public ShowcaseView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); // Get the attributes for the ShowcaseView final TypedArray styled = context .getTheme() .obtainStyledAttributes( attrs, R.styleable.ShowcaseView, R.attr.showcaseViewStyle,; backColor = styled.getInt(R.styleable.ShowcaseView_sv_backgroundColor, Color.argb(128, 80, 80, 80)); detailTextColor = styled.getColor(R.styleable.ShowcaseView_sv_detailTextColor, Color.WHITE); titleTextColor = styled.getColor(R.styleable.ShowcaseView_sv_titleTextColor, Color.parseColor("#49C0EC")); buttonText = styled.getString(R.styleable.ShowcaseView_sv_buttonText); styled.recycle(); metricScale = getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; mEndButton = (Button) LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.showcase_button, null); ConfigOptions options = new ConfigOptions(); options.showcaseId = getId(); setConfigOptions(options); }
/** * Decide whether touches outside the showcased circle should be ignored or not * * @param block true to block touches, false otherwise. By default, this is true. * @deprecated Use the option in {@link ConfigOptions} instead. */ @Deprecated public void blockNonShowcasedTouches(boolean block) { mOptions.block = block; }
/** * Set the shot method of the showcase - only once or no limit * * @param shotType either TYPE_ONE_SHOT or TYPE_NO_LIMIT * @deprecated Use the option in {@link ConfigOptions} instead. */ @Deprecated public void setShotType(int shotType) { if (shotType == TYPE_NO_LIMIT || shotType == TYPE_ONE_SHOT) { mOptions.shotType = shotType; } }