlayerOwner(playername)) && list.contains("OP")) return true; } return list.contains(playername); } public static boolean isActionDisabled(int dim, String name) { return getDimCompound(dim).getBoolean("disabled" + name); } public static void disableAction(int dim, String name, boolean disable) { getDimCompound(dim).setBoolean("disabled" + name, disable); NEISPH.sendActionDisabled(dim, name, disable); saveWorldCompound(); } public static HashSet<String> getPlayerList(String tag) { String[] list = serverConfig.getTag(tag).getValue("").replace(" ", "").split(","); return new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(list)); } public static void addPlayerToList(String playername, String tag) { HashSet<String> list = getPlayerList(tag); if (!playername.equals("CONSOLE") && !playername.equals("ALL") && !playername.equals("OP")) playername = playername.toLowerCase(); list.add(playername); savePlayerList(tag, list); } public static void remPlayerFromList(String playername, String tag) { HashSet<String> list = getPlayerList(tag); if (!playername.equals("CONSOLE") && !playername.equals("ALL") && !playername.equals("OP")) playername = playername.toLowerCase(); list.remove(playername); savePlayerList(tag, list); } private static void savePlayerList(String tag, Collection<String> list) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; for (Iterator<String> iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); i++) { if (i != 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append(; } serverConfig.getTag(tag).setValue(sb.toString()); } private static void loadBannedBlocks() { ConfigTag banTag = serverConfig.getTag("BannedBlocks"); for (Entry<String, ConfigTag> entry : banTag.childTagMap().entrySet()) { String ident = entry.getKey(); String num[] = ident.split(":"); ItemKey hash = num.length == 1 ? new ItemKey(Integer.parseInt(num[0]), -1) : new ItemKey(Integer.parseInt(num[0]), Integer.parseInt(num[1])); bannedblocks.put(hash, getPlayerList(entry.getValue().qualifiedname)); } } public static PlayerSave forPlayer(String username) { return playerSaves.get(username); } public static void loadPlayer(EntityPlayer player) { System.out.println("Loading Player: " + player.username); playerSaves.put( player.username, new PlayerSave(player.username, new File(worldSaveDir, "NEI/players"))); } public static void unloadPlayer(EntityPlayer player) { System.out.println("Unloading Player: " + player.username); PlayerSave playerSave = playerSaves.remove(player.username); if (playerSave != null); } public static boolean authenticatePacket(EntityPlayerMP sender, PacketCustom packet) { switch (packet.getType()) { case 1: case 5: return canPlayerPerformAction(sender.username, "item"); case 4: return canPlayerPerformAction(sender.username, "delete"); case 6: return canPlayerPerformAction(sender.username, "magnet"); case 7: return canPlayerPerformAction(sender.username, "time"); case 8: return canPlayerPerformAction(sender.username, "heal"); case 9: return canPlayerPerformAction(sender.username, "rain"); case 14: case 23: return canPlayerPerformAction(sender.username, "creative+"); case 21: case 22: return canPlayerPerformAction(sender.username, "enchant"); case 24: return canPlayerPerformAction(sender.username, "potion"); } return true; } }