public void printProperties() { config.getOutput().print(config.getPropertyHelp()); }
private Main(RubyInstanceConfig config, boolean hardExit) { this.config = config; config.setHardExit(hardExit); }
public void printUsage() { if (!hasPrintedUsage) { config.getOutput().print(config.getBasicUsageHelp()); hasPrintedUsage = true; } }
private void showCopyright() { config.getOutput().println(config.getCopyrightString()); }
private void showVersion() { config.getOutput().println(config.getVersionString()); }
public int run() { if (config.isShowVersion()) { showVersion(); } if (config.isShowCopyright()) { showCopyright(); } if (!config.shouldRunInterpreter()) { if (config.shouldPrintUsage()) { printUsage(); } if (config.shouldPrintProperties()) { printProperties(); } return 0; } InputStream in = config.getScriptSource(); String filename = config.displayedFileName(); String[] args = parseShebangOptions(in); if (args.length > 0) { config.processArguments(args); } Ruby runtime = Ruby.newInstance(config); // set thread context JRuby classloader here, for the main thread try { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(runtime.getJRubyClassLoader()); } catch (SecurityException se) { // can't set TC classloader if (runtime.getInstanceConfig().isVerbose()) { config .getError() .println( "WARNING: Security restrictions disallowed setting context classloader for main thread."); } } if (in == null) { // no script to run, return success below } else if (config.isShouldCheckSyntax()) { int status = 0; try { runtime.parseFromMain(in, filename); config.getOutput().println("Syntax OK for " + filename); } catch (RaiseException re) { status = -1; if (re.getException().getMetaClass().getBaseName().equals("SyntaxError")) { config .getOutput() .println("SyntaxError in " + re.getException().message(runtime.getCurrentContext())); } else { throw re; } } if (config.getArgv().length > 0) { for (String arg : config.getArgv()) { File argFile = new File(arg); if (argFile.exists()) { try { runtime.parseFromMain(new FileInputStream(argFile), arg); config.getOutput().println("Syntax OK for " + arg); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { status = -1; config.getOutput().println("File not found: " + arg); } catch (RaiseException re) { status = -1; if (re.getException().getMetaClass().getBaseName().equals("SyntaxError")) { config .getOutput() .println( "SyntaxError in " + re.getException().message(runtime.getCurrentContext())); } else { throw re; } } } else { status = -1; config.getOutput().println("File not found: " + arg); } } } return status; } else { long now = -1; try { if (config.isBenchmarking()) { now = System.currentTimeMillis(); } if (config.isSamplingEnabled()) { SimpleSampler.startSampleThread(); } try { runtime.runFromMain(in, filename); } finally { runtime.tearDown(); if (config.isBenchmarking()) { config.getOutput().println("Runtime: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - now) + " ms"); } if (config.isSamplingEnabled()) {; } } } catch (RaiseException rj) { RubyException raisedException = rj.getException(); if (runtime.getSystemExit().isInstance(raisedException)) { IRubyObject status = raisedException.callMethod(runtime.getCurrentContext(), "status"); if (status != null && !status.isNil()) { return RubyNumeric.fix2int(status); } } else { runtime.printError(raisedException); return 1; } } } return 0; }
public int run(String[] args) { try { config.processArguments(args); return run(); } catch (MainExitException mee) { if (!mee.isAborted()) { config.getOutput().println(mee.getMessage()); if (mee.isUsageError()) { printUsage(); } } return mee.getStatus(); } catch (OutOfMemoryError oome) { // produce a nicer error since Rubyists aren't used to seeing this System.gc(); String memoryMax = SafePropertyAccessor.getProperty("jruby.memory.max"); String message = ""; if (memoryMax != null) { message = " of " + memoryMax; } config .getError() .println("Error: Your application used more memory than the safety cap" + message + "."); config.getError().println("Specify -J-Xmx####m to increase it (#### = cap size in MB)."); if (config.getVerbose()) { config.getError().println("Exception trace follows:"); oome.printStackTrace(); } else { config.getError().println("Specify -w for full OutOfMemoryError stack trace"); } return 1; } catch (StackOverflowError soe) { // produce a nicer error since Rubyists aren't used to seeing this System.gc(); String stackMax = SafePropertyAccessor.getProperty("jruby.stack.max"); String message = ""; if (stackMax != null) { message = " of " + stackMax; } config .getError() .println( "Error: Your application used more stack memory than the safety cap" + message + "."); config.getError().println("Specify -J-Xss####k to increase it (#### = cap size in KB)."); if (config.getVerbose()) { config.getError().println("Exception trace follows:"); soe.printStackTrace(); } else { config.getError().println("Specify -w for full StackOverflowError stack trace"); } return 1; } catch (UnsupportedClassVersionError ucve) { config .getError() .println("Error: Some library (perhaps JRuby) was built with a later JVM version."); config .getError() .println( "Please use libraries built with the version you intend to use or an earlier one."); if (config.getVerbose()) { config.getError().println("Exception trace follows:"); ucve.printStackTrace(); } else { config.getError().println("Specify -w for full UnsupportedClassVersionError stack trace"); } return 1; } catch (ThreadKill kill) { return 0; } }