public String getName() { if (name == null) { AST n = getFirstChild().getNextSibling(); name = n.getText(); } return name; }
public final void type(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST type_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST) _t; if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (_t.getType()) { case INT: { AST tmp5_AST_in = (AST) _t; match(_t, INT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case FLOAT: { AST tmp6_AST_in = (AST) _t; match(_t, FLOAT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } _retTree = _t; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public void print(AST node, NodeWriter out) throws IOException { printBlankLinesBefore((JavaNode) node, out); for (AST child = node.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child.getNextSibling()) { PrinterFactory.create(child, out).print(child, out); } switch (out.last) { case JavaTokenTypes.CLASS_DEF: switch (((JavaNode) node).getParent().getType()) { // anonymous inner class is a VARIABLE_DEF assignment, let // handle the masquerading case JavaTokenTypes.ASSIGN: break; // anonymous inner class is a return expression case JavaTokenTypes.LITERAL_return: break; // anonymous inner class is a METHOD_CALL param expression case JavaTokenTypes.SLIST: case JavaTokenTypes.ELIST: break; // anonymous inner class is local assignment default: out.last = JavaTokenTypes.RCURLY; out.printNewline(); break; } break; } }
public String getName() { AST node = getFirstChild(); if (node != null) { return node.getText(); } return null; }
public void processMemberOf(Token n, AST p, ASTPair currentAST) { AST inAst = n == null ? astFactory.create(IN, "in") : astFactory.create(NOT_IN, "not in"); astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, inAst); AST ast = createSubquery(p); ast = ASTUtil.createParent(astFactory, IN_LIST, "inList", ast); inAst.addChild(ast); }
protected void createFromJoinElement( AST path, AST alias, int joinType, AST fetchNode, AST propertyFetch, AST with) throws SemanticException { boolean fetch = fetchNode != null; if (fetch && isSubQuery()) { throw new QueryException("fetch not allowed in subquery from-elements"); } // The path AST should be a DotNode, and it should have been evaluated already. if (path.getType() != SqlTokenTypes.DOT) { throw new SemanticException("Path expected for join!"); } DotNode dot = (DotNode) path; int hibernateJoinType = JoinProcessor.toHibernateJoinType(joinType); dot.setJoinType(hibernateJoinType); // Tell the dot node about the join type. dot.setFetch(fetch); // Generate an explicit join for the root dot node. The implied joins will be collected and // passed up // to the root dot node. dot.resolve(true, false, alias == null ? null : alias.getText()); FromElement fromElement = dot.getImpliedJoin(); fromElement.setAllPropertyFetch(propertyFetch != null); if (with != null) { if (fetch) { throw new SemanticException("with-clause not allowed on fetched associations; use filters"); } handleWithFragment(fromElement, with); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "createFromJoinElement() : " + getASTPrinter().showAsString(fromElement, "-- join tree --")); } }
protected AST lookupProperty(AST dot, boolean root, boolean inSelect) throws SemanticException { DotNode dotNode = (DotNode) dot; FromReferenceNode lhs = dotNode.getLhs(); AST rhs = lhs.getNextSibling(); switch (rhs.getType()) { case SqlTokenTypes.ELEMENTS: case SqlTokenTypes.INDICES: if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "lookupProperty() " + dotNode.getPath() + " => " + rhs.getText() + "(" + lhs.getPath() + ")"); } CollectionFunction f = (CollectionFunction) rhs; // Re-arrange the tree so that the collection function is the root and the lhs is the path. f.setFirstChild(lhs); lhs.setNextSibling(null); dotNode.setFirstChild(f); resolve(lhs); // Don't forget to resolve the argument! f.resolve(inSelect); // Resolve the collection function now. return f; default: // Resolve everything up to this dot, but don't resolve the placeholders yet. dotNode.resolveFirstChild(); return dotNode; } }
private void handleWithFragment(FromElement fromElement, AST hqlWithNode) throws SemanticException { try { withClause(hqlWithNode); AST hqlSqlWithNode = returnAST; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "handleWithFragment() : " + getASTPrinter().showAsString(hqlSqlWithNode, "-- with clause --")); } WithClauseVisitor visitor = new WithClauseVisitor(); NodeTraverser traverser = new NodeTraverser(visitor); traverser.traverseDepthFirst(hqlSqlWithNode); FromElement referencedFromElement = visitor.getReferencedFromElement(); if (referencedFromElement != fromElement) { throw new SemanticException( "with-clause expressions did not reference from-clause element to which the with-clause was associated"); } SqlGenerator sql = new SqlGenerator(getSessionFactoryHelper().getFactory()); sql.whereExpr(hqlSqlWithNode.getFirstChild()); fromElement.setWithClauseFragment(visitor.getJoinAlias(), "(" + sql.getSQL() + ")"); } catch (SemanticException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new SemanticException(e.getMessage()); } }
private AST parse(String input, boolean logging) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException { if (logging) { System.out.println("input: ->" + input + "<-"); } HqlParser parser = HqlParser.getInstance(input); parser.setFilter(false); parser.statement(); AST ast = parser.getAST(); if (logging) { System.out.println("AST : " + ast.toStringTree() + ""); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); parser.showAst(ast, new PrintStream(baos)); System.out.println(baos.toString()); } assertEquals( "At least one error occurred during parsing!", 0, parser.getParseErrorHandler().getErrorCount()); return ast; }
protected void processQuery(AST select, AST query) throws SemanticException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("processQuery() : " + query.toStringTree()); } try { QueryNode qn = (QueryNode) query; // Was there an explicit select expression? boolean explicitSelect = select != null && select.getNumberOfChildren() > 0; if (!explicitSelect) { // No explicit select expression; render the id and properties // projection lists for every persister in the from clause into // a single 'token node'. // TODO: the only reason we need this stuff now is collection filters, // we should get rid of derived select clause completely! createSelectClauseFromFromClause(qn); } else { // Use the explicitly declared select expression; determine the // return types indicated by each select token useSelectClause(select); } // After that, process the JOINs. // Invoke a delegate to do the work, as this is farily complex. JoinProcessor joinProcessor = new JoinProcessor(astFactory, queryTranslatorImpl); joinProcessor.processJoins(qn, isSubQuery()); // Attach any mapping-defined "ORDER BY" fragments Iterator itr = qn.getFromClause().getProjectionList().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { final FromElement fromElement = (FromElement); // if ( fromElement.isFetch() && fromElement.isCollectionJoin() ) { if (fromElement.isFetch() && fromElement.getQueryableCollection() != null) { // Does the collection referenced by this FromElement // specify an order-by attribute? If so, attach it to // the query's order-by if (fromElement.getQueryableCollection().hasOrdering()) { String orderByFragment = fromElement .getQueryableCollection() .getSQLOrderByString(fromElement.getCollectionTableAlias()); qn.getOrderByClause().addOrderFragment(orderByFragment); } if (fromElement.getQueryableCollection().hasManyToManyOrdering()) { String orderByFragment = fromElement .getQueryableCollection() .getManyToManyOrderByString(fromElement.getTableAlias()); qn.getOrderByClause().addOrderFragment(orderByFragment); } } } } finally { popFromClause(); } }
/** * Returns the number of direct child tokens that have the specified type. * * @param type the token type to match * @return the number of matching token */ public int getChildCount(int type) { int count = 0; for (AST i = getFirstChild(); i != null; i = i.getNextSibling()) { if (i.getType() == type) { count++; } } return count; }
protected AST getFirstSelectExpression() { AST n = getFirstChild(); // Skip 'DISTINCT' and 'ALL', so we return the first expression node. while (n != null && (n.getType() == SqlTokenTypes.DISTINCT || n.getType() == SqlTokenTypes.ALL)) { n = n.getNextSibling(); } return n; }
public AST fastForwardTo(int nodeType) { while (hasNext()) { AST ast = next(); if (ast.getType() == nodeType) { return ast; } } return null; }
private void visitStructMembers( AST identifierNode, Struct struct, XmlSchemaSequence sequence, Scope structScope) { AST memberTypeNode = identifierNode.getNextSibling(); while (memberTypeNode != null) { AST memberNode = TypesUtils.getCorbaTypeNameNode(memberTypeNode); XmlSchemaType schemaType = null; CorbaTypeImpl corbaType = null; Scope fqName = null; try { TypesVisitor visitor = new TypesVisitor(structScope, definition, schema, wsdlVisitor, null); visitor.visit(memberTypeNode); schemaType = visitor.getSchemaType(); corbaType = visitor.getCorbaType(); fqName = visitor.getFullyQualifiedName(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } // Handle multiple struct member declarators // <declarators> :== <declarator> { "," <declarator> }* // // A multiple declarator must be an identifier (i.e. of type IDENT) // and cannot be a previous declared (or forward declared) type // (hence the ScopedNameVisitor.accept() call). while (memberNode != null && memberNode.getType() == IDLTokenTypes.IDENT && !ScopedNameVisitor.accept(structScope, definition, schema, memberNode, wsdlVisitor)) { XmlSchemaType memberSchemaType = schemaType; CorbaTypeImpl memberCorbaType = corbaType; // needed for anonymous arrays in structs if (ArrayVisitor.accept(memberNode)) { Scope anonScope = new Scope(structScope, TypesUtils.getCorbaTypeNameNode(memberTypeNode)); ArrayVisitor arrayVisitor = new ArrayVisitor(anonScope, definition, schema, wsdlVisitor, null, fqName); arrayVisitor.setSchemaType(schemaType); arrayVisitor.setCorbaType(corbaType); arrayVisitor.visit(memberNode); memberSchemaType = arrayVisitor.getSchemaType(); memberCorbaType = arrayVisitor.getCorbaType(); fqName = arrayVisitor.getFullyQualifiedName(); } XmlSchemaElement member = createXmlSchemaElement(memberNode, memberSchemaType, fqName); sequence.getItems().add(member); MemberType memberType = createMemberType(memberNode, memberCorbaType, fqName); struct.getMember().add(memberType); memberNode = memberNode.getNextSibling(); } memberTypeNode = memberNode; } }
@Override public void visitToken(DetailAST aAST) { // no need to check for nulls here, == and != always have two children final AST firstChild = aAST.getFirstChild(); final AST secondChild = firstChild.getNextSibling(); if ((firstChild.getType() == TokenTypes.STRING_LITERAL) || (secondChild.getType() == TokenTypes.STRING_LITERAL)) { log(aAST.getLineNo(), aAST.getColumnNo(), "string.literal.equality", aAST.getText()); } }
private Sequence processQuery(String select) throws SAXException { XQueryContext context = null; try { context = new XQueryContext(broker.getBrokerPool(), accessCtx); context.setStaticallyKnownDocuments(documentSet); Map.Entry<String, String> namespaceEntry; for (final Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> i = namespaces.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { namespaceEntry = (Map.Entry<String, String>); context.declareNamespace(namespaceEntry.getKey(), namespaceEntry.getValue()); } Map.Entry<String, Object> entry; for (final Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Object>> i = variables.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { entry = (Map.Entry<String, Object>); context.declareVariable(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue()); } // TODO(pkaminsk2): why replicate XQuery.compile here? final XQueryLexer lexer = new XQueryLexer(context, new StringReader(select)); final XQueryParser parser = new XQueryParser(lexer); final XQueryTreeParser treeParser = new XQueryTreeParser(context); parser.xpath(); if (parser.foundErrors()) { throw new SAXException(parser.getErrorMessage()); } final AST ast = parser.getAST(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("generated AST: " + ast.toStringTree()); } final PathExpr expr = new PathExpr(context); treeParser.xpath(ast, expr); if (treeParser.foundErrors()) { throw new SAXException(treeParser.getErrorMessage()); } expr.analyze(new AnalyzeContextInfo()); final Sequence seq = expr.eval(null, null); return seq; } catch (final RecognitionException e) { LOG.warn("error while creating variable", e); throw new SAXException(e); } catch (final TokenStreamException e) { LOG.warn("error while creating variable", e); throw new SAXException(e); } catch (final XPathException e) { throw new SAXException(e); } finally { if (context != null) { context.reset(false); } } }
private void createSelectClauseFromFromClause(QueryNode qn) throws SemanticException { AST select = astFactory.create(SELECT_CLAUSE, "{derived select clause}"); AST sibling = qn.getFromClause(); qn.setFirstChild(select); select.setNextSibling(sibling); selectClause = (SelectClause) select; selectClause.initializeDerivedSelectClause(currentFromClause); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Derived SELECT clause created."); } }
/** * Returns the number of child nodes one level below this node. That is is does not recurse down * the tree. * * @return the number of child nodes */ public int getChildCount() { // lazy init if (childCount == NOT_INITIALIZED) { childCount = 0; AST child = getFirstChild(); while (child != null) { childCount += 1; child = child.getNextSibling(); } } return childCount; }
public void visit(AST node) { // <struct_type> ::= "struct" <identifier> "{" <member_list> "}" // <member_list> ::= <member>+ // <member> ::= <type_spec> <declarators> ";" AST identifierNode = node.getFirstChild(); // Check if its a forward declaration if (identifierNode.getFirstChild() == null && identifierNode.getNextSibling() == null) { visitForwardDeclaredStruct(identifierNode); } else { visitDeclaredStruct(identifierNode); } }
public AssignmentSpecification(AST eq, Queryable persister) { if (eq.getType() != HqlSqlTokenTypes.EQ) { throw new QueryException("assignment in set-clause not associated with equals"); } this.eq = eq; this.factory = persister.getFactory(); // Needed to bump this up to DotNode, because that is the only thing which currently // knows about the property-ref path in the correct format; it is either this, or // recurse over the DotNodes constructing the property path just like DotNode does // internally final PathSeparatorNode lhs = (PathSeparatorNode) eq.getFirstChild(); final SqlNode rhs = (SqlNode) lhs.getNextSibling(); validateLhs(lhs); final String propertyPath = lhs.getPropertyPath(); Set<String> temp = new HashSet<String>(); // yuck! if (persister instanceof UnionSubclassEntityPersister) { final String[] tables = persister.getConstraintOrderedTableNameClosure(); Collections.addAll(temp, tables); } else { temp.add( persister.getSubclassTableName(persister.getSubclassPropertyTableNumber(propertyPath))); } this.tableNames = Collections.unmodifiableSet(temp); if (rhs == null) { hqlParameters = new ParameterSpecification[0]; } else if (isParam(rhs)) { hqlParameters = new ParameterSpecification[] {((ParameterNode) rhs).getHqlParameterSpecification()}; } else { List parameterList = ASTUtil.collectChildren( rhs, new ASTUtil.IncludePredicate() { public boolean include(AST node) { return isParam(node); } }); hqlParameters = new ParameterSpecification[parameterList.size()]; Iterator itr = parameterList.iterator(); int i = 0; while (itr.hasNext()) { hqlParameters[i++] = ((ParameterNode); } } }
public final void expr(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST expr_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST) _t; if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (_t.getType()) { case IDENTIFIER: case INT: case FLOAT: { operand(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case PLUS: { AST __t64 = _t; AST tmp7_AST_in = (AST) _t; match(_t, PLUS); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expr(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t64; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case MINUS: { AST __t65 = _t; AST tmp8_AST_in = (AST) _t; match(_t, MINUS); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expr(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t65; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } _retTree = _t; }
private AST generateSyntheticDotNodeForNonQualifiedPropertyRef( AST property, FromElement fromElement) { AST dot = getASTFactory().create(DOT, "{non-qualified-property-ref}"); // TODO : better way?!? ((DotNode) dot).setPropertyPath(((FromReferenceNode) property).getPath()); IdentNode syntheticAlias = (IdentNode) getASTFactory().create(IDENT, "{synthetic-alias}"); syntheticAlias.setFromElement(fromElement); syntheticAlias.setResolved(); dot.setFirstChild(syntheticAlias); dot.addChild(property); return dot; }
public void beginRoot(AST rootNode) { findAllPackageNames(rootNode, allPackageNames); setPackageName(rootNode.getFirstChild()); openOutputFile(dir, ""); String result = dumperTmpl.generate(this); out.print(result); }
public void visit(AST node) { // <type_dcl> ::= "typedef" <type_declarator> // | <struct_type> // | <union_type> // | <enum_type> // | "native" <simple_declarator> // | <constr_forward_decl> Visitor visitor = null; if (TypedefVisitor.accept(node)) { // "typedef" <type_declarator> visitor = new TypedefVisitor(getScope(), definition, schema, wsdlVisitor); } else if (StructVisitor.accept(node)) { // <struct_type> visitor = new StructVisitor(getScope(), definition, schema, wsdlVisitor); } else if (UnionVisitor.accept(node)) { // <union_type> visitor = new UnionVisitor(getScope(), definition, schema, wsdlVisitor); } else if (EnumVisitor.accept(node)) { // <enum_type> visitor = new EnumVisitor(getScope(), definition, schema, wsdlVisitor); } else if (node.getType() == IDLTokenTypes.LITERAL_native) { // "native" <simple_declarator> // // native type not supported throw new RuntimeException("[TypeDclVisitor: native type not supported!]"); } // TODO forward declaration <constr_forward_declaration> visitor.visit(node); }
private AST createFromElement(String text) { AST ast = ASTUtil.create( fromClause.getASTFactory(), implied ? IMPLIED_FROM : FROM_FRAGMENT, // This causes the factory to instantiate the desired class. text); // Reset the node type, because the rest of the system is expecting FROM_FRAGMENT, all we wanted // was // for the factory to create the right sub-class. This might get reset again later on anyway to // make the // SQL generation simpler. ast.setType(FROM_FRAGMENT); return ast; }
/** * Adds a new from element to the from node. * * @param path The reference to the class. * @param alias The alias AST. * @return FromElement - The new FROM element. */ public FromElement addFromElement(String path, AST alias) throws SemanticException { // The path may be a reference to an alias defined in the parent query. String classAlias = (alias == null) ? null : alias.getText(); checkForDuplicateClassAlias(classAlias); FromElementFactory factory = new FromElementFactory(this, null, path, classAlias, null, false); return factory.addFromElement(); }
protected AST createFromFilterElement(AST filterEntity, AST alias) throws SemanticException { FromElement fromElement = currentFromClause.addFromElement(filterEntity.getText(), alias); FromClause fromClause = fromElement.getFromClause(); QueryableCollection persister = sessionFactoryHelper.getCollectionPersister(filterCollectionRole); // Get the names of the columns used to link between the collection // owner and the collection elements. String[] keyColumnNames = persister.getKeyColumnNames(); String fkTableAlias = persister.isOneToMany() ? fromElement.getTableAlias() : fromClause.getAliasGenerator().createName(filterCollectionRole); JoinSequence join = sessionFactoryHelper.createJoinSequence(); join.setRoot(persister, fkTableAlias); if (!persister.isOneToMany()) { join.addJoin( (AssociationType) persister.getElementType(), fromElement.getTableAlias(), JoinFragment.INNER_JOIN, persister.getElementColumnNames(fkTableAlias)); } join.addCondition(fkTableAlias, keyColumnNames, " = ?"); fromElement.setJoinSequence(join); fromElement.setFilter(true); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("createFromFilterElement() : processed filter FROM element."); } return fromElement; }
private void removeRecursiveScopedName(AST identifierNode) { String structName = identifierNode.toString(); Scope structScope = new Scope(getScope(), structName); ScopeNameCollection scopedNames = wsdlVisitor.getScopedNames(); scopedNames.remove(structScope); }
public ReturnNode(AST statement) { super(statement, RETURN); _expression = statement.getFirstChild(); if (_expression != null) { _statementInfo = new StatementInfo(this, _expression); } }
protected void prepareVersioned(AST updateNode, AST versioned) throws SemanticException { UpdateStatement updateStatement = (UpdateStatement) updateNode; FromClause fromClause = updateStatement.getFromClause(); if (versioned != null) { // Make sure that the persister is versioned Queryable persister = fromClause.getFromElement().getQueryable(); if (!persister.isVersioned()) { throw new SemanticException( "increment option specified for update of non-versioned entity"); } VersionType versionType = persister.getVersionType(); if (versionType instanceof UserVersionType) { throw new SemanticException( "user-defined version types not supported for increment option"); } AST eq = getASTFactory().create(HqlSqlTokenTypes.EQ, "="); AST versionPropertyNode = generateVersionPropertyNode(persister); eq.setFirstChild(versionPropertyNode); AST versionIncrementNode = null; if (Date.class.isAssignableFrom(versionType.getReturnedClass())) { versionIncrementNode = getASTFactory().create(HqlSqlTokenTypes.PARAM, "?"); ParameterSpecification paramSpec = new VersionTypeSeedParameterSpecification(versionType); ((ParameterNode) versionIncrementNode).setHqlParameterSpecification(paramSpec); parameters.add(0, paramSpec); } else { // Not possible to simply re-use the versionPropertyNode here as it causes // OOM errors due to circularity :( versionIncrementNode = getASTFactory().create(HqlSqlTokenTypes.PLUS, "+"); versionIncrementNode.setFirstChild(generateVersionPropertyNode(persister)); versionIncrementNode.addChild(getASTFactory().create(HqlSqlTokenTypes.IDENT, "1")); } eq.addChild(versionIncrementNode); evaluateAssignment(eq, persister, 0); AST setClause = updateStatement.getSetClause(); AST currentFirstSetElement = setClause.getFirstChild(); setClause.setFirstChild(eq); eq.setNextSibling(currentFirstSetElement); } }