Пример #1
   * Function    : parseInstruction
   * Description : Parses the IType instructions without displacements.
  public static ITypeImmediate parseInstruction(String instruction, int address) {
    ITypeImmediate instruct = new ITypeImmediate();
    // set the icode
    instruct.icode = IMap.get(Instruction.getIcodeName(instruction));
    // grab the string from the registers.java class that we will use to match registers
    Pattern registerPattern = Pattern.compile(Registers.registerString());
    Matcher registerMatcher = registerPattern.matcher(instruction);
    // match the first register if there is one
    if (registerMatcher.find()) {
      instruct.rd = Registers.registerValue(registerMatcher.group(0));
      // I clear off the bits we've already read
      instruction = instruction.substring(registerMatcher.end(0));
    // match the second register if we can
    if (registerMatcher.find()) {
      instruct.r1 = Registers.registerValue(registerMatcher.group(0));
    // This regex attempts to match a label name. The [^\\s\\d] means not a space or digit character
    // This ensures that the label is infact a valid label and does not start with a number.
    Pattern symbolPattern = Pattern.compile("\\b([^\\d\\s][^\\s]*)\\b$");
    Matcher symbolMatcher = symbolPattern.matcher(instruction);
    Pattern literalPattern = Pattern.compile("\\b(0x)?\\d+\\b");
    Matcher literalMatcher = literalPattern.matcher(instruction);

    if (symbolMatcher.find()) {

      SymbolTable symbolTable = SymbolTable.getInstance();

      instruct.immediateValue = symbolTable.getSymbol(symbolMatcher.group(0).replace(" ", ""));
      if (instruct.icode == BEQZ || instruct.icode == BNEZ) {
        instruct.r1 = instruct.rd;
        instruct.rd = 0;
        instruct.immediateValue = instruct.immediateValue - (address + 4);
    } else if (literalMatcher.find()) {
      instruct.immediateValue = Tools.processNumber(literalMatcher.group(0).replace(" ", ""));
    } else {
      instruct.r1 = instruct.rd;
      instruct.rd = 0;

    return instruct;