public boolean func_75250_a() { if (field_75275_a.field_70170_p.func_72935_r()) { return false; } Village village = field_75275_a.field_70170_p.field_72982_D.func_75550_a( MathHelper.func_76128_c(field_75275_a.field_70165_t), MathHelper.func_76128_c(field_75275_a.field_70163_u), MathHelper.func_76128_c(field_75275_a.field_70161_v), 16); if (village == null) { return false; } field_75274_b = village.func_75564_b( MathHelper.func_76128_c(field_75275_a.field_70165_t), MathHelper.func_76128_c(field_75275_a.field_70163_u), MathHelper.func_76128_c(field_75275_a.field_70161_v)); if (field_75274_b == null) { return false; } else { return (double) field_75274_b.func_75469_c( MathHelper.func_76128_c(field_75275_a.field_70165_t), MathHelper.func_76128_c(field_75275_a.field_70163_u), MathHelper.func_76128_c(field_75275_a.field_70161_v)) < 2.25D; } }
/** Returns whether the EntityAIBase should begin execution. */ public boolean shouldExecute() { if ((!this.entityObj.worldObj.isDaytime() || this.entityObj.worldObj.isRaining()) && !this.entityObj.worldObj.worldProvider.hasNoSky) { if (this.entityObj.getRNG().nextInt(50) != 0) { return false; } else if (this.insidePosX != -1 && this.entityObj.getDistanceSq( (double) this.insidePosX, this.entityObj.posY, (double) this.insidePosZ) < 4.0D) { return false; } else { Village var1 = this.entityObj.worldObj.villageCollectionObj.findNearestVillage( MathHelper.floor_double(this.entityObj.posX), MathHelper.floor_double(this.entityObj.posY), MathHelper.floor_double(this.entityObj.posZ), 14); if (var1 == null) { return false; } else { this.doorInfo = var1.findNearestDoorUnrestricted( MathHelper.floor_double(this.entityObj.posX), MathHelper.floor_double(this.entityObj.posY), MathHelper.floor_double(this.entityObj.posZ)); return this.doorInfo != null; } } } else { return false; } }
private VillageDoorInfo getVillageDoorAt(int par1, int par2, int par3) { Iterator iterator = this.newDoors.iterator(); VillageDoorInfo villagedoorinfo; do { if (!iterator.hasNext()) { iterator = this.villageList.iterator(); VillageDoorInfo villagedoorinfo1; do { if (!iterator.hasNext()) { return null; } Village village = (Village); villagedoorinfo1 = village.getVillageDoorAt(par1, par2, par3); } while (villagedoorinfo1 == null); return villagedoorinfo1; } villagedoorinfo = (VillageDoorInfo); } while (villagedoorinfo.posX != par1 || villagedoorinfo.posZ != par3 || Math.abs(villagedoorinfo.posY - par2) > 1); return villagedoorinfo; }
public boolean a() { if ( { return false; } else { Village village = MathHelper.floor(this.a.locX), MathHelper.floor(this.a.locY), MathHelper.floor(this.a.locZ), 16); if (village == null) { return false; } else { this.b = village.b( MathHelper.floor(this.a.locX), MathHelper.floor(this.a.locY), MathHelper.floor(this.a.locZ)); return this.b == null ? false : (double) this.b.c( MathHelper.floor(this.a.locX), MathHelper.floor(this.a.locY), MathHelper.floor(this.a.locZ)) < 2.25D; } } }
public void func_82566_a(World par1World) { this.worldObj = par1World; Iterator iterator = this.villageList.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Village village = (Village); village.func_82691_a(par1World); } }
/** reads in data from the NBTTagCompound into this MapDataBase */ public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound par1NBTTagCompound) { this.tickCounter = par1NBTTagCompound.getInteger("Tick"); NBTTagList nbttaglist = par1NBTTagCompound.getTagList("Villages"); for (int i = 0; i < nbttaglist.tagCount(); ++i) { NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = (NBTTagCompound) nbttaglist.tagAt(i); Village village = new Village(); village.readVillageDataFromNBT(nbttagcompound1); this.villageList.add(village); } }
private void removeAnnihilatedVillages() { Iterator iterator = this.villageList.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Village village = (Village); if (village.isAnnihilated()) { iterator.remove(); this.markDirty(); } } }
/** write data to NBTTagCompound from this MapDataBase, similar to Entities and TileEntities */ public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound par1NBTTagCompound) { par1NBTTagCompound.setInteger("Tick", this.tickCounter); NBTTagList nbttaglist = new NBTTagList("Villages"); Iterator iterator = this.villageList.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Village village = (Village); NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = new NBTTagCompound("Village"); village.writeVillageDataToNBT(nbttagcompound1); nbttaglist.appendTag(nbttagcompound1); } par1NBTTagCompound.setTag("Villages", nbttaglist); }
public boolean a() { if ( { return false; } else { BlockPosition blockposition = new BlockPosition(this.a); Village village =, 16); if (village == null) { return false; } else { this.b = village.b(blockposition); return this.b == null ? false : (double) this.b.b(blockposition) < 2.25D; } } }
/** Runs a single tick for the village collection */ public void tick() { ++this.tickCounter; Iterator iterator = this.villageList.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Village village = (Village); village.tick(this.tickCounter); } this.removeAnnihilatedVillages(); this.dropOldestVillagerPosition(); this.addNewDoorsToVillageOrCreateVillage(); if (this.tickCounter % 400 == 0) { this.markDirty(); } }
/** * Finds the nearest village, but only the given coordinates are withing it's bounding box plus * the given the distance. */ public Village findNearestVillage(int par1, int par2, int par3, int par4) { Village village = null; float f = Float.MAX_VALUE; Iterator iterator = this.villageList.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Village village1 = (Village); float f1 = village1.getCenter().getDistanceSquared(par1, par2, par3); if (f1 < f) { int i1 = par4 + village1.getVillageRadius(); if (f1 <= (float) (i1 * i1)) { village = village1; f = f1; } } } return village; }
public void run() { try { while (true) { Village.isAttacked(); // piggy back off the isAttacked thread to update server time ServerTimePanel.setServerTime( "Server time: " + WebAutomation.driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id=\"serverTime\"]")).getText()); // make the thread sleep for 10 secs Thread.sleep(10000); } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { } catch (InterruptedException e) { } catch (StaleElementReferenceException e) { } }
private void addNewDoorsToVillageOrCreateVillage() { int i = 0; while (i < this.newDoors.size()) { VillageDoorInfo villagedoorinfo = (VillageDoorInfo) this.newDoors.get(i); boolean flag = false; Iterator iterator = this.villageList.iterator(); while (true) { if (iterator.hasNext()) { Village village = (Village); int j = (int) village .getCenter() .getDistanceSquared( villagedoorinfo.posX, villagedoorinfo.posY, villagedoorinfo.posZ); int k = 32 + village.getVillageRadius(); if (j > k * k) { continue; } village.addVillageDoorInfo(villagedoorinfo); flag = true; } if (!flag) { Village village1 = new Village(this.worldObj); village1.addVillageDoorInfo(villagedoorinfo); this.villageList.add(village1); this.markDirty(); } ++i; break; } } this.newDoors.clear(); }
private void updateConfig(SubnodeConfiguration newServerConfig) throws InvalidConfigurationException { log.debug("Updating server config for " + getServerId()); this.config = newServerConfig; this.util.setServerConfig(newServerConfig); this.util.setServer(this); this.util.setServerId(user, getServerId()); // set server id for use in report processing // check if reading reports from overall server reportMode = newServerConfig.getString("/reports", null); // simple format to just read reportMode = newServerConfig.getString( "/reports/@enabled", reportMode); // complex config with processing if (reportMode != null) { SubnodeConfiguration reportConfig = newServerConfig.configurationAt("/reports"); reportMode = reportConfig.getString("/output/@format", reportMode); // complex config with processing EventLog.log(loginUrl + " reportMode=" + reportMode); reportReader.setReportsMode(reportMode, reportConfig); } messageMode = newServerConfig.getString("/messages", null); messageMode = newServerConfig.getString("/messages/@enabled", messageMode); // note once enabled have to turn off by setting false or will not call to disable if (messageMode != null) { SubnodeConfiguration messageConfig = newServerConfig.configurationAt("/messages"); String messageText = messageConfig.getString("/@commands", null); EventLog.log( loginUrl + " messageMode=" + messageMode + " Command Text (" + messageText + ")"); // use same as mode or a separate param? messageReader.setMessagesMode(messageMode, messageConfig); } setTribeType(newServerConfig); // // Update villages // When a village is disabled or removed from the configuration, it is deleted from // this.villages List<Village> deletableVillages = new ArrayList<Village>(villages.values()); // Loop all enabled villages List<SubnodeConfiguration> villageConfigs = newServerConfig.configurationsAt("/village[@enabled='true']"); for (SubnodeConfiguration villageConfig : villageConfigs) { String id = Village.getIdFromConfig(villageConfig); // Either uid or url Village village = this.villages.get(id); if (village == null) { // New village village = new Village(util, villageConfig, strategyStatus); this.villages.put(id, village); } else { // Village already exists village.updateConfig(villageConfig, util); deletableVillages.remove(village); // This village is still enabled } } // Removing deleted or disabled villages for (Village village : deletableVillages) { this.villages.remove(village.getId()); village.terminate(); } // // Update server strategies serverStrategyList = updateStrategies( "/serverStrategy[@enabled='true']", newServerConfig, serverStrategies, null); }
private TimeWhenRunnable processVillages() throws InvalidConfigurationException { TimeWhenRunnable firstTimeWhenRunnable = null; try { List<SubnodeConfiguration> villageConfigs = config.configurationsAt("/village[@enabled='true']"); for (SubnodeConfiguration villageConfig : villageConfigs) { // If configuration changed, abort current loop, update config and restart if (isConfigurationChanged()) { log.debug("Exiting village loop for configuration update"); break; } String id = Village.getIdFromConfig(villageConfig); Village village = villages.get(id); if (village == null) { log.warn( "Configuration file not aligned to village map; ignoring village " + villageConfig.getString("/@desc", "") + " " + villageConfig.getString("/url", "")); continue; } try { // getTimeWhenRunnable may update to check for triggering resources so can change page TimeWhenRunnable currentTimeWhenRunnable = village.getTimeWhenRunnable(); // log.debug("currentTimeWhenRunnnable:"+currentTimeWhenRunnable); if (currentTimeWhenRunnable.before(new Date())) { EventLog.log("Processing village \"" + village.getDesc() + "\""); village.execute(); // Execute strategies currentTimeWhenRunnable = village.getTimeWhenRunnable(); // log.debug("currentTimeWhenRunnnable after execute:"+currentTimeWhenRunnable); } else { EventLog.log( "Village \"" + village.getDesc() + "\" sleeping until " + currentTimeWhenRunnable); } // use current here and only reread after execute, then use new below if ((firstTimeWhenRunnable == null) || firstTimeWhenRunnable.after(currentTimeWhenRunnable)) { log.trace("Earlier Village " + village.getDesc() + " " + currentTimeWhenRunnable); firstTimeWhenRunnable = currentTimeWhenRunnable; } // check for earliest sharp strategy in village, return NEVER if none- if is store // earliest sharp one TimeWhenRunnable newTimeWhenRunnable = village.getTimeWhenSharp(); if (newTimeWhenRunnable.isSharp()) { if (sharpTimeWhenRunnable == null || sharpTimeWhenRunnable.after(newTimeWhenRunnable)) { // log.trace("Earlier Village "+village.getDesc()+" "+newTimeWhenRunnable); sharpTimeWhenRunnable = newTimeWhenRunnable; log.trace( "Earlier sharp Village is " + village.getDesc() + " " + sharpTimeWhenRunnable); } } } catch (SkipVillageRequested e) { log.debug("Village skipped"); continue; } catch (SkipRequested e) { // Just keep going log.debug("Action skipped"); } catch (ServerFatalException e) { throw e; // Will catch below } catch (Exception e) { String s = "Village \"" + village.getDesc() + "\" error (retrying later): "; log.error(s, e); EventLog.log(s + e.getMessage()); util.shortestPause(false); // Just to be safe firstTimeWhenRunnable = null; // Retry after userPause } } } catch (ConcurrentModificationException e) { // This shouldn't happen anymore // Just ignore log.debug( "Village list was modified while server running (ConcurrentModificationException): skipping and repeating"); } // log.debug("returning firstTimeWhenRunnable:"+firstTimeWhenRunnable); return firstTimeWhenRunnable; }