   * Creates a mostly unitialized SHAiButtonUser object. This constructor merely copies the
   * coprocessors 7 byte binding code into a local cache and stores the name of the account service
   * file used for all user iButtons.
   * <p>Since this constructor leaves data unitialized, you should be very careful with the use of
   * it. It is expected that after calling this constructor, the user will call <code>setiButton
   * </code> to finish the initialization process. On memory-starved platforms, this should help
   * optimize memory usage.
   * @param copr The SHAiButtonCopr to which the user object is tied. This Coprocessor contains the
   *     necessary binding code and service filename, necessary for both locating a user and
   *     recreating his unique secret.
   * @see #SHAiButtonUser18(SHAiButtonCopr,OneWireContainer18,boolean,byte[])
   * @see #SHAiButtonUser18(SHAiButtonCopr)
  public SHAiButtonUser18(SHAiButtonCopr copr) {
    // save a copy of the binding code
    copr.getBindCode(this.fullBindCode, 0);
    System.arraycopy(this.fullBindCode, 4, this.fullBindCode, 12, 3);

    // create string representation of service filename
    copr.getFilename(this.serviceFile, 0);
    this.strServiceFilename = new String(this.serviceFile) + "." + (int) copr.getFilenameExt();
   * Initialize a DS1963S as a fresh user iButton for a given SHA service. This constructor not only
   * creates the service file for the user iButton using the TMEX file structure, but it also
   * installs the master authentication secret and binds it to the iButton (making it unique for a
   * particular button). Optionally, the device can be formatted before the service file is
   * installed.
   * @param copr The SHAiButtonCopr to which the user object is tied. This Coprocessor contains the
   *     necessary binding code and service filename, necessary for both locating a user and
   *     recreating his unique secret.
   * @param owc The DS1963S iButton that this object will refer to.
   * @param formatDevice If <code>true</code>, the TMEX filesystem will be formatted before the
   *     account service file is created.
   * @param authSecret The master authentication secret for the systm.
   * @throws OneWireIOException on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC
   *     from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network
   *     due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
   * @throws OneWireException on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
   * @see #SHAiButtonUser18(SHAiButtonCopr,OneWireContainer18)
   * @see #SHAiButtonUser18(SHAiButtonCopr)
  public SHAiButtonUser18(
      SHAiButtonCopr copr, OneWireContainer18 owc, boolean formatDevice, byte[] authSecret)
      throws OneWireException, OneWireIOException {
    // setup service filename

    // hold container reference
    this.ibc = owc;

    // and address
    this.address = owc.getAddress();

    if (!createServiceFile(owc, strServiceFilename, formatDevice))
      throw new OneWireException("Failed to create service file.");

    // save a copy of the binding code
    copr.getBindCode(this.fullBindCode, 0);
    System.arraycopy(this.fullBindCode, 4, this.fullBindCode, 12, 3);

    // setup the fullBindCode with rest of info
    this.fullBindCode[4] = (byte) this.accountPageNumber;
    System.arraycopy(this.address, 0, this.fullBindCode, 5, 7);

    if (!owc.installMasterSecret(accountPageNumber, authSecret, accountPageNumber & 7))
      throw new OneWireException("Install Master Secret failed");

    // not in critical path, so getBindBlah() is okay.
    if (!owc.bindSecretToiButton(
        accountPageNumber, copr.getBindData(), this.fullBindCode, accountPageNumber & 7))
      throw new OneWireException("Bind Secret to iButton failed");

    // \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\
    if (DEBUG) {
      IOHelper.writeLine("Initialized User");
      IOHelper.writeLine("serviceFilename: " + strServiceFilename);
      IOHelper.writeLine("accountPageNumber: " + accountPageNumber);
    // \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\