public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); t.a.getLooper().quit(); Object localObject = i.values().iterator(); long l1 = 500L; long l2 = Long.MAX_VALUE; if (((Iterator)localObject).hasNext()) { cwd localcwd = (cwd)((Iterator)localObject).next(); localcwd.d(); l2 = Math.min(l2, localcwd.b()); if (localcwd.c() <= 0) { break label203; } l1 = Math.max(l1, localcwd.e()); } label203: for (;;) { break; i.clear(); if (a) { new StringBuilder(65).append("Recycling request writer. Will restart after ").append(l2); } if (l2 < Long.MAX_VALUE) { ((AlarmManager)getSystemService("alarm")).set(3, l2 + SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(), b(l1)); } for (g = true;; g = false) { localObject = l; if (localObject != null) { unregisterReceiver((BroadcastReceiver)localObject); } return; } } }
public void onCreate() { int i1; if (a) { i1 = hashCode(); new StringBuilder(34).append("RequestWriter.onCreate ").append(i1); } super.onCreate(); try { gqa.a(getApplicationContext()); if ((Build.TYPE.equals("eng")) || (Build.TYPE.equals("userdebug"))) { i1 = 1; if (i1 == 0) { break label220; } HashSet localHashSet = new HashSet(); localObject2 = h.entrySet().iterator(); Map.Entry localEntry; int i2; for (i1 = 1; ((Iterator)localObject2).hasNext(); bool = aal.a(getValuea, null, 0, localHashSet) & i2 & i1) { localEntry = (Map.Entry)((Iterator)localObject2).next(); i2 = aal.a((Class)localEntry.getKey(), null, 0, localHashSet); } } } catch (fhq localfhq) { for (;;) { fhr.a(localfhq.a(), getApplicationContext()); ezi.d("Babel_RequestWriter", "GPS repairable exception when trying to installIfNeeded", localfhq); } } catch (fhp localfhp) { boolean bool; for (;;) { ezi.d("Babel_RequestWriter", "GPS not available when trying to installIfNeeded", localfhp); continue; bool = false; } if (!bool) { throw new IllegalStateException("not all ServerRequest and ServerResponse classes are set up correctly for serialization"); } label220: t = new eex(this); t.start(); k = ((ConnectivityManager)getSystemService("connectivity")); j(); Object localObject1 = new eeq(ilh.b(this), this); Object localObject2 = new IntentFilter(); ((IntentFilter)localObject2).addAction(""); registerReceiver((BroadcastReceiver)localObject1, (IntentFilter)localObject2); l = ((eeq)localObject1); h(); localObject1 = Message.obtain(); arg1 = 1; t.a.sendMessage((Message)localObject1); ((AlarmManager)getSystemService("alarm")).cancel(b(500L)); } }
public void I_() { super.d(); }