public static File getBrooklynWebTmpDir(ManagementContext mgmt) { String brooklynMgmtBaseDir = getMgmtBaseDir(mgmt); File webappTempDir = new File( Os.mergePaths( brooklynMgmtBaseDir, "planes", mgmt.getManagementPlaneId(), mgmt.getManagementNodeId(), "jetty")); try { FileUtils.forceMkdir(webappTempDir); Os.deleteOnExitRecursivelyAndEmptyParentsUpTo(webappTempDir, new File(brooklynMgmtBaseDir)); return webappTempDir; } catch (Exception e) { Exceptions.propagateIfFatal(e); IllegalStateException e2 = new IllegalStateException( "Cannot create working directory " + webappTempDir + " for embedded jetty server: " + e, e); log.warn(e2.getMessage() + " (rethrowing)"); throw e2; } }
protected ManagementContext newPersistingManagementContext() { mementoDir = Os.newTempDir(JavaClassNames.cleanSimpleClassName(this)); Os.deleteOnExitRecursively(mementoDir); return RebindTestUtils.managementContextBuilder( classLoader, new FileBasedObjectStore(mementoDir)) .persistPeriod(Duration.millis(10)) .buildStarted(); }
@Test(groups = "Integration") public void testCopyResourceCreatingParentDir() throws Exception { File tempDataDirSub = new File(tempDataDir, "subdir"); File tempDest = new File(tempDataDirSub, "tempDest.txt"); String tempLocalContent = "abc"; File tempLocal = new File(tempDataDir, "tempLocal.txt"); Files.write(tempLocalContent, tempLocal, Charsets.UTF_8); localhost.setConfig(BrooklynConfigKeys.ONBOX_BASE_DIR, tempDataDir.getAbsolutePath()); MyService entity = app.createAndManageChild(EntitySpec.create(MyService.class)); app.start(ImmutableList.of(localhost)); // First confirm would get exception in createeParentDir==false try { entity .getDriver() .copyResource(tempLocal.toURI().toString(), tempDest.getAbsolutePath(), false); assertEquals(Files.readLines(tempDest, Charsets.UTF_8), ImmutableList.of(tempLocalContent)); fail("Should have failed to create " + tempDest); } catch (SshException e) { // success } finally { Os.deleteRecursively(tempDataDirSub); } // Copy to absolute path try { entity .getDriver() .copyResource(tempLocal.toURI().toString(), tempDest.getAbsolutePath(), true); assertEquals(Files.readLines(tempDest, Charsets.UTF_8), ImmutableList.of(tempLocalContent)); } finally { Os.deleteRecursively(tempDataDirSub); } // Copy to absolute path String runDir = entity.getDriver().getRunDir(); String tempDataDirRelativeToRunDir = "subdir"; String tempDestRelativeToRunDir = Os.mergePaths(tempDataDirRelativeToRunDir, "tempDest.txt"); File tempDestInRunDir = new File(Os.mergePaths(runDir, tempDestRelativeToRunDir)); try { entity.getDriver().copyResource(tempLocal.toURI().toString(), tempDestRelativeToRunDir, true); assertEquals( Files.readLines(tempDestInRunDir, Charsets.UTF_8), ImmutableList.of(tempLocalContent)); } finally { Os.deleteRecursively(new File(runDir, tempDataDirRelativeToRunDir)); } }
private static List<String> tidyFilePaths(Iterable<String> files) { List<String> result = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String file : files) { result.add(Os.tidyPath(file)); } return result; }
@AfterMethod(alwaysRun = true) public void tearDown() throws Exception { if (mgmt != null) Entities.destroyAll(mgmt); mgmt = null; tempDir = Os.deleteRecursively(tempDir).asNullOrThrowing(); checkExpectedFailure(); }
@Test(groups = "Integration") public void testMachine127InHome() throws Exception { MyService entity = app.createAndManageChild(EntitySpec.create(MyService.class)); app.start(ImmutableList.of(machine127)); String installDir = entity.getAttribute(SoftwareProcess.INSTALL_DIR); assertTrue( installDir.startsWith(Os.home() + "/brooklyn-managed-processes/installs/"), "installed in " + installDir); }
@Test(groups = "Integration") public void testLocalhostInTmp() throws Exception { MyService entity = app.createAndManageChild(EntitySpec.create(MyService.class)); app.start(ImmutableList.of(localhost)); String installDir = entity.getAttribute(SoftwareProcess.INSTALL_DIR); assertTrue( installDir.startsWith("/tmp/brooklyn-" + Os.user() + "/installs/"), "installed in " + installDir); }
@BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true) public void setup() throws Exception { mgmt = new LocalManagementContext(); LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation lhc = mgmt.getLocationManager() .createLocation(LocationSpec.create(LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation.class)); host = lhc.obtain(); clearExpectedFailure(); tempDir = Os.newTempDir(getClass()); }
static String makeCommandExecutingInDirectory( String command, String executionDir, EntityLocal entity) { String finalCommand = command; String execDir = executionDir; if (Strings.isBlank(execDir)) { // default to run dir execDir = entity.getAttribute(SoftwareProcess.RUN_DIR); // if no run dir, default to home if (Strings.isBlank(execDir)) { execDir = "~"; } } else if (!Os.isAbsolutish(execDir)) { // relative paths taken wrt run dir String runDir = entity.getAttribute(SoftwareProcess.RUN_DIR); if (!Strings.isBlank(runDir)) { execDir = Os.mergePaths(runDir, execDir); } } if (!"~".equals(execDir)) { finalCommand = "mkdir -p '" + execDir + "' && cd '" + execDir + "' && " + finalCommand; } return finalCommand; }
public static String getMgmtBaseDir(StringConfigMap brooklynProperties) { String base = (String) brooklynProperties.getConfigRaw(MGMT_BASE_DIR, true).orNull(); if (base == null) { base = brooklynProperties.getConfig(BROOKLYN_DATA_DIR); if (base != null) log.warn( "Using deprecated " + BROOKLYN_DATA_DIR.getName() + ": use " + MGMT_BASE_DIR.getName() + " instead; value: " + base); } if (base == null) base = brooklynProperties.getConfig(MGMT_BASE_DIR); return Os.tidyPath(base) + File.separator; }
protected String newTempPersistenceContainerName() { File persistenceDirF = Files.createTempDir(); Os.deleteOnExitRecursively(persistenceDirF); return persistenceDirF.getAbsolutePath(); }
@AfterMethod(alwaysRun = true) public void tearDown() throws Exception { if (app != null) Entities.destroyAll(app.getManagementContext()); if (tempDataDir != null) Os.deleteRecursively(tempDataDir); }
@AfterMethod(alwaysRun = true) public void tearDown() throws Exception { mementoDir = Os.deleteRecursively(mementoDir).asNullOrThrowing(); super.tearDown(); }
/** config keys for the brooklyn server */ public class BrooklynServerConfig { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BrooklynServerConfig.class); /** provided for setting; consumers should use {@link #getMgmtBaseDir(ManagementContext)} */ public static final ConfigKey<String> MGMT_BASE_DIR = newStringConfigKey( "brooklyn.base.dir", "Directory for reading and writing all brooklyn server data", Os.fromHome(".brooklyn")); @Deprecated /** @deprecated since 0.7.0 use BrooklynServerConfig routines */ // copied here so we don't have back-ref to BrooklynConfigKeys public static final ConfigKey<String> BROOKLYN_DATA_DIR = newStringConfigKey("brooklyn.datadir", "Directory for writing all brooklyn data"); public static final String DEFAULT_PERSISTENCE_CONTAINER_NAME = "brooklyn-persisted-state"; /** * on file system, the 'data' subdir is used so that there is an obvious place to put backup dirs */ public static final String DEFAULT_PERSISTENCE_DIR_FOR_FILESYSTEM = Os.mergePaths(DEFAULT_PERSISTENCE_CONTAINER_NAME, "data"); /** * provided for setting; consumers should query the management context persistence subsystem for * the actual target, or use {@link #resolvePersistencePath(String, StringConfigMap, String)} if * trying to resolve the value */ public static final ConfigKey<String> PERSISTENCE_DIR = newStringConfigKey( "brooklyn.persistence.dir", "Directory or container name for writing brooklyn persisted state"); public static final ConfigKey<String> PERSISTENCE_LOCATION_SPEC = newStringConfigKey( "brooklyn.persistence.location.spec", "Optional location spec string for an object store (e.g. jclouds:swift:URL) where persisted state should be kept;" + "if blank or not supplied, the file system is used"); public static final ConfigKey<Boolean> PERSISTENCE_BACKUPS_REQUIRED = ConfigKeys.newBooleanConfigKey( "brooklyn.persistence.backups.required", "Whether a backup should always be made of the persistence directory; " + "if true, it will fail if this operation is not permitted (e.g. jclouds-based cloud object stores); " + "if false, the persistence store will be overwritten with changes (but files not removed if they are unreadable); " + "if null or not set, the legacy beahviour of creating backups where possible (e.g. file system) is currently used, " + "but this may be changed in future versions"); public static String getMgmtBaseDir(ManagementContext mgmt) { return getMgmtBaseDir(mgmt.getConfig()); } public static String getMgmtBaseDir(StringConfigMap brooklynProperties) { String base = (String) brooklynProperties.getConfigRaw(MGMT_BASE_DIR, true).orNull(); if (base == null) { base = brooklynProperties.getConfig(BROOKLYN_DATA_DIR); if (base != null) log.warn( "Using deprecated " + BROOKLYN_DATA_DIR.getName() + ": use " + MGMT_BASE_DIR.getName() + " instead; value: " + base); } if (base == null) base = brooklynProperties.getConfig(MGMT_BASE_DIR); return Os.tidyPath(base) + File.separator; } public static String getMgmtBaseDir(Map<String, ?> brooklynProperties) { String base = (String) brooklynProperties.get(MGMT_BASE_DIR.getName()); if (base == null) base = (String) brooklynProperties.get(BROOKLYN_DATA_DIR.getName()); if (base == null) base = MGMT_BASE_DIR.getDefaultValue(); return Os.tidyPath(base) + File.separator; } protected static String resolveAgainstBaseDir(StringConfigMap brooklynProperties, String path) { if (!Os.isAbsolutish(path)) path = Os.mergePaths(getMgmtBaseDir(brooklynProperties), path); return Os.tidyPath(path); } /** * @deprecated since 0.7.0 use {@link #resolvePersistencePath(String, StringConfigMap, String)} */ public static String getPersistenceDir(ManagementContext mgmt) { return getPersistenceDir(mgmt.getConfig()); } /** * @deprecated since 0.7.0 use {@link #resolvePersistencePath(String, StringConfigMap, String)} */ public static String getPersistenceDir(StringConfigMap brooklynProperties) { return resolvePersistencePath(null, brooklynProperties, null); } /** * container name or full path for where persist state should be kept * * @param optionalSuppliedValue a value which has been supplied explicitly, optionally * @param brooklynProperties the properties map where the persistence path should be looked up if * not supplied, along with finding the brooklyn.base.dir if needed (using file system * persistence with a relative path) * @param optionalObjectStoreLocationSpec if a location spec is supplied, this will return a * container name suitable for use with the given object store based on * brooklyn.persistence.dir; if null this method will return a full file system path, relative * to the brooklyn.base.dir if the configured brooklyn.persistence.dir is not absolute */ public static String resolvePersistencePath( String optionalSuppliedValue, StringConfigMap brooklynProperties, String optionalObjectStoreLocationSpec) { String path = optionalSuppliedValue; if (path == null) path = brooklynProperties.getConfig(PERSISTENCE_DIR); if (optionalObjectStoreLocationSpec == null) { // file system if (path == null) path = DEFAULT_PERSISTENCE_DIR_FOR_FILESYSTEM; return resolveAgainstBaseDir(brooklynProperties, path); } else { // obj store if (path == null) path = DEFAULT_PERSISTENCE_CONTAINER_NAME; return path; } } public static File getBrooklynWebTmpDir(ManagementContext mgmt) { String brooklynMgmtBaseDir = getMgmtBaseDir(mgmt); File webappTempDir = new File( Os.mergePaths( brooklynMgmtBaseDir, "planes", mgmt.getManagementPlaneId(), mgmt.getManagementNodeId(), "jetty")); try { FileUtils.forceMkdir(webappTempDir); Os.deleteOnExitRecursivelyAndEmptyParentsUpTo(webappTempDir, new File(brooklynMgmtBaseDir)); return webappTempDir; } catch (Exception e) { Exceptions.propagateIfFatal(e); IllegalStateException e2 = new IllegalStateException( "Cannot create working directory " + webappTempDir + " for embedded jetty server: " + e, e); log.warn(e2.getMessage() + " (rethrowing)"); throw e2; } } public static final ConfigKey<String> BROOKLYN_CATALOG_URL = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey( "brooklyn.catalog.url", "The URL of a catalog.xml descriptor; absent for default (~/.brooklyn/catalog.xml), " + "or empty for no URL (use default scanner)", new File(Os.fromHome(".brooklyn/catalog.xml")).toURI().toString()); public static final ConfigKey<Boolean> USE_OSGI = ConfigKeys.newBooleanConfigKey( "brooklyn.osgi.enabled", "Whether OSGi is enabled, defaulting to true", true); public static final ConfigKey<CampPlatform> CAMP_PLATFORM = ConfigKeys.newConfigKey( CampPlatform.class, "", "Config set at brooklyn management platform to find the CampPlatform instance (bi-directional)"); /** Returns the CAMP platform associated with a management context, if there is one. */ public static Maybe<CampPlatform> getCampPlatform(ManagementContext mgmt) { CampPlatform result = mgmt.getConfig().getConfig(BrooklynServerConfig.CAMP_PLATFORM); if (result != null) return Maybe.of(result); return Maybe.absent("No CAMP Platform is registered with this Brooklyn management context."); } }
protected static String resolveAgainstBaseDir(StringConfigMap brooklynProperties, String path) { if (!Os.isAbsolutish(path)) path = Os.mergePaths(getMgmtBaseDir(brooklynProperties), path); return Os.tidyPath(path); }
public static String getMgmtBaseDir(Map<String, ?> brooklynProperties) { String base = (String) brooklynProperties.get(MGMT_BASE_DIR.getName()); if (base == null) base = (String) brooklynProperties.get(BROOKLYN_DATA_DIR.getName()); if (base == null) base = MGMT_BASE_DIR.getDefaultValue(); return Os.tidyPath(base) + File.separator; }