private SimpleMatchList generateMatches(SimpleMatchSettings settings) {
    JosmTaskMonitor monitor = new JosmTaskMonitor();
    monitor.beginTask("Generating matches");

    // create Features and collections from primitive selections
    Set<OsmPrimitive> allPrimitives = new HashSet<>();
    FeatureCollection allFeatures = createFeatureCollection(allPrimitives);
    FeatureCollection refColl = new FeatureDataset(allFeatures.getFeatureSchema());
    FeatureCollection subColl = new FeatureDataset(allFeatures.getFeatureSchema());
    for (Feature f : allFeatures.getFeatures()) {
      OsmFeature osmFeature = (OsmFeature) f;
      if (settings.getReferenceSelection().contains(osmFeature.getPrimitive()))
      if (settings.getSubjectSelection().contains(osmFeature.getPrimitive()))

    // TODO: pass to MatchFinderPanel to use as hint/default for DistanceMatchers
    // get maximum possible distance so scores can be scaled (FIXME: not quite accurate)
    //        Envelope envelope = refColl.getEnvelope();
    //        envelope.expandToInclude(subColl.getEnvelope());
    //        double maxDistance = Point2D.distance(
    //            envelope.getMinX(),
    //            envelope.getMinY(),
    //            envelope.getMaxX(),
    //            envelope.getMaxY());

    // build matcher
    FCMatchFinder finder = settings.getMatchFinder();

    // FIXME: ignore/filter duplicate objects (i.e. same object in both sets)
    // FIXME: fix match functions to work on point/linestring features as well
    // find matches
    Map<Feature, Matches> map = finder.match(refColl, subColl, monitor);

    monitor.subTask("Finishing match list");

    // convert to simple one-to-one match
    SimpleMatchList list = new SimpleMatchList();
    for (Map.Entry<Feature, Matches> entry : map.entrySet()) {
      OsmFeature target = (OsmFeature) entry.getKey();
      OsmFeature subject = (OsmFeature) entry.getValue().getTopMatch();
      if (target != null && subject != null)
            new SimpleMatch(
                target.getPrimitive(), subject.getPrimitive(), entry.getValue().getTopScore()));

    return list;