public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, LWJGLException, NetworkingException, InterruptedException { // First, setup system properties. String propertiesFilepath = null; final String DEFAULT_PROP = "resources/"; if (args.length != 1) { if (args.length == 0) { System.out.println("Using default properties file of \"" + DEFAULT_PROP + "\""); propertiesFilepath = DEFAULT_PROP; } else { System.err.println("ERROR: Illegal number of startup arguments."); System.err.println("Expected one argument: [filepath to .properties file]"); System.exit(1); } } else { propertiesFilepath = args[0]; } File propertiesFile = new File(propertiesFilepath); if (!propertiesFile.exists()) { System.err.println("Properties file does not exist."); System.exit(1); } GameProperties props = GameProperties.getInstance(); props.init(propertiesFilepath); String serverTcpAddr = null; int serverTcpPort = -1; try { serverTcpAddr = props.getServerTcpAddr(); serverTcpPort = props.getServerTcpPort(); if (serverTcpAddr == null || serverTcpAddr.isEmpty() || serverTcpPort <= 0) { throw new PropertiesException("Illegal value for a property"); } // We also need to query for the socket strategy, to ensure that a legal value was set. props.getSocketStrategy(); } catch (PropertiesException pe) { System.err.println( "Error setting properties. Retry setting the properties file and try running the client again."); pe.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } /* GAME TIME! */ State state = State.SPLASH; ClickTests clickTester = new ClickTests(); myPainter = new Painter(); myPainter.initialize(); input = new InputManager(); int playerEntityId = 0; // Try to load the memento from file. File f = new File("resources/Memento.dat"); if (f.exists() && f.canRead()) { // Load the memento from file.. System.out.println("Found Memento, trying to load from file"); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(f)); try { m = (InputMemento) ois.readObject(); input.SetMemento(m); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { ois.close(); } } // if the file doesnt exist, then InputManager uses default settings // ie: keyboard keybindings. // Build the entities for the options screen int x = 0; float xpos = 0, ypos = 0; for (Button b : Button.values()) { if (b == Button.NUM_BUTTONS) break; if ((x % 4 == 0) && (x != 0)) { ypos += 203f; xpos = 0f; } OptionsEntity entity = new OptionsEntity(b, x, xpos, ypos, 193f, 193f); optionEntities.add(entity); xpos += 203f; x++; } ClientNetworkingWrapper cnw = null; boolean singleConnect = true; long startTick = 0, lastTick = 0; State returnState = null; boolean mousePause = false; while (state != State.EXIT && !myPainter.isClosed()) { switch (state) { case CONNECTING: myPainter.paintWaiting(); if (singleConnect) { try { singleConnect = false; cnw = new ClientNetworkingWrapper(); cnw.init(new NetworkPair(serverTcpAddr, serverTcpPort)); @SuppressWarnings("unused") Message clientIdMessage = cnw.recvMsg(); cnw.sendMsg(new RegistrationMessage()); } catch (NetworkingException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } else { try { RegistrationResultMessage r = (RegistrationResultMessage) cnw.recvMsg(); playerEntityId = r.getEntityId(); if (playerEntityId > 0) { // registration success } else { // TODO: WE FAILED } } catch (NetworkingException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } state = State.WAIT; } break; case WAIT: myPainter.paintWaiting(); StartGameMessage recvStart = (StartGameMessage) cnw.recvMsg(); state = State.GAME; break; case SPLASH: if (Mouse.isButtonDown(0)) { returnState = clickTester.anythingClickedSplash(Mouse.getX(), Mouse.getY()); if (returnState != null) { state = returnState; mousePause = true; } } myPainter.paintSplashScreen(); break; case GAME: startTick = Utility.getTick(); if ((startTick - lastTick) > 16) { lastTick = startTick; input.Poll(); // get inputs if (input.IsPressed(Button.UP) || input.IsPressed(Button.B)) { cnw.sendMsg(new ActionMessage(playerEntityId, ActionType.JUMP)); } if (input.IsPressed(Button.RIGHT)) { cnw.sendMsg(new ActionMessage(playerEntityId, ActionType.RIGHT)); } if (input.IsPressed(Button.LEFT)) { cnw.sendMsg(new ActionMessage(playerEntityId, ActionType.LEFT)); } if (!input.IsPressed(Button.LEFT) && !input.IsPressed(Button.RIGHT)) { cnw.sendMsg(new ActionMessage(playerEntityId, ActionType.NONE)); } } Message update = cnw.recvMsg(); if (update.getType() == MsgType.BROADCAST_TYPE) { EntityBroadcastMessage broadcastMessage = (EntityBroadcastMessage) update; broadcastMessage.getEntities(); } if (update.getType() == MsgType.TERMINATE_TYPE) { TerminateMessage terminateMessage = (TerminateMessage) update; if (terminateMessage.isWinner()) { state = State.WIN; } else { state = State.LOSE; } continue; } EntityBroadcastMessage ebm = (EntityBroadcastMessage) update; myPainter.paintEntities(ebm.getEntities()); myPainter.paintSpikeStrip(); myPainter.updateDisplay(); break; case OPTIONS: if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_ESCAPE)) { state = State.SPLASH; } if (Mouse.isButtonDown(0) && !mousePause) { optionsIterator.reset(); while (optionsIterator.hasNext()) { returnState = clickTester.anythingClickedOptions( Mouse.getX(), Mouse.getY(),; if (returnState != null) { state = returnState; mousePause = true; } } } if (!Mouse.isButtonDown(0) && mousePause) { mousePause = false; } optionsIterator.reset(); myPainter.paintOptions(optionsIterator); myPainter.updateDisplay(); break; case WIN: myPainter.paintWin(); break; case LOSE: myPainter.paintLose(); break; case EXIT: myPainter.closeDisplay(); break; } } cnw.shutdown(); // Close requested, save the input memento to file. try { ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("resources/Memento.dat")); oos.writeObject(input.CreateMemento()); oos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
// needed to keep the painter on clientmain public static void paintOptions() { optionsIterator.reset(); myPainter.paintOptions(optionsIterator); myPainter.updateDisplay(); }