  * Extracts the package name from an XmlTree dump of AndroidManifest.xml by the <code>aapt</code> tool.
  * @param aaptDumpXmlTree output from <code>aapt dump xmltree &lt;apkFile&gt; AndroidManifest.xml
  * @return the package name from inside the apkFile.
 protected String extractPackageNameFromAndroidManifestXmlTree(String aaptDumpXmlTree) {
   final Scanner scanner = new Scanner(aaptDumpXmlTree);
   // Finds the root element named "manifest".
   scanner.findWithinHorizon("^E: manifest", 0);
   // Finds the manifest element's attribute named "package".
   scanner.findWithinHorizon("  A: package=\"", 0);
   // Extracts the package value including the trailing double quote.
   String packageName = scanner.next(".*?\"");
   // Removes the double quote.
   packageName = packageName.substring(0, packageName.length() - 1);
   return packageName;