public void setPressed(boolean pressed) { if (mGlowBG != null) { if (pressed != isPressed()) { if (mPressedAnim != null && mPressedAnim.isRunning()) { mPressedAnim.cancel(); } final AnimatorSet as = mPressedAnim = new AnimatorSet(); if (pressed) { if (mGlowScale < GLOW_MAX_SCALE_FACTOR) mGlowScale = GLOW_MAX_SCALE_FACTOR; if (mGlowAlpha < BUTTON_QUIESCENT_ALPHA) mGlowAlpha = BUTTON_QUIESCENT_ALPHA; setDrawingAlpha(1f); as.playTogether( ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "glowAlpha", 1f), ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "glowScale", GLOW_MAX_SCALE_FACTOR)); as.setDuration(50); } else { as.playTogether( ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "glowAlpha", 0f), ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "glowScale", 1f), ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "drawingAlpha", BUTTON_QUIESCENT_ALPHA)); as.setDuration(500); } as.start(); } } super.setPressed(pressed); }
public void setPressed(boolean pressed) { if (mGlowBG != null) { if (pressed != isPressed()) { if (mPressedAnim != null && mPressedAnim.isRunning()) { mPressedAnim.cancel(); } final AnimatorSet as = mPressedAnim = new AnimatorSet(); if (pressed) { if (mGlowScale < GLOW_MAX_SCALE_FACTOR) mGlowScale = GLOW_MAX_SCALE_FACTOR; if (mGlowAlpha < mQuiescentAlpha) mGlowAlpha = mQuiescentAlpha; setDrawingAlpha(1f); as.playTogether( ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "glowAlpha", 1f), ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "glowScale", GLOW_MAX_SCALE_FACTOR)); as.setDuration(50); } else { mAnimateToQuiescent.cancel(); mAnimateToQuiescent = animateToQuiescent(); as.playTogether( ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "glowAlpha", 0f), ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "glowScale", 1f), mAnimateToQuiescent); as.setDuration(500); } as.start(); } } super.setPressed(pressed); }
private void scaleToNormal(View item) { if (animatorSet == null) { return; } if (animatorSet.isRunning()) { animatorSet.cancel(); } ObjectAnimator oa = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(item, "ScaleX", 1f); oa.setDuration(durationSmall); oa.start(); ObjectAnimator oa2 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(item, "ScaleY", 1f); oa2.setDuration(durationSmall); oa2.start(); }
@SuppressLint("NewApi") private void onDialogDismiss() { if (animatorSetForDialogDismiss.isRunning()) { return; } if (animatorSetForDialogDismiss != null && objectAnimatorsForDialogDismiss != null && objectAnimatorsForDialogDismiss.size() > 0) { animatorSetForDialogDismiss.playTogether(objectAnimatorsForDialogDismiss); animatorSetForDialogDismiss.start(); animatorSetForDialogDismiss.addListener( new Animator.AnimatorListener() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {} @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { // 这里有可能会有bug,当Dialog所依赖的Activity关闭的时候,如果这个时候,用户关闭对话框,由于对话框的动画关闭需要时间,当动画执行完毕后,对话框所依赖的Activity已经被销毁了,执行dismiss()就会报错 if (context != null && context instanceof Activity) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1) { if (!((Activity) context).isDestroyed()) { dialog.dismiss(); } } else { try { dialog.dismiss(); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { } catch (final Exception e) { } finally { dialog = null; } } } } @Override public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {} @Override public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) {} }); } else { dialog.dismiss(); } }
@Override public void updateSecurityIcon(int securityLevel) { // ImageView#setImageResource is no-op if given resource is the current one. mSecurityButton.setImageResource( LocationBarLayout.getSecurityIconResource(securityLevel, !shouldEmphasizeHttpsScheme())); if (mSecurityIconType == securityLevel) return; mSecurityIconType = securityLevel; if (securityLevel == ConnectionSecurityLevel.NONE) { // TODO(yusufo): Add an animator for hiding as well. mSecurityButton.setVisibility(GONE); } else if (mSecurityButton.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE) { if (mSecurityButtonShowAnimator.isRunning()) mSecurityButtonShowAnimator.cancel(); mSecurityButtonShowAnimator.start(); mUrlBar.deEmphasizeUrl(); } mUrlBar.emphasizeUrl(); mUrlBar.invalidate(); }
/** * Set either minutes or hours as showing. * * @param animate True to animate the transition, false to show with no animation. */ public void setCurrentItemShowing(int index, boolean animate) { if (index != HOUR_INDEX && index != MINUTE_INDEX) { Log.e(TAG, "TimePicker does not support view at index " + index); return; } int lastIndex = getCurrentItemShowing(); mCurrentItemShowing = index; if (animate && (index != lastIndex)) { ObjectAnimator[] anims = new ObjectAnimator[4]; if (index == MINUTE_INDEX) { anims[0] = mHourRadialTextsView.getDisappearAnimator(); anims[1] = mHourRadialSelectorView.getDisappearAnimator(); anims[2] = mMinuteRadialTextsView.getReappearAnimator(); anims[3] = mMinuteRadialSelectorView.getReappearAnimator(); } else if (index == HOUR_INDEX) { anims[0] = mHourRadialTextsView.getReappearAnimator(); anims[1] = mHourRadialSelectorView.getReappearAnimator(); anims[2] = mMinuteRadialTextsView.getDisappearAnimator(); anims[3] = mMinuteRadialSelectorView.getDisappearAnimator(); } if (mTransition != null && mTransition.isRunning()) { mTransition.end(); } mTransition = new AnimatorSet(); mTransition.playTogether(anims); mTransition.start(); } else { int hourAlpha = (index == HOUR_INDEX) ? 255 : 0; int minuteAlpha = (index == MINUTE_INDEX) ? 255 : 0; mHourRadialTextsView.setAlpha(hourAlpha); mHourRadialSelectorView.setAlpha(hourAlpha); mMinuteRadialTextsView.setAlpha(minuteAlpha); mMinuteRadialSelectorView.setAlpha(minuteAlpha); } }
void createAnimation(boolean appearing) { // mVisible: previous state; appearing: new state float start, end; // 0: on-screen // height: off-screen float y = mContentParent.getTranslationY(); if (appearing) { // we want to go from near-the-top to the top, unless we're half-open in the right // general vicinity end = 0; if (mNotificationCount == 0) { end += mContentFrameMissingTranslation; } start = HYPERSPACE_OFFRAMP + end; } else { start = y; end = y + HYPERSPACE_OFFRAMP; } Animator posAnim = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mContentParent, "translationY", start, end); posAnim.setInterpolator(appearing ? sDecelerateInterpolator : sAccelerateInterpolator); if (mContentAnim != null && mContentAnim.isRunning()) { mContentAnim.cancel(); } Animator fadeAnim = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mContentParent, "alpha", appearing ? 1.0f : 0.0f); fadeAnim.setInterpolator(appearing ? sAccelerateInterpolator : sDecelerateInterpolator); mContentAnim = new AnimatorSet();; mContentAnim.setDuration((DEBUG ? 10 : 1) * (appearing ? OPEN_DURATION : CLOSE_DURATION)); mContentAnim.addListener(this); }
public void toggleToolbarShown(boolean shown) { if (mStripView == null) { Fragment fragment = getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(FRAGMENT_TAG); if (fragment != null && fragment instanceof AStripTabsFragment) { mStripView = ((AStripTabsFragment) fragment).getSlidingTabLayout(); } } if (mToolbar == null) return; if (animatorSet != null && animatorSet.isRunning()) return; if (isToolbarShown() && shown) return; else if (!isToolbarShown() && !shown) return; if (!btnFab.isVisible() && shown) {; } else if (btnFab.isVisible() && !shown) { btnFab.hide(true); } PropertyValuesHolder toolBarHolder = null; if (shown) { toolBarHolder = PropertyValuesHolder.ofFloat("translationY", -1 * mToolbar.getHeight(), 0); } else { toolBarHolder = PropertyValuesHolder.ofFloat("translationY", 0, -1 * mToolbar.getHeight()); } ObjectAnimator toolbarObjectAnim = ObjectAnimator.ofPropertyValuesHolder(mToolbar, toolBarHolder); toolbarObjectAnim.setDuration(150); ObjectAnimator stripObjectAnim = null; if (mStripView != null) { PropertyValuesHolder stripHolder = null; if (shown) { stripHolder = PropertyValuesHolder.ofFloat("translationY", -1 * mStripView.getHeight(), 0); } else { stripHolder = PropertyValuesHolder.ofFloat("translationY", 0, -1 * mStripView.getHeight()); } stripObjectAnim = ObjectAnimator.ofPropertyValuesHolder(mStripView, stripHolder); stripObjectAnim.setDuration(150); } AnimatorSet animSet = new AnimatorSet(); animatorSet = animSet; if (shown) { if (stripObjectAnim != null) { // animSet.playSequentially(toolbarObjectAnim, stripObjectAnim);; stripObjectAnim.setStartDelay(100);; } else {; } } else { if (stripObjectAnim != null) { // animSet.playSequentially(stripObjectAnim, toolbarObjectAnim);; toolbarObjectAnim.setStartDelay(100);; } else {; } } animSet.start(); }
@Override public boolean isRunning() { return mAnimatorSet.isRunning(); }