public void onEntityBlocked(EntityLivingBase entity) { if (this.worldObj.isRemote) { if (PowerNodeRegistry.For(getWorldObj()).checkPower(this, PowerTypes.DARK, 50)) { entity.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.magic, 5); PowerNodeRegistry.For(getWorldObj()).consumePower(this, PowerTypes.DARK, 50); } } }
@Override public void updateEntity() { super.updateEntity(); if (worldObj.isRemote) { if (particleCounter == 0 || particleCounter++ > 1000) { particleCounter = 1; radiant = (AMParticle) AMCore.proxy.particleManager.spawn( worldObj, "radiant", xCoord + 0.5f, yCoord + 0.5f, zCoord + 0.5f); if (radiant != null) { radiant.setMaxAge(1000); radiant.setRGBColorF(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f); radiant.setParticleScale(0.1f); radiant.AddParticleController(new ParticleHoldPosition(radiant, 1000, 1, false)); } } } else { if (!isActive()) { if (inventory[0] != null) { current_deconstruction_time = 1; } } else { if (inventory[0] == null) { current_deconstruction_time = 0; deconstructionRecipe = null; worldObj.markBlockForUpdate(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord); } else { if (PowerNodeRegistry.For(worldObj) .checkPower(this, PowerTypes.DARK, DECONSTRUCTION_POWER_COST)) { if (deconstructionRecipe == null) { if (!getDeconstructionRecipe()) { transferOrEjectItem(inventory[0]); setInventorySlotContents(0, null); } } else { if (current_deconstruction_time++ >= DECONSTRUCTION_TIME) { for (ItemStack stack : deconstructionRecipe) { transferOrEjectItem(stack); } deconstructionRecipe = null; decrStackSize(0, 1); current_deconstruction_time = 0; } if (current_deconstruction_time % 10 == 0) worldObj.markBlockForUpdate(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord); } PowerNodeRegistry.For(worldObj) .consumePower(this, PowerTypes.DARK, DECONSTRUCTION_POWER_COST); } } } } }
@Override public void updateEntity() { if (surroundingCheckTicks++ % 100 == 0) { checkNearbyBlockState(); surroundingCheckTicks = 1; if (!worldObj.isRemote && PowerNodeRegistry.For(this.worldObj).checkPower(this, this.capacity * 0.1f)) { List<EntityPlayer> nearbyPlayers = worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB( EntityPlayer.class, AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox( this.xCoord - 2, this.yCoord, this.zCoord - 2, this.xCoord + 2, this.yCoord + 3, this.zCoord + 2)); for (EntityPlayer p : nearbyPlayers) { if (p.isPotionActive( continue; p.addPotionEffect(new BuffEffectManaRegen(600, 1)); } } } if (onlyChargeAtNight == isNight()) { PowerNodeRegistry.For(this.worldObj) .insertPower(this, PowerTypes.LIGHT, 0.25f * powerMultiplier); if (worldObj.isRemote) { if (particleCounter++ % 180 == 0) { particleCounter = 1; AMCore.proxy.particleManager.RibbonFromPointToPoint( worldObj, xCoord + worldObj.rand.nextFloat(), yCoord + (worldObj.rand.nextFloat() * 2), zCoord + worldObj.rand.nextFloat(), xCoord + worldObj.rand.nextFloat(), yCoord + (worldObj.rand.nextFloat() * 2), zCoord + worldObj.rand.nextFloat()); } } } super.callSuperUpdate(); }
public boolean canActivate() { boolean allGood = true; allGood &= worldObj.isAirBlock(xCoord, yCoord - 1, zCoord); allGood &= worldObj.isAirBlock(xCoord, yCoord - 2, zCoord); allGood &= worldObj.isAirBlock(xCoord, yCoord - 3, zCoord); allGood &= checkStructure(); allGood &= PowerNodeRegistry.For(this.worldObj).checkPower(this); allGood &= !this.isActive; return allGood; }
private void pickPowerType(ItemStack stack) { if (this.currentMainPowerTypes != PowerTypes.NONE) return; int flags = stack.getItemDamage() - ItemEssence.META_MAX; PowerTypes highestValid = PowerTypes.NONE; float amt = 0; for (PowerTypes type : PowerTypes.all()) { float tmpAmt = PowerNodeRegistry.For(worldObj).getPower(this, type); if (tmpAmt > amt) highestValid = type; } this.currentMainPowerTypes = highestValid; }
public void setActive(long key) { this.isActive = true; this.key = key; int myMeta = worldObj.getBlockMetadata(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord); if (PowerNodeRegistry.For(worldObj).getHighestPowerType(this) == PowerTypes.DARK) { myMeta |= 8; } else if (PowerNodeRegistry.For(worldObj).getHighestPowerType(this) == PowerTypes.LIGHT) { myMeta |= 4; } if (!this.worldObj.isRemote) { for (Object player : this.worldObj.playerEntities) { if (player instanceof EntityPlayerMP && new AMVector3((EntityPlayerMP) player).distanceSqTo(new AMVector3(this)) <= 4096) { ((EntityPlayerMP) player).playerNetServerHandler.sendPacket(getDescriptionPacket()); } } } else { worldObj.playSound(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, "", 1.0f, 1.0f, true); } }
private void updatePowerRequestData() { ItemStack stack = getNextPlannedItem(); if (stack != null && stack.getItem() instanceof ItemEssence && stack.getItemDamage() > ItemEssence.META_MAX) { if (switchIsOn()) { int flags = stack.getItemDamage() - ItemEssence.META_MAX; setPowerRequests(); pickPowerType(stack); if (this.currentMainPowerTypes != PowerTypes.NONE && PowerNodeRegistry.For(this.worldObj) .checkPower(this, this.currentMainPowerTypes, 100)) { currentConsumedPower += PowerNodeRegistry.For(worldObj) .consumePower( this, this.currentMainPowerTypes, Math.min(100, stack.stackSize - currentConsumedPower)); } if (currentConsumedPower >= stack.stackSize) { PowerNodeRegistry.For(this.worldObj).setPower(this, this.currentMainPowerTypes, 0); if (!worldObj.isRemote) addItemToRecipe( new ItemStack( ItemsCommonProxy.essence, stack.stackSize, ItemEssence.META_MAX + flags)); currentConsumedPower = 0; currentMainPowerTypes = PowerTypes.NONE; setNoPowerRequests(); flipSwitch(); } } else { setNoPowerRequests(); } } else { setNoPowerRequests(); } }
private void setCrafting(boolean crafting) { this.isCrafting = crafting; if (!worldObj.isRemote) { AMDataWriter writer = new AMDataWriter(); writer.add(xCoord); writer.add(yCoord); writer.add(zCoord); writer.add(CRAFTING_CHANGED); writer.add(crafting); AMNetHandler.INSTANCE.sendPacketToAllClientsNear( worldObj.provider.dimensionId, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, 32, AMPacketIDs.CRAFTING_ALTAR_DATA, writer.generate()); } if (crafting) { allAddedItems.clear(); currentAddedItems.clear(); spellDef.clear(); for (ArrayList<KeyValuePair<ISpellPart, byte[]>> groups : shapeGroups) groups.clear(); // find otherworld auras IPowerNode[] nodes = PowerNodeRegistry.For(worldObj) .getAllNearbyNodes(worldObj, new AMVector3(this), PowerTypes.DARK); for (IPowerNode node : nodes) { if (node instanceof TileEntityOtherworldAura) { ((TileEntityOtherworldAura) node).setActive(true, this); break; } } } }
private void doTeleport(Entity entity) { deactivate(); AMVector3 newLocation = AMCore.instance.proxy.blocks.getNextKeystonePortalLocation( this.worldObj, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, false, this.key); AMVector3 myLocation = new AMVector3(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord); double distance = myLocation.distanceTo(newLocation); float essenceCost = (float) (Math.pow(distance, 2) * 0.00175f); int meta = worldObj.getBlockMetadata((int) newLocation.x, (int) newLocation.y, (int) newLocation.z); if (AMCore.config.getHazardousGateways()) { // uh-oh! Not enough power! The teleporter will still send you though, but I wonder where... float charge = PowerNodeRegistry.For(this.worldObj).getHighestPower(this); if (charge < essenceCost) { essenceCost = charge; // get the distance that our charge *will* take us towards the next point double distanceWeCanGo = MathHelper.sqrt_double(charge / 0.00175); // get the angle between the 2 vectors double deltaZ = newLocation.z - myLocation.z; double deltaX = newLocation.x - myLocation.x; double angleH = Math.atan2(deltaZ, deltaX); // interpolate the distance at that angle - this is the new position double newX = myLocation.x + (Math.cos(angleH) * distanceWeCanGo); double newZ = myLocation.z + (Math.sin(angleH) * distanceWeCanGo); double newY = myLocation.y; while (worldObj.isAirBlock((int) newX, (int) newY, (int) newZ)) { newY++; } newLocation = new AMVector3(newX, newY, newZ); } } else { this.worldObj.playSoundEffect( newLocation.x, newLocation.y, newLocation.z, "mob.endermen.portal", 1.0F, 1.0F); return; } float newRotation = 0; switch (meta) { case 0: newRotation = 270; break; case 1: newRotation = 180; break; case 2: newRotation = 90; break; case 3: newRotation = 0; break; } entity.setPositionAndRotation( newLocation.x + 0.5, newLocation.y - entity.height, newLocation.z + 0.5, newRotation, entity.rotationPitch); PowerNodeRegistry.For(this.worldObj) .consumePower( this, PowerNodeRegistry.For(this.worldObj).getHighestPowerType(this), essenceCost); this.worldObj.playSoundEffect( myLocation.x, myLocation.y, myLocation.z, "mob.endermen.portal", 1.0F, 1.0F); this.worldObj.playSoundEffect( newLocation.x, newLocation.y, newLocation.z, "mob.endermen.portal", 1.0F, 1.0F); }
@Override public void updateEntity() { super.updateEntity(); int radius = getRadius(); if (IsActive()) { PowerNodeRegistry.For(this.worldObj) .consumePower( this, PowerNodeRegistry.For(worldObj).getHighestPowerType(this), 0.35f * radius); } if (worldObj.isRemote) { if (IsActive()) { if (displayAura) { AMParticle effect = (AMParticle) AMCore.instance.proxy.particleManager.spawn( worldObj, "symbols", xCoord, yCoord + 0.5, zCoord); if (effect != null) { effect.setIgnoreMaxAge(false); effect.setMaxAge(100); effect.setParticleScale(0.5f); effect.AddParticleController( new ParticleOrbitPoint(effect, xCoord + 0.5, yCoord + 0.5, zCoord + 0.5, 1, false) .SetOrbitSpeed(0.03) .SetTargetDistance(radius)); } } particleTickCounter++; if (particleTickCounter >= 15) { particleTickCounter = 0; String particleName = ""; AMParticle effect = (AMParticle) AMCore.instance.proxy.particleManager.spawn( worldObj, "sparkle", xCoord + 0.5, yCoord + 0.1 + rand.nextDouble() * 0.5, zCoord + 0.5); if (effect != null) { effect.setIgnoreMaxAge(false); effect.setMaxAge(100); effect.setParticleScale(0.5f); float color = rand.nextFloat() * 0.2f + 0.8f; effect.AddParticleController( new ParticleOrbitPoint(effect, xCoord + 0.5, yCoord + 0.5, zCoord + 0.5, 1, false) .SetOrbitSpeed(0.005) .SetTargetDistance(rand.nextDouble() * 0.6 - 0.3)); effect.AddParticleController(new ParticleHoldPosition(effect, 80, 2, true)); effect.AddParticleController(new ParticleFadeOut(effect, 3, false).setFadeSpeed(0.05f)); } } } } }
public boolean IsActive() { return PowerNodeRegistry.For(this.worldObj).checkPower(this, 0.35f * getRadius()) && worldObj.isBlockIndirectlyGettingPowered(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord) && getRadius() > 0; }
@Override public void updateEntity() { if (worldObj.isRemote) { this.rotation += this.rotationIncrement; } else { surroundingCheckTicks++; } if (worldObj.isRemote || ticksSinceLastEntityScan++ > 25) { updateNearbyEntities(); ticksSinceLastEntityScan = 0; } Iterator<EntityLivingBase> it = cachedEntities.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { EntityLivingBase ent =; if (ent.isDead) { it.remove(); continue; } MovingObjectPosition mop = this.worldObj.rayTraceBlocks( Vec3.createVectorHelper(xCoord + 0.5, yCoord + 1.5, zCoord + 0.5), Vec3.createVectorHelper(ent.posX, ent.posY + ent.getEyeHeight(), ent.posZ), false); if (EntityUtilities.isSummon(ent) || mop != null) { continue; } ent.motionY = 0; ent.motionX = 0; ent.motionZ = 0; double deltaX = this.xCoord + 0.5f - ent.posX; double deltaZ = this.zCoord + 0.5f - ent.posZ; double deltaY = this.yCoord - ent.posY; double angle = Math.atan2(deltaZ, deltaX); double offsetX = Math.cos(angle) * 0.1; double offsetZ = Math.sin(angle) * 0.1; double offsetY = 0.05f; double distanceHorizontal = deltaX * deltaX + deltaZ * deltaZ; double distanceVertical = this.yCoord - ent.posY; boolean spawnedParticles = false; if (distanceHorizontal < 1.3) { if (distanceVertical < -1.5) { if (worldObj.isRemote && worldObj.rand.nextInt(10) < 3) { AMCore.proxy.particleManager.BoltFromPointToPoint( worldObj, xCoord + 0.5, yCoord + 1.3, zCoord + 0.5, ent.posX, ent.posY, ent.posZ, 4, 0x000000); } } if (distanceVertical < -2) { offsetY = 0; if (!worldObj.isRemote) { if (ent.attackEntityFrom(DamageSources.darkNexus, 4)) { if (ent.getHealth() <= 0) { ent.setDead(); float power = ((int) Math.ceil((ent.getMaxHealth() * (ent.ticksExisted / 20)) % 5000)) * this.powerMultiplier; PowerNodeRegistry.For(this.worldObj).insertPower(this, PowerTypes.DARK, power); } } } } } if (worldObj.isRemote) { if (!arcs.containsKey(ent)) { AMLineArc arc = (AMLineArc) AMCore.proxy.particleManager.spawn( worldObj, "textures/blocks/oreblocksunstone.png", xCoord + 0.5, yCoord + 1.3, zCoord + 0.5, ent); if (arc != null) { arc.setExtendToTarget(); arc.setRBGColorF(1, 1, 1); } arcs.put(ent, arc); } Iterator arcIterator = arcs.keySet().iterator(); ArrayList<Entity> toRemove = new ArrayList<Entity>(); while (arcIterator.hasNext()) { Entity arcEnt = (Entity); AMLineArc arc = (AMLineArc) arcs.get(arcEnt); if (arcEnt == null || arcEnt.isDead || arc == null || arc.isDead || new AMVector3(ent).distanceSqTo(new AMVector3(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord)) > 100) toRemove.add(arcEnt); } for (Entity e : toRemove) { arcs.remove(e); } } if (!worldObj.isRemote) ent.moveEntity(offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ); } if (surroundingCheckTicks % 100 == 0) { checkNearbyBlockState(); surroundingCheckTicks = 1; if (!worldObj.isRemote && PowerNodeRegistry.For(this.worldObj).checkPower(this, this.capacity * 0.1f)) { List<EntityPlayer> nearbyPlayers = worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB( EntityPlayer.class, AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox( this.xCoord - 2, this.yCoord, this.zCoord - 2, this.xCoord + 2, this.yCoord + 3, this.zCoord + 2)); for (EntityPlayer p : nearbyPlayers) { if (p.isPotionActive( continue; p.addPotionEffect(new BuffEffectManaRegen(600, 3)); } } // TODO: /*if (rand.nextDouble() < (this.getCharge() / this.getCapacity()) * 0.01){ int maxSev = (int)Math.ceil((this.getCharge() / this.getCapacity()) * 2) + rand.nextInt(2); IllEffectsManager.instance.ApplyRandomBadThing(this, IllEffectSeverity.values()[maxSev], BadThingTypes.DARKNEXUS); }*/ } super.callSuperUpdate(); }