  /** Override to provide custom icons. */
  protected Icon getUniqueIcon(Block block, int side, Icon icon) {
    if (isSideSloped) {
      Slope slope = Slope.slopesList[BlockProperties.getData(TE)];
      int metadata = BlockProperties.getCoverMetadata(TE, coverRendering);

      /* Uncovered sloped oblique faces use triangular frame icons. */
      if (!BlockProperties.hasCover(TE, 6)) {
        if (slope.type.equals(Type.OBLIQUE_INT)) {
          icon =
                  ? IconRegistry.icon_slope_oblique_pt_low
                  : IconRegistry.icon_slope_oblique_pt_high;
        } else if (slope.type.equals(Type.OBLIQUE_EXT)) {
          icon =
                  ? IconRegistry.icon_slope_oblique_pt_high
                  : IconRegistry.icon_slope_oblique_pt_low;

      /* For directional blocks, make sure sloped icons match regardless of side. */
      if (BlockProperties.blockRotates(TE.worldObj, block, TE.xCoord, TE.yCoord, TE.zCoord)) {
        if (metadata % 8 == 0) {
          icon = block.getIcon(slope.isPositive ? 1 : 0, metadata);
        } else {
          icon = block.getIcon(2, metadata);
      } else if (block instanceof BlockDirectional && !slope.type.equals(Type.WEDGE_Y)) {
        icon = block.getBlockTextureFromSide(1);

    return icon;