Пример #1
 private static void turret(RobotController rc) {
   // do one time things here
   turtleCorner = turtleCorner == null ? LOCATION_NONE : turtleCorner;
   try {
     RobotInfo[] friendlyRobots =
         rc.senseNearbyRobots(rc.getType().sensorRadiusSquared, rc.getTeam());
     if (rc.getHealth() <= 3 && rc.isInfected() && friendlyRobots.length > 0) {
     if ((archonIsTooClose(rc) || isAdjacentToWall(rc))
         && rc.getType() == RobotType.TURRET
         && rc.isCoreReady()) {
     if (turtleCorner != LOCATION_NONE && rc.isCoreReady() && rc.getType() == RobotType.TURRET) {
       int minCornerRadius = (20 + (rc.getRobotCount() / 10));
       if (rc.getLocation().distanceSquaredTo(turtleCorner) < minCornerRadius) {
     rc.setIndicatorString(0, "Turtle x: " + turtleCorner.x + "Turtle y: " + turtleCorner.y);
     rc.setIndicatorString(1, "I am a turret");
     // if (turtleCorner.equals(LOCATION_NONE)) tryToLocateCorner(rc);
   } catch (GameActionException e) {
Пример #2
 private static void archonIntroMode(RobotController rc) throws GameActionException {
   // TODO: what if, after an appropriate number of turns, the scouts haven't reported anything?
   // should we have all of the archons move together in some direction and hope it is towards a
   // corner?
   if (SCOUTED_CORNERS.size() >= 2 && turtleCorner.equals(LOCATION_NONE)) {
     List<Direction> crossDirections =
     if (!(crossDirections.contains(SCOUTED_CORNERS.get(0).directionTo(SCOUTED_CORNERS.get(1)))
         || SCOUTED_CORNERS.size() > 2)) {
       // TODO if they are not opposite, make a scout and send to one of the remaining corners
     } else {
       MapLocation[] newCorners = {
         new MapLocation(SCOUTED_CORNERS.get(0).x, SCOUTED_CORNERS.get(1).y),
         new MapLocation(SCOUTED_CORNERS.get(1).x, SCOUTED_CORNERS.get(0).y)
       for (MapLocation corner : newCorners) {
         if (!SCOUTED_CORNERS.contains(corner)) {
       currentMode = TRANSITION_MODE;
       turtleCorner = findBestTurtleCorner(rc);
       for (MapLocation corner : SCOUTED_CORNERS) {
         if (crossDirections.contains(turtleCorner.directionTo(corner))) {
           fullMapRadius = turtleCorner.distanceSquaredTo(corner);
       // TODO (also broadcast this locally to scouts when you make them? So they can message
       // back more efficiently, if they have to)
           SENDING_MODE, TRANSITION_MODE, rc.getType().sensorRadiusSquared * 2);
           SENDING_TURTLE_X, turtleCorner.x, rc.getType().sensorRadiusSquared * 2);
           SENDING_TURTLE_Y, turtleCorner.y, rc.getType().sensorRadiusSquared * 2);
   if (!turtleCorner.equals(LOCATION_NONE)) {
     currentMode = TRANSITION_MODE;
   // TODO gathering parts (need locations from scouts first...)
   if (rc.getRobotCount() - numArchons < NUM_INTRO_SCOUTS) {
     tryToBuild(rc, RobotType.SCOUT);
     Direction directionToTargetCorner = calculateDirectionToClosestCorner(rc);
         SENDING_TARGET_DIRECTION, DIRECTION_TO_SIGNAL.get(directionToTargetCorner), 4);
Пример #3
 private static void moveFromCorner(RobotController rc) throws GameActionException {
   int minRadius = 9; // units should try to maintain a minimum of 5 squared units
   // away from corner
   // @Hope - refine max radius
   int maxRadius = 26 + (int) Math.pow(rc.getRobotCount() / 6, 2); // based of number
   // of troops the max radius increases
   int distanceToCorner = rc.getLocation().distanceSquaredTo(turtleCorner);
   if (distanceToCorner <= minRadius && rc.isCoreReady()) {
     Direction dir = (rc.getLocation().directionTo(turtleCorner)).opposite();
     moveTowards(rc, dir);
   if (distanceToCorner >= maxRadius && rc.isCoreReady()) {
     moveTowards(rc, rc.getLocation().directionTo(turtleCorner));
Пример #4
  * Currently we use two pairs of intro scouts, so this method identifies two opposite corners to
  * which those scouts should be sent. So that no extra communication is needed, one archon will
  * calculate one of the corners as closest for him and all of the other archons will calculate the
  * other corner so that the two scouts are guaranteed to move towards opposite corners.
  * @param rc must be an archon in its initial location and should have built nothing except scouts
  *     yet
  * @return
 private static Direction calculateDirectionToClosestCorner(RobotController rc) {
   // TODO determine which corner pair is better to use
   Direction toTarget = Direction.NONE;
   List<MapLocation> archonLocations = Arrays.asList(rc.getInitialArchonLocations(myTeam));
   if (archonLocations.size() == 1) { // this one must send a scout to both corners
     if (rc.getRobotCount() == 1) {
       toTarget = Direction.NORTH_EAST;
     } else {
       toTarget = Direction.SOUTH_WEST;
   } else {
     Optional<MapLocation> northernMost = archonLocations.stream().min((a, b) -> a.y - b.y);
     if (rc.getLocation().equals(northernMost.get())) {
       return Direction.NORTH_EAST;
     } else {
       return Direction.SOUTH_WEST;
   return toTarget;
Пример #5
 private static boolean archonIsTooClose(RobotController rc) {
   boolean tooClose = false;
   int archonReserveDistance =
       (int) (Math.sqrt(rc.getRobotCount()) * 1.4); // @Hope make this more finessed
   List<RobotInfo> robots = Arrays.asList(rc.senseNearbyRobots(archonReserveDistance + 1, myTeam));
   List<RobotInfo> archons = new ArrayList<>();
   for (RobotInfo robot : robots) {
     if (robot.type == RobotType.ARCHON) {
   MapLocation myLocation = rc.getLocation();
   for (RobotInfo archon : archons) {
     if (!tooClose && myLocation.distanceSquaredTo(archon.location) < archonReserveDistance) {
       tooClose = true;
   return tooClose;
Пример #6
   * @Nathan - Should we adjust these priorities (specifically where should building troops be?)
   * TODO for archons - 1) repair nearest injured unit 2) signal turtle location 3) pick up adjacent
   * parts and activate neutral units 4) move to turtle corner 5) build troops 6) run away from
   * enemies
   * @param rc
   * @throws GameActionException
  private static void archon(RobotController rc) {
    numArchons = rc.getInitialArchonLocations(myTeam).length;
    turtleCorner = LOCATION_NONE;
    while (true) {
      try {
        // 1) repair nearest injured unit
        // 2) signal turtle location - every 25 turns
        int broadcastRadius = rc.getType().sensorRadiusSquared * (2 + (rc.getRobotCount() / 50));
        if (rc.getRoundNum() > 100 && rc.getRoundNum() % 30 == 0 && turtleCorner != LOCATION_NONE) {
          rc.broadcastMessageSignal(turtleCorner.x, turtleCorner.y, broadcastRadius);

        // @Nathan - Intro mode is all you -- I just pasted all the text into a separate method for
        // clarity
        if (turtleCorner != LOCATION_NONE && currentMode != TURTLE_MODE) {
          currentMode = TRANSITION_MODE;
        if (currentMode == INTRO_MODE) {
          // if (turtleCorner.equals(LOCATION_NONE)) tryToLocateCorner(rc);
        // 4) Move to turtle corner
        if (currentMode == TRANSITION_MODE) {
          if (rc.getLocation().distanceSquaredTo(turtleCorner) > 4) {
            moveTowards(rc, rc.getLocation().directionTo(turtleCorner));
          } else {
            // TODO get in proper position
            currentMode = TURTLE_MODE;
            rc.broadcastMessageSignal(SENDING_MODE, TURTLE_MODE, rc.getType().sensorRadiusSquared);

        // 5) Build Troops !
        // @Nathan do we need to build more scouts in turtle mode so we can do more kiting?
        boolean hasNearbyEnemies = isNearbyEnemies(rc);
        if (!hasNearbyEnemies && rc.getRobotCount() - numArchons < NUM_INTRO_SCOUTS) {
          tryToBuild(rc, RobotType.SCOUT);
          Direction directionToTargetCorner = calculateDirectionToClosestCorner(rc);
              SENDING_TARGET_DIRECTION, DIRECTION_TO_SIGNAL.get(directionToTargetCorner), 4);
        if ((rc.getRobotCount() <= 30 || hasNearbyEnemies)) {
          tryToBuild(rc, RobotType.SOLDIER);
        if (rc.getRobotCount() > 30 && !hasNearbyEnemies) {
          tryToBuild(rc, RobotType.TURRET);
        // 6) if senses enemy troop that is not a scout, run away from it
        if (hasNearbyEnemies) moveAwayFromEnemies(rc);
        // 3) Pick up parts on current square, check for adjacent parts and try to collect them
        // 3a) activate any nearby units
        rc.setIndicatorString(0, "Turtle x: " + turtleCorner.x + "Turtle y: " + turtleCorner.y);
        rc.setIndicatorString(1, "Current Mode" + currentMode);
        Clock.yield(); // end turn
      } catch (GameActionException e) {