Пример #1
  /** onCreate is called when Android starts this Activity from scratch. */
  protected void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) throws Throwable {

    // The user does not need to hold down the key to use menu shortcuts.

    /* If no data is given in the Intent that started this Activity, then this Activity
     * was started when the intent filter matched a MAIN action. We should use the default
     * provider URI.
    // Gets the intent that started this Activity.
    Intent intent = getIntent();

    // If there is no data associated with the Intent, sets the data to the default URI, which
    // accesses a list of notes.
    if (intent.getData() == null) {

     * Sets the callback for context menu activation for the ListView. The listener is set
     * to be this Activity. The effect is that context menus are enabled for items in the
     * ListView, and the context menu is handled by a method in NotesList.

    /* Performs a managed query. The Activity handles closing and requerying the cursor
     * when needed.
     * Please see the introductory note about performing provider operations on the UI thread.
    Cursor cursor =
            getIntent().getData(), // Use the default content URI for the provider.
            PROJECTION, // Return the note ID and title for each note.
            null, // No where clause, return all records.
            null, // No where clause, therefore no where column values.
            NotePad.Notes.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER // Use the default sort order.

     * The following two arrays create a "map" between columns in the cursor and view IDs
     * for items in the ListView. Each element in the dataColumns array represents
     * a column name; each element in the viewID array represents the ID of a View.
     * The SimpleCursorAdapter maps them in ascending order to determine where each column
     * value will appear in the ListView.

    // The names of the cursor columns to display in the view, initialized to the title column
    String[] dataColumns = {NotePad.Notes.COLUMN_NAME_TITLE};

    // The view IDs that will display the cursor columns, initialized to the TextView in
    // noteslist_item.xml
    int[] viewIDs = {android.R.id.text1};

    // Creates the backing adapter for the ListView.
    SimpleCursorAdapter adapter =
        new SimpleCursorAdapter(
            this, // The Context for the ListView
            R.layout.noteslist_item, // Points to the XML for a list item
            cursor, // The cursor to get items from

    // Sets the ListView's adapter to be the cursor adapter that was just created.
Пример #2
  public boolean OnPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) throws Throwable {

    // The paste menu item is enabled if there is data on the clipboard.
    ClipboardManager clipboard = (ClipboardManager) getSystemService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE);

    MenuItem mPasteItem = menu.findItem(R.id.menu_paste);

    // If the clipboard contains an item, enables the Paste option on the menu.
    if (clipboard.hasPrimaryClip()) {
    } else {
      // If the clipboard is empty, disables the menu's Paste option.

    // Gets the number of notes currently being displayed.
    final boolean haveItems = getListAdapter().getCount() > 0;

    // If there are any notes in the list (which implies that one of
    // them is selected), then we need to generate the actions that
    // can be performed on the current selection.  This will be a combination
    // of our own specific actions along with any extensions that can be
    // found.
    if (haveItems) {

      // This is the selected item.
      Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(getIntent().getData(), getSelectedItemId());

      // Creates an array of Intents with one element. This will be used to send an Intent
      // based on the selected menu item.
      Intent[] specifics = new Intent[1];

      // Sets the Intent in the array to be an EDIT action on the URI of the selected note.
      specifics[0] = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_EDIT, uri);

      // Creates an array of menu items with one element. This will contain the EDIT option.
      MenuItem[] items = new MenuItem[1];

      // Creates an Intent with no specific action, using the URI of the selected note.
      Intent intent = new Intent(null, uri);

      /* Adds the category ALTERNATIVE to the Intent, with the note ID URI as its
       * data. This prepares the Intent as a place to group alternative options in the
       * menu.

       * Add alternatives to the menu
          Menu.CATEGORY_ALTERNATIVE, // Add the Intents as options in the alternatives group.
          Menu.NONE, // A unique item ID is not required.
          Menu.NONE, // The alternatives don't need to be in order.
          null, // The caller's name is not excluded from the group.
          specifics, // These specific options must appear first.
          intent, // These Intent objects map to the options in specifics.
          Menu.NONE, // No flags are required.
          items // The menu items generated from the specifics-to-
          // Intents mapping
      // If the Edit menu item exists, adds shortcuts for it.
      if (items[0] != null) {

        // Sets the Edit menu item shortcut to numeric "1", letter "e"
        items[0].setShortcut('1', 'e');
    } else {
      // If the list is empty, removes any existing alternative actions from the menu

    // Displays the menu
    return true;