Пример #1
  private void useItem() {

    Game game = PemberleyGame.getCurrentGame();
    ItemControl itemControl = new ItemControl();
    String prompt = "What do you want to try and use?";

    // check to see if there is anything to use.
    if (game.getLocalItemNames().length == 0 && game.getInventoryItemNames().length == 0) {
      this.console.println("There is nothing to use here.");

    this.console.println("These things are accessible:\n");

    for (String i : game.getLocalItemNames()) {
      this.console.print(i + "\n");

    for (String i : game.getInventoryItemNames()) {
      this.console.print(i + "\n");

    String playerSelection;
    do {
      playerSelection = this.getStringInput(prompt);

      String useItemMessage = itemControl.useItem(playerSelection, game);
    } while (!playerSelection.equalsIgnoreCase("x"));