// TODO: Throw an Exception if vision fails.
  private Location getVisionOffsets(Head head, Location pickLocation) throws Exception {
    logger.debug("getVisionOffsets({}, {})", head.getName(), pickLocation);
    // Find the Camera to be used for vision
    // TODO: Consider caching this
    Camera camera = null;
    for (Camera c : head.getCameras()) {
      if (c.getVisionProvider() != null) {
        camera = c;

    if (camera == null) {
      throw new Exception("No vision capable camera found on head.");


    // Position the camera over the pick location.
    logger.debug("Move camera to pick location.");
    camera.moveTo(pickLocation, 1.0);

    // Move the camera to be in focus over the pick location.
    //		head.moveTo(head.getX(), head.getY(), z, head.getC());

    // Settle the camera

    VisionProvider visionProvider = camera.getVisionProvider();

    Rectangle aoi = getVision().getAreaOfInterest();

    // Perform the template match
    logger.debug("Perform template match.");
    Point[] matchingPoints =

    // Get the best match from the array
    Point match = matchingPoints[0];

    // match now contains the position, in pixels, from the top left corner
    // of the image to the top left corner of the match. We are interested in
    // knowing how far from the center of the image the center of the match is.
    BufferedImage image = camera.capture();
    double imageWidth = image.getWidth();
    double imageHeight = image.getHeight();
    double templateWidth = vision.getTemplateImage().getWidth();
    double templateHeight = vision.getTemplateImage().getHeight();
    double matchX = match.x;
    double matchY = match.y;

    logger.debug("matchX {}, matchY {}", matchX, matchY);

    // Adjust the match x and y to be at the center of the match instead of
    // the top left corner.
    matchX += (templateWidth / 2);
    matchY += (templateHeight / 2);

    logger.debug("centered matchX {}, matchY {}", matchX, matchY);

    // Calculate the difference between the center of the image to the
    // center of the match.
    double offsetX = (imageWidth / 2) - matchX;
    double offsetY = (imageHeight / 2) - matchY;

    logger.debug("offsetX {}, offsetY {}", offsetX, offsetY);

    // Invert the Y offset because images count top to bottom and the Y
    // axis of the machine counts bottom to top.
    offsetY *= -1;

    logger.debug("negated offsetX {}, offsetY {}", offsetX, offsetY);

    // And convert pixels to units
    Location unitsPerPixel = camera.getUnitsPerPixel();
    offsetX *= unitsPerPixel.getX();
    offsetY *= unitsPerPixel.getY();

    logger.debug("final, in camera units offsetX {}, offsetY {}", offsetX, offsetY);

    return new Location(unitsPerPixel.getUnits(), offsetX, offsetY, 0, 0);