private void onDrag(int x, int y) { if (dragImageView != null) { windowParams.alpha = 0.8f; windowParams.x = (x - mLastX - xtox) + dragItemView.getLeft() + 8; windowParams.y = (y - mLastY - ytoy) + dragItemView.getTop() + (int) (45 * Configure.screenDensity); windowManager.updateViewLayout(dragImageView, windowParams); } }
public boolean isInContentArea(int x, int y) { mContentArea.left = mContentFrame.getLeft() + mContentFrame.getPaddingLeft(); = mContentFrame.getTop() + mContentFrame.getPaddingTop() + (int) mContentParent.getTranslationY(); // account for any adjustment mContentArea.right = mContentFrame.getRight() - mContentFrame.getPaddingRight(); mContentArea.bottom = mContentFrame.getBottom() - mContentFrame.getPaddingBottom(); offsetDescendantRectToMyCoords(mContentParent, mContentArea); return mContentArea.contains(x, y); }
private Rect getChildViewRect(View parentView, View childView) { final Rect childRect = new Rect( childView.getLeft(), childView.getTop(), childView.getRight(), childView.getBottom()); if (parentView == childView) { return childRect; } ViewGroup parent; while ((parent = (ViewGroup) childView.getParent()) != parentView) { childRect.offset(parent.getLeft(), parent.getTop()); childView = parent; } return childRect; }
private void startDrag(Bitmap bm, int x, int y) { stopDrag(); windowParams = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(); windowParams.gravity = Gravity.TOP | Gravity.LEFT; windowParams.x = dragItemView.getLeft() + 8; windowParams.y = dragItemView.getTop() + (int) (45 * Configure.screenDensity); windowParams.height = WindowManager.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT; windowParams.width = WindowManager.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT; windowParams.alpha = 0.8f; ImageView iv = new ImageView(getContext()); iv.setImageBitmap(bm); windowManager = (WindowManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE); windowManager.addView(iv, windowParams); dragImageView = iv; }
@Override public boolean onDoubleTap(MotionEvent e) { if (mDoubleClickListener != null) { View target; ViewGroup bottom = getBottomView(); ViewGroup surface = getSurfaceView(); if (e.getX() > bottom.getLeft() && e.getX() < bottom.getRight() && e.getY() > bottom.getTop() && e.getY() < bottom.getBottom()) { target = bottom; } else { target = surface; } mDoubleClickListener.onDoubleClick(SwipeLayout.this, target == surface); } return true; }
/** * close surface * * @param smooth smoothly or not. * @param notify if notify all the listeners. */ public void close(boolean smooth, boolean notify) { ViewGroup surface = getSurfaceView(); int dx, dy; if (smooth) mDragHelper.smoothSlideViewTo(getSurfaceView(), getPaddingLeft(), getPaddingTop()); else { Rect rect = computeSurfaceLayoutArea(false); dx = rect.left - surface.getLeft(); dy = - surface.getTop(); surface.layout(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom); if (notify) { dispatchRevealEvent(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom); dispatchSwipeEvent(rect.left,, dx, dy); } else { safeBottomView(); } } invalidate(); }
public void open(boolean smooth, boolean notify) { ViewGroup surface = getSurfaceView(), bottom = getBottomView(); int dx, dy; Rect rect = computeSurfaceLayoutArea(true); if (smooth) { mDragHelper.smoothSlideViewTo(getSurfaceView(), rect.left,; } else { dx = rect.left - surface.getLeft(); dy = - surface.getTop(); surface.layout(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom); if (getShowMode() == ShowMode.PullOut) { Rect bRect = computeBottomLayoutAreaViaSurface(ShowMode.PullOut, rect); bottom.layout(bRect.left,, bRect.right, bRect.bottom); } if (notify) { dispatchRevealEvent(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom); dispatchSwipeEvent(rect.left,, dx, dy); } else { safeBottomView(); } } invalidate(); }
@Override protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { Rect windowRect = new Rect(); mDecorView.getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame(windowRect); if (mSlideTarget == SLIDE_TARGET_WINDOW) { mDrawerContent.layout(left, top +, right, bottom); mDecorContent.layout( mDecorContent.getLeft(), mDecorContent.getTop(), mDecorContent.getLeft() + right, bottom); } else { mDrawerContent.layout(left, 0, right, bottom); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) { mDecorContent.layout(mDecorContent.getLeft(), 0, mDecorContent.getLeft() + right, bottom); } else { mDecorContent.layout(mDecorContent.getLeft(), top, mDecorContent.getLeft() + right, bottom); } } mDrawerWidth = mDrawerContent.getMeasuredWidth(); if (mDrawerWidth > right - mTouchTargetWidth) { mDrawerContent.setPadding(0, 0, mTouchTargetWidth, 0); mDrawerWidth -= mTouchTargetWidth; } }
@Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { final ViewConfiguration vc = ViewConfiguration.get(getContext()); final int widthPixels = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().widthPixels; final int deltaX = (int) (event.getX() + 0.5f) - mGestureCurrentX; final int deltaY = (int) (event.getY() + 0.5f) - mGestureCurrentY; /* * Obtain a new VelocityTracker if we don't already have one. Also add this MotionEvent * to the new/existing VelocityTracker so we can determine flings later on. */ if (mVelocityTracker == null) { mVelocityTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain(); } mVelocityTracker.addMovement(event); /* * Update the current X and Y positions for the ongoing gesture. */ mGestureCurrentX = (int) (event.getX() + 0.5f); mGestureCurrentY = (int) (event.getY() + 0.5f); switch (event.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: mDrawerMoving = true; if (mDecorOffsetX + deltaX > mDrawerWidth) { if (mDecorOffsetX != mDrawerWidth) { mDrawerOpened = true; mDecorContent.offsetLeftAndRight(mDrawerWidth - mDecorOffsetX); mDecorOffsetX = mDrawerWidth; invalidate(); } } else if (mDecorOffsetX + deltaX < 0) { if (mDecorOffsetX != 0) { mDrawerOpened = false; mDecorContent.offsetLeftAndRight(0 - mDecorContent.getLeft()); mDecorOffsetX = 0; invalidate(); } } else { mDecorContent.offsetLeftAndRight(deltaX); mDecorOffsetX += deltaX; invalidate(); } return true; case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: mGestureStarted = false; mDrawerMoving = false; /* * Determine if the user performed a fling based on the final velocity of the * gesture. */ mVelocityTracker.computeCurrentVelocity(1000); if (Math.abs(mVelocityTracker.getXVelocity()) > vc.getScaledMinimumFlingVelocity()) { /* * Okay, the user did a fling, so determine the direction in which * the fling was flung so we know which way to toggle the drawer state. */ if (mVelocityTracker.getXVelocity() > 0) { mDrawerOpened = false; openDrawer(); } else { mDrawerOpened = true; closeDrawer(); } } else { /* * No sizable fling has been flung, so fling the drawer towards whichever side * we're closest to being flung at. */ if (mDecorOffsetX > (widthPixels / 2.0)) { mDrawerOpened = false; openDrawer(); } else { mDrawerOpened = true; closeDrawer(); } } return true; } return false; }
@Override public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { if (mRemoveListener != null && mGestureDetector == null) { if (mRemoveMode == FLING) { mGestureDetector = new GestureDetector( getContext(), new SimpleOnGestureListener() { @Override public boolean onFling( MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY) { if (mFloatView != null) { if (velocityX > 1000) { Rect r = mTempRect; mFloatView.getDrawingRect(r); if (e2.getX() > r.right * 2 / 3) { // fast fling right with release near the // right edge of the screen dropFloatView(true); } } // flinging while dragging should have no effect // i.e. the gesture should not pass on to other // onTouch handlers. Gobble... return true; } return false; } }); } } if (mDragListener != null || mDropListener != null) { switch (ev.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: // Log.d("mobeta", "action down!"); int x = (int) ev.getX(); int y = (int) ev.getY(); mLastX = x; mLastY = y; mDownY = y; int itemnum = pointToPosition(x, y); // includes // headers/footers final int numHeaders = getHeaderViewsCount(); final int numFooters = getFooterViewsCount(); // Log.d("mobeta", "touch down on position " + itemnum); if (itemnum == AdapterView.INVALID_POSITION || itemnum < numHeaders || itemnum >= getCount() - numFooters) { break; } ViewGroup item = (ViewGroup) getChildAt(itemnum - getFirstVisiblePosition()); mDragPointX = x - item.getLeft(); mDragPointY = y - item.getTop(); final int rawX = (int) ev.getRawX(); final int rawY = (int) ev.getRawY(); mXOffset = rawX - x; mYOffset = rawY - y; View dragBox = (View) item.getTag(); boolean dragHit = false; if (dragBox != null) { dragBox.getLocationOnScreen(mTempLoc); dragHit = rawX > mTempLoc[0] && rawY > mTempLoc[1] && rawX < mTempLoc[0] + dragBox.getWidth() && rawY < mTempLoc[1] + dragBox.getHeight(); } if (dragHit) { // item.setDrawingCacheQuality(View.DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_HIGH); item.setDrawingCacheEnabled(true); // Create a copy of the drawing cache so that it does // not get recycled // by the framework when the list tries to clean up // memory Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(item.getDrawingCache()); item.setDrawingCacheEnabled(false); mFloatViewHeight = item.getHeight(); mFloatViewHeightHalf = mFloatViewHeight / 2; mExpDragPos = itemnum; mSrcDragPos = itemnum; // Log.d("mobeta", "getCount() = " + getCount()); // Log.d("mobeta", "headers = " + // getHeaderViewsCount()); startDragging(bitmap, x, y); // cancel ListView fling MotionEvent ev2 = MotionEvent.obtain(ev); ev2.setAction(MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL); super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev2); // return false; return true; } removeFloatView(); break; } } return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev); }