Пример #1
  public void startTimeToDayIndex_FirstDay_ReturnsZero() {
    // Given a start time 1 hour after the start of the conference
    long startTime = Config.CONFERENCE_START_MILLIS + TimeUtils.HOUR * 1;

    // When getting the day index for the start time
    int index = UIUtils.startTimeToDayIndex(startTime);

    // Then the index is 0
    assertThat(index, is(0));
Пример #2
  public void startTimeToDayIndex_BeforeStart_ReturnsZero() {
    // Given a start time 24 hours before the start of the conference
    long startTime = Config.CONFERENCE_START_MILLIS - TimeUtils.HOUR * 24;

    // When getting the day index for the start time
    int index = UIUtils.startTimeToDayIndex(startTime);

    // Then the index is 0
    assertThat(index, is(0));
Пример #3
  public void startTimeToDayIndex_AfterEnd_ReturnsLastDay() {
    // Given a start time 24 hours after the start of the conference
    long startTime = Config.CONFERENCE_END_MILLIS + TimeUtils.HOUR * 24;

    // When getting the day index for the start time
    int index = UIUtils.startTimeToDayIndex(startTime);

    // Then the index is the last day of the conference
    int lastDay = Config.CONFERENCE_DAYS.length - 1;
    assertThat(index, is(lastDay));
Пример #4
  public void startTimeToDayIndex_OneHourBeforeStartOfLastDay_ReturnsZero() {
    // Given a start time 1 hour before the start of the last day of the conference
    long startTime =
        Config.CONFERENCE_DAYS[Config.CONFERENCE_DAYS.length - 1][0] - TimeUtils.HOUR * 1;

    // When getting the day index for the start time
    int index = UIUtils.startTimeToDayIndex(startTime);

    // Then the index is 0
    assertThat(index, is(0));