Пример #1
  public DemandedStatus decide(
      final Status status,
      ASSET.Models.Movement.MovementCharacteristics chars,
      DemandedStatus demStatus,
      ASSET.Models.Detection.DetectionList detections,
      ASSET.Scenario.ScenarioActivityMonitor monitor,
      final long time) {
    // create the output object
    SimpleDemandedStatus res = null;

    String thisActivity = null;

    // have we completed this manoeuvre?
    if (_transit_complete) {
      res = null;
      return res;

    // find out where we are
    WorldLocation currentLoc = status.getLocation();

    // are we running towards a destination?
    if (_theDistance == null) {
      // ok, we're not heading towards a particular point, just put us onto the correct course and
      // speed
      double curSpeed = status.getSpeed().getValueIn(WorldSpeed.M_sec);
      double curCourse = status.getCourse();
      double curHeight = -status.getLocation().getDepth();

      thisActivity = "";

      // are we already working to a simple demanded course/speed/depth?
      if (demStatus instanceof SimpleDemandedStatus) {
        res = new SimpleDemandedStatus(time, (SimpleDemandedStatus) demStatus);
      } else {
        res = new SimpleDemandedStatus(time, status);

      if (_mySpeed != null) {
        if (curSpeed != _mySpeed.getValueIn(WorldSpeed.M_sec)) {
          thisActivity += " speed to:" + (int) _mySpeed.getValueIn(WorldSpeed.Kts);

      if (_myCourse != null) {
        if (curCourse != _myCourse.doubleValue()) {
          thisActivity += " course to:" + _myCourse.doubleValue();

      if (_myHeight != null) {
        if (curHeight != _myHeight.getValueIn(WorldDistance.METRES)) {
          thisActivity += " height to:" + _myHeight.getValueIn(WorldDistance.METRES);

      // did we update any?
      if (thisActivity == "") {
        // no - we must be ok,
        res = null;
      } else {
        // cool, the res is set already

    } else {

      // do we have our destination?
      if (_theDestination == null) {
        // no, this is the first time we've been called.  Calculate where we're going to
        WorldVector vector =
            new WorldVector(

        _theDestination = new WorldLocation(currentLoc);
      } else {
        // ok, we're up and running, have we reached our destination

        // how far to the target
        double rngDegs = currentLoc.subtract(_theDestination).getRange();

        // and in yards
        double rngYds = MWC.Algorithms.Conversions.Degs2Yds(rngDegs);

        if (rngYds < _threshold) {
          // right, we've got there. Mark complete
          _transit_complete = true;


          // and drop out
          return res;

      // ok, now steer to the destination
      double brg_rads = _theDestination.subtract(currentLoc).getBearing();
      final double brgDegs = MWC.Algorithms.Conversions.Rads2Degs(brg_rads);

      // and set the course in degs
      res = new SimpleDemandedStatus(time, status);

      // do we have depth?
      if (_myHeight != null) res.setHeight(_myHeight.getValueIn(WorldDistance.METRES));

      // and the speed
      if (_mySpeed != null) res.setSpeed(_mySpeed.getValueIn(WorldSpeed.M_sec));

      thisActivity = "Heading for target location";


    return res;