protected void setupNewValue(UIInput input) { input.setSubmittedValue("foo"); UISelectItem si = new UISelectItem(); si.setItemValue("foo"); si.setItemLabel("foo label"); input.getChildren().add(si); }
@Test public void testSaveState() { FacesContext context = EasyMock.createMock(FacesContext.class); UIInput input = new UIInput(); replay(context); assertNotNull(input.saveState(context)); verify(context); }
@Test public void testRestoreState() { FacesContext context = EasyMock.createMock(FacesContext.class); UIInput input = new UIInput(); replay(context); input.restoreState(context, null); verify(context); }
@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void testRestoreState2() { FacesContext context = EasyMock.createMock(FacesContext.class); UIInput input = new UIInput(); replay(context); input.restoreState(null, null); verify(context); }
@Test public void testRestoreState3() { FacesContext context = EasyMock.createMock(FacesContext.class); UIInput input = new UIInput(); replay(context); Object state = input.saveState(context); assertNotNull(state); input.restoreState(context, state); verify(context); }
/** * <span class="changed_modified_2_0">In</span> addition to the standard validation behavior * inherited from {@link UIInput}, ensure that any specified value is equal to one of the * available options. Before comparing each option, coerce the option value type to the type of * this component's value following the Expression Language coercion rules. If the specified value * is not equal to any of the options, enqueue an error message and set the <code>valid</code> * property to <code>false</code>. * * <p class="changed_added_2_0">If {@link #isRequired} returns <code>true</code>, and the current * value is equal to the value of an inner {@link UISelectItem} whose {@link * UISelectItem#isNoSelectionOption} method returns <code>true</code>, enqueue an error message * and set the <code>valid</code> property to <code>false</code>. * * @param context The {@link FacesContext} for the current request * @param value The converted value to test for membership. * @throws NullPointerException if <code>context</code> is <code>null</code> */ protected void validateValue(FacesContext context, Object value) { // Skip validation if it is not necessary super.validateValue(context, value); if (!isValid() || (value == null)) { return; } // Ensure that the value matches one of the available options boolean found = SelectUtils.matchValue( getFacesContext(), this, value, new SelectItemsIterator(context, this), getConverter()); boolean isNoSelection = SelectUtils.valueIsNoSelectionOption( getFacesContext(), this, value, new SelectItemsIterator(context, this), getConverter()); // Enqueue an error message if an invalid value was specified if ((!found) || (isRequired() && isNoSelection)) { FacesMessage message = MessageFactory.getMessage( context, INVALID_MESSAGE_ID, MessageFactory.getLabel(context, this)); context.addMessage(getClientId(context), message); setValid(false); } }
protected List<SelectItem> getSelectItems(FacesContext context, UIInput component) { List<SelectItem> selectItems = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); for (UIComponent child : component.getChildren()) { if (child instanceof UISelectItem) { UISelectItem uiSelectItem = (UISelectItem) child; Object selectItemValue = uiSelectItem.getValue(); if (selectItemValue == null) { selectItems.add( new SelectItem( uiSelectItem.getItemValue(), uiSelectItem.getItemLabel(), uiSelectItem.getItemDescription(), uiSelectItem.isItemDisabled(), uiSelectItem.isItemEscaped(), uiSelectItem.isNoSelectionOption())); } else { selectItems.add((SelectItem) selectItemValue); } } else if (child instanceof UISelectItems) { UISelectItems uiSelectItems = ((UISelectItems) child); Object value = uiSelectItems.getValue(); if (value != null) { if (value instanceof SelectItem) { selectItems.add((SelectItem) value); } else if (value.getClass().isArray()) { for (int i = 0; i < Array.getLength(value); i++) { Object item = Array.get(value, i); if (item instanceof SelectItem) selectItems.add((SelectItem) item); else selectItems.add(createSelectItem(context, uiSelectItems, item)); } } else if (value instanceof Map) { Map map = (Map) value; for (Iterator it = map.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object key =; selectItems.add( createSelectItem(context, uiSelectItems, String.valueOf(key), map.get(key))); } } else if (value instanceof Collection) { Collection collection = (Collection) value; for (Iterator it = collection.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object item =; if (item instanceof SelectItem) selectItems.add((SelectItem) item); else selectItems.add(createSelectItem(context, uiSelectItems, item)); } } } } } return selectItems; }
// 编写处理Action事件的方法 public void processAction(ActionEvent event) { // 获取当前的FacesContext对象 FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); // 获取JSF页面中<f:view.../>元素 UIViewRoot viewRoot = context.getViewRoot(); // 通过ID获取<f:view.../>内的<h:form.../>子元素。 UIComponent comp = viewRoot.findComponent("addForm"); // 通过ID获取<h:form.../>内的第一个<h:inputText.../>子元素。 UIInput input = (UIInput) comp.findComponent("name"); // 通过ID获取<h:form.../>内的第二个<h:inputText.../>子元素。 HtmlInputText price = (HtmlInputText) comp.findComponent("price"); if (input.getValue().equals("疯狂Java讲义")) { price.setSize(60); price.setValue("99.0元"); price.setStyle("background-color:#9999ff;" + "font-weight:bold"); } }
@Test public void testSaveState4() { FacesContext context = EasyMock.createMock(FacesContext.class); UIInput input = new UIInput(); LengthValidator l1 = new LengthValidator(); LengthValidator l2 = new LengthValidator(); replay(context); input.addValidator(l1); input.addValidator(l2); l1.setMinimum(1); l2.setMinimum(2); input.markInitialState(); assertTrue(input.initialStateMarked()); assertTrue(l1.initialStateMarked()); assertTrue(l2.initialStateMarked()); Object state = input.saveState(context); assertNull(state); verify(context); }
@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void testSaveState2() { UIInput input = new UIInput(); input.saveState(null); }
@Test public void testRestoreState5() { FacesContext context = EasyMock.createMock(FacesContext.class); UIInput input = new UIInput(); LengthValidator l1 = new LengthValidator(); LengthValidator l2 = new LengthValidator(); replay(context); input.addValidator(l1); input.addValidator(l2); l1.setMinimum(1); l2.setMinimum(2); input.markInitialState(); l2.setMinimum(3); assertTrue(input.initialStateMarked()); assertTrue(l1.initialStateMarked()); assertTrue(!l2.initialStateMarked()); Object state = input.saveState(context); assertTrue(state instanceof Object[]); Object[] validatorState = (Object[]) ((Object[]) state)[3]; assertNotNull(validatorState); assertNull(validatorState[0]); assertNotNull(validatorState[1]); assertTrue(!(validatorState[1] instanceof StateHolderSaver)); input = new UIInput(); l1 = new LengthValidator(); l2 = new LengthValidator(); l1.setMinimum(1); l2.setMinimum(2); input.addValidator(l1); input.addValidator(l2); input.restoreState(context, state); assertTrue(l1.getMinimum() == 1); assertTrue(l2.getMinimum() == 3); assertTrue(input.getValidators().length == 2); input = new UIInput(); l1 = new LengthValidator(); l2 = new LengthValidator(); input.addValidator(l1); input.addValidator(l2); l1.setMinimum(1); l2.setMinimum(2); input.markInitialState(); LengthValidator l3 = new LengthValidator(); l3.setMinimum(3); input.addValidator(l3); state = input.saveState(context); assertNotNull(validatorState); assertTrue(state instanceof Object[]); validatorState = (Object[]) ((Object[]) state)[3]; assertNotNull(validatorState); assertTrue(validatorState.length == 3); assertNotNull(validatorState[0]); assertNotNull(validatorState[1]); assertNotNull(validatorState[2]); assertTrue(validatorState[0] instanceof StateHolderSaver); assertTrue(validatorState[1] instanceof StateHolderSaver); assertTrue(validatorState[2] instanceof StateHolderSaver); input = new UIInput(); l1 = new LengthValidator(); l2 = new LengthValidator(); l3 = new LengthValidator(); LengthValidator l4 = new LengthValidator(); input.addValidator(l1); input.addValidator(l2); input.addValidator(l3); input.addValidator(l4); l1.setMinimum(100); l2.setMinimum(101); l3.setMinimum(102); l4.setMinimum(103); assertTrue(input.getValidators().length == 4); input.markInitialState(); input.restoreState(context, state); assertTrue(input.getValidators().length == 3); Validator[] validators = input.getValidators(); for (int i = 0, len = validators.length; i < len; i++) { LengthValidator v = (LengthValidator) validators[i]; assertTrue(v.getMinimum() == (i + 1)); } verify(context); }