Пример #1
    public void update() {
      // forward_ might have changed
          forward_ > 0.0,
          "at the money forward rate must be " + "positive: " + forward_ + " not allowed");

      // we should also check that y contains positive values only

      // we must update weights if it is vegaWeighted
      if (vegaWeighted_) {
        // itsCoeffs.weights_.clear();
        double weightsSum = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < vx.size(); i++) {
          final double x = vx.get(i);
          final double y = vy.get(i);
          final double stdDev = Math.sqrt(y * y * itsCoeffs.t_);
          itsCoeffs.weights_.set(i, BlackFormula.blackFormulaStdDevDerivative(x, forward_, stdDev));
          weightsSum += itsCoeffs.weights_.get(i);
        // weight normalization
        for (int i = 0; i < itsCoeffs.weights_.size(); i++) {
          itsCoeffs.weights_.set(i, itsCoeffs.weights_.get(i) / weightsSum);

      // there is nothing to optimize
      if (itsCoeffs.alphaIsFixed_
          && itsCoeffs.betaIsFixed_
          && itsCoeffs.nuIsFixed_
          && itsCoeffs.rhoIsFixed_) {
        itsCoeffs.error_ = interpolationError();
        itsCoeffs.maxError_ = interpolationMaxError();
        itsCoeffs.SABREndCriteria_ = EndCriteria.Type.None;

      } else {

        final SABRError costFunction = new SABRError(this);
        transformation_ = new SabrParametersTransformation();

        final Array guess = new Array(4);
        guess.set(0, itsCoeffs.alpha_);
        guess.set(1, itsCoeffs.beta_);
        guess.set(2, itsCoeffs.nu_);
        guess.set(3, itsCoeffs.rho_);

        final boolean[] parameterAreFixed = new boolean[4];
        parameterAreFixed[0] = itsCoeffs.alphaIsFixed_;
        parameterAreFixed[1] = itsCoeffs.betaIsFixed_;
        parameterAreFixed[2] = itsCoeffs.nuIsFixed_;
        parameterAreFixed[3] = itsCoeffs.rhoIsFixed_;

        final Array inversedTransformatedGuess = new Array(transformation_.inverse(guess));

        final ProjectedCostFunction constrainedSABRError =
            new ProjectedCostFunction(costFunction, inversedTransformatedGuess, parameterAreFixed);

        final Array projectedGuess =
            new Array(constrainedSABRError.project(inversedTransformatedGuess));

        final NoConstraint constraint = new NoConstraint();
        final Problem problem = new Problem(constrainedSABRError, constraint, projectedGuess);
        itsCoeffs.SABREndCriteria_ = optMethod_.minimize(problem, endCriteria_);
        final Array projectedResult = new Array(problem.currentValue());
        final Array transfResult = new Array(constrainedSABRError.include(projectedResult));

        final Array result = transformation_.direct(transfResult);
        itsCoeffs.alpha_ = result.get(0);
        itsCoeffs.beta_ = result.get(1);
        itsCoeffs.nu_ = result.get(2);
        itsCoeffs.rho_ = result.get(3);
      itsCoeffs.error_ = interpolationError();
      itsCoeffs.maxError_ = interpolationMaxError();