   * TODO: Check to see if this method could be merged with the work done in the {@link
   * ThresholdAnalysis#runAnalysis()} method.
   * @param reference it can be either an Alignment<Mapping> or a List<MatchingPair>
  public static ThresholdAnalysisData thresholdAnalysis(
      AbstractMatcher toBeEvaluated,
      Object reference,
      double[] thresholds,
      boolean removeDuplicates) {
    Alignment<Mapping> referenceSet = null;
    List<MatchingPair> referencePairs = null;
    if (reference instanceof Alignment) referenceSet = (Alignment<Mapping>) reference;
    else if (reference instanceof List) referencePairs = (List<MatchingPair>) reference;
    else return null;

    double step = 0.05;
    if (thresholds == null) thresholds = Utility.getDoubleArray(0.0d, 0.01d, 101);

    ReferenceEvaluationData maxrd = null;
    ReferenceEvaluationData rd;
    Alignment<Mapping> evaluateSet;

    double maxTh = step;
    double sumPrecision = 0;
    double sumRecall = 0;
    double sumFmeasure = 0;
    int sumFound = 0;
    int sumCorrect = 0;

    String matcherName = toBeEvaluated.getName();
    ThresholdAnalysisData tad = new ThresholdAnalysisData(thresholds);

    String report = matcherName + "\n\n";
    double th;
    report += "Threshold:\tFound\tCorrect\tReference\tPrecision\tRecall\tF-Measure\n";

    // output the info to the console for easy copy/pasting
    //		System.out.println("Threshold, " +
    //				   "Precision, " +
    //				   "Recall, " +
    //				   "F-Measure" );
    for (int t = 0; t < thresholds.length; t++) {
      th = thresholds[t];
      toBeEvaluated.getParam().threshold = th;
      evaluateSet = toBeEvaluated.getAlignment();
      if (referenceSet != null) rd = ReferenceEvaluator.compare(evaluateSet, referenceSet);
      else {

        Alignment<Mapping> alignment = toBeEvaluated.getAlignment();
        List<MatchingPair> pairs = AlignmentUtilities.alignmentToMatchingPairs(alignment);


        rd = AlignmentUtilities.compare(pairs, referencePairs);

      report += Utility.getNoDecimalPercentFromDouble(th) + "\t" + rd.getMeasuresLine();
      sumPrecision += rd.getPrecision();
      sumRecall += rd.getRecall();
      sumFmeasure += rd.getFmeasure();
      sumFound += rd.getFound();
      sumCorrect += rd.getCorrect();

      // output this information to the console for easy copy/pasting  // TODO: make a button to be
      // able to copy/paste this info
      //			System.out.println(Double.toString(th) + ", " +
      //					   Double.toString(rd.getPrecision()) + ", " +
      //					   Double.toString(rd.getRecall()) + ", " +
      //					   Double.toString(rd.getFmeasure()) );

      if (maxrd == null || maxrd.getFmeasure() < rd.getFmeasure()) {
        maxrd = rd;
        maxTh = th;
    toBeEvaluated.getParam().threshold = maxTh;
    report += "Best Run:\n";
    report += Utility.getNoDecimalPercentFromDouble(maxTh) + "\t" + maxrd.getMeasuresLine();
    sumPrecision /= thresholds.length;
    sumRecall /= thresholds.length;
    sumFmeasure /= thresholds.length;
    sumFound /= thresholds.length;
    sumCorrect /= thresholds.length;
    report +=
            + sumFound
            + "\t"
            + sumCorrect
            + "\t"
            + maxrd.getExist()
            + "\t"
            + Utility.getOneDecimalPercentFromDouble(sumPrecision)
            + "\t"
            + Utility.getOneDecimalPercentFromDouble(sumRecall)
            + "\t"
            + Utility.getOneDecimalPercentFromDouble(sumFmeasure)
            + "\n\n";
    return tad;