void setMode(int mode) { if (mMode == mode) { return; } View slideshowPanel = findViewById(R.id.slideShowContainer); View normalPanel = findViewById(R.id.abs); Window win = getWindow(); mMode = mode; if (mode == MODE_SLIDESHOW) { slideshowPanel.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); normalPanel.setVisibility(View.GONE); win.addFlags( WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); mImageView.clear(); mActionIconPanel.setVisibility(View.GONE); slideshowPanel.getRootView().requestLayout(); // The preferences we want to read: // mUseShuffleOrder // mSlideShowLoop // mAnimationIndex // mSlideShowInterval mUseShuffleOrder = mPrefs.getBoolean(PREF_SHUFFLE_SLIDESHOW, false); mSlideShowLoop = mPrefs.getBoolean(PREF_SLIDESHOW_REPEAT, false); mAnimationIndex = getPreferencesInteger(mPrefs, "pref_gallery_slideshow_transition_key", 0); mSlideShowInterval = getPreferencesInteger(mPrefs, "pref_gallery_slideshow_interval_key", 3) * 1000; } else { slideshowPanel.setVisibility(View.GONE); normalPanel.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); win.clearFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); if (mFullScreenInNormalMode) { win.addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN); } else { win.clearFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN); } if (mGetter != null) { mGetter.cancelCurrent(); } if (mShowActionIcons) { Animation animation = new AlphaAnimation(0F, 1F); animation.setDuration(500); mActionIconPanel.setAnimation(animation); mActionIconPanel.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } ImageViewTouchBase dst = mImageView; for (ImageViewTouchBase ivt : mSlideShowImageViews) { ivt.clear(); } mShuffleOrder = null; // mGetter null is a proxy for being paused if (mGetter != null) { setImage(mCurrentPosition, true); } } }
private void getScreenBitmap() { mView.getRootView().destroyDrawingCache(); mView.getGlobalVisibleRect(mRect, point); realheight = mView.getHeight(); realwidth = mView.getWidth(); dst.set(0, 0, realwidth, realheight); int w = Math.round(realwidth * BITMAP_RATIO); int h = Math.round(realheight * BITMAP_RATIO); w = w & ~0x03; h = h & ~0x03; if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) return; if (bitmap == null || bitmap.getWidth() != w || bitmap.getHeight() != h) { bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); mMatrix.setScale(BITMAP_RATIO, BITMAP_RATIO); mMatrix.invert(mDrawMatrix); src.set(0, 0, w, h); } float dx = -(Math.min(0, mView.getLeft()) + mRect.left); float dy = (-point.y); mCanvas.restoreToCount(1); mCanvas.setBitmap(bitmap); mCanvas.setMatrix(mMatrix); mCanvas.translate(dx, dy); mCanvas.save(); mView.getRootView().draw(mCanvas); }
@Override public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState); final Activity activity = getActivity(); mToast = Toast.makeText(activity, "", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT); mToast.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER, 0, 0); mRecyclerView = (TwoWayView) view.findViewById(R.id.list); mRecyclerView.setHasFixedSize(true); mRecyclerView.setLongClickable(true); mPositionText = (TextView) view.getRootView().findViewById(R.id.position); mCountText = (TextView) view.getRootView().findViewById(R.id.count); mStateText = (TextView) view.getRootView().findViewById(R.id.state); updateState(SCROLL_STATE_IDLE); final ItemClickSupport itemClick = ItemClickSupport.addTo(mRecyclerView); itemClick.setOnItemClickListener( new OnItemClickListener() { @Override public void onItemClick(RecyclerView parent, View child, int position, long id) { mToast.setText("Item clicked: " + position); mToast.show(); } }); itemClick.setOnItemLongClickListener( new OnItemLongClickListener() { @Override public boolean onItemLongClick(RecyclerView parent, View child, int position, long id) { mToast.setText("Item long pressed: " + position); mToast.show(); return true; } }); mRecyclerView.setOnScrollListener( new RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() { @Override public void onScrollStateChanged(int scrollState) { updateState(scrollState); } @Override public void onScrolled(int i, int i2) { mPositionText.setText("First: " + mRecyclerView.getFirstVisiblePosition()); mCountText.setText("Count: " + mRecyclerView.getChildCount()); } }); final Drawable divider = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.divider); mRecyclerView.addItemDecoration(new DividerItemDecoration(divider)); mRecyclerView.setAdapter(new SimpleAdapter(activity, mRecyclerView, mLayoutId)); }
@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); overridePendingTransition(R.anim.fadein, R.anim.fadeout); setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_NOSENSOR); setContentView(R.layout.main); View LLView = findViewById(R.id.LLMainPage); View root = LLView.getRootView(); root.setBackgroundColor(Color.WHITE); Start = (Button) findViewById(R.id.btnStartPractice); // Version =(TextView)findViewById(R.id.txtMainpgVersion); Start.setOnClickListener(this); ConfigureVersion(); tracker = GoogleAnalyticsTracker.getInstance(); // Start the tracker in manual dispatch mode... tracker.startNewSession("UA-32911832-1", this); tracker.trackPageView("/ApplicationStart"); tracker.dispatch(); // testing the cache HERE // LocalCache cache = ((LocalCache)getApplicationContext()); // List<QuestionLookupItem> items = cache.getQuestionsIds(); // if(items != null){ // Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), // "Your query returned " + String.valueOf(items.size()) + " records.", // Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); // } }
@Override public boolean sendKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) { // BaseInputConnection.sendKeyEvent() dispatches the key event to the main thread. // In order to ensure events are processed in the proper order, we must block the // IC thread until the main thread finishes processing the key event super.sendKeyEvent(event); final View v = getView(); if (v == null) { return false; } final Handler icHandler = mEditableClient.getInputConnectionHandler(); final Handler mainHandler = v.getRootView().getHandler(); if (icHandler.getLooper() != mainHandler.getLooper()) { // We are on separate IC thread but the event is queued on the main thread; // wait on IC thread until the main thread processes our posted Runnable. At // that point the key event has already been processed. mainHandler.post( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { InputThreadUtils.sInstance.endWaitForUiThread(); } }); InputThreadUtils.sInstance.waitForUiThread(icHandler); } return false; // seems to always return false }
private void showContextMenuFromView( final View openingView, int feedItem, FeedContextMenu.OnFeedContextMenuItemClickListener listener) { if (!isContextMenuShowing) { isContextMenuShowing = true; contextMenuView = new FeedContextMenu(openingView.getContext()); contextMenuView.bindToItem(feedItem); contextMenuView.addOnAttachStateChangeListener(this); contextMenuView.setOnFeedMenuItemClickListener(listener); ((ViewGroup) openingView.getRootView().findViewById(android.R.id.content)) .addView(contextMenuView); contextMenuView .getViewTreeObserver() .addOnPreDrawListener( new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener() { @Override public boolean onPreDraw() { contextMenuView.getViewTreeObserver().removeOnPreDrawListener(this); setupContextMenuInitialPosition(openingView); performShowAnimation(); return false; } }); } }
@Override public void onClick(View v) { View rootView = v.getRootView(); EditText textToAdd = (EditText) rootView.findViewById(R.id.text_to_add); ListView groceryList = (ListView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.grocery_list); ArrayAdapter<String> groceryAdapter = (ArrayAdapter<String>) groceryList.getAdapter(); String groceryItem = textToAdd.getText().toString(); if (groceryItem.length() != 0) { groceryAdapter.add(groceryItem); dbService.writeToDatabase(groceryItem, groceryAdapter.getCount()); groceryAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); textToAdd.setText(""); } else { AlertDialog.Builder alertDialogBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(context); alertDialogBuilder .setTitle("Groceries must not be blank") .setCancelable(false) .setPositiveButton( "Ok", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { dialog.dismiss(); } }); ; AlertDialog alertDialog = alertDialogBuilder.create(); alertDialog.show(); } }
private boolean findDropDownPosition(View anchor, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams p) { anchor.getLocationOnScreen(mDrawingLocation); p.x = mDrawingLocation[0]; p.y = mDrawingLocation[1] + anchor.getMeasuredHeight(); boolean onTop = false; View root = anchor.getRootView(); int delta = (p.y + p.height) - root.getWindowTop() - root.getHeight(); if (delta > 0) { if (p.y != anchor.getWindowBottom()) { ScrollView scrollView = (ScrollView) anchor.findParentViewOfType(android / widget / ScrollView); if (scrollView != null) { int bottom = anchor.getWindowBottom() + p.height; if (bottom > scrollView.getChildAt(scrollView.getChildCount() - 1).getWindowBottom()) onTop = true; else if (bottom > scrollView.getWindowBottom()) { boolean enabled = scrollView.isVerticalScrollBarEnabled(); if (enabled) scrollView.setVerticalScrollBarEnabled(false); scrollView.smoothScrollBy(0, delta); if (enabled) scrollView.setVerticalScrollBarEnabled(enabled); p.y -= delta; } else { onTop = true; } } else { onTop = true; } } else { onTop = true; } if (onTop) p.y -= anchor.getMeasuredHeight() + p.height; } return onTop; }
@Override public boolean onKeyMultiple(int keyCode, int repeatCount, final KeyEvent event) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_UNKNOWN) { // KEYCODE_UNKNOWN means the characters are in KeyEvent.getCharacters() View view = getView(); if (view != null) { InputThreadUtils.sInstance.runOnIcThread( view.getRootView().getHandler(), mEditableClient, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // Don't call GoannaInputConnection.commitText because it can // post a key event back to onKeyMultiple, causing a loop GoannaInputConnection.super.commitText(event.getCharacters(), 1); } }); } return true; } while ((repeatCount--) != 0) { if (!processKey(keyCode, event, true) || !processKey(keyCode, event, false)) { return false; } } return true; }
/** * Invoke this method to change the currently focused window. * * @param view A view that belongs to the view hierarchy/window that has focus, or null to remove * focus */ public void setFocusedWindow(View view) { mFocusLock.writeLock().lock(); try { mFocusedWindow = view == null ? null : view.getRootView(); } finally { mFocusLock.writeLock().unlock(); } fireFocusChangedEvent(); }
/** * Invoke this method to register a new view hierarchy. * * @param view A view that belongs to the view hierarchy/window to register * @name name The name of the view hierarchy/window to register * @see #removeWindow(View) */ public void addWindow(View view, String name) { mWindowsLock.writeLock().lock(); try { mWindows.put(view.getRootView(), name); } finally { mWindowsLock.writeLock().unlock(); } fireWindowsChangedEvent(); }
/** * Invoke this method to unregister a view hierarchy. * * @param view A view that belongs to the view hierarchy/window to unregister * @see #addWindow(View, String) */ public void removeWindow(View view) { mWindowsLock.writeLock().lock(); try { mWindows.remove(view.getRootView()); } finally { mWindowsLock.writeLock().unlock(); } fireWindowsChangedEvent(); }
public void onAnimationUpdate(final ValueAnimator animation) { final long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (mStartTime == -1) { mStartFrame = sGlobalFrameCounter; mStartTime = currentTime; } final long currentPlayTime = animation.getCurrentPlayTime(); boolean isFinalFrame = Float.compare(1f, animation.getAnimatedFraction()) == 0; if (!mHandlingOnAnimationUpdate && sVisible && // If the current play time exceeds the duration, or the animated fraction is 1, // the animation will get finished, even if we call setCurrentPlayTime -- therefore // don't adjust the animation in that case currentPlayTime < animation.getDuration() && !isFinalFrame) { mHandlingOnAnimationUpdate = true; long frameNum = sGlobalFrameCounter - mStartFrame; // If we haven't drawn our first frame, reset the time to t = 0 // (give up after MAX_DELAY ms of waiting though - might happen, for example, if we // are no longer in the foreground and no frames are being rendered ever) if (frameNum == 0 && currentTime < mStartTime + MAX_DELAY && currentPlayTime > 0) { // The first frame on animations doesn't always trigger an invalidate... // force an invalidate here to make sure the animation continues to advance mTarget.getRootView().invalidate(); animation.setCurrentPlayTime(0); // For the second frame, if the first frame took more than 16ms, // adjust the start time and pretend it took only 16ms anyway. This // prevents a large jump in the animation due to an expensive first frame } else if (frameNum == 1 && currentTime < mStartTime + MAX_DELAY && !mAdjustedSecondFrameTime && currentTime > mStartTime + IDEAL_FRAME_DURATION && currentPlayTime > IDEAL_FRAME_DURATION) { animation.setCurrentPlayTime(IDEAL_FRAME_DURATION); mAdjustedSecondFrameTime = true; } else { if (frameNum > 1) { mTarget.post( new Runnable() { public void run() { animation.removeUpdateListener(FirstFrameAnimatorHelper.this); } }); } if (DEBUG) print(animation); } mHandlingOnAnimationUpdate = false; } else { if (DEBUG) print(animation); } }
/** * Positions the popup window on screen. When the popup window is too tall to fit under the * anchor, a parent scroll view is seeked and scrolled up to reclaim space. If scrolling is not * possible or not enough, the popup window gets moved on top of the anchor. * * <p>The height must have been set on the layout parameters prior to calling this method. * * @param anchor the view on which the popup window must be anchored * @param p the layout parameters used to display the drop down * @return true if the popup is translated upwards to fit on screen */ private boolean findDropDownPosition( View anchor, WindowManager.LayoutParams p, int xoff, int yoff) { anchor.getLocationInWindow(mDrawingLocation); p.x = mDrawingLocation[0] + xoff; p.y = mDrawingLocation[1] + anchor.getMeasuredHeight() + yoff; boolean onTop = false; p.gravity = Gravity.LEFT | Gravity.TOP; anchor.getLocationOnScreen(mScreenLocation); final Rect displayFrame = new Rect(); anchor.getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame(displayFrame); final View root = anchor.getRootView(); if (mScreenLocation[1] + anchor.getMeasuredHeight() + yoff + mPopupHeight > displayFrame.bottom || p.x + mPopupWidth - root.getWidth() > 0) { // if the drop down disappears at the bottom of the screen. we try to // scroll a parent scrollview or move the drop down back up on top of // the edit box int scrollX = anchor.getScrollX(); int scrollY = anchor.getScrollY(); Rect r = new Rect( scrollX, scrollY, scrollX + mPopupWidth, scrollY + mPopupHeight + anchor.getMeasuredHeight()); anchor.requestRectangleOnScreen(r, true); // now we re-evaluate the space available, and decide from that // whether the pop-up will go above or below the anchor. anchor.getLocationInWindow(mDrawingLocation); p.x = mDrawingLocation[0] + xoff; p.y = mDrawingLocation[1] + anchor.getMeasuredHeight() + yoff; // determine whether there is more space above or below the anchor anchor.getLocationOnScreen(mScreenLocation); onTop = (displayFrame.bottom - mScreenLocation[1] - anchor.getMeasuredHeight() - yoff) < (mScreenLocation[1] - yoff - displayFrame.top); if (onTop) { p.gravity = Gravity.LEFT | Gravity.BOTTOM; p.y = root.getHeight() - mDrawingLocation[1] - yoff; } else { p.y = mDrawingLocation[1] + anchor.getMeasuredHeight() + yoff; } } p.gravity |= Gravity.DISPLAY_CLIP_VERTICAL; return onTop; }
@Override public void onGlobalLayout() { Log.d(TAG, "onGlobalLayout"); if (!softKeyboardListeningEnabled) { return; } Rect r = new Rect(); decorView.getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame(r); int screenHeight = decorView.getRootView().getHeight(); int heightDifference = screenHeight - (r.bottom - r.top); int resourceId = activity.getResources().getIdentifier("status_bar_height", "dimen", "android"); if (resourceId > 0) { heightDifference -= activity.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(resourceId); } int orientation = activity.getResources().getConfiguration().orientation; int id = activity.getResources().getIdentifier("config_showNavigationBar", "bool", "android"); if (id > 0) { if (activity.getResources().getBoolean(id)) { int navbarResId = activity .getResources() .getIdentifier( orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT ? "navigation_bar_height" : "navigation_bar_height_landscape", "dimen", "android"); if (navbarResId > 0) { heightDifference -= activity.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(navbarResId); } } } if (heightDifference > 100) { Log.d(TAG, "onGlobalLayout: " + heightDifference); softwareKeyboardShowing = true; keyboardHeight = heightDifference; Log.d(TAG, "onGlobalLayout: " + "showing"); showInternal(); } else { Log.d(TAG, "onGlobalLayout: " + heightDifference); Log.d(TAG, "onGlobalLayout: " + "dismiss?"); // dismiss not wirk softwareKeyboardShowing = false; // keyboard showing or not? dismissed = true; dismissInternally(); } }
void focusInLocked(View view) { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "focusIn: " + view); if (mCurRootView != view.getRootView()) { // This is a request from a window that isn't in the window with // IME focus, so ignore it. if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Not IME target window, ignoring"); return; } mNextServedView = view; scheduleCheckFocusLocked(view); }
/** Private method for grabbing a "screenshot" of screen content */ private void drawOffscreenBitmap() { // Grab global visible rect for later use // mView.getGlobalVisibleRect(mRectVisibleGlobal); // Calculate scaled off-screen bitmap width and height int width = Math.round(mView.getWidth() * BITMAP_SCALE_FACTOR); int height = Math.round(mView.getHeight() * BITMAP_SCALE_FACTOR); // Width and height must be > 0 width = Math.max(width, 1); height = Math.max(height, 1); // Allocate new off-screen bitmap only when needed if (mBitmap == null || mBitmap.getWidth() != width || mBitmap.getHeight() != height) { mBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); mAllocationBitmap = Allocation.createFromBitmap(mRS, mBitmap); mAllocationBitmapTmp = Allocation.createFromBitmap(mRS, mBitmap); mSizeStruct.width = width; mSizeStruct.height = height; // Due to adjusting width into multiple of 4 calculate scale matrix // only here mMatrixScale.setScale((float) width / mView.getWidth(), (float) height / mView.getHeight()); mMatrixScale.invert(mMatrixScaleInv); } // Translate values for off-screen drawing // int dx = -(Math.min(0, mView.getLeft()) + mRectVisibleGlobal.left); // int dy = -(Math.min(0, mView.getTop()) + mRectVisibleGlobal.top); // // Replaced dx and dy with View.getLocationInWindow() coordinates // because translate was bad for using BlurLinearLayout and // BlurRelativeLayout as children for other Views than root View. mView.getLocationInWindow(mLocationInWindow); // Restore canvas to its original state mCanvas.restoreToCount(1); mCanvas.setBitmap(mBitmap); // Using scale matrix will make draw call to match // resized off-screen bitmap size mCanvas.setMatrix(mMatrixScale); // Off-screen bitmap does not cover the whole screen // Use canvas translate to match its position on screen mCanvas.translate(-mLocationInWindow[0], -mLocationInWindow[1]); // Clip rect is the same as we have // TODO: Why does this not work on API 18? // mCanvas.clipRect(mRectVisibleGlobal); // Save current canvas state mCanvas.save(); // Start drawing from the root view mView.getRootView().draw(mCanvas); }
@Override public void onGlobalLayout() { Rect r = new Rect(); View rootNode = this.getWindow().getDecorView(); rootNode.getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame(r); DisplayMetrics dm = getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); int state, sih = Math.min(rootNode.getRootView().getHeight(), dm.heightPixels) - r.bottom; if (sih <= 240) { state = Configuration.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_CLOSE; } else { state = Configuration.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_OPEN; softInputHeight = sih; } onSoftInputState(state); }
private boolean processKey(int keyCode, KeyEvent event, boolean down) { if (GamepadUtils.isSonyXperiaGamepadKeyEvent(event)) { event = GamepadUtils.translateSonyXperiaGamepadKeys(keyCode, event); keyCode = event.getKeyCode(); } if (keyCode > KeyEvent.getMaxKeyCode() || !shouldProcessKey(keyCode, event)) { return false; } event = translateKey(keyCode, event); keyCode = event.getKeyCode(); View view = getView(); if (view == null) { InputThreadUtils.sInstance.sendEventFromUiThread( ThreadUtils.getUiHandler(), mEditableClient, GoannaEvent.createKeyEvent(event, 0)); return true; } // KeyListener returns true if it handled the event for us. KeyListener is only // safe to use on the UI thread; therefore we need to pass a proxy Editable to it KeyListener keyListener = TextKeyListener.getInstance(); Handler uiHandler = view.getRootView().getHandler(); Editable uiEditable = InputThreadUtils.sInstance.getEditableForUiThread(uiHandler, mEditableClient); boolean skip = shouldSkipKeyListener(keyCode, event); if (down) { mEditableClient.setSuppressKeyUp(true); } if (skip || (down && !keyListener.onKeyDown(view, uiEditable, keyCode, event)) || (!down && !keyListener.onKeyUp(view, uiEditable, keyCode, event))) { InputThreadUtils.sInstance.sendEventFromUiThread( uiHandler, mEditableClient, GoannaEvent.createKeyEvent(event, TextKeyListener.getMetaState(uiEditable))); if (skip && down) { // Usually, the down key listener call above adjusts meta states for us. // However, if we skip that call above, we have to manually adjust meta // states so the meta states remain consistent TextKeyListener.adjustMetaAfterKeypress(uiEditable); } } if (down) { mEditableClient.setSuppressKeyUp(false); } return true; }
/** 初始化 */ private void init() { params = view.getLayoutParams(); if (null != view.getParent()) { parentView = (ViewGroup) view.getParent(); } else { parentView = (ViewGroup) view.getRootView().findViewById(android.R.id.content); } int count = parentView.getChildCount(); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { if (view == parentView.getChildAt(index)) { viewIndex = index; break; } } currentView = view; }
private void possiblyResizeChildOfContent() { int usableHeightNow = computeUsableHeight(); if (usableHeightNow != usableHeightPrevious) { int usableHeightSansKeyboard = mChildOfContent.getRootView().getHeight(); int heightDifference = usableHeightSansKeyboard - usableHeightNow; if (heightDifference > (usableHeightSansKeyboard / 4)) { // keyboard probably just became visible frameLayoutParams.height = usableHeightSansKeyboard - heightDifference; } else { // keyboard probably just became hidden frameLayoutParams.height = usableHeightSansKeyboard; } mChildOfContent.requestLayout(); usableHeightPrevious = usableHeightNow; } }
@Override public View onCreateView( LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { View rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_statistic_return, container, false); Button exitButton = (Button) rootView.getRootView().findViewById(R.id.exit_button); exitButton.setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { getActivity().finish(); } }); // setup view return rootView; }
private void setPitchBarPosition(double frequency) { View pitchBar = (View) findViewById(R.id.tune_view_current_pitch); int margin = 20; double leftDP = NoteCalculator.getPitchBarPosition(frequency, 560); Transition moveTransition = new ChangeBounds(); moveTransition.setDuration(300); moveTransition.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator()); TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition((ViewGroup) pitchBar.getRootView(), moveTransition); ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams params = (ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) (pitchBar.getLayoutParams()); Log.d(TAG, String.format("Current: %d New: %f", params.leftMargin, leftDP)); params.setMargins((int) leftDP, 0, 0, 0); pitchBar.setLayoutParams(params); }
private void possiblyResizeChildOfContent() { int usableHeightNow = computeUsableHeight(); if (usableHeightNow != usableHeightPrevious) { int usableHeightSansKeyboard = mChildOfContent.getRootView().getHeight(); int heightDifference = usableHeightSansKeyboard - usableHeightNow; if (heightDifference > (usableHeightSansKeyboard / 4)) { // keyboard probably just became visible isKeybordShow = true; // mChildOfContent.setPadding(0,0,0,bottomPadding); } else { // keyboard probably just became isKeybordShow = false; // mChildOfContent.setPadding(0,0,0,bottomPadding + // (ApiCompatibleUtil.hasLollipop() ? navigationBarHeight : 0)); } frameLayoutParams.height = usableHeightNow; mChildOfContent.requestLayout(); usableHeightPrevious = usableHeightNow; } }
@Override public View onCreateView( LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { if (view != null) { ViewParent oldParent = (ViewParent) view.getRootView(); if (oldParent != container && oldParent != null) { ((ViewGroup) oldParent).removeView(view); } } else { view = LayoutInflater.from(getActivity()).inflate(R.layout.news_details, container, false); handleButtonsEvents(); applyFonts(); } Bundle bundle = getArguments(); if (bundle != null) { newsItem = (NewsItem) bundle.getSerializable("newsItem"); } initViews(view); getData(); return view; }
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.customisepage); View LLView = findViewById(R.id.LLCustomise); View root = LLView.getRootView(); root.setBackgroundColor(Color.WHITE); seekbar = (SeekBar) findViewById(R.id.seekBarQuestions); NumberOfQuestions = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.TextViewNumberOfQuestions); btnCustomise = (Button) findViewById(R.id.btnCustomise); txtDifficulty = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.txtDifficulty); txtTopic = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.txtTopic); txtTypeofQuestion = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.txtTypeofQuestion); btnStartTest = (Button) findViewById(R.id.btnStartTest); FinalResult = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.textViewFinalAnswer); cache = ((LocalCache) getApplicationContext()); seekbar.setMax(MAXIMUMQUESTIONS); seekbar.setProgress(10); NumberOfQuestions.setText( "You selected" + " " + "10" + " " + "Questions" + ", your search criteria may not return records and does not necessarily have all types of questions"); seekbar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(this); NumberOfQuestions.setOnClickListener(this); btnCustomise.setOnClickListener(this); btnStartTest.setOnClickListener(this); FinalResult.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); ConfigureDifficulty(); ConfigureTopics(); ConfigureTypeOfQuestion(); }
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.multiplechoicemultipleanswer); QuestionHeaderBox = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.MQuestionHeaderBox); Table = (TableLayout) findViewById(R.id.MQtable); BtnContinue = (Button) findViewById(R.id.MContinue); BtnReason = (Button) findViewById(R.id.MultipleChoiceMultipleShowReason); BtnContinue.setOnClickListener(this); BtnContinue.setTag(2); // I am using this to identify the continue button BtnContinue.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); BtnReason.setOnClickListener(this); BtnReason.setTag(3); // I am using this to identify the Reason Button BtnReason.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); View LLView = findViewById(R.id.LLMultipleMultiple); View root = LLView.getRootView(); root.setBackgroundColor(Color.BLACK); cache = ((LocalCache) getApplicationContext()); WebSettings websettings = QuestionHeaderBox.getSettings(); websettings.setJavaScriptEnabled(true); websettings.setSavePassword(false); websettings.setSaveFormData(false); websettings.setSupportZoom(true); websettings.setBuiltInZoomControls(true); Bundle getBasket = getIntent().getExtras(); Integer _id = getBasket.getInt("_id"); GetQuestion(_id); GetAnswers(_id); }
@Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { FragmentActivity activity = getActivity(); switch (msg.what) { case Constants.MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGE: switch (msg.arg1) { case BluetoothChatService.STATE_CONNECTED: setStatus(getString(R.string.title_connected_to, mConnectedDeviceName)); mConversationArrayAdapter.clear(); break; case BluetoothChatService.STATE_CONNECTING: setStatus(R.string.title_connecting); break; case BluetoothChatService.STATE_NOT_CONNECTED: setStatus(R.string.title_not_connected); break; } break; case Constants.MESSAGE_WRITE: byte[] writeBuf = (byte[]) msg.obj; // construct a string from the buffer String writeMessage = new String(writeBuf); mConversationArrayAdapter.add("Me: " + writeMessage); break; case Constants.MESSAGE_READ: String readMessage = (String) msg.obj; mConversationArrayAdapter.add(mConnectedDeviceName + ": " + readMessage); TelemetryData data = new TelemetryData(readMessage); View ownView = getView(); if (ownView == null) { break; } View rootView = ownView.getRootView(); if (rootView != null) { TextView view = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.voltage); view.setText(data.getVoltageString() + "V"); view = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.current); view.setText(data.getCurrentString() + "A"); view = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.mbtemp); view.setText(data.getBoardTemperature() + "\u00B0 C"); view = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.battemp); view.setText(data.getBatteryTemperature() + "\u00B0 C"); view = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.inclination); view.setText(data.getInclinationString() + "\u00B0"); view = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.rps); view.setText(data.getRPSString() + " RPS"); view = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.power); view.setText(data.getWattSeconds() + "ws"); view = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.buzzer); view.setText(data.getBuzzer() ? "BUZZER" : "-"); } // Update graph, if possible // TODO: TESTING CODE try { if (((CheckBox) getView().findViewById(R.id.checkbox_chart)).isChecked()) { int divisor = 1; switch (graphItemIndex) { case 0: case 1: case 4: divisor = 10; break; case 5: divisor = 100; } graphControl.addDataPoint( graphIndex++, Double.parseDouble(readMessage.split(",")[graphItemIndex]) / divisor, ((CheckBox) getView().findViewById(R.id.checkbox_scroll)).isChecked()); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Exception updating graph", e); } break; case Constants.MESSAGE_DEVICE_NAME: // save the connected device's name mConnectedDeviceName = msg.getData().getString(Constants.DEVICE_NAME); if (null != activity) { Toast.makeText(activity, "Connected to " + mConnectedDeviceName, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); } break; case Constants.MESSAGE_TOAST: if (null != activity) { Toast.makeText( activity, msg.getData().getString(Constants.TOAST), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); } break; } }
public View getEffectTypeItem(View view) { return view.getRootView().findViewById(R.id.effect_type_item_root); }
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.splash); // change the background color to white View LLView = findViewById(R.id.LLMain); View root = LLView.getRootView(); root.setBackgroundColor(Color.argb(0, 238, 244, 228)); mProgress = (ProgressBar) findViewById(R.id.SplashprogressBar); // Play sound // SplashSound = MediaPlayer.create(Splash.this, R.raw.arrowwoodimpact); // SplashSound.start(); LocalCache cache = ((LocalCache) getApplicationContext()); cache.setDataBaseVersion( 9); // This is now to upgrade the database Just increase by 1 and make sure DBVersion- // VersionNumber in database is updated. cache.PlaySound(this, R.raw.arrowwoodimpact); // Setup Prefs if they are not there. to turn on Sound and ShowAnswer OtherPreferences sharedPrefs = new OtherPreferences(this.getBaseContext()); if (sharedPrefs.getPreference("sound").equalsIgnoreCase("N/A")) { sharedPrefs.saveToPref("sound", "on"); sharedPrefs.saveToPref("ShowAnswer", "on"); } Thread timer = new Thread() { public void run() { while (mProgressStatus < 100) { mProgressStatus = copyFileOrDir("videos"); // Update the progress bar mHandler.post( new Runnable() { public void run() { mProgress.setProgress(mProgressStatus); } }); } DataBaseHelper myDbHelper = new DataBaseHelper(getApplicationContext()); try { myDbHelper.createDataBase(); myDbHelper.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new Error("Unable to create database"); } /*try { myDbHelper.openDataBase(); }catch(SQLException sqle){ throw sqle; }*/ finally { Intent OpenStartPage = new Intent("com.LearnersCloud.iEvaluator1ForAndroid.Chemistry250.TABS"); startActivity(OpenStartPage); } } }; timer.start(); }