// @Override
  public void execute2(SensorData data, ModifiableAction action) {
    double absMeasure = Math.abs(situation.getMeasure());
    double trackPos = data.getTrackPosition();
    double trackAngle = data.getAngleToTrackAxis();

    boolean mirror = situation.isRight();

    if (mirror) {
      trackPos *= -1.0;
      trackAngle *= -1.0;
    // 0.976807459	0,008231851	-0,209828013	-0,634093073	0,046558592	-0,079286572	1,05025865
    //	0,517923684	-0,158864381	1,460560156	0,944967234	0,836506662	0,99226593	1,01798939

    double result =
        0.002708663 * absMeasure * absMeasure
            + 0.983090667 * trackPos * trackPos
            + 0.995064624 * trackAngle * trackAngle
            + 0.0 * absMeasure * trackPos
            + 1.695369918 * absMeasure * trackAngle
            + 1.010313665 * trackPos * trackAngle
            + 1.020039262;

    if (mirror) {
      result *= -1.0;

    result = Math.min(45.0, Math.max(-45.0, result));
    action.setSteering(result / 45.0);
Пример #2
  public Action policy(State observation, float reward) {

    Map<Float, Action> options = new HashMap<Float, Action>();
    scala.collection.Iterator<Action> it = actions().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      Action action = it.next();
      options.put(expectedReward(observation, action), action);

    Action bestGuess = options.get(new TreeSet<Float>(options.keySet()).last());

    Action decision = bestGuess;

    if (random.nextDouble() < randomFactor) {
      decision = randomAction();

    Situation currentSA = new Situation(observation, decision);

    float currentExpected = expectedReward(observation, decision);

    float lastExpected = expectedReward(lastSA.getKey(), lastSA.getValue());

    float newQValue = lastExpected + alpha * (reward + gamma * currentExpected - lastExpected);

    qTable.put(lastSA, newQValue); // update the Q-Table
    lastSA = currentSA;

    return decision;
Пример #3
 private int tickExplore() {
   Situation s = this.getSituation();
   if (s.getExitCount() > 2) {
     this.addToGraph(new JunctionNode(this.robot));
   switch (s) {
     case CORRIDOR:
       int dir = this.corridor();
       if (dir != IRobot.AHEAD) { // Corner
         // Don't really want to do this but it massively simplifies
         // NavigatorController
         this.addToGraph(new Node(this.robot.getLocation()));
       return dir;
     case CROSSROAD:
       return this.crossroads();
     case DEAD_END:
       if (!this.firstRun) {
         this.isBacktracking = true;
       return this.deadEnd();
     case JUNCTION:
       return this.junction();
       return 0;
Пример #4
 protected final Situation getSituation() {
   int count = 0;
   for (int i = IRobot.AHEAD; i <= IRobot.LEFT; i++) {
     if (this.robot.look(i) != IRobot.WALL) {
   for (Situation s : Situation.values()) {
     if (s.getExitCount() == count) {
       return s;
   throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot handle number of exits: " + count);
Пример #5
  public String getNextAction(int[] grid, int _playerNumber) {

    String ret = "X"; // as fallback, make a random move

    playerNumber = _playerNumber;

    // now try to come up with something more clever
    long startTime = new Date().getTime();
    situations = 0;
    IAICallback logCallBack =
        new IAICallback() {

          public void callback(String message) {
    int opponentNumber = playerNumber - 1;
    if (opponentNumber == 0) {
      opponentNumber = 2;
    Situation rootSituation = new Situation(-1, opponentNumber, grid, 0, null);
    bestSituation = rootSituation; // may never be null!
    rootSituation.callback = logCallBack;
    long timePassed = new Date().getTime() - startTime;
    double seconds = (double) timePassed / 1000.0;
    double sps = (double) situations / seconds;
        "computed "
            + situations
            + " situation in "
            + timePassed
            + "ms: "
            + sps
            + " situations per second.");

    // found something!
    if (bestSituation._parentSituation != null
        && bestSituation._parentSituation._followingSituationsAreWins != 0) {
      ret = getNextStepToSituation(bestSituation);
    } else {
      System.out.println("Couldn't find any good moves... spamming random move.");
      ret = computeRandomAction();

    return ret;
 public void evaluatePostAction(
     LazyObjectAccessor source, LazyObjectAccessor target, Action action, boolean sourceAction)
     throws SynchronizationException {
   if (postAction != null) {
     Map<String, Object> scope = new HashMap<String, Object>();
     scope.put("sourceAction", sourceAction);
     scope.put("action", action.name());
     scope.put("situation", situation.name());
     if (source != null) {
       scope.put("source", source.asMap());
     if (target != null) {
       scope.put("target", target.asMap());
     try {
     } catch (ScriptException se) {
       LOGGER.debug("action script encountered exception", se);
       throw new SynchronizationException(se);
  public void execute(SensorData data, ModifiableAction action) {
    // steering based on the "biggest sensor value" heuristic
    double[] rawSensors = data.getRawTrackEdgeSensors();
    int index = 0;
    double longest = rawSensors[0];
    for (int i = 1; i < rawSensors.length; ++i) {
      if (rawSensors[i] > longest) {
        index = i;
        longest = rawSensors[i];

    double angleD = -angles[index];

    if (TEXT_DEBUG) {
              + " @ "
              + data.getDistanceRacedS()
              + "- track: "
              + data.getTrackPositionS()
              + ", index: "
              + index
              + ", angleD: "
              + Utils.dTS(angleD));

    double absMeasure = Math.abs(situation.getMeasure());

    if (absMeasure >= 20.0 && absMeasure < 35.0) {
      angleD *= 1.0 + ((absMeasure - 20.0) / (35.0 - 20.0));

    } else if (absMeasure >= 35.0 && absMeasure < 60.0) {
      angleD *= 2.0 + ((absMeasure - 35.0) / (60.0 - 35.0));

    } else if (absMeasure >= 60.0) {
      angleD *= 3.0;

    if (TEXT_DEBUG) {
      System.out.println("absMeasure: " + Utils.dTS(absMeasure) + ", angleD: " + Utils.dTS(angleD));

    double trackPos = data.getTrackPosition();
    double trackAngle = data.getAngleToTrackAxis();

    if (situation.isCorner()) {
      boolean mirror = situation.isRight();

      if (mirror) {
        trackPos *= -1.0;
        trackAngle *= -1.0;
        angleD *= -1.0;
        index = 18 - index;

      double absTrackPos = SensorData.calcAbsoluteTrackPosition(trackPos, trackWidth);

      // inside
      if (absTrackPos - (CAR_WIDTH * 0.5) < INSIDE_MARGIN && trackAngle < 0.0) {
        double beta = (INSIDE_MARGIN - (absTrackPos - (CAR_WIDTH * 0.5))) / INSIDE_MARGIN;
        if (TEXT_DEBUG) {

        // not so close -> open steering
        if (beta < 0.5) {
          // System.out.println("IN - Opening@"+Utils.dTS(data.getDistanceFromStartLine()));
          if (TEXT_DEBUG) {
            System.out.print("Beta: " + Utils.dTS(beta) + ", old: " + Utils.dTS(angleD));
          double alpha = (beta - 0.5) * -(1 / 0.5);
          angleD *= alpha;
          if (TEXT_DEBUG) {
            System.out.println(", alpha: " + Utils.dTS(alpha) + ", new: " + Utils.dTS(angleD));

        } else {
          // System.out.println("IN - Other@"+Utils.dTS(data.getDistanceFromStartLine()));
          beta = Math.min(beta, 1.0);
          // very close, steer in the other direction
          if (TEXT_DEBUG) {
            System.out.print("Beta: " + Utils.dTS(beta) + ", old: " + Utils.dTS(angleD));
          double alpha = (beta - 0.5) * (1 / 0.5);
          angleD = Math.toDegrees(trackAngle) * alpha;
          // angleD = 2.0*alpha;
          if (TEXT_DEBUG) {
            System.out.println(", alpha: " + Utils.dTS(alpha) + ", new: " + Utils.dTS(angleD));

      // outside
      if (absTrackPos + (CAR_WIDTH * 0.5) > trackWidth - OUTSIDE_MARGIN) {
        // System.out.println("OUT@"+Utils.dTS(data.getDistanceFromStartLine()));
        if (TEXT_DEBUG) {
        // increase steering angle
        double alpha = Math.min(absMeasure, OUTSIDE_DOUBLE) / OUTSIDE_DOUBLE;
        double beta =
            ((absTrackPos + (CAR_WIDTH * 0.5)) - (trackWidth - OUTSIDE_MARGIN)) / OUTSIDE_MARGIN;

        if (TEXT_DEBUG) {
          System.out.print("Beta: " + Utils.dTS(beta) + ", old: " + Utils.dTS(angleD));

        beta = Math.min(beta, 1.0);
        angleD *= 1.0 + (alpha * beta);

        if (TEXT_DEBUG) {
              ", 1+alpha: " + Utils.dTS(1.0 + alpha) + ", new: " + Utils.dTS(angleD));

      // if(Math.abs(Math.toDegrees(trackAngle)) < 10.0){
      //    System.out.println(absMeasure + ";" + trackPos + ";" + Math.toDegrees(trackAngle) + ";"
      // + index + ";" + angleD);
      // }

      if (mirror) {
        angleD *= -1.0;

    angleD = Math.min(45.0, Math.max(-45.0, angleD));
    action.setSteering(angleD / 45.0);
    if (TEXT_DEBUG) {
      System.out.println("Final value: " + action.getSteeringS());
 private boolean withinRightCorner() {
   return (segment != null && !segment.isUnknown() && segment.isRight()) || situation.isRight();
Пример #9
    public void computeNextSituations(int maxOrder_) {
      if (_order >= maxOrder_) {

      int nextPlayer = _playerNumberMadeThisMove == 1 ? 2 : 1;

      // check all possible actions
      for (int col = 0; col < AITools.GRID_COLUMNS; col++) {
        if (callback != null) {
          callback.callback("beginning col " + col);

        // next free row for this column
        int nextFreeIndex = AITools.coordsToIndex(col, AITools.GRID_ROWS - 1);
        while (_grid[nextFreeIndex] != 0) {
          nextFreeIndex = AITools.getGridIndexOnTopOf(nextFreeIndex);
          if (nextFreeIndex < 0) // can't throw in this row. no possible situation
        if (nextFreeIndex < 0) // can't throw in this row. no possible situation

        // copy grid and apply new action
        int[] newGrid = _grid.clone();
        newGrid[nextFreeIndex] = nextPlayer;

        if (_nextSituations == null) {
          _nextSituations = new ArrayList<Situation>();
        Situation newSituation = new Situation(col, nextPlayer, newGrid, _order + 1, this);
        newSituation._score = 0;

        int gameStatus = AITools.getGameStatus(newGrid);

        // compute follow Situations only if not a an end point
        if (gameStatus == -1) {
        } else if (gameStatus == playerNumber) {


          // check: if this situation has the order 1 (next move) and is a win, then take it!
          if (newSituation._order == 1) {
            bestSituation = newSituation;
            System.out.println("TAKE THE WIN: next move will finish match!");


          if (bestSituation._parentSituation == null
              || this._followingSituationsAreWins
                  > bestSituation._parentSituation._followingSituationsAreWins) {
            // safety check: up to that situation, there may be no situation where the opponent has
            // a winning chance!
            if (!thereIsASafePathToWin(newSituation)) {

            bestSituation = newSituation;
                "new best Situation with "
                    + this._followingSituationsAreWins
                    + " win chances with one piece.");

        } else if (gameStatus != 0) // not draw game -> opponent wins

          // System.out.println("found situation with score: " + newSituation._score);
          // AITools.visualizeGrid(newGrid);