   * This method will load the Fortress Tomcat implementation on a URL classloader. Methods on the
   * implementation are wrapped by methods on this class and are accessed via the {@code realm}
   * instance variable of this class.
  private void initialize() {
    try {
      URLClassLoader ucl;

      if (CONTAINER.equalsIgnoreCase(JBOSS_AGENT)) {
        LOG.info(CLS_NM + ".initialize JBoss policy agent");
        URL[] cp = CpUtil.getRealmClasspath(REALM_CLASSPATH);
        ucl = new ChildFirstUrlClassLoader(cp, this.getClass().getClassLoader());
      } else if (CONTAINER.equalsIgnoreCase("TomcatContext")) {
        LOG.info(CLS_NM + ".initialize Tomcat7 Context-based policy agent");
        ucl = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] {}, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
      } else {
        LOG.info(CLS_NM + ".initialize Tomcat7 policy agent");

        if ((realmClasspath != null) && (realmClasspath.length() > 0)) {
          ucl =
              new URLClassLoader(
                  CpUtil.parseRealmClasspath(realmClasspath), this.getClass().getClassLoader());
        } else {
          URL[] cp = CpUtil.getRealmClasspath(REALM_CLASSPATH);
          ucl = new URLClassLoader(cp, this.getClass().getClassLoader());

      LOG.info(CLS_NM + ".initialize - instantiate policy agent name: " + REALM_IMPL);
      Class<?> sc = ucl.loadClass(REALM_IMPL);
      realm = (TcAccessMgr) sc.newInstance();
              + " J2EE Tomcat7 policy agent, contextId: "
              + contextId
              + ", defaultRoles: "
              + defaultRoles);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
      String error = CLS_NM + ".initialize caught java.lang.ClassNotFoundException=" + e.toString();
      throw new RuntimeException(error, e);
    } catch (InstantiationException ie) {
      String error =
          CLS_NM + ".initialize caught java.lang.InstantiationException=" + ie.toString();
      throw new RuntimeException(error, ie);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
      String error =
          CLS_NM + ".initialize caught java.lang.IllegalAccessException=" + iae.toString();
      throw new RuntimeException(error, iae);
   * Determine if given Role is contained within User's Tomcat Principal object. This method does
   * not need to hit the ldap server as the User's activated Roles are loaded into {@link
   * org.apache.directory.fortress.realm.TcPrincipal#setContext(java.util.HashMap)}
   * @param principal Contains User's Tomcat RBAC Session data that includes activated Roles.
   * @param role Maps to {@code org.apache.directory.fortress.core.model.Role#name}.
   * @return True if Role is found in TcPrincipal, false otherwise.
  public boolean hasRole(Wrapper wrapper, Principal principal, String role) {
    if (realm == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              + "authenticate detected Fortress Tomcat7 Realm not initialized correctly.  Check your Fortress Realm configuration");

    return realm.hasRole(principal, role);
   * Perform user authentication and evaluate password policies.
   * @param userId Contains the userid of the user signing on.
   * @param password Contains the user's password.
   * @return Principal whic * This method will load the Fortress Tomcat implementation on a URL
   *     classloader. Methods on the implementation are wrapped by methods on this class and are
   *     accessed via the {@code realm} instance variable of this class.
  public Principal authenticate(String userId, String password) {
    if (realm == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              + "authenticate detected Fortress Tomcat7 Realm not initialized correctly.  Check your Fortress Realm configuration");

    return realm.authenticate(userId, password);