/** * print scheduling for debug purposes * * @param cluster * @param topologies */ public static String printScheduling(Cluster cluster, Topologies topologies) { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); Map<String, Map<String, Map<WorkerSlot, Collection<ExecutorDetails>>>> schedulingMap = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Map<WorkerSlot, Collection<ExecutorDetails>>>>(); for (TopologyDetails topo : topologies.getTopologies()) { if (cluster.getAssignmentById(topo.getId()) != null) { for (Map.Entry<ExecutorDetails, WorkerSlot> entry : cluster.getAssignmentById(topo.getId()).getExecutorToSlot().entrySet()) { WorkerSlot slot = entry.getValue(); String nodeId = slot.getNodeId(); ExecutorDetails exec = entry.getKey(); if (!schedulingMap.containsKey(nodeId)) { schedulingMap.put( nodeId, new HashMap<String, Map<WorkerSlot, Collection<ExecutorDetails>>>()); } if (schedulingMap.get(nodeId).containsKey(topo.getId()) == false) { schedulingMap .get(nodeId) .put(topo.getId(), new HashMap<WorkerSlot, Collection<ExecutorDetails>>()); } if (schedulingMap.get(nodeId).get(topo.getId()).containsKey(slot) == false) { schedulingMap .get(nodeId) .get(topo.getId()) .put(slot, new LinkedList<ExecutorDetails>()); } schedulingMap.get(nodeId).get(topo.getId()).get(slot).add(exec); } } } for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Map<WorkerSlot, Collection<ExecutorDetails>>>> entry : schedulingMap.entrySet()) { if (cluster.getSupervisorById(entry.getKey()) != null) { str.append( "/** Node: " + cluster.getSupervisorById(entry.getKey()).getHost() + "-" + entry.getKey() + " **/\n"); } else { str.append("/** Node: Unknown may be dead -" + entry.getKey() + " **/\n"); } for (Map.Entry<String, Map<WorkerSlot, Collection<ExecutorDetails>>> topo_sched : schedulingMap.get(entry.getKey()).entrySet()) { str.append("\t-->Topology: " + topo_sched.getKey() + "\n"); for (Map.Entry<WorkerSlot, Collection<ExecutorDetails>> ws : topo_sched.getValue().entrySet()) { str.append("\t\t->Slot [" + ws.getKey().getPort() + "] -> " + ws.getValue() + "\n"); } } } return str.toString(); }
public void linkBasedScheduling( Topologies topos, Cluster cluster, GlobalState globalState, GlobalResources globalResources) { for (TopologyDetails td : topos.getTopologies()) { String topId = td.getId(); Map<Node, Collection<ExecutorDetails>> taskToNodesMap; if (cluster.needsScheduling(td) && cluster.getUnassignedExecutors(td).size() > 0) { LOG.info("/********Scheduling topology {} ************/", topId); int totalTasks = td.getExecutors().size(); int executorsNotRunning = cluster.getUnassignedExecutors(td).size(); LOG.info( "Total number of executors: {} " + "Total number of Unassigned Executors: {}", totalTasks, executorsNotRunning); LOG.info("executors that need scheduling: {}", cluster.getUnassignedExecutors(td)); LinkBasedStrategy rs = new LinkBasedStrategy(globalState, globalResources, null, td, cluster, topos); taskToNodesMap = rs.schedule(td, cluster.getUnassignedExecutors(td)); if (taskToNodesMap != null) { try { for (Map.Entry<Node, Collection<ExecutorDetails>> entry : taskToNodesMap.entrySet()) { entry.getKey().assign(td.getId(), entry.getValue(), cluster); LOG.info( "ASSIGNMENT TOPOLOGY: {} TASKS: {} To Node: " + entry.getKey().getId() + " Slots left: " + entry.getKey().totalSlotsFree(), td.getId(), entry.getValue()); } LOG.info( "Toplogy: {} assigned to {} nodes", td.getId(), taskToNodesMap.keySet().size()); HelperFuncs.setTopoStatus(td.getId(), "Fully Scheduled"); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { LOG.error(ex.toString()); LOG.error("Unsuccessfull in scheduling topology {}", td.getId()); HelperFuncs.setTopoStatus(td.getId(), "Unsuccessfull in scheduling topology"); } } else { LOG.error("Unsuccessfull in scheduling topology {}", td.getId()); HelperFuncs.setTopoStatus(td.getId(), "Unsuccessfull in scheduling topology"); } } else { HelperFuncs.setTopoStatus(td.getId(), "Fully Scheduled"); } } }
public ResourceAwareStrategy(Cluster cluster, Topologies topologies) { _topologies = topologies; _cluster = cluster; _nodes = RAS_Node.getAllNodesFrom(cluster, _topologies); _availNodes = this.getAvailNodes(); this.LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); _clusterInfo = cluster.getNetworkTopography(); LOG.debug(this.getClusterInfo()); }
public Map<WorkerSlot, Collection<ExecutorDetails>> schedule(TopologyDetails td) { if (_availNodes.size() <= 0) { LOG.warn("No available nodes to schedule tasks on!"); return null; } Collection<ExecutorDetails> unassignedExecutors = _cluster.getUnassignedExecutors(td); Map<WorkerSlot, Collection<ExecutorDetails>> schedulerAssignmentMap = new HashMap<WorkerSlot, Collection<ExecutorDetails>>(); LOG.debug("ExecutorsNeedScheduling: {}", unassignedExecutors); Collection<ExecutorDetails> scheduledTasks = new ArrayList<ExecutorDetails>(); List<Component> spouts = this.getSpouts(_topologies, td); if (spouts.size() == 0) { LOG.error("Cannot find a Spout!"); return null; } Queue<Component> ordered__Component_list = bfs(_topologies, td, spouts); Map<Integer, List<ExecutorDetails>> priorityToExecutorMap = getPriorityToExecutorDetailsListMap(ordered__Component_list, unassignedExecutors); Collection<ExecutorDetails> executorsNotScheduled = new HashSet<ExecutorDetails>(unassignedExecutors); Integer longestPriorityListSize = this.getLongestPriorityListSize(priorityToExecutorMap); // Pick the first executor with priority one, then the 1st exec with priority 2, so on an so // forth. // Once we reach the last priority, we go back to priority 1 and schedule the second task with // priority 1. for (int i = 0; i < longestPriorityListSize; i++) { for (Entry<Integer, List<ExecutorDetails>> entry : priorityToExecutorMap.entrySet()) { Iterator<ExecutorDetails> it = entry.getValue().iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { ExecutorDetails exec = it.next(); LOG.debug( "\n\nAttempting to schedule: {} of component {}[avail {}] with rank {}", new Object[] { exec, td.getExecutorToComponent().get(exec), td.getTaskResourceReqList(exec), entry.getKey() }); WorkerSlot targetSlot = this.findWorkerForExec(exec, td, schedulerAssignmentMap); if (targetSlot != null) { RAS_Node targetNode = this.idToNode(targetSlot.getNodeId()); if (!schedulerAssignmentMap.containsKey(targetSlot)) { schedulerAssignmentMap.put(targetSlot, new LinkedList<ExecutorDetails>()); } schedulerAssignmentMap.get(targetSlot).add(exec); targetNode.consumeResourcesforTask(exec, td); scheduledTasks.add(exec); LOG.debug( "TASK {} assigned to Node: {} avail [mem: {} cpu: {}] total [mem: {} cpu: {}] on slot: {}", exec, targetNode, targetNode.getAvailableMemoryResources(), targetNode.getAvailableCpuResources(), targetNode.getTotalMemoryResources(), targetNode.getTotalCpuResources(), targetSlot); } else { LOG.error("Not Enough Resources to schedule Task {}", exec); } it.remove(); } } } executorsNotScheduled.removeAll(scheduledTasks); LOG.debug("/* Scheduling left over task (most likely sys tasks) */"); // schedule left over system tasks for (ExecutorDetails exec : executorsNotScheduled) { WorkerSlot targetSlot = this.findWorkerForExec(exec, td, schedulerAssignmentMap); if (targetSlot != null) { RAS_Node targetNode = this.idToNode(targetSlot.getNodeId()); if (schedulerAssignmentMap.containsKey(targetSlot) == false) { schedulerAssignmentMap.put(targetSlot, new LinkedList<ExecutorDetails>()); } schedulerAssignmentMap.get(targetSlot).add(exec); targetNode.consumeResourcesforTask(exec, td); scheduledTasks.add(exec); LOG.debug( "TASK {} assigned to Node: {} avail [mem: {} cpu: {}] total [mem: {} cpu: {}] on slot: {}", exec, targetNode, targetNode.getAvailableMemoryResources(), targetNode.getAvailableCpuResources(), targetNode.getTotalMemoryResources(), targetNode.getTotalCpuResources(), targetSlot); } else { LOG.error("Not Enough Resources to schedule Task {}", exec); } } executorsNotScheduled.removeAll(scheduledTasks); if (executorsNotScheduled.size() > 0) { LOG.error("Not all executors successfully scheduled: {}", executorsNotScheduled); schedulerAssignmentMap = null; } else { LOG.debug("All resources successfully scheduled!"); } if (schedulerAssignmentMap == null) { LOG.error("Topology {} not successfully scheduled!", td.getId()); } return schedulerAssignmentMap; }