Пример #1
   * \brief Add the total concentration of an agent on received grid
   * <p>Add the total concentration of an agent on received grid
   * @param aSpG Spatial grid used to sum total mass
  public void fitMassOnGrid(SpatialGrid aSpG) {
    if (isDead) return;

    double value = _totalMass / aSpG.getVoxelVolume();
    if (Double.isNaN(value) | Double.isInfinite(value)) value = 0;
    aSpG.addValueAt(value, _location);
Пример #2
   * \brief Add the reacting concentration of an agent to the received grid
   * <p>Add the reacting concentration of an agent to the received grid
   * @param aSpG Spatial grid used to sum catalysing mass
   * @param catalystIndex Index of the compartment of the cell supporting the reaction
  public void fitMassOnGrid(SpatialGrid aSpG, int catalystIndex) {
    if (isDead) return;

    double value = particleMass[catalystIndex] / aSpG.getVoxelVolume();
    if (Double.isNaN(value) | Double.isInfinite(value)) value = 0;
    aSpG.addValueAt(value, _location);
Пример #3
   * \brief Add the reaction/growth rate of an agent on received grid, for a specified reaction
   * <p>Add the total reaction/growth rate of an agent on received grid, for a specified reaction
   * @param aRateGrid Spatial grid used to store total reaction rate
   * @param reactionIndex Index of this declared reaction in the simulation dictionary
  public void fitReacRateOnGrid(SpatialGrid aRateGrid, int reactionIndex) {
    if (isDead) return;

    // growthRate is in [fgX.hr-1] so convert to concentration:
    // [fgX.um-3.hr-1 = gX.L-1.hr-1]
    double value = growthRate[reactionIndex] / aRateGrid.getVoxelVolume();

    if (Double.isNaN(value) | Double.isInfinite(value)) value = 0;

    aRateGrid.addValueAt(value, _location);
Пример #4
 public Double getWeightFromLink(Link link, Coord cellCentroid) {
   Cell cellOfLink = links2Cells.get(link);
   if (cellOfLink == null) {
     return 0.0;
   } else {
     Cell receivingCell = grid.getCellForCoordinate(cellCentroid);
     return calcDistanceFactorFromCells(cellOfLink, receivingCell);
Пример #5
  private Map<Link, Cell> mapLinksToGridCells(Collection<Link> links, SpatialGrid grid) {
    links2Cells = new HashMap<Link, Cell>();

    for (Link link : links) {
      Cell cCell = grid.getCellForCoordinate(link.getCoord());
      if (cCell != null) links2Cells.put(link, cCell);
    System.out.println("Mapped " + links2Cells.size() + " links to grid");
    System.out.println((links.size() - links2Cells.size()) + " links were not mapped.");
    return links2Cells;
Пример #6
  * \brief Add the total volume rate of an agent on received grid
  * <p>Add the total volume rate of an agent on received grid
  * @param aSpG Spatial grid used to sum volume
 public void fitVolRateOnGrid(SpatialGrid aSpG) {
   double value;
   value = _netVolumeRate / aSpG.getVoxelVolume();
   if (Double.isNaN(value) | Double.isInfinite(value)) value = 0;
   aSpG.addValueAt(value, _location);
Пример #7
 public Double getWeightFromCoord(Coord emittingCoord, Coord receivingCoord) {
   Cell emittingCell = grid.getCellForCoordinate(emittingCoord);
   Cell receivingCell = grid.getCellForCoordinate(receivingCoord);
   return calcDistanceFactorFromCells(emittingCell, receivingCell);