public synchronized void startREPLServer() { if (ackREPLServer == null) { try { // TODO use ClojureOSGi.withBundle instead Var startServer = BundleUtils.requireAndGetVar( getBundle().getSymbolicName(), ""); Object defaultHandler = BundleUtils.requireAndGetVar( getBundle().getSymbolicName(), "") .invoke(); Object handler = BundleUtils.requireAndGetVar( getBundle().getSymbolicName(), "") .invoke(defaultHandler); ackREPLServer = (ServerSocket) ((Map) startServer.invoke(Keyword.intern("handler"), handler)) .get(Keyword.intern("server-socket")); CCWPlugin.log( "Started ccw nREPL server: nrepl://" + ackREPLServer.getLocalPort()); } catch (Exception e) { CCWPlugin.logError("Could not start plugin-hosted REPL server", e); throw new RuntimeException("Could not start plugin-hosted REPL server", e); } } }
public static IPersistentMap contexts_define_context( Symbol name, IPersistentList parents, IPersistentSet hyps) { if (contexts_define_context_fn == null) contexts_define_context_fn = RT.var("csneps.core.contexts", "defineContext"); try { return (IPersistentMap) contexts_define_context_fn.invoke( name, Keyword.intern("parents"), parents, Keyword.intern("hyps"), hyps); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
public static String getTokenPreferenceKey(Keyword token) { return CCW_PREFERENCE_PREFIX + "." + EDITOR_COLORING_PREFIX + "." + token.getName(); // $NON-NLS-1$ }
public static IPersistentMap snuser_define_caseframe( Keyword type, IPersistentList slots, IPersistentList fsymbols) { if (snuser_define_caseframe_fn == null) snuser_define_caseframe_fn = RT.var("csneps.core.snuser", "defineCaseframe"); try { return (IPersistentMap) snuser_define_caseframe_fn.invoke(type, slots, Keyword.intern("fsymbols"), fsymbols); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
public static IPersistentMap relations_define_slot( Symbol name, Keyword type, Integer min, Integer max, Symbol posadjust, Symbol negadjust) { if (relations_define_slot_fn == null) relations_define_slot_fn = RT.var("csneps.core.relations", "define-slot"); try { return (IPersistentMap) relations_define_slot_fn.invoke( name, Keyword.intern("type"), type, Keyword.intern("min"), min, Keyword.intern("max"), max, Keyword.intern("posadjust"), posadjust, Keyword.intern("negadjust"), negadjust); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
public void run() { int caretOffset = component.getCaretPosition(); String cname = component.getClass().getName(); Boolean _isReplPanel = false; if (cname.equals("javax.swing.JEditorPane")) _isReplPanel = true; String value = getText(); String javaList = ""; if (toAdd != null) { value += toAdd; } try { String c = component.getText(caretOffset - 1, 1); if (!_isClojure && _isNamespaceOrPkg) // java package containing the Class at the end { value = setValueForClass(value, component); javaList = getJavaImportListStr(value); if ((javaList.contains("(")) && (!_isReplPanel)) { int messageret = (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( component, "Do you want to add the import " + value + " to your ns imports?", "add import ?", 0)); if (messageret == 0) { PersistentArrayMap entry = addImportList(component, javaList); // component.setCaretPosition(caretOffset + javaList.length()); value = getClassPart(value); if (entry != null) { String origNS = (String) entry.get(Keyword.intern(Symbol.create("orignodestr"))); String newNS = (String) entry.get(Keyword.intern(Symbol.create("newnodestr"))); int insertOffset = newNS.length() - origNS.length(); _carretOffset = _carretOffset + insertOffset; _dotOffset = _dotOffset + insertOffset; } } } } if (!c.equals("/") && (_layout != backSlashAfterParen) && (_layout != backSlashNoParen)) { switch (_layout) { case LowercaseAfterParen: doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset); break; case UppercaseAfterParen: doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset); break; case UppercaseAfterParenWithDot: if (_isMethodOrFunction && (!_isClojure)) // java method { if (_isConstructor) { value = ""; } else if (Character.isLetter(value.charAt(0))) { { doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset); value = "." + value; } } } else doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset); break; case LowercaseAfterParenWithDot: if (_isMethodOrFunction && (!_isClojure)) // java method { if (_isConstructor) { value = ""; } else if (Character.isLetter(value.charAt(0))) { { doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset); value = "." + value; } } } else doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset); break; case backSlashAfterParen: doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset); break; case FirstDotAfterParen: doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset); break; case FirstDotNoParen: doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset); break; case UppercaseNoParen: doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset); break; case UppercaseNoParenWithDot: if (_isMethodOrFunction && (!_isClojure)) // java method { if (_isConstructor) { value = ""; } else if (Character.isLetter(value.charAt(0))) { { doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset); value = "." + value; } } } else doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset); break; case LowercaseNoParenWithDot: if (_isMethodOrFunction && (!_isClojure)) // java method { if (_isConstructor) { value = ""; } else if (Character.isLetter(value.charAt(0))) { { doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset); value = "." + value; } } } else doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset); break; case LowercaseNoParen: doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset); break; } doc.insertString(_dotOffset, value, null); } else { if (!c.equals("/")) { int backSlashOffset = indexOfBackSlash(component); if (backSlashOffset == -1) backSlashOffset = caretOffset; if (_isStatic || _layout == backSlashAfterParen || _layout == backSlashNoParen) { if (_isClojure && _isMethodOrFunction) { if (isInCurrentNamespace(_fullclassname, component)) { doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset); doc.insertString(_dotOffset, setValue(value), null); } else { doc.remove(backSlashOffset + 1, caretOffset - backSlashOffset - 1); doc.insertString(backSlashOffset + 1, value, null); } } else { doc.remove(backSlashOffset + 1, caretOffset - backSlashOffset - 1); doc.insertString(backSlashOffset + 1, value, null); } } else { doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset); doc.insertString(_dotOffset, setValue(value), null); } } else if (_isStatic || _layout == backSlashAfterParen || _layout == backSlashNoParen) if (_isClojure && _isMethodOrFunction) { if (isInCurrentNamespace(_fullclassname, component)) { doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset); doc.insertString(_dotOffset, setValue(value), null); } else doc.insertString(_carretOffset, value, null); } else doc.insertString(_carretOffset, value, null); else { doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset); doc.insertString(_dotOffset, setValue(value), null); } } component.setCaretPosition(component.getCaretPosition() - backOffset); } catch (BadLocationException e) { LOG.log(Level.FINEST, e.getMessage()); } }
/** * Static class containing Clojure keywords used in scene descriptions * * @author Mike */ public class Key { // scene keys public static final Keyword SCENE = Keyword.intern(null, "scene"); public static final Keyword ROOT = Keyword.intern(null, "root"); public static final Keyword CAMERA = Keyword.intern(null, "camera"); public static final Keyword LIGHT_SOURCES = Keyword.intern(null, "light-sources"); // general keys public static final Keyword TYPE = Keyword.intern(null, "type"); public static final Keyword COLOUR = Keyword.intern(null, "colour"); public static final Keyword POSITION = Keyword.intern(null, "position"); public static final Keyword NORMAL = Keyword.intern(null, "normal"); public static final Keyword DIRECTION = Keyword.intern(null, "direction"); public static final Keyword DISTANCE = Keyword.intern(null, "distance"); // sky sphere public static final Keyword SKY_SPHERE = Keyword.intern(null, "sky-sphere"); // plane public static final Keyword PLANE = Keyword.intern(null, "plane"); // union public static final Keyword UNION = Keyword.intern(null, "union"); public static final Keyword OBJECTS = Keyword.intern(null, "objects"); // sphere public static final Keyword SPHERE = Keyword.intern(null, "sphere"); public static final Keyword CENTRE = Keyword.intern(null, "centre"); public static final Keyword RADIUS = Keyword.intern(null, "radius"); // light source keys public static final Keyword LIGHT_SOURCE = Keyword.intern(null, "light-source"); public static final Keyword SHADOWLESS = Keyword.intern(null, "shadowless"); public static final Keyword INTENSITY = Keyword.intern(null, "intensity"); }
/** Constant definitions for plug-in preferences */ public class PreferenceConstants { public static final Keyword stringToken = Keyword.intern("string"); public static final Keyword otherLiteralsToken = Keyword.intern("other-literals"); public static final Keyword regexToken = Keyword.intern("regex"); public static final Keyword intToken = Keyword.intern("int"); public static final Keyword floatToken = Keyword.intern("float"); public static final Keyword charToken = Keyword.intern("char"); // public static final Keyword literalSymbolToken = Keyword.intern("literalSymbol"); // public static final Keyword symbolToken = Keyword.intern("symbol"); public static final Keyword FUNCTION_Token = Keyword.intern("FUNCTION"); public static final Keyword callableFUNCTION_Token = Keyword.intern("callableFUNCTION"); public static final Keyword MACRO_Token = Keyword.intern("MACRO"); public static final Keyword callableMACRO_Token = Keyword.intern("callableMACRO"); public static final Keyword SPECIAL_FORM_Token = Keyword.intern("SPECIAL_FORM"); public static final Keyword callableSPECIAL_FORM_Token = Keyword.intern("callableSPECIAL_FORM"); public static final Keyword GLOBAL_VAR_Token = Keyword.intern("GLOBAL_VAR"); public static final Keyword callableGLOBAL_VAR_Token = Keyword.intern("callableGLOBAL_VAR"); public static final Keyword JAVA_CLASS_Token = Keyword.intern("JAVA_CLASS"); public static final Keyword callableJAVA_CLASS_Token = Keyword.intern("callableJAVA_CLASS"); public static final Keyword JAVA_INSTANCE_METHOD_Token = Keyword.intern("JAVA_INSTANCE_METHOD"); public static final Keyword callableJAVA_INSTANCE_METHOD_Token = Keyword.intern("callableJAVA_INSTANCE_METHOD"); public static final Keyword JAVA_STATIC_METHOD_Token = Keyword.intern("JAVA_STATIC_METHOD"); public static final Keyword callableJAVA_STATIC_METHOD_Token = Keyword.intern("callableJAVA_STATIC_METHOD"); public static final Keyword RAW_SYMBOL_Token = Keyword.intern("RAW_SYMBOL"); public static final Keyword callable_RAW_SYMBOL_Token = Keyword.intern("callableRAW_SYMBOL"); public static final Keyword deactivatedRainbowParen = Keyword.intern("deactivated-rainbow-paren"); public static final Keyword rainbowParenLevel1 = Keyword.intern("rainbow-paren-level-1"); public static final Keyword rainbowParenLevel2 = Keyword.intern("rainbow-paren-level-2"); public static final Keyword rainbowParenLevel3 = Keyword.intern("rainbow-paren-level-3"); public static final Keyword rainbowParenLevel4 = Keyword.intern("rainbow-paren-level-4"); public static final Keyword rainbowParenLevel5 = Keyword.intern("rainbow-paren-level-5"); public static final Keyword rainbowParenLevel6 = Keyword.intern("rainbow-paren-level-6"); public static final Keyword rainbowParenLevel7 = Keyword.intern("rainbow-paren-level-7"); public static final Keyword rainbowParenLevel8 = Keyword.intern("rainbow-paren-level-8"); public static final Keyword keywordToken = Keyword.intern("keyword"); public static final Keyword commentToken = Keyword.intern("comment"); public static final Keyword whitespaceToken = Keyword.intern("whitespace"); public static final Keyword metaToken = Keyword.intern("meta"); public static final Keyword readerLiteralTag = Keyword.intern("reader-literal"); public static final Keyword replLogValue = Keyword.intern("repl-log-keyword-value"); public static final Keyword replLogError = Keyword.intern("repl-log-error"); /** * Set of tokens keywords for which syntax color information can be retrieved from preferences via * the <code>getColorizableToken()</code> method */ public static final Set<Keyword> colorizableTokens; /** List of tokens, ordered to be displayed on the preferences page. */ public static final List<Keyword> orderedColorizableTokens; // FIXME: use it, or remove it static { orderedColorizableTokens = Collections.unmodifiableList( new ArrayList<Keyword>() { { add(stringToken); add(otherLiteralsToken); add(regexToken); add(intToken); add(floatToken); add(charToken); add(FUNCTION_Token); add(callableFUNCTION_Token); add(MACRO_Token); add(callableMACRO_Token); add(SPECIAL_FORM_Token); add(callableSPECIAL_FORM_Token); add(GLOBAL_VAR_Token); add(callableGLOBAL_VAR_Token); add(JAVA_CLASS_Token); add(callableJAVA_CLASS_Token); add(JAVA_INSTANCE_METHOD_Token); add(callableJAVA_INSTANCE_METHOD_Token); add(JAVA_STATIC_METHOD_Token); add(callableJAVA_STATIC_METHOD_Token); add(RAW_SYMBOL_Token); add(callable_RAW_SYMBOL_Token); add(keywordToken); add(commentToken); add(metaToken); add(readerLiteralTag); add(deactivatedRainbowParen); add(rainbowParenLevel1); add(rainbowParenLevel2); add(rainbowParenLevel3); add(rainbowParenLevel4); add(rainbowParenLevel5); add(rainbowParenLevel6); add(rainbowParenLevel7); add(rainbowParenLevel8); add(replLogValue); add(replLogError); } }); colorizableTokens = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<Keyword>(orderedColorizableTokens)); } public static final String CCW_PREFERENCE_PREFIX = "ccw.preferences"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public static final String CCW_GENERAL_AUTOMATIC_NATURE_ADDITION = CCW_PREFERENCE_PREFIX + ".automatic_nature_addition"; public static final String CCW_GENERAL_AUTO_RELOAD_ON_STARTUP_SAVE = CCW_PREFERENCE_PREFIX + ".auto_reload_on_startup_save"; public static final String SWITCH_TO_NS_ON_REPL_STARTUP = CCW_PREFERENCE_PREFIX + ".switch_to_ns_on_repl_startup"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public static final String USE_STRICT_STRUCTURAL_EDITING_MODE_BY_DEFAULT = CCW_PREFERENCE_PREFIX + ".use_strict_structural_editing_mode_by_default"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public static final String SHOW_RAINBOW_PARENS_BY_DEFAULT = CCW_PREFERENCE_PREFIX + ".show_rainbow_parens_by_default"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public static final String USE_TAB_FOR_REINDENTING_LINE = CCW_PREFERENCE_PREFIX + ".use_tab_for_reindenting_line"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public static final String FORCE_TWO_SPACES_INDENT = CCW_PREFERENCE_PREFIX + ".force_two_spaces_indent"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public static final String EDITOR_COLORING_PREFIX = "editor_color"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public static final String EDITOR_ESCAPE_ON_PASTE = CCW_PREFERENCE_PREFIX + ".escape_on_paste"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public static final String EDITOR_CODE_COMPLETION_AUTO_ACTIVATE = CCW_PREFERENCE_PREFIX + ".code_completion.auto_activate"; public static final String EDITOR_DISPLAY_NAMESPACE_IN_TABS = CCW_PREFERENCE_PREFIX + ".editor.display_namespace_in_tabs"; public static final String REPL_VIEW_AUTO_EVAL_ON_ENTER_ACTIVE = CCW_PREFERENCE_PREFIX + ".repl_view_autoeval_on_enter_active"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public static final String REPL_VIEW_DISPLAY_HINTS = CCW_PREFERENCE_PREFIX + ".repl_view_display_hints"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public static final String EDITOR_BOLD_SUFFIX = ".bold"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public static final String EDITOR_ITALIC_SUFFIX = ".italic"; // $NON-NLS-1$ /* TODO enable these once text attributes are used in the editor public static final String EDITOR_UNDERLINE_SUFFIX = ".underline"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String EDITOR_STRIKETHROUGH_SUFFIX = ".strikethrough"; //$NON-NLS-1$ */ public static final String EDITOR_COLORING_ENABLED_SUFFIX = ".enabled"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public static class ColorizableToken { public final RGB rgb; public final Boolean isBold; public final Boolean isItalic; public ColorizableToken(RGB rgb, Boolean isBold, Boolean isItalic) { this.rgb = rgb; this.isBold = isBold; this.isItalic = isItalic; } } public static String getTokenPreferenceKey(Keyword token) { return CCW_PREFERENCE_PREFIX + "." + EDITOR_COLORING_PREFIX + "." + token.getName(); // $NON-NLS-1$ } public static ColorizableToken getColorizableToken( IPreferenceStore store, Keyword token, RGB defaultColor) { String tokenKey = getTokenPreferenceKey(token); return new ColorizableToken( CCWPlugin.getPreferenceRGB(store, tokenKey, defaultColor), store.getBoolean(SyntaxColoringHelper.getEnabledPreferenceKey(tokenKey)) ? store.getBoolean(SyntaxColoringHelper.getBoldPreferenceKey(tokenKey)) : null, store.getBoolean(SyntaxColoringHelper.getEnabledPreferenceKey(tokenKey)) ? store.getBoolean(SyntaxColoringHelper.getItalicPreferenceKey(tokenKey)) : null); } }
private static Keyword keyword(String s) { return Keyword.intern(s); }