public void addTeam(Team team) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(team, "team"); Preconditions.checkArgument( !teams.containsKey(team.getName()), "Team %s already exists in this scoreboard", team.getName()); teams.put(team.getName(), team); }
public void clean() { PlayerInventory inv = this.player.getInventory(); inv.setArmorContents(new ItemStack[4]); inv.setContents(new ItemStack[] {}); this.player.setAllowFlight(false); this.player.setFlying(false); this.player.setExp(0.0F); this.player.setLevel(0); this.player.setSneaking(false); this.player.setSprinting(false); this.player.setFoodLevel(20); this.player.setMaxHealth(20.0D); this.player.setHealth(20.0D); this.player.setFireTicks(0); this.player.setGameMode(GameMode.SURVIVAL); boolean teamnameOnTab = Main.getInstance().getBooleanConfig("teamname-on-tab", true); boolean overwriteNames = Main.getInstance().getBooleanConfig("overwrite-names", false); if (overwriteNames) { Game game = Main.getInstance().getGameManager().getGameOfPlayer(this.player); if (game != null) { Team team = game.getPlayerTeam(this.player); if (team != null) { this.player.setDisplayName(team.getChatColor() + this.player.getName()); } else { this.player.setDisplayName(this.player.getName()); } } } if (teamnameOnTab && Utils.isSupportingTitles()) { Game game = Main.getInstance().getGameManager().getGameOfPlayer(this.player); if (game != null) { Team team = game.getPlayerTeam(this.player); if (team != null) { this.player.setPlayerListName( team.getChatColor() + team.getName() + ChatColor.WHITE + " | " + team.getChatColor() + this.player.getName()); } else { this.player.setPlayerListName(this.player.getName()); } } } if (this.player.isInsideVehicle()) { this.player.leaveVehicle(); } for (PotionEffect e : this.player.getActivePotionEffects()) { this.player.removePotionEffect(e.getType()); } this.player.updateInventory(); }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void openTeamSelection(Game game) { BedwarsOpenTeamSelectionEvent openEvent = new BedwarsOpenTeamSelectionEvent(game, this.player); Main.getInstance().getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(openEvent); if (openEvent.isCancelled()) { return; } HashMap<String, Team> teams = game.getTeams(); int nom = (teams.size() % 9 == 0) ? 9 : (teams.size() % 9); Inventory inv = Bukkit.createInventory(this.player, teams.size() + (9 - nom), Main._l("lobby.chooseteam")); for (Team team : teams.values()) { List<Player> players = team.getPlayers(); if (players.size() >= team.getMaxPlayers()) { continue; } ItemStack is = new ItemStack(Material.WOOL, 1, team.getColor().getDyeColor().getData()); ItemMeta im = is.getItemMeta(); im.setDisplayName(team.getChatColor() + team.getName()); ArrayList<String> teamplayers = new ArrayList<>(); int teamPlayerSize = team.getPlayers().size(); int maxPlayers = team.getMaxPlayers(); String current = "0"; if (teamPlayerSize >= maxPlayers) { current = ChatColor.RED + String.valueOf(teamPlayerSize); } else { current = ChatColor.YELLOW + String.valueOf(teamPlayerSize); } teamplayers.add( ChatColor.GRAY + "(" + current + ChatColor.GRAY + "/" + ChatColor.YELLOW + String.valueOf(maxPlayers) + ChatColor.GRAY + ")"); teamplayers.add(ChatColor.WHITE + "---------"); for (Player teamPlayer : players) { teamplayers.add(team.getChatColor() + teamPlayer.getName()); } im.setLore(teamplayers); is.setItemMeta(im); inv.addItem(is); } this.player.openInventory(inv); }
public boolean validateTeam(Team team) { if (team == null) return false; if (team.getName() == null) return false; if (team.getName().trim().equals("")) return false; if (team.getTrainer() == null) return false; if (team.getPlayers() == null) return false; if (team.getPlayers().length != 22) return false; for (Player player : team.getPlayers()) { if (player == null) return false; } if (team.getYearOfFoundation() == null) return false; if (team.getYearOfFoundation() < 1950) return false; return true; }
public synchronized boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof Team)) return false; Team other = (Team) obj; if (obj == null) return false; if (this == obj) return true; if (__equalsCalc != null) { return (__equalsCalc == obj); } __equalsCalc = obj; boolean _equals; _equals = true && (( == null && other.getId() == null) || ( != null && && (( == null && other.getName() == null) || ( != null && && ((this.description == null && other.getDescription() == null) || (this.description != null && this.description.equals(other.getDescription()))) && ((this.hasAllCompanies == null && other.getHasAllCompanies() == null) || (this.hasAllCompanies != null && this.hasAllCompanies.equals(other.getHasAllCompanies()))) && ((this.hasAllInventory == null && other.getHasAllInventory() == null) || (this.hasAllInventory != null && this.hasAllInventory.equals(other.getHasAllInventory()))) && ((this.teamAccessType == null && other.getTeamAccessType() == null) || (this.teamAccessType != null && this.teamAccessType.equals(other.getTeamAccessType()))) && ((this.companyIds == null && other.getCompanyIds() == null) || (this.companyIds != null && java.util.Arrays.equals(this.companyIds, other.getCompanyIds()))) && ((this.adUnitIds == null && other.getAdUnitIds() == null) || (this.adUnitIds != null && java.util.Arrays.equals(this.adUnitIds, other.getAdUnitIds()))); __equalsCalc = null; return _equals; }
public Commentary checkForGamePoint(Commentary commentary) { if (leftTeam.getScore() >= this.getGameLength().getPoints() - 1 && leftTeam.getScore() - rightTeam.getScore() >= 1) { if (isOvertime()) {"Advantage ").add(leftTeam.getName()); } else if (leftTeam.getWins() == matchLength.getMinGames() - 1) {"Match point"); } else {"Game point"); } } if (rightTeam.getScore() >= this.getGameLength().getPoints() - 1 && rightTeam.getScore() - leftTeam.getScore() >= 1) { if (isOvertime()) {"Advantage ").add(rightTeam.getName()); } else if (rightTeam.getWins() == matchLength.getMinGames() - 1) {"Match point"); } else {"Game point"); } } return commentary; }
public FootballManager(Console con) { this.con = con; cache = new MemcachedCache(jdgProperty(JDG_HOST), Integer.parseInt(jdgProperty(MEMCACHED_PORT))); List<String> teams = (List<String>) cache.get(teamsKey); if (teams == null) { teams = new ArrayList<String>(); Team t = new Team("Lakers"); t.addPlayer("Kobe Bryant"); t.addPlayer("Pau Gasol"); t.addPlayer("Steve Nash"); cache.put(t.getName(), t); teams.add(t.getName()); } cache.put(teamsKey, teams); }
@Test public void testRemoveTeamFromPool() throws Exception { // Arrange TeamsEditor teamsEditorToTest = new TeamsEditor("Pool1"); ArrayList<Team> actualListOfAddedTeams = teamsEditorToTest.getListOfAddedTeams(); ArrayList<Team> expectedListOfAddedTeams = teamsEditorToTest.getListOfAddedTeams(); String teamToRemove; if (expectedListOfAddedTeams.size() > 0) { Team team = expectedListOfAddedTeams.remove(0); teamToRemove = team.getName(); // Act teamsEditorToTest.removeTeamFromPool(teamToRemove); // Assert actualListOfAddedTeams = teamsEditorToTest.getListOfAddedTeams(); Assert.assertEquals(actualListOfAddedTeams, expectedListOfAddedTeams); } }
/** * Creates and runs a scoreboard for a variety of games * * @param args command line arguments (none expected) */ public static void main(String args[]) { Scanner r = new Scanner(; int trip = 0; boolean err = true; Game game = null; while (err) { try { System.out.print( "\nSelect Sport (by number): \n" + " 1) Football\n" + " 2) Soccer\n" + " 3) Basketball\n" + " 4) Hockey\n" + "Enter choice: "); trip = r.nextInt(); r.nextLine(); if (trip > 4 || trip < 1) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } err = false; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.out.println("Invalid Option, try again"); // r.nextLine(); } catch (InputMismatchException e) { System.out.println("Please enter the menu item number"); r.nextLine(); } } if (trip > 0) { System.out.println("ENTER TEAMS"); System.out.print("Home: "); Team team1 = new Team(r.nextLine()); System.out.print("Away: "); Team team2 = new Team(r.nextLine()); System.out.println(); switch (trip) { case 1: game = new Football(team1, team2); break; case 2: game = new Soccer(team1, team2); break; case 3: game = new Basketball(team1, team2); break; case 4: game = new Hockey(team1, team2); break; } while (!game.gameOver()) { err = true; int menuCount = 0; while (err) { menuCount = 1; // PRINT MENU try { ArrayList<ScoringMethod> scoringMethods = game.getScoringMethods(); /* Displays dynamically generated scoreboard containing all available scoring methods for both teams */ System.out.println( team1.getName() + " - " + team1.getScore() + ", " + team2.getName() + " - " + team2.getScore()); System.out.println("Current " + game.getPeriodName() + ": " + game.getPeriod()); System.out.println("Menu: "); for (int i = 0; i < (game.getScoringMethods().size()); i++) { System.out.println( " " + menuCount + ") " + team1.getName() + " " + game.getScoringMethods().get(i).getName()); menuCount++; } for (int i = 0; i < (game.getScoringMethods().size()); i++) { System.out.println( " " + menuCount + ") " + team2.getName() + " " + game.getScoringMethods().get(i).getName()); menuCount++; } System.out.println(" " + menuCount + ") End " + game.getPeriodName()); System.out.print("Enter choice: "); trip = r.nextInt(); if (trip > ((scoringMethods.size() * 2) + 1) || trip < 1) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } err = false; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.out.println("Invalid Option, try again " + e); r.nextLine(); } catch (InputMismatchException e) { System.out.println("Please enter the menu item number"); r.nextLine(); } } if (trip == menuCount) { game.endPeriod(); } else if (trip > ((menuCount - 1) / 2)) { trip -= (menuCount - 1) / 2; team2.addScore(game.getScoringMethods().get(trip - 1).getPoints()); } else { team1.addScore(game.getScoringMethods().get(trip - 1).getPoints()); } } System.out.println("\n\nGame is over."); System.out.println( "Final Score: " + team1.getName() + " - " + team1.getScore() + ", " + team2.getName() + " - " + team2.getScore()); String winner = game.getWinner(); if (winner.equals("Nobody")) { System.out.println("Tie"); // System.out.println(winner+" wins :("); } else { System.out.println(winner + " wins!"); } } r.close(); }
public void incrementTeamScore(Team.Side side) { Team team = getTeam(side); log.trace("Increment team: " + team); Commentary commentary = new Commentary(); if (isEndOfMatch()) { return; } if (isEndOfGame()) { Team winner = getWinner(); Team loser = getLoser(); leftTeam.setScore(0); rightTeam.setScore(0); server = loser.getSide(); switchSides(); return; } if (server == null) { server = side; commentary.add(team.getName()).add(" serves first"); } else { team.setScore(team.getScore() + 1); histories.add(0, new PointHistory(side, PointHistory.Type.INCREMENT)); if (!isOvertime() && !isEndOfGame()) { commentary.add("Point ").add(team.getName()); } if (isEndOfGame()) { Team winner = getWinner(); Team loser = getLoser(); winner.setWins(winner.getWins() + 1); if (leftTeam.getWins() == matchLength.getMinGames() || rightTeam.getWins() == matchLength.getMinGames()) { commentary .next("Congratulations ") .add(winner.getName()) .next("You have defeated ") .add(loser.getName()); } else { commentary .add(winner.getName()) .add(" wins the game") .next("Switch sides") .next("Losers serve first"); } if (loser.getScore() == 0) {"Perfect game!", "Perfect, game!"); } else if (loser.getScore() <= 12 && gameLength == GameLength.TWENTY_ONE) {"Sorry ").add(loser.getName()).add(", Jacob is not impressed!"); } } else { int totalScore = leftTeam.getScore() + rightTeam.getScore(); // check for o-fer and add to commentary if (!isOvertime() && totalScore != 0 && isServerChange()) { log.trace("Check for ofer"); commentary = checkForOfer(team, commentary); } if (isServerChange()) { if (!isOvertime()) {"Change servers", "Change servers!"); } switchServers(); // String name = getTeam(server).getName(); } // announce score if (!isOvertime()) { AnnounceScore announceScore = new AnnounceScore(this);; } else { if (leftTeam.getScore() == rightTeam.getScore()) {"Deuce", "Deuce!"); } } // check for gamepoint or matchpoint commentary = checkForGamePoint(commentary); } } log.trace( "Score: " + leftTeam.getName() + " " + leftTeam.getScore() + " to " + rightTeam.getName() + " " + rightTeam.getScore()); talker.say(commentary); }