Пример #1
  public void testColorStateList() throws NotFoundException, XmlPullParserException, IOException {
    final int[][] state = new int[][] {{0}, {0}};
    final int[] colors = new int[] {Color.RED, Color.BLUE};
    ColorStateList c = new ColorStateList(state, colors);
    assertEquals(Color.RED, c.getDefaultColor());

    final int alpha = 36;
    final ColorStateList c1 = c.withAlpha(alpha);
    assertNotSame(Color.RED, c1.getDefaultColor());
    // check alpha
    assertEquals(alpha, c1.getDefaultColor() >>> 24);
    assertEquals(Color.RED & 0x00FF0000, c1.getDefaultColor() & 0x00FF0000);

    final int xmlId = R.drawable.testcolor;
    final int colorInXml = 0xFFA6C839; // this color value is define in testcolor.xml file.
    final Resources res = getContext().getResources();
    c = ColorStateList.createFromXml(res, res.getXml(xmlId));
    assertEquals(colorInXml, c.getDefaultColor());
    assertEquals(0, c.describeContents());
    assertEquals(colorInXml, c.getColorForState(new int[] {0}, 0));

    c = ColorStateList.valueOf(Color.GRAY);
    assertEquals(Color.GRAY, c.getDefaultColor());

    final Parcel parcel = Parcel.obtain();
    c.writeToParcel(parcel, 0);
    ColorStateList actual = ColorStateList.CREATOR.createFromParcel(parcel);
    // can only compare the state and the default color. because no API to
    // get every color of ColorStateList
    assertEquals(c.isStateful(), actual.isStateful());
    assertEquals(c.getDefaultColor(), actual.getDefaultColor());