private boolean insertAssociationEnd( UMLAssociationEnd association, UMLClass typeInstance, UMLClass classInstance) throws ContractException { final String associationEnd = CommonElementsPackage.UMLASSOCIATIONEND; String id = association.getId(); String lower = String.valueOf(association.getLower()); String upper = String.valueOf(association.getUpper()); boolean result = true; result &= insertObject(associationEnd, id, association.getName()); result &= insertValue(associationEnd, ATTR_VISIBILITY, id, association.getVisibility()); result &= insertValue(associationEnd, ATTR_LOWER, id, lower); result &= insertValue(associationEnd, ATTR_UPPER, id, upper); result &= insertValue(associationEnd, ATTR_COMPOSITION, id, association.isAggregation()); result &= manager.insertLink( associationEnd, id, ROLE_TYPES, ROLE_CLASSIFIER, typeInstance.getId(), CommonElementsPackage.UMLCLASSIFIER); result &= manager.insertLink( associationEnd, id, ROLE_FEATURE, ROLE_CLASS, classInstance.getId(), CommonElementsPackage.UMLCLASS); return result; }
private boolean insertParameter(String id, String name, String type, String operationId) throws ContractException { final String parameter = CommonElementsPackage.UMLPARAMETER; final String classifier = CommonElementsPackage.UMLCLASSIFIER; final String operation = CommonElementsPackage.UMLOPERATION; boolean result = insertObject(parameter, id, name); result &= manager.insertLink(parameter, id, ROLE_TYPES, ROLE_CLASSIFIER, type, classifier); result &= manager.insertLink(parameter, id, ROLE_PARAMETER, ROLE_OPERATION, operationId, operation); return result; }
private boolean insertOperation( String id, String name, String visibility, String returnType, String classId) throws ContractException { final String operation = CommonElementsPackage.UMLOPERATION; final String classifier = CommonElementsPackage.UMLCLASSIFIER; final String className = CommonElementsPackage.UMLCLASS; boolean result = insertObject(operation, id, name); result &= insertValue(operation, ATTR_VISIBILITY, id, visibility); result &= manager.insertLink(operation, id, ROLE_TYPES, ROLE_CLASSIFIER, returnType, classifier); result &= manager.insertLink(operation, id, ROLE_FEATURE, ROLE_CLASS, classId, className); return result; }
private boolean insertSet(String id, String name, String elementType) throws ContractException { final String umlSet = CommonElementsPackage.UMLUMLSET; final String classifier = CommonElementsPackage.UMLCLASSIFIER; boolean result = insertObject(umlSet, id, name); result &= manager.insertLink(umlSet, id, ROLE_SETA, ROLE_ELEMENTTYPE, elementType, classifier); return result; }
private boolean insertObject(String className, String classId, String objectName) throws ContractException { boolean result = true; final String attName = ATTR_NAME; result &= manager.insertObject(className, classId); result &= insertValue(className, attName, classId, objectName); return result; }
private boolean insertStereotypedClass(String id, String name, String stereotypeId) throws ContractException { boolean result = true; final String attName = ATTR_NAME; String stereotypeName = getStereoTypeName(stereotypeId); result &= manager.insertObject(stereotypeName, id); result &= insertValue(stereotypeName, attName, id, name); return result; }
private String queryType(String attributeTypeName) throws ContractException { final String startQuery = CommonElementsPackage.UMLDATATYPE + ".allInstances()->select(dt | = '"; final String endQuery = "')->asOrderedSet()->first()"; try { return manager.query(startQuery + attributeTypeName + endQuery); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); return null; } }
private boolean insertAttribute( String attrId, String name, String visibility, String type, UMLClass classInstance) throws ContractException { if (!classInstance.hasStereotype()) { throw new ContractException("Class not stereotyped:" + classInstance.getName()); } String classifer = CommonElementsPackage.UMLCLASSIFIER; String attribute = CommonElementsPackage.UMLATTRIBUTE; String steretypeName = getStereoTypeName(classInstance.getStereotypeRefId()); boolean result = true; result &= manager.insertObject(attribute, attrId); result &= insertValue(attribute, ATTR_NAME, attrId, name); result &= insertValue(attribute, ATTR_VISIBILITY, attrId, visibility); result &= manager.insertLink(attribute, attrId, ROLE_TYPES, ROLE_CLASSIFIER, type, classifer); result &= manager.insertLink( attribute, attrId, ROLE_FEATURE, ROLE_CLASS, classInstance.getId(), steretypeName); return result; }
private boolean insertLinksBetweenAssociationEnds(String associationEnd, String otherEnd) throws ContractException { final String associationEndClass = CommonElementsPackage.UMLASSOCIATIONEND; boolean result = true; result &= manager.insertLink( associationEndClass, associationEnd, ROLE_OTHERS, ROLE_OTHEREND, otherEnd, associationEndClass); result &= manager.insertLink( associationEndClass, otherEnd, ROLE_OTHERS, ROLE_OTHEREND, associationEnd, associationEndClass); return result; }
private boolean insertAssociation(String id, String name, String... associationEndIds) throws ContractException { final String association = CommonElementsPackage.UMLASSOCIATION; final String associationEnd = CommonElementsPackage.UMLASSOCIATIONEND; if (associationEndIds.length < 2) { throw new ContractException(association + " can't have less than 2 " + associationEnd); } boolean result = true; result &= insertObject(association, id, name); for (String associationEndId : associationEndIds) { result &= manager.insertLink( associationEnd, associationEndId, ROLE_ASSOCIATIONENDS, ROLE_ASSOCIATION, id, association); } return result; }
private boolean insertValue( String className, String attributeName, String objectName, Boolean value) throws ContractException { return manager.insertValue( className, attributeName, objectName, value == true ? "true" : "false"); }
private boolean insertValue( String className, String attributeName, String objectName, String value) throws ContractException { return manager.insertValue(className, attributeName, objectName, value == null ? "" : value); }
/** @author Daniel */ public class WebMLXMIParser { private static final String ATTR_COMPOSITION = "composition"; private static final String ATTR_LOWER = "lower"; private static final String ATTR_NAME = "name"; private static final String ATTR_UPPER = "upper"; private static final String ATTR_VISIBILITY = "visibility"; private static final String ROLE_ASSOCIATION = "association"; private static final String ROLE_ASSOCIATIONENDS = "associationEnds"; private static final String ROLE_CLASS = "class"; private static final String ROLE_CLASSIFIER = "classifier"; private static final String ROLE_ELEMENTTYPE = "elementType"; private static final String ROLE_FEATURE = "feature"; private static final String ROLE_OPERATION = "operation"; private static final String ROLE_OTHEREND = "otherEnd"; private static final String ROLE_OTHERS = "others"; private static final String ROLE_PARAMETER = "parameter"; private static final String ROLE_SETA = "setA"; private static final String ROLE_TYPES = "types"; private IXMIParser parser; private ModelManager manager = ModelManager.instance(); /** @param parser */ protected WebMLXMIParser(IXMIParser parser) { this.parser = parser; } /** * @param parser * @throws ContractException */ public static void parse(IXMIParser parser) throws ContractException { new WebMLXMIParser(parser).parse(); } private void parse() throws ContractException { // Inserting classes insertClasses(); // Inserting attributes insertAttributes(); // Inserting Association End insertAssociationEnd(); // Inserting Methods insertMethods(); } private void insertClasses() throws ContractException { Set<Entry<String, UMLClass>> classSet = parser.getClasses().entrySet(); for (Entry<String, UMLClass> classEntry : classSet) { UMLClass umlclass = classEntry.getValue(); if (!umlclass.hasStereotype()) { throw new ContractException("Class not stereotyped: " + umlclass.getName()); } else { insertStereotypedClass(umlclass.getId(), umlclass.getName(), umlclass.getStereotypeRefId()); } } } private boolean insertStereotypedClass(String id, String name, String stereotypeId) throws ContractException { boolean result = true; final String attName = ATTR_NAME; String stereotypeName = getStereoTypeName(stereotypeId); result &= manager.insertObject(stereotypeName, id); result &= insertValue(stereotypeName, attName, id, name); return result; } private void insertAttributes() throws ContractException { Set<Entry<String, UMLClass>> classSet = parser.getClasses().entrySet(); for (Entry<String, UMLClass> classEntry : classSet) { for (UMLAttribute attribute : classEntry.getValue().getAttributes()) { String attributeTypeName = null; String attributeTypeId = null; if (parser.getDataTypes().containsKey(attribute.getType())) { attributeTypeName = ((UMLElement) parser.getDataTypes().get(attribute.getType())).getName(); attributeTypeId = queryType(attributeTypeName); if (attributeTypeId == null || "null".equals(attributeTypeId)) { throw new ContractException( attribute.getName() + "(" + attribute.getType() + ") type not found in class " + classEntry.getValue().getName() + " " + classEntry.getValue().getId()); } } else { throw new ContractException( attribute.getName() + "(" + attribute.getType() + ") type not found in class " + classEntry.getValue().getName() + " " + classEntry.getValue().getId()); } this.insertAttribute( attribute.getId(), attribute.getName(), attribute.getVisibility(), attributeTypeId, classEntry.getValue()); } } } private boolean insertAttribute( String attrId, String name, String visibility, String type, UMLClass classInstance) throws ContractException { if (!classInstance.hasStereotype()) { throw new ContractException("Class not stereotyped:" + classInstance.getName()); } String classifer = CommonElementsPackage.UMLCLASSIFIER; String attribute = CommonElementsPackage.UMLATTRIBUTE; String steretypeName = getStereoTypeName(classInstance.getStereotypeRefId()); boolean result = true; result &= manager.insertObject(attribute, attrId); result &= insertValue(attribute, ATTR_NAME, attrId, name); result &= insertValue(attribute, ATTR_VISIBILITY, attrId, visibility); result &= manager.insertLink(attribute, attrId, ROLE_TYPES, ROLE_CLASSIFIER, type, classifer); result &= manager.insertLink( attribute, attrId, ROLE_FEATURE, ROLE_CLASS, classInstance.getId(), steretypeName); return result; } private boolean insertObject(String className, String classId, String objectName) throws ContractException { boolean result = true; final String attName = ATTR_NAME; result &= manager.insertObject(className, classId); result &= insertValue(className, attName, classId, objectName); return result; } private void insertAssociationEnd() throws ContractException { Set<Entry<String, UMLAssociation>> associationSet = parser.getAssociationMap().entrySet(); for (Entry<String, UMLAssociation> associationEntry : associationSet) { Map<String, UMLAssociationEnd> associationEndMap = associationEntry.getValue().getAssociationEndMap(); if (associationEndMap.size() != 2) { throw new ContractException( "Error in associations end size for " + associationEntry.getValue().getId() + " association"); } Set<Entry<String, UMLAssociationEnd>> associationEndSet = associationEndMap.entrySet(); ArrayList<UMLAssociationEnd> associationEndArray = new ArrayList<UMLAssociationEnd>(); for (Entry<String, UMLAssociationEnd> associationEnd : associationEndSet) { associationEndArray.add(associationEnd.getValue()); } UMLAssociationEnd association2 = associationEndArray.get(0); UMLAssociationEnd association1 = associationEndArray.get(1); UMLClass class1 = (UMLClass) parser.getClasses().get(association1.getParticipantClassId()); UMLClass class2 = (UMLClass) parser.getClasses().get(association2.getParticipantClassId()); this.insertAssociationEnd(association2, class2, class1); this.insertAssociationEnd(association1, class1, class2); this.insertLinksBetweenAssociationEnds(association2.getId(), association1.getId()); this.insertAssociation( associationEntry.getValue().getId(), associationEntry.getValue().getName(), association2.getId(), association1.getId()); } } private boolean insertAssociationEnd( UMLAssociationEnd association, UMLClass typeInstance, UMLClass classInstance) throws ContractException { final String associationEnd = CommonElementsPackage.UMLASSOCIATIONEND; String id = association.getId(); String lower = String.valueOf(association.getLower()); String upper = String.valueOf(association.getUpper()); boolean result = true; result &= insertObject(associationEnd, id, association.getName()); result &= insertValue(associationEnd, ATTR_VISIBILITY, id, association.getVisibility()); result &= insertValue(associationEnd, ATTR_LOWER, id, lower); result &= insertValue(associationEnd, ATTR_UPPER, id, upper); result &= insertValue(associationEnd, ATTR_COMPOSITION, id, association.isAggregation()); result &= manager.insertLink( associationEnd, id, ROLE_TYPES, ROLE_CLASSIFIER, typeInstance.getId(), CommonElementsPackage.UMLCLASSIFIER); result &= manager.insertLink( associationEnd, id, ROLE_FEATURE, ROLE_CLASS, classInstance.getId(), CommonElementsPackage.UMLCLASS); return result; } private boolean insertAssociation(String id, String name, String... associationEndIds) throws ContractException { final String association = CommonElementsPackage.UMLASSOCIATION; final String associationEnd = CommonElementsPackage.UMLASSOCIATIONEND; if (associationEndIds.length < 2) { throw new ContractException(association + " can't have less than 2 " + associationEnd); } boolean result = true; result &= insertObject(association, id, name); for (String associationEndId : associationEndIds) { result &= manager.insertLink( associationEnd, associationEndId, ROLE_ASSOCIATIONENDS, ROLE_ASSOCIATION, id, association); } return result; } private boolean insertLinksBetweenAssociationEnds(String associationEnd, String otherEnd) throws ContractException { final String associationEndClass = CommonElementsPackage.UMLASSOCIATIONEND; boolean result = true; result &= manager.insertLink( associationEndClass, associationEnd, ROLE_OTHERS, ROLE_OTHEREND, otherEnd, associationEndClass); result &= manager.insertLink( associationEndClass, otherEnd, ROLE_OTHERS, ROLE_OTHEREND, associationEnd, associationEndClass); return result; } private void insertMethods() throws ContractException { Set<Entry<String, UMLClass>> classSet = parser.getClasses().entrySet(); for (Entry<String, UMLClass> classeEntry : classSet) { List<UMLOperation> operationArray = classeEntry.getValue().getOperations(); insertMethodOperations(classeEntry.getValue(), operationArray); } } private void insertMethodOperations(UMLClass classInst, List<UMLOperation> operationArray) throws ContractException { for (UMLOperation operation : operationArray) { // Return String typeId = processID(operation.getType()); UMLElement element = (UMLElement) parser.getDataTypes().get(typeId); String operationType = getOperationType(element, typeId); this.insertOperation( operation.getId(), operation.getName(), operation.getVisibility(), operationType, classInst.getId()); // Parameters for (UMLElement parameter : operation.getParameters()) { String parameterType = getParameterType(operation, parameter); this.insertParameter( parameter.getId(), parameter.getName(), parameterType, operation.getId()); } } } private boolean insertOperation( String id, String name, String visibility, String returnType, String classId) throws ContractException { final String operation = CommonElementsPackage.UMLOPERATION; final String classifier = CommonElementsPackage.UMLCLASSIFIER; final String className = CommonElementsPackage.UMLCLASS; boolean result = insertObject(operation, id, name); result &= insertValue(operation, ATTR_VISIBILITY, id, visibility); result &= manager.insertLink(operation, id, ROLE_TYPES, ROLE_CLASSIFIER, returnType, classifier); result &= manager.insertLink(operation, id, ROLE_FEATURE, ROLE_CLASS, classId, className); return result; } private boolean insertParameter(String id, String name, String type, String operationId) throws ContractException { final String parameter = CommonElementsPackage.UMLPARAMETER; final String classifier = CommonElementsPackage.UMLCLASSIFIER; final String operation = CommonElementsPackage.UMLOPERATION; boolean result = insertObject(parameter, id, name); result &= manager.insertLink(parameter, id, ROLE_TYPES, ROLE_CLASSIFIER, type, classifier); result &= manager.insertLink(parameter, id, ROLE_PARAMETER, ROLE_OPERATION, operationId, operation); return result; } private boolean insertValue( String className, String attributeName, String objectName, String value) throws ContractException { return manager.insertValue(className, attributeName, objectName, value == null ? "" : value); } private boolean insertValue( String className, String attributeName, String objectName, Boolean value) throws ContractException { return manager.insertValue( className, attributeName, objectName, value == true ? "true" : "false"); } private String getOperationType(UMLElement element, String typeId) throws ContractException { if ("List".equals(element.getName())) { String setId = JDHelper.getNewId(); this.insertSet(setId, element.getName(), CommonElementsPackage.JAVAVOID); return setId; } else { String operationType = queryType(element.getName()); if (operationType == null || "null".equals(operationType)) { operationType = typeId; } return operationType; } } private boolean insertSet(String id, String name, String elementType) throws ContractException { final String umlSet = CommonElementsPackage.UMLUMLSET; final String classifier = CommonElementsPackage.UMLCLASSIFIER; boolean result = insertObject(umlSet, id, name); result &= manager.insertLink(umlSet, id, ROLE_SETA, ROLE_ELEMENTTYPE, elementType, classifier); return result; } private String queryType(String attributeTypeName) throws ContractException { final String startQuery = CommonElementsPackage.UMLDATATYPE + ".allInstances()->select(dt | = '"; final String endQuery = "')->asOrderedSet()->first()"; try { return manager.query(startQuery + attributeTypeName + endQuery); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private String processID(String oldID) { return "ID" .concat(oldID) .replace("\\.", "") .replace(".", "") .replace(":", "") .replace("-", "") .replace(" ", ""); } private String getStereoTypeName(String stereotypeId) throws ContractException { String name = parser.getStereoTypeName(stereotypeId); if (name == null) { throw new ContractException("Missing stereotype"); } return WebMLBasicPackage.PREFIX + name; } private String getParameterType(UMLOperation operation, UMLElement parameter) throws ContractException { try { String parameterType = operation.getParameterType(parameter.getId()); UMLElement pElement = (UMLElement) parser.getDataTypes().get(processID(parameterType)); if (pElement != null) { // Eh um DataType if ("List".equals(pElement.getName())) { String setId = JDHelper.getNewId(); this.insertSet(setId, pElement.getName(), CommonElementsPackage.JAVAVOID); parameterType = setId; } else { parameterType = queryType(pElement.getName()); if (parameterType != null) { return parameterType; } } } return processID(operation.getParameterType(parameter.getId())); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ContractException("Can't recover parameter type", ex); } } }