Пример #1
   * Return the value M(2) that should be sent to the client
   * @return M(2)
  public BigInteger getEvidenceValue_M2() {
    if (fEvidenceValue_M1 == null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("computeCommonValue_S() has not been called yet.");

    return SRPUtils.calcM2(fPublicKey_A, fEvidenceValue_M1, fCommonValue_S);
Пример #2
   * When the server sends M(2), call this method to validate the number.
   * @param evidenceValueFromServer_M2 M(2) from the server.
   * @throws SRPAuthenticationFailedException if M(2) is incorrect
  public void validateServerEvidenceValue_M2(BigInteger evidenceValueFromServer_M2)
      throws SRPAuthenticationFailedException {
    if (fEvidenceValue_M1 == null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("computeCommonValue_S() has not been called yet.");

    BigInteger M2 = SRPUtils.calcM2(fPublicKey_A, fEvidenceValue_M1, fCommonValue_S);
    if (!evidenceValueFromServer_M2.equals(M2)) {
      throw new SRPAuthenticationFailedException("M(2) is incorrect");