Пример #1
 protected void readFromParcel(Parcel in) {
   mUrl = in.readString();
   mSize = in.readLong();
   mDownloaded = in.readLong();
   mStatus = in.readInt();
   mTitle = in.readString();
Пример #2
 private UserContact(Parcel in) {
   this.id = in.readLong();
   this.userId = in.readString();
   this.labelCode = in.readString();
   this.nickname = in.readString();
   this.mobile = in.readString();
   this.remarkName = in.readString();
   this.gender = in.readInt();
   this.birthday = in.readLong();
   this.age = in.readInt();
   this.constellation = in.readInt();
   this.province = in.readString();
   this.city = in.readString();
   this.school = in.readString();
   this.height = in.readInt();
   this.job = in.readString();
   this.signature = in.readString();
   this.avatar = in.readString();
   this.avatarThumb = in.readString();
   this.labels = in.createTypedArray(UserLabel.CREATOR);
   this.location = in.readParcelable(LocationInfo.class.getClassLoader());
   this.appearanceFace = in.readString();
   this.theme = in.readParcelable(UserTheme.class.getClassLoader());
   this.albumPhotos = in.createTypedArray(AlbumPhoto.CREATOR);
   this.labelStories = in.createTypedArray(LabelStory.CREATOR);
   this.interestTypes = in.createTypedArray(InterestType.CREATOR);
   this.userTags = in.createTypedArray(UserTag.CREATOR);
   this.visitorCount = in.readInt();
   this.myPhotoTotal = in.readInt();
Пример #3
 protected SchoolModel(Parcel in) {
   this.id = (Integer) in.readValue(Integer.class.getClassLoader());
   this.name = in.readString();
   this.type = in.readString();
   this.relegious = in.readString();
   long tmpEstablished = in.readLong();
   this.established = tmpEstablished == -1 ? null : new Date(tmpEstablished);
   this.active = in.readByte() != 0;
   this.gradeFrom = (Byte) in.readValue(Byte.class.getClassLoader());
   this.gradeTo = (Byte) in.readValue(Byte.class.getClassLoader());
   this.website = in.readString();
   this.gender = in.readString();
   this.crestUrl = in.readString();
   this.slogan = in.readString();
   this.street = in.readString();
   this.city = in.readString();
   this.state = in.readString();
   this.countrycode = in.readString();
   this.zip = in.readString();
   this.longitude = (Double) in.readValue(Double.class.getClassLoader());
   this.latitude = (Double) in.readValue(Double.class.getClassLoader());
   long tmpAuCreatedDt = in.readLong();
   this.auCreatedDt = tmpAuCreatedDt == -1 ? null : new Date(tmpAuCreatedDt);
   long tmpAuUpdatedDt = in.readLong();
   this.auUpdatedDt = tmpAuUpdatedDt == -1 ? null : new Date(tmpAuUpdatedDt);
   this.listOfSchoolDetail = new ArrayList<SchoolDetailModel>();
   in.readList(this.listOfSchoolDetail, List.class.getClassLoader());
   this.contactNumber = in.readString();
   this.email = in.readString();
   * Required for making Beacon parcelable
   * @param in parcel
  protected Beacon(Parcel in) {
    int size = in.readInt();

    this.mIdentifiers = new ArrayList<Identifier>(size);
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    mDistance = in.readDouble();
    mRssi = in.readInt();
    mTxPower = in.readInt();
    mBluetoothAddress = in.readString();
    mBeaconTypeCode = in.readInt();
    mServiceUuid = in.readInt();
    int dataSize = in.readInt();
    this.mDataFields = new ArrayList<Long>(dataSize);
    for (int i = 0; i < dataSize; i++) {
    int extraDataSize = in.readInt();
    if (LogManager.isVerboseLoggingEnabled()) {
      LogManager.d(TAG, "reading " + extraDataSize + " extra data fields from parcel");
    this.mExtraDataFields = new ArrayList<Long>(extraDataSize);
    for (int i = 0; i < extraDataSize; i++) {
    mManufacturer = in.readInt();
    mBluetoothName = in.readString();
Пример #5
 public SyncStatusInfo(Parcel parcel) {
   int version = parcel.readInt();
   if (version != VERSION && version != 1) {
     Log.w("SyncStatusInfo", "Unknown version: " + version);
   authorityId = parcel.readInt();
   totalElapsedTime = parcel.readLong();
   numSyncs = parcel.readInt();
   numSourcePoll = parcel.readInt();
   numSourceServer = parcel.readInt();
   numSourceLocal = parcel.readInt();
   numSourceUser = parcel.readInt();
   lastSuccessTime = parcel.readLong();
   lastSuccessSource = parcel.readInt();
   lastFailureTime = parcel.readLong();
   lastFailureSource = parcel.readInt();
   lastFailureMesg = parcel.readString();
   initialFailureTime = parcel.readLong();
   pending = parcel.readInt() != 0;
   initialize = parcel.readInt() != 0;
   if (version == 1) {
     periodicSyncTimes = null;
   } else {
     int N = parcel.readInt();
     if (N < 0) {
       periodicSyncTimes = null;
     } else {
       periodicSyncTimes = new ArrayList<Long>();
       for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
 public ApiObject createFromParcel(Parcel parcel) {
   final int code = parcel.readInt();
   switch (code) {
       return new Error("Unknown object code: " + code);
     case Type.ERROR:
       return new Error(parcel.readString());
     case Type.VOID:
       return Void.Instance;
     case Type.INT:
       return new Integer(parcel.readInt());
     case Type.LONG:
       return new Long(parcel.readLong());
     case Type.FLOAT:
       return new Float(parcel.readFloat());
     case Type.BOOLEAN:
       return new Boolean(parcel.readByte() == 1);
     case Type.DATE:
       return new Date(new java.util.Date(parcel.readLong()));
     case Type.STRING:
       return new String(parcel.readString());
     case Type.TEXT_POSITION:
       return new TextPosition(parcel.readInt(), parcel.readInt(), parcel.readInt());
     case Type.SERIALIZABLE:
       return new Serializable(parcel.readSerializable());
     case Type.PARCELABALE:
       return new Parcelable(parcel.readParcelable(null));
Пример #7
 protected RelatedVideosBean(Parcel in) {
   this.id = in.readInt();
   this.title = in.readString();
   this.description = in.readString();
   this.artistName = in.readString();
   this.posterPic = in.readString();
   this.thumbnailPic = in.readString();
   this.albumImg = in.readString();
   this.regdate = in.readString();
   this.videoSourceTypeName = in.readString();
   this.totalViews = in.readInt();
   this.totalPcViews = in.readInt();
   this.totalMobileViews = in.readInt();
   this.totalComments = in.readInt();
   this.url = in.readString();
   this.hdUrl = in.readString();
   this.uhdUrl = in.readString();
   this.shdUrl = in.readString();
   this.videoSize = in.readLong();
   this.hdVideoSize = in.readLong();
   this.uhdVideoSize = in.readLong();
   this.shdVideoSize = in.readLong();
   this.duration = in.readInt();
   this.status = in.readInt();
   this.linkId = in.readInt();
   this.playListPic = in.readString();
   this.artists = new ArrayList<ArtistsBean>();
   in.readList(this.artists, ArtistsBean.class.getClassLoader());
Пример #8
 private PackageInfo(Parcel source) {
   packageName = source.readString();
   versionCode = source.readInt();
   versionName = source.readString();
   sharedUserId = source.readString();
   // M
   // Theme feature
   isThemePackage = source.readInt();
   themeNameId = source.readInt();
   // M
   sharedUserLabel = source.readInt();
   int hasApp = source.readInt();
   if (hasApp != 0) {
     applicationInfo = ApplicationInfo.CREATOR.createFromParcel(source);
   firstInstallTime = source.readLong();
   lastUpdateTime = source.readLong();
   gids = source.createIntArray();
   activities = source.createTypedArray(ActivityInfo.CREATOR);
   receivers = source.createTypedArray(ActivityInfo.CREATOR);
   services = source.createTypedArray(ServiceInfo.CREATOR);
   providers = source.createTypedArray(ProviderInfo.CREATOR);
   instrumentation = source.createTypedArray(InstrumentationInfo.CREATOR);
   permissions = source.createTypedArray(PermissionInfo.CREATOR);
   requestedPermissions = source.createStringArray();
   signatures = source.createTypedArray(Signature.CREATOR);
   configPreferences = source.createTypedArray(ConfigurationInfo.CREATOR);
   reqFeatures = source.createTypedArray(FeatureInfo.CREATOR);
   installLocation = source.readInt();
Пример #9
 public ParcelableUser(final Parcel in) {
   position = in.readLong();
   account_id = in.readLong();
   id = in.readLong();
   created_at = in.readLong();
   is_protected = in.readInt() == 1;
   is_verified = in.readInt() == 1;
   name = in.readString();
   screen_name = in.readString();
   description_plain = in.readString();
   location = in.readString();
   profile_image_url = in.readString();
   profile_banner_url = in.readString();
   url = in.readString();
   is_follow_request_sent = in.readInt() == 1;
   followers_count = in.readInt();
   friends_count = in.readInt();
   statuses_count = in.readInt();
   favorites_count = in.readInt();
   is_cache = in.readInt() == 1;
   description_html = in.readString();
   description_expanded = in.readString();
   url_expanded = in.readString();
   is_following = in.readInt() == 1;
   description_unescaped = toPlainText(description_html);
Пример #10
  public Layoutelements(Parcel im) {
    try {
      Bitmap bitmap = (Bitmap) im.readParcelable(getClass().getClassLoader());
      // Convert Bitmap to Drawable:
      imageId = new BitmapDrawable(bitmap);

      title = im.readString();
      desc = im.readString();
      permissions = im.readString();
      symlink = im.readString();
      int j = im.readInt();
      date = im.readLong();
      int i = im.readInt();
      if (i == 0) {
        header = false;
      } else {
        header = true;
      if (j == 0) {
        isDirectory = false;
      } else {
        isDirectory = true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    date1 = im.readString();
    longSize = im.readLong();
Пример #11
 // from Parcelable
 public LibInfo(Parcel in) {
   mLoadAddress = in.readLong();
   mLoadSize = in.readLong();
   mRelroStart = in.readLong();
   mRelroSize = in.readLong();
   ParcelFileDescriptor fd = in.readFileDescriptor();
   mRelroFd = fd.detachFd();
 private Member(Parcel in) {
   mRawContactId = in.readLong();
   mContactId = in.readLong();
   mLookupUri = in.readParcelable(getClass().getClassLoader());
   mLookupKey = in.readString();
   mDisplayName = in.readString();
   mPhotoUri = in.readParcelable(getClass().getClassLoader());
Пример #13
 protected Cargo(Parcel in) {
   this.sales_order_id = in.readLong();
   this.id = in.readLong();
   this.name = in.readString();
   this.count = in.readInt();
   this.volume = in.readString();
   this.weight = in.readString();
   this.note = in.readString();
Пример #14
 private LoadAvgLog(Parcel in) {
   setCreatedOn(new Timestamp(in.readLong()));
Пример #15
  * Retrieving Student data from Parcel object This constructor is invoked by the method
  * createFromParcel(Parcel source) of the object CREATOR
 private Rating(Parcel in) {
   this.id = in.readLong();
   this.userMailAddress = in.readString();
   this.courseID = in.readInt();
   this.rating = in.readDouble();
   this.comment = in.readString();
   this.createdAt = new Date(in.readLong());
   this.lastModified = new Date(in.readLong());
Пример #16
 public TimerObj(Parcel p) {
   mTimerId = p.readInt();
   mStartTime = p.readLong();
   mTimeLeft = p.readLong();
   mOriginalLength = p.readLong();
   mSetupLength = p.readLong();
   mState = p.readInt();
   mLabel = p.readString();
Пример #17
 public final Object createFromParcel(Parcel parcel) {
   PhoneMemoryInfo phonememoryinfo = new PhoneMemoryInfo();
   phonememoryinfo.a = parcel.readLong();
   phonememoryinfo.b = parcel.readLong();
   phonememoryinfo.c = parcel.readInt();
   phonememoryinfo.d = parcel.readInt();
   phonememoryinfo.e = parcel.readLong();
   return phonememoryinfo;
Пример #18
 // pretty much just forward the constructor from parcelable to our main
 // loading constructor
 public CommandResult(Parcel inParcel) {
Пример #19
 public GameData(Parcel parcel) {
   mGameId = parcel.readLong();
   mLevel = parcel.readInt();
   mName = parcel.readString();
   mImage = parcel.readString();
   mScore = parcel.readInt();
   mTime = parcel.readLong();
   mSteps = parcel.readInt();
Пример #20
    public Output createFromParcel(Parcel source) {
      Output input = new Output();
      input.id = source.readLong();
      input.eventId = source.readLong();
      input.input_server_id = source.readLong();
      input.name = source.readString();
      input.answer = source.readString();

      return input;
Пример #21
 public CommandResult(Parcel parcel) {
   executionCount = parcel.readInt();
   downloadedCount = parcel.readInt();
   retriesLeft = parcel.readInt();
   numAuthExceptions = parcel.readLong();
   numIoExceptions = parcel.readLong();
   numParseExceptions = parcel.readLong();
   hourlyLimit = parcel.readInt();
   remainingHits = parcel.readInt();
Пример #22
 private UploadInfo(Parcel in) {
   uploadId = in.readString();
   startTime = in.readLong();
   currentTime = in.readLong();
   uploadedBytes = in.readLong();
   totalBytes = in.readLong();
   numberOfRetries = in.readInt();
   totalFiles = in.readInt();
Пример #23
 protected WorkOrderException(Parcel in) {
   this.work_order_id = in.readLong();
   this.id = in.readLong();
   this.category = in.readString();
   this.note = in.readString();
   this.longitude = in.readString();
   this.latitude = in.readString();
   this.event_time = in.readString();
   this.attachment = in.readString();
Пример #24
 private Audio(Parcel in) {
   this.id = in.readLong();
   this.ownerId = in.readLong();
   this.artist = in.readString();
   this.title = in.readString();
   this.duration = in.readInt();
   this.url = in.readString();
   this.lyricsId = in.readInt();
   this.genre = in.readInt();
Пример #25
 public void testReadWriteMultipleLongs() {
   for (long i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
   for (long i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
   // now try to read past the number of items written and see what happens
 public ExtendedTwo(Parcel aSource) {
   long date = aSource.readLong();
   date1 = date == -1 ? null : new Date(date);
   string1 = aSource.readString();
   boolean1 = aSource.readInt() == 1;
   int1 = aSource.readInt();
   long1 = aSource.readLong();
   float1 = aSource.readFloat();
   double1 = aSource.readDouble();
Пример #27
 protected ToDoItem(Parcel in) {
   this.id = in.readLong();
   this.title = in.readString();
   this.description = in.readString();
   this.urgent = in.readByte() != 0;
   long tmpDueDate = in.readLong();
   this.dueDate = tmpDueDate == -1 ? null : new Date(tmpDueDate);
   this.tags = in.readString();
   this.done = in.readByte() != 0;
   this.order = in.readString();
Пример #28
 private void readFromParcel(Parcel in) {
   id = in.readLong();
   key = in.readString();
   mDisplayName = in.readString();
   photo_id = in.readLong();
   in.readTypedList(phones, Phone.CREATOR);
   mEmail = in.readString();
   isUser = in.readByte() != 0;
   stared = in.readByte() != 0;
Пример #29
 protected ReceiveContact(Parcel in) {
   this.sales_order_id = in.readLong();
   this.id = in.readLong();
   this.contact_type = in.readString();
   this.name = in.readString();
   this.mobile = in.readString();
   this.telephone = in.readString();
   this.order_address = in.readString();
   this.enquiry_address = in.readString();
   this.expected_time = in.readString();
Пример #30
 protected Charge(Parcel in) {
   this.work_order_id = in.readLong();
   this.id = in.readLong();
   this.charge_type_id = in.readString();
   this.charge = in.readString();
   this.enabled = in.readByte() != 0;
   this.note = in.readString();
   this.attachment = in.readString();
   this.updated_at = in.readString();
   this.charge_type = in.readParcelable(ChargeType.class.getClassLoader());