   * Do the Samba! Perform a random sequence of next and previous
   * and check if you are at the correct point in the list
  public void testSamba() {

    Random random = new Random();
    final int sambaSteps = 1;

    iter = list.listIterator(numElements / 2); // Position roughly in the middle
    int pos = numElements / 2;

    for (int i = 0; i < sambaSteps; i++) {
      boolean next = random.nextBoolean();

      // Randomly jump ahead or back
      // pos keeps track of where you should be
      if (next && iter.hasNext()) {
        pos = pos + 1;
      } else if (!next && iter.hasPrevious()) {
        pos = pos - 1;

    // Check to see if you are where you ought to be
    assertTrue((pos == numElements) || (iter.next().equals(pos)));
  /** Check if next works correctly */
  public void testNext() {

    // Move down one at a time
    // Check if this is being done correctly

    iter = list.listIterator();
    Object next;

    for (int i = 0; i < numElements - 1; i++) {
      next = iter.next();

    next = iter.next();
    assertTrue(next.equals(numElements - 1));
  public void testSet() {

    // Double the values in the list using set

    iter = list.listIterator();

    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      int next = (Integer) iter.next();
      next *= 2;

    // Check if the doubling got done right

    assertEquals(list.size(), numElements);
    for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) assertTrue(list.get(i).equals(2 * i));