// ---------makes the animation for the remote player's (computer) bead--------- private void startRemoteMoving(String position) { System.out.println("procesing " + position); if (isWin(position)) { winner = parseWinner(position); if (winner == 1) startImageLoader(WIN_IMAGE_FILE); else { isWinLoseTimer = new Timer(IMAGE_LOADERS_TIMER, this); isWinLoseTimer.setActionCommand("is win_lose"); isWinLoseTimer.setRepeats(false); // occurs only one time isWinLoseTimer.start(); } repaint(); return; } if (isDraw(position)) { winner = 0; startImageLoader(TIE_IMAGE_FILE); repaint(); return; } insertedInPegNum = mapPosToPeg(position); availableBeads[currentBead].setX( PEG_INITIAL_X[insertedInPegNum - 1] - (int) (availableBeads[currentBead].getBounds().getWidth() / 2)); availableBeads[currentBead].setY(PEG_INITIAL_Y[insertedInPegNum - 1]); pegs[insertedInPegNum - 1].addBead(availableBeads[currentBead]); remoteBeadAnimTimer = new Timer(ANIMATION_REFRESH_RATE, this); remoteBeadAnimTimer.setActionCommand("remote bead animator"); // sets the peg remoteBeadAnimTimer.setRepeats(true); remoteBeadAnimTimer.start(); // creates and inserts new bead currentBead++; // System.out.println( "Type of game: " + typeOfGame ); if (typeOfGame.equals("Gertrudis vs Computer")) { if (currentBead % 2 != 0) { availableBeads[currentBead] = new Bead(BEAD_INITIAL_X, BEAD_INITIAL_Y, 'b'); availableBeads[currentBead].setImage(board.getBlackBeadImage()); } else { availableBeads[currentBead] = new Bead(BEAD_INITIAL_X, BEAD_INITIAL_Y, 'w'); availableBeads[currentBead].setImage(board.getWhiteBeadImage()); } } else { availableBeads[currentBead] = new Bead(BEAD_INITIAL_X, BEAD_INITIAL_Y, 'w'); availableBeads[currentBead].setImage(board.getWhiteBeadImage()); } }
public void setGertrudeVsComputer() { typeOfGame = "Gertrudis vs Computer"; typeOfGameTimer = new Timer(IMAGE_LOADERS_TIMER, this); typeOfGameTimer.setActionCommand("Gertrude vs Computer"); typeOfGameTimer.setRepeats(false); // occurs only one time typeOfGameTimer.start(); }
@Override public void paint(Graphics g) { super.paint(g); Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; displayNames(g); displayWinner(g); g2d.drawImage(board.getImage(), board.getX(), board.getY(), null, null); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { g2d.drawImage(pegs[i].getImage(), pegs[i].getX(), pegs[i].getY(), null, null); for (int j = 0; j < pegs[i].amountOfBeads2(); j++) { g2d.drawImage( pegs[i].beadAt(j).getImage(), pegs[i].beadAt(j).getX(), pegs[i].beadAt(j).getY(), null, null); } } if (availableBeads[currentBead].getImage() == null) { availableBeads[currentBead].loadImage(); } g2d.drawImage( availableBeads[currentBead].getImage(), availableBeads[currentBead].getX(), availableBeads[currentBead].getY(), null, null); if (beadMustAnimate) { animationTimer = new Timer(ANIMATION_REFRESH_RATE, this); // every // REFRESH_RATE // ms animationTimer.setActionCommand("animation"); animationTimer.start(); beadMustAnimate = false; currentBead++; // creates next new bead availableBeads[currentBead] = new Bead(BEAD_INITIAL_X, BEAD_INITIAL_Y, 'b'); availableBeads[currentBead].setImage(board.getBlackBeadImage()); } }
Slideshow(String images[]) { // transfer array of images into local array imagePaths = images; // create the frame and set its size, layout, location, and close operation frame = new JFrame("Slideshow"); frame.setSize(800, 600); frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); frame.setLocationRelativeTo(frame); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // create center and play/stop buttons centerButton = new JButton("center"); PlayStopButton = new JButton("Play"); // set actionListener for timer timer = new Timer(seconds, this); timer.setActionCommand("timer"); // set actionListener for the Play/Stop button PlayStopButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { if (PlayStopButton.getText() == "Play") { PlayStopButton.setText("Stop"); timer.start(); } else if (PlayStopButton.getText() == "Stop") { PlayStopButton.setText("Play"); timer.stop(); } } }); // add the JLabel to the JScrollPane image = new JLabel(""); scrollPane = new JScrollPane(image); // add everything to the frame and display it frame.add(scrollPane); frame.add(PlayStopButton, BorderLayout.SOUTH); frame.setVisible(true); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CONSTRUCTOR //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public Panel( String p1, String p2, LinkedBlockingQueue<String> sendQueue, LinkedBlockingQueue<String> recvQueue, JMenuBar menuBar) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { winner = NO_WINNER; typeOfGame = ""; this.menuBar = menuBar; this.sendQueue = sendQueue; // receives queues this.recvQueue = recvQueue; board = new Board(BOARD_INITIAL_X, BOARD_INITIAL_Y); // creates board board.setPlayerNames(p1, p2); pegs = new Peg[MAX_NUM_PEGS]; beadMustAnimate = false; isFirstTransaction = true; insertedInPegNum = 0; currentBead = 0; // its referree's responsibility to stop the game when no more bead are avasilable availableBeads = new Bead[MAX_NUM_BEADS * 2]; // sets first free bead availableBeads[0] = new Bead(BEAD_INITIAL_X, BEAD_INITIAL_Y, 'w'); availableBeads[0].setImage(board.getWhiteBeadImage()); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { pegs[i] = new Peg(PEG_INITIAL_X[i], PEG_INITIAL_Y[i]); } setFocusable(true); // makes panel focusable // adds listeners mouseListener = new MouseListener(); addMouseMotionListener(mouseListener); addMouseListener(mouseListener); // when this timer fires, images will be displayed updateWhenLoaded = new Timer(IMAGE_LOADERS_TIMER, this); updateWhenLoaded.setActionCommand("images are loaded"); updateWhenLoaded.setRepeats(false); // occurs only one time updateWhenLoaded.start(); }