@Override public void draw(Graphics2D g) { bg.draw(g); g.drawImage(logo, 150, 10, null); for (int i = 0; i < opitions.length; i++) { if (i != currentChoice) { g.drawImage(FontConvert.convertString2Image(opitions[i], true), 210, 200 + i * 40, null); } else { g.drawImage(FontConvert.convertString2Image(opitions[i], false), 210, 200 + i * 40, null); } } }
public void draw(Graphics2D g) { /* g.setColor(Color.WHITE); g.fillRect(0, 0, GamePanel.WIDTH, GamePanel.HEIGHT); g.setColor(Color.white); */ // bgManager.draw(g); /* mAlimentos.drawAlimentos(g); mAlimentos.drawPoderes(g); */ // draw the backgrounds /* bgSky.draw(g); bgSoil.draw(g); */ bgKitchen.draw(g); // draw the rails /* g.setColor(Color.blue); g.fillRect(0, 484, GamePanel.WIDTH, 3); g.fillRect(0, 592, GamePanel.WIDTH, 3); g.fillRect(0, 700, GamePanel.WIDTH, 3); */ // draw the dishes for (int i = 0; i < dishes.size(); i++) { dishes.get(i).draw(g); } // draw the player player.draw(g); // draw the npc npc.draw(g); // draw the hud hud.draw(g); // drawing rails // {444, 552, 660} // draw the dish values for (int i = 0; i < numbers.size(); i++) { numbers.get(i).draw(g); } // draw the explosion for (int i = 0; i < explosions.size(); i++) { explosions.get(i).draw(g); } // draw the heart bg animation if (player.getCholesterol() >= 85) { g.drawImage( ImagesLoader.getImage("heartattackbg"), GamePanel.WIDTH / 2 - ImagesLoader.getImage("heartattackbg").getWidth() / 2, GamePanel.HEIGHT / 2 - ImagesLoader.getImage("heartattackbg").getHeight() / 2, null); heartAttack.draw(g); } if (player.getCholesterol() <= 25) { warning.draw(g); } // end of heart bg animation // Text.drawString(g, "Testing Colesterage", 200, 400, "leishoFont", null); // Text.drawString(g, "Font testing", 600, 200, "leishoFont", txtAnimation); if (eventIntro) { if (titleIntroA != null) titleIntroA.draw(g); if (titleIntroB != null) titleIntroB.draw(g); } if (eventCaught) { if (titleCaught != null) titleCaught.draw(g); } if (eventClear) { if (titleClear != null) if (!showResults) titleClear.draw(g); if (showResults) { g.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 226)); g.fillRect( GamePanel.WIDTH / 2 - squarewidth / 2, GamePanel.HEIGHT / 2 - squareheight / 2, squarewidth, squareheight); if (ticksResults > 35) { g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(6)); g.setColor(Color.white); g.drawRect( GamePanel.WIDTH / 2 - squarewidth / 2, GamePanel.HEIGHT / 2 - squareheight / 2, squarewidth, squareheight); } if (ticksResults > 40) Text.drawString(g, "Resultados", Text.CENTERED, 150, "leishoFont", null); if (ticksResults > 50) Text.drawString( g, "Puntos adquiridos: " + player.getScoreLevel(), 250, 250, "leishoFont", null); if (ticksResults > 55) Text.drawString( g, "Alimentos consumidos: " + player.getEatenDishes(), 250, 300, "leishoFont", null); if (ticksResults > 60) Text.drawString( g, "Ocasiones en Paro Cardiaco: " + hud.getTimesHeartAttack(), 250, 350, "leishoFont", null); if (ticksResults > 60) Text.drawString( g, "Ocasiones en Débil: " + hud.getTimesWeak(), 250, 400, "leishoFont", null); if (ticksResults > 65 && ticksResults < 80) Text.drawString( g, "Presiona Enter para continuar", Text.CENTERED, 500, "leishoFont", null); } } if (eventDead) { if (titleDead != null) titleDead.draw(g); } if (eventPoints) eventPoints(); }