/** A more realitic query with a version decl, no encoding. . */ @org.junit.Test public void prologVersion7V3() { final XQuery query = new XQuery( "\n" + " xquery version \"3.0\"; \n" + " declare boundary-space preserve; \n" + " declare default order empty greatest; \n" + " declare namespace ns = \"http://www.example.org/\"; \n" + " for $b in //book stable order by xs:decimal($b/price[1]) empty greatest \n" + " return $b/title", ctx); try { query.context(node(file("op/union/bib2.xml"))); result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test( assertSerialization( "<title>Data on the Web</title><title>TCP/IP Illustrated</title><title>Advanced Programming in the Unix environment</title><title>The Economics of Technology and Content for Digital TV</title>", false)); }
/** * A prolog containing many different declarations. TODO function declarations missing TODO * variable declarations missing . */ @org.junit.Test public void kVersionProlog5V3() { final XQuery query = new XQuery( "\n" + " xquery version \"3.0\" encoding \"ISO-8859-1\"; \n" + " declare boundary-space preserve; \n" + " declare default collation \"http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint\"; \n" + " declare base-uri \"http://example.com/\"; \n" + " declare construction strip; \n" + " declare ordering ordered; \n" + " declare default order empty greatest; \n" + " declare copy-namespaces no-preserve, no-inherit; \n" + " declare namespace ex = \"http://example.com/a/Namespace\"; \n" + " declare default element namespace \"http://example.com/\"; \n" + " declare default function namespace \"http://example.com/\"; \n" + " declare option fn:x-notRecognized \"option content\"; \n" + " 1 eq 1", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test(assertBoolean(true)); }
/** A very simple string-difference function. . */ @org.junit.Test public void k2FunctionCallExpr11() { final XQuery query = new XQuery( "\n" + " declare function local:compare($arg1 as xs:string, $arg2 as xs:string) { \n" + " let $cps1 := string-to-codepoints($arg1), \n" + " $cps2 := string-to-codepoints($arg2) \n" + " return abs(count($cps1) - count($cps2)) + sum(for $x in 1 to min((count($cps1), count($cps2))) \n" + " return if ($cps1[$x] ne $cps2[$x]) then 1 else ()) }; \n" + " local:compare(\"\", \"\"), \n" + " local:compare(\"a\", \"\"), \n" + " local:compare(\"\", \"a\"), \n" + " local:compare(\"a\", \"a\"), \n" + " local:compare(\"\", \"aa\"), \n" + " local:compare(\"aa\", \"ab\"), \n" + " local:compare(\"ba\", \"ba\"), \n" + " local:compare(\"bab\", \"bbb\"), \n" + " local:compare(\"aba\", \"bab\")\n" + " ", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test(assertStringValue(false, "0 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 3")); }
/** . */ @org.junit.Test public void treeQueriesResultsQ6() { final XQuery query = new XQuery( "\n" + " declare function local:section-summary($book-or-section as element()*) as element()* { \n" + " for $section in $book-or-section \n" + " return <section> { $section/@* } { $section/title } <figcount> { count($section/figure) } </figcount> { local:section-summary($section/section) } </section> \n" + " }; \n" + " <toc> { \n" + " for $s in /book/section \n" + " return local:section-summary($s) \n" + " } </toc>\n" + " ", ctx); try { query.context(node(file("docs/book.xml"))); result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test( assertSerialization( "<toc><section id=\"intro\" difficulty=\"easy\"><title>Introduction</title><figcount>0</figcount><section><title>Audience</title><figcount>0</figcount></section><section><title>Web Data and the Two Cultures</title><figcount>1</figcount></section></section><section id=\"syntax\" difficulty=\"medium\"><title>A Syntax For Data</title><figcount>1</figcount><section><title>Base Types</title><figcount>0</figcount></section><section><title>Representing Relational Databases</title><figcount>1</figcount></section><section><title>Representing Object Databases</title><figcount>0</figcount></section></section></toc>", false)); }
@Test public void xmark05() throws Exception, IOException { PrintStream buffer = createBuffer(); XQuery query = xquery(readQuery(QUERY_DIR, "q05.xq")); query.serialize(ctx, buffer); assertEquals(readFile(RESULT_DIR, "q05.out"), buffer.toString()); }
/** * No function by name fn:format-number() exists in XQuery 1.0 (although one does in XSLT and in * XQuery 3.0). . */ @org.junit.Test public void kFunctionCallExpr15a() { final XQuery query = new XQuery("format-number(3, \"0000\")", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test(assertEq("\"0003\"")); }
/** Test that arguments are atomized - built in function. */ @org.junit.Test public void functionCall001() { final XQuery query = new XQuery("concat(<a>X</a>, <a>Y</a>)", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test(assertStringValue(false, "XY")); }
/** Evaluation of an "fn:codepoint-equal" whose arguments use fn:string() for a string. . */ @org.junit.Test public void fnCodepointEqual9() { final XQuery query = new XQuery("fn:codepoint-equal(fn:string(\"aa\"),fn:string(\"aa\"))", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test(assertBoolean(true)); }
/** * Evaluates The "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(upper * bound) . */ @org.junit.Test public void fnExactlyOneint1args3() { final XQuery query = new XQuery("fn:exactly-one(xs:int(\"2147483647\"))", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test(assertStringValue(false, "2147483647")); }
/** A function call containing an invalid QName as name. . */ @org.junit.Test public void kFunctionCallExpr6() { final XQuery query = new XQuery("f:f:()", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test((error("XPST0003") || error("XPST0081"))); }
/** No function by name fn:sub-sequence() exists(although one by name fn:subsequence does). . */ @org.junit.Test public void kFunctionCallExpr28() { final XQuery query = new XQuery("fn:sub-sequence(\"http:/example.com/\", 1, 1)", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test(error("XPST0017")); }
/** Function by name fn:generate-id() does exist in XQuery 3.0. . */ @org.junit.Test public void kFunctionCallExpr25a() { final XQuery query = new XQuery("generate-id(<a/>) castable as xs:NCName", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test(assertBoolean(true)); }
/** A test whose essence is: `exactly-one(error())`. . */ @org.junit.Test public void kSeqExactlyOneFunc6() { final XQuery query = new XQuery("exactly-one(error())", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test(error("FOER0000")); }
/** * Evaluates The "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = * xs:unsignedShort(upper bound) . */ @org.junit.Test public void fnExactlyOneusht1args3() { final XQuery query = new XQuery("fn:exactly-one(xs:unsignedShort(\"65535\"))", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test(assertStringValue(false, "65535")); }
/** A test whose essence is: `count(exactly-one( "one" )) eq 1`. . */ @org.junit.Test public void kSeqExactlyOneFunc5() { final XQuery query = new XQuery("count(exactly-one( \"one\" )) eq 1", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test(assertBoolean(true)); }
/** * Evaluates The "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = * xs:unsignedLong(upper bound) . */ @org.junit.Test public void fnExactlyOneulng1args3() { final XQuery query = new XQuery("fn:exactly-one(xs:unsignedLong(\"184467440737095516\"))", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test(assertStringValue(false, "184467440737095516")); }
/** * Evaluates The "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = * xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) . */ @org.junit.Test public void fnExactlyOnepint1args1() { final XQuery query = new XQuery("fn:exactly-one(xs:positiveInteger(\"1\"))", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test(assertStringValue(false, "1")); }
/** * Evaluates The "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(upper * bound) . */ @org.junit.Test public void fnExactlyOnelng1args3() { final XQuery query = new XQuery("fn:exactly-one(xs:long(\"92233720368547758\"))", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test(assertStringValue(false, "92233720368547758")); }
/** * Evaluates The "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(mid * range) . */ @org.junit.Test public void fnExactlyOneintg1args2() { final XQuery query = new XQuery("fn:exactly-one(xs:integer(\"830993497117024304\"))", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test(assertStringValue(false, "830993497117024304")); }
/** Test that arguments are atomized - constructor function. */ @org.junit.Test public void functionCall002() { final XQuery query = new XQuery("xs:boolean(<a>0</a>)", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test(assertBoolean(false)); }
/** No function by name fn:unparsed-entity-uri() exists(although one does in XSLT). . */ @org.junit.Test public void kFunctionCallExpr23() { final XQuery query = new XQuery("unparsed-entity-uri(\"example.com/file.ext\")", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test(error("XPST0017")); }
/** Error XTDE1340 component in picture string not available in value. */ @org.junit.Test public void formatTime817err() { final XQuery query = new XQuery("format-time(current-time(), '[bla]', 'en', (), ())", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test((error("XTDE1340") || error("FOFD1340"))); }
/** No function by name fn:system-property() exists(although one does in XSL-T). . */ @org.junit.Test public void kFunctionCallExpr26() { final XQuery query = new XQuery("system-property(\"xsl:vendor\")", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test(error("XPST0017")); }
/** Function unparsed-entity-public-id() is not available in XQuery. . */ @org.junit.Test public void k2FunctionCallExpr5() { final XQuery query = new XQuery("unparsed-entity-public-id(\"str\")", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test(error("XPST0017")); }
/** A test whose essence is: `prefix-does-not-exist:func-does-not-exist(1, 2, 3)`. . */ @org.junit.Test public void kFunctionCallExpr5() { final XQuery query = new XQuery("prefix-does-not-exist:func-does-not-exist(1, 2, 3)", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test(error("XPST0081")); }
/** * Evaluation of an "fn:codepoint-equal" with one argument set to empty sequence Use fn:count to * avoid empty file. . */ @org.junit.Test public void fnCodepointEqual2b() { final XQuery query = new XQuery("fn:codepoint-equal((), \"\")", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test(assertEmpty()); }
/** wrong number of args to format-time(). */ @org.junit.Test public void formatTimeInptEr3() { final XQuery query = new XQuery("format-time(current-time(), '[bla]', 'en', (), (), 6)", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test(error("XPST0017")); }
/** * Evaluates The "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(upper * bound) . */ @org.junit.Test public void fnExactlyOneflt1args3() { final XQuery query = new XQuery("fn:exactly-one(xs:float(\"3.4028235E38\"))", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test(assertStringValue(false, "3.4028235E38")); }
/** Function key() is not available in XQuery. . */ @org.junit.Test public void k2FunctionCallExpr9() { final XQuery query = new XQuery("key(\"id\")", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test(error("XPST0017")); }
/** Evaluation of an "fn:codepoint-equal" with wrong argument type (only second argument). . */ @org.junit.Test public void fnCodepointEqual11() { final XQuery query = new XQuery("fn:codepoint-equal(\"aa\",xs:integer(1))", ctx); try { result = new QT3Result(query.value()); } catch (final Throwable trw) { result = new QT3Result(trw); } finally { query.close(); } test(error("XPTY0004")); }