/** @author peter */
public abstract class AtomicNotNullLazyValue<T> extends NotNullLazyValue<T> {
  private static final RecursionGuard ourGuard =
  private volatile T myValue;

  public final T getValue() {
    T value = myValue;
    if (value != null) {
      return value;
    //noinspection SynchronizeOnThis
    synchronized (this) {
      value = myValue;
      if (value == null) {
        RecursionGuard.StackStamp stamp = ourGuard.markStack();
        value = compute();
        if (stamp.mayCacheNow()) {
          myValue = value;
    return value;
public class ResolveCache {
  private static final Logger LOG =

  private final ConcurrentMap[] myMaps =
      new ConcurrentWeakKeySoftValueHashMap
          [2 * 2 * 2]; // boolean physical, boolean incompleteCode, boolean isPoly

  private final RecursionGuard myGuard = RecursionManager.createGuard("resolveCache");

  public static ResolveCache getInstance(Project project) {
        .checkCanceled(); // We hope this method is being called often enough to cancel daemon
                          // processes smoothly
    return ServiceManager.getService(project, ResolveCache.class);

  public interface AbstractResolver<TRef extends PsiReference, TResult> {
    TResult resolve(@NotNull TRef ref, boolean incompleteCode);

  /** Resolver which returns array of possible resolved variants instead of just one */
  public interface PolyVariantResolver<T extends PsiPolyVariantReference>
      extends AbstractResolver<T, ResolveResult[]> {
    ResolveResult[] resolve(@NotNull T t, boolean incompleteCode);

   * Poly variant resolver with additional containingFile parameter, which helps to avoid costly
   * tree up traversal
  public interface PolyVariantContextResolver<T extends PsiPolyVariantReference> {
    ResolveResult[] resolve(
        @NotNull T ref, @NotNull PsiFile containingFile, boolean incompleteCode);

  /** Resolver specialized to resolve PsiReference to PsiElement */
  public interface Resolver extends AbstractResolver<PsiReference, PsiElement> {}

  public ResolveCache(@NotNull MessageBus messageBus) {
    for (int i = 0; i < myMaps.length; i++) {
      myMaps[i] = createWeakMap();
            new AnyPsiChangeListener.Adapter() {
              public void beforePsiChanged(boolean isPhysical) {

  private static <K, V> ConcurrentMap<K, V> createWeakMap() {
    return new ConcurrentWeakKeySoftValueHashMap<K, V>(
        ContainerUtil.<K>canonicalStrategy()) {
      protected ValueReference<K, V> createValueReference(
          @NotNull final V value, @NotNull ReferenceQueue<V> queue) {
        ValueReference<K, V> result;
        if (value == NULL_RESULT || value instanceof Object[] && ((Object[]) value).length == 0) {
          // no use in creating SoftReference to null
          result = createStrongReference(value);
        } else {
          result = super.createValueReference(value, queue);
        return result;

      public V get(@NotNull Object key) {
        V v = super.get(key);
        return v == NULL_RESULT ? null : v;

  public void clearCache(boolean isPhysical) {
    int startIndex = isPhysical ? 0 : 1;
    for (int i = startIndex; i < 2; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) myMaps[i * 4 + j * 2 + k].clear();

  private <TRef extends PsiReference, TResult> TResult resolve(
      @NotNull final TRef ref,
      @NotNull final AbstractResolver<TRef, TResult> resolver,
      boolean needToPreventRecursion,
      final boolean incompleteCode,
      boolean isPoly,
      boolean isPhysical) {
    if (isPhysical) {

    int index = getIndex(isPhysical, incompleteCode, isPoly);
    ConcurrentMap<TRef, TResult> map = getMap(index);
    TResult result = map.get(ref);
    if (result != null) {
      return result;

    RecursionGuard.StackStamp stamp = myGuard.markStack();
    result =
            ? myGuard.doPreventingRecursion(
                Trinity.create(ref, incompleteCode, isPoly),
                new Computable<TResult>() {
                  public TResult compute() {
                    return resolver.resolve(ref, incompleteCode);
            : resolver.resolve(ref, incompleteCode);
    PsiElement element =
        result instanceof ResolveResult ? ((ResolveResult) result).getElement() : null;
    LOG.assertTrue(element == null || element.isValid(), result);

    if (stamp.mayCacheNow()) {
      cache(ref, map, result);
    return result;

  public <T extends PsiPolyVariantReference> ResolveResult[] resolveWithCaching(
      @NotNull T ref,
      @NotNull PolyVariantResolver<T> resolver,
      boolean needToPreventRecursion,
      boolean incompleteCode) {
    return resolveWithCaching(

  public <T extends PsiPolyVariantReference> ResolveResult[] resolveWithCaching(
      @NotNull T ref,
      @NotNull PolyVariantResolver<T> resolver,
      boolean needToPreventRecursion,
      boolean incompleteCode,
      @NotNull PsiFile containingFile) {
    ResolveResult[] result =
    return result == null ? ResolveResult.EMPTY_ARRAY : result;

  public <T extends PsiPolyVariantReference> ResolveResult[] resolveWithCaching(
      @NotNull final T ref,
      @NotNull final PolyVariantContextResolver<T> resolver,
      boolean needToPreventRecursion,
      final boolean incompleteCode,
      @NotNull final PsiFile containingFile) {

    int index = getIndex(containingFile.isPhysical(), incompleteCode, true);
    ConcurrentMap<T, ResolveResult[]> map = getMap(index);
    ResolveResult[] result = map.get(ref);
    if (result != null) {
      return result;

    RecursionGuard.StackStamp stamp = myGuard.markStack();
    result =
            ? myGuard.doPreventingRecursion(
                Pair.create(ref, incompleteCode),
                new Computable<ResolveResult[]>() {
                  public ResolveResult[] compute() {
                    return resolver.resolve(ref, containingFile, incompleteCode);
            : resolver.resolve(ref, containingFile, incompleteCode);

    if (stamp.mayCacheNow()) {
      cache(ref, map, result);
    return result == null ? ResolveResult.EMPTY_ARRAY : result;

  public <T extends PsiPolyVariantReference> ResolveResult[] getCachedResults(
      @NotNull T ref, boolean physical, boolean incompleteCode, boolean isPoly) {
    Map<T, ResolveResult[]> map = getMap(getIndex(physical, incompleteCode, isPoly));
    return map.get(ref);

  public <TRef extends PsiReference, TResult> TResult resolveWithCaching(
      @NotNull TRef ref,
      @NotNull AbstractResolver<TRef, TResult> resolver,
      boolean needToPreventRecursion,
      boolean incompleteCode) {
    return resolve(

  private <TRef extends PsiReference, TResult> ConcurrentMap<TRef, TResult> getMap(int index) {
    //noinspection unchecked
    return myMaps[index];

  private static int getIndex(boolean physical, boolean incompleteCode, boolean isPoly) {
    return (physical ? 0 : 1) * 4 + (incompleteCode ? 0 : 1) * 2 + (isPoly ? 0 : 1);

  private static final Object NULL_RESULT = new Object();

  private <TRef extends PsiReference, TResult> void cache(
      @NotNull TRef ref, @NotNull ConcurrentMap<TRef, TResult> map, TResult result) {
    // optimization: less contention
    TResult cached = map.get(ref);
    if (cached != null && cached == result) {
    if (result == null) {
      // no use in creating SoftReference to null
      //noinspection unchecked
      cached = (TResult) NULL_RESULT;
    } else {
      //noinspection unchecked
      cached = result;
    map.put(ref, cached);

  private static <K, V> StrongValueReference<K, V> createStrongReference(@NotNull V value) {
    return value == NULL_RESULT
        : value == ResolveResult.EMPTY_ARRAY
            : new StrongValueReference<K, V>(value);

  private static final StrongValueReference NULL_VALUE_REFERENCE =
      new StrongValueReference(NULL_RESULT);
  private static final StrongValueReference EMPTY_RESOLVE_RESULT =
      new StrongValueReference(ResolveResult.EMPTY_ARRAY);

  private static class StrongValueReference<K, V>
      implements ConcurrentWeakKeySoftValueHashMap.ValueReference<K, V> {
    private final V myValue;

    public StrongValueReference(@NotNull V value) {
      myValue = value;

    public ConcurrentWeakKeySoftValueHashMap.KeyReference<K, V> getKeyReference() {
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); // will never GC so this method will never be
                                                 // called so no implementation is necessary

    public V get() {
      return myValue;
Пример #3
/** @author Mike */
public class XmlTagImpl extends XmlElementImpl implements XmlTag {
  private static final Logger LOG =

  private volatile String myName = null;
  private volatile String myLocalName;
  private volatile XmlAttribute[] myAttributes = null;
  private volatile Map<String, String> myAttributeValueMap = null;
  private volatile XmlTagValue myValue = null;
  private volatile Map<String, CachedValue<XmlNSDescriptor>> myNSDescriptorsMap = null;
  private volatile String myCachedNamespace;
  private volatile long myModCount;

  private volatile XmlElementDescriptor myCachedDescriptor;
  private volatile long myDescriptorModCount = -1;
  private volatile long myExtResourcesModCount = -1;

  private volatile boolean myHaveNamespaceDeclarations = false;
  private volatile BidirectionalMap<String, String> myNamespaceMap = null;
  @NonNls private static final String XML_NS_PREFIX = "xml";

  private final int myHC = ourHC++;
  private static final RecursionGuard ourGuard = RecursionManager.createGuard("xmlTag");

  public final int hashCode() {
    return myHC;

  public XmlTagImpl() {

  protected XmlTagImpl(IElementType type) {

  public void clearCaches() {
    myName = null;
    myLocalName = null;
    myNamespaceMap = null;
    myCachedNamespace = null;
    myCachedDescriptor = null;
    myDescriptorModCount = -1;
    myAttributes = null;
    myAttributeValueMap = null;
    myHaveNamespaceDeclarations = false;
    myValue = null;
    myNSDescriptorsMap = null;

  public PsiReference[] getReferences() {
    final ASTNode startTagName = XmlChildRole.START_TAG_NAME_FINDER.findChild(this);
    if (startTagName == null) return PsiReference.EMPTY_ARRAY;
    final ASTNode endTagName = XmlChildRole.CLOSING_TAG_NAME_FINDER.findChild(this);
    List<PsiReference> refs = new ArrayList<PsiReference>();
    String prefix = getNamespacePrefix();

    TagNameReference startTagRef =
        TagNameReference.createTagNameReference(this, startTagName, true);
    if (prefix.length() > 0) {
      refs.add(createPrefixReference(startTagName, prefix, startTagRef));
    if (endTagName != null) {
      TagNameReference endTagRef = TagNameReference.createTagNameReference(this, endTagName, false);
      prefix = XmlUtil.findPrefixByQualifiedName(endTagName.getText());
      if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(prefix)) {
        refs.add(createPrefixReference(endTagName, prefix, endTagRef));

    // ArrayList.addAll() makes a clone of the collection
    //noinspection ManualArrayToCollectionCopy
    for (PsiReference ref :
        ReferenceProvidersRegistry.getReferencesFromProviders(this, XmlTag.class)) {

    return ContainerUtil.toArray(refs, new PsiReference[refs.size()]);

  private SchemaPrefixReference createPrefixReference(
      ASTNode startTagName, String prefix, TagNameReference tagRef) {
    return new SchemaPrefixReference(
        TextRange.from(startTagName.getStartOffset() - getStartOffset(), prefix.length()),

  public XmlNSDescriptor getNSDescriptor(final String namespace, boolean strict) {
    final XmlTag parentTag = getParentTag();

    if (parentTag == null && namespace.equals(XmlUtil.XHTML_URI)) {
      final XmlNSDescriptor descriptor = getDtdDescriptor(XmlUtil.getContainingFile(this));
      if (descriptor != null) {
        return descriptor;

    Map<String, CachedValue<XmlNSDescriptor>> map = initNSDescriptorsMap();
    final CachedValue<XmlNSDescriptor> descriptor = map.get(namespace);
    if (descriptor != null) {
      final XmlNSDescriptor value = descriptor.getValue();
      if (value != null) {
        return value;

    if (parentTag == null) {
      final XmlDocument parentOfType = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(this, XmlDocument.class);
      if (parentOfType == null) {
        return null;
      return parentOfType.getDefaultNSDescriptor(namespace, strict);

    return parentTag.getNSDescriptor(namespace, strict);

  private static XmlNSDescriptor getDtdDescriptor(@NotNull XmlFile containingFile) {
    final XmlDocument document = containingFile.getDocument();
    if (document == null) {
      return null;
    final String url = XmlUtil.getDtdUri(document);
    if (url == null) {
      return null;
    return document.getDefaultNSDescriptor(url, true);

  public boolean isEmpty() {
    return XmlChildRole.CLOSING_TAG_START_FINDER.findChild(this) == null;

  public void collapseIfEmpty() {
    final XmlTag[] tags = getSubTags();
    if (tags.length > 0) {
    final ASTNode closingName = XmlChildRole.CLOSING_TAG_NAME_FINDER.findChild(this);
    final ASTNode startTagEnd = XmlChildRole.START_TAG_END_FINDER.findChild(this);
    if (closingName == null || startTagEnd == null) {

    final PomModel pomModel = PomManager.getModel(getProject());
    final PomTransactionBase transaction =
        new PomTransactionBase(this, pomModel.getModelAspect(XmlAspect.class)) {

          public PomModelEvent runInner() {
            final ASTNode closingBracket = closingName.getTreeNext();
            removeRange(startTagEnd, closingBracket);
            final LeafElement emptyTagEnd =
                    XmlTokenType.XML_EMPTY_ELEMENT_END, "/>", 0, 2, null, getManager());
            replaceChild(closingBracket, emptyTagEnd);
            return null;
    try {
    } catch (IncorrectOperationException e) {

  public String getSubTagText(@NonNls String qname) {
    final XmlTag tag = findFirstSubTag(qname);
    if (tag == null) return null;
    return tag.getValue().getText();

  protected final Map<String, CachedValue<XmlNSDescriptor>> initNSDescriptorsMap() {
    Map<String, CachedValue<XmlNSDescriptor>> map = myNSDescriptorsMap;
    if (map == null) {
      RecursionGuard.StackStamp stamp = ourGuard.markStack();
      map = computeNsDescriptorMap();
      if (stamp.mayCacheNow()) {
        myNSDescriptorsMap = map;
    return map;

  private Map<String, CachedValue<XmlNSDescriptor>> computeNsDescriptorMap() {
    Map<String, CachedValue<XmlNSDescriptor>> map = null;
    // XSD aware attributes processing

    final String noNamespaceDeclaration =
        getAttributeValue("noNamespaceSchemaLocation", XmlUtil.XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_URI);
    final String schemaLocationDeclaration =
        getAttributeValue("schemaLocation", XmlUtil.XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_URI);

    if (noNamespaceDeclaration != null) {
      map = initializeSchema(XmlUtil.EMPTY_URI, null, noNamespaceDeclaration, map);
    if (schemaLocationDeclaration != null) {
      final StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(schemaLocationDeclaration);
      while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
        final String uri = tokenizer.nextToken();
        if (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
          map = initializeSchema(uri, null, tokenizer.nextToken(), map);
    // namespace attributes processing (XSD declaration via ExternalResourceManager)

    if (hasNamespaceDeclarations()) {
      for (final XmlAttribute attribute : getAttributes()) {
        if (attribute.isNamespaceDeclaration()) {
          String ns = attribute.getValue();
          if (ns == null) ns = XmlUtil.EMPTY_URI;
          ns = getRealNs(ns);

          if (map == null || !map.containsKey(ns)) {
            map = initializeSchema(ns, getNSVersion(ns, this), getNsLocation(ns), map);
    return map == null ? Collections.<String, CachedValue<XmlNSDescriptor>>emptyMap() : map;

  private static String getNSVersion(String ns, final XmlTagImpl xmlTag) {
    String versionValue = xmlTag.getAttributeValue("version");
    if (versionValue != null && xmlTag.getNamespace().equals(ns)) {
      return versionValue;
    return null;

  private Map<String, CachedValue<XmlNSDescriptor>> initializeSchema(
      final String namespace,
      final String version,
      final String fileLocation,
      Map<String, CachedValue<XmlNSDescriptor>> map) {
    if (map == null) map = new THashMap<String, CachedValue<XmlNSDescriptor>>();

    // We put cached value in any case to cause its value update on e.g. mapping change
                new CachedValueProvider<XmlNSDescriptor>() {
                  public Result<XmlNSDescriptor> compute() {
                    XmlNSDescriptor descriptor = getImplicitNamespaceDescriptor(fileLocation);
                    if (descriptor != null) {
                      return new Result<XmlNSDescriptor>(
                          ArrayUtil.append(descriptor.getDependences(), XmlTagImpl.this));

                    XmlFile currentFile = retrieveFile(fileLocation, version);
                    if (currentFile == null) {
                      final XmlDocument document =
                      if (document != null) {
                        final String uri = XmlUtil.getDtdUri(document);
                        if (uri != null) {
                          final XmlFile containingFile = XmlUtil.getContainingFile(document);
                          final XmlFile xmlFile = XmlUtil.findNamespace(containingFile, uri);
                          descriptor =
                              xmlFile == null
                                  ? null
                                  : (XmlNSDescriptor) xmlFile.getDocument().getMetaData();

                        // We want to get fixed xmlns attr from dtd and check its default with
                        // requested namespace
                        if (descriptor instanceof XmlNSDescriptorImpl) {
                          final XmlElementDescriptor elementDescriptor =
                          if (elementDescriptor != null) {
                            final XmlAttributeDescriptor attributeDescriptor =
                                elementDescriptor.getAttributeDescriptor("xmlns", XmlTagImpl.this);
                            if (attributeDescriptor != null && attributeDescriptor.isFixed()) {
                              final String defaultValue = attributeDescriptor.getDefaultValue();
                              if (defaultValue != null && defaultValue.equals(namespace)) {
                                return new Result<XmlNSDescriptor>(
                    PsiMetaOwner currentOwner = retrieveOwner(currentFile, namespace);
                    if (currentOwner != null) {
                      descriptor = (XmlNSDescriptor) currentOwner.getMetaData();
                      if (descriptor != null) {
                        return new Result<XmlNSDescriptor>(
                    return new Result<XmlNSDescriptor>(
                        null, XmlTagImpl.this, currentFile, ExternalResourceManager.getInstance());

    return map;

  private XmlNSDescriptor getImplicitNamespaceDescriptor(String ns) {
    PsiFile file = getContainingFile();
    if (file == null) return null;
    Module module = ModuleUtil.findModuleForPsiElement(file);
    if (module != null) {
      for (ImplicitNamespaceDescriptorProvider provider :
          Extensions.getExtensions(ImplicitNamespaceDescriptorProvider.EP_NAME)) {
        XmlNSDescriptor nsDescriptor = provider.getNamespaceDescriptor(module, ns, file);
        if (nsDescriptor != null) return nsDescriptor;
    return null;

  private XmlFile retrieveFile(final String fileLocation, String version) {
    final String targetNs = XmlUtil.getTargetSchemaNsFromTag(this);
    if (fileLocation.equals(targetNs)) {
      return null;
    } else {
      final XmlFile file = XmlUtil.getContainingFile(this);
      final PsiFile psiFile =
          ExternalResourceManager.getInstance().getResourceLocation(fileLocation, file, version);
      return psiFile instanceof XmlFile ? (XmlFile) psiFile : null;

  private PsiMetaOwner retrieveOwner(final XmlFile file, final String namespace) {
    if (file == null) {
      return namespace.equals(XmlUtil.getTargetSchemaNsFromTag(this)) ? this : null;
    return file.getDocument();

  public PsiReference getReference() {
    return ArrayUtil.getFirstElement(getReferences());

  public XmlElementDescriptor getDescriptor() {
    final long curModCount = getManager().getModificationTracker().getModificationCount();
    long curExtResourcesModCount =
    if (myDescriptorModCount != curModCount || myExtResourcesModCount != curExtResourcesModCount) {
      if (myExtResourcesModCount != curExtResourcesModCount) {
        myNSDescriptorsMap = null;
      RecursionGuard.StackStamp stamp = ourGuard.markStack();
      XmlElementDescriptor descriptor = computeElementDescriptor();
      if (!stamp.mayCacheNow()) {
        return descriptor;

      myCachedDescriptor = descriptor;
      myDescriptorModCount = curModCount;
      myExtResourcesModCount = curExtResourcesModCount;
    return myCachedDescriptor;

  protected XmlElementDescriptor computeElementDescriptor() {
    for (XmlElementDescriptorProvider provider :
        Extensions.getExtensions(XmlElementDescriptorProvider.EP_NAME)) {
      XmlElementDescriptor elementDescriptor = provider.getDescriptor(this);
      if (elementDescriptor != null) {
        return elementDescriptor;

    final String namespace = getNamespace();
    if (XmlUtil.EMPTY_URI.equals(namespace)) { // nonqualified items
      final XmlTag parent = getParentTag();
      if (parent != null) {
        final XmlElementDescriptor descriptor = parent.getDescriptor();
        if (descriptor != null) {
          XmlElementDescriptor fromParent = descriptor.getElementDescriptor(this, parent);
          if (fromParent != null && !(fromParent instanceof AnyXmlElementDescriptor)) {
            return fromParent;

    XmlElementDescriptor elementDescriptor = null;
    final XmlNSDescriptor nsDescriptor = getNSDescriptor(namespace, false);

        "Descriptor for namespace "
            + namespace
            + " is "
            + (nsDescriptor != null ? nsDescriptor.getClass().getCanonicalName() : "NULL"));

    if (nsDescriptor != null) {
      if (!DumbService.getInstance(getProject()).isDumb()
          || DumbService.isDumbAware(nsDescriptor)) {
        elementDescriptor = nsDescriptor.getElementDescriptor(this);
    if (elementDescriptor == null) {
      return XmlUtil.findXmlDescriptorByType(this);

    return elementDescriptor;

  public int getChildRole(ASTNode child) {
    LOG.assertTrue(child.getTreeParent() == this);
    IElementType i = child.getElementType();
    if (i == XmlTokenType.XML_NAME || i == XmlTokenType.XML_TAG_NAME) {
      return XmlChildRole.XML_TAG_NAME;
    } else if (i == XmlElementType.XML_ATTRIBUTE) {
      return XmlChildRole.XML_ATTRIBUTE;
    } else {
      return ChildRoleBase.NONE;

  public String getName() {
    String name = myName;
    if (name == null) {
      final ASTNode nameElement = XmlChildRole.START_TAG_NAME_FINDER.findChild(this);
      if (nameElement != null) {
        name = nameElement.getText();
      } else {
        name = "";
      myName = name;
    return name;

  public PsiElement setName(@NotNull final String name) throws IncorrectOperationException {
    final PomModel model = PomManager.getModel(getProject());
    final XmlAspect aspect = model.getModelAspect(XmlAspect.class);
        new PomTransactionBase(this, aspect) {
          public PomModelEvent runInner() throws IncorrectOperationException {
            final String oldName = getName();
            final XmlTagImpl dummyTag =
                        .createTagFromText(XmlTagUtil.composeTagText(name, "aa"));
            final XmlTagImpl tag = XmlTagImpl.this;
            final CharTable charTableByTree = SharedImplUtil.findCharTableByTree(tag);
            ASTNode child = XmlChildRole.START_TAG_NAME_FINDER.findChild(tag);
            LOG.assertTrue(child != null, "It seems '" + name + "' is not a valid tag name");
            TreeElement tagElement =
                (TreeElement) XmlChildRole.START_TAG_NAME_FINDER.findChild(dummyTag);
            LOG.assertTrue(tagElement != null, "What's wrong with it? '" + name + "'");
            tag.replaceChild(child, ChangeUtil.copyElement(tagElement, charTableByTree));
            final ASTNode childByRole = XmlChildRole.CLOSING_TAG_NAME_FINDER.findChild(tag);
            if (childByRole != null) {
              final TreeElement treeElement =
                  (TreeElement) XmlChildRole.CLOSING_TAG_NAME_FINDER.findChild(dummyTag);
              if (treeElement != null) {
                tag.replaceChild(childByRole, ChangeUtil.copyElement(treeElement, charTableByTree));

            return XmlTagNameChangedImpl.createXmlTagNameChanged(model, tag, oldName);
    return this;

  public XmlAttribute[] getAttributes() {
    XmlAttribute[] attributes = myAttributes;
    if (attributes == null) {
      Map<String, String> attributesValueMap = new THashMap<String, String>();
      attributes = calculateAttributes(attributesValueMap);
      myAttributeValueMap = attributesValueMap;
      myAttributes = attributes;
    return attributes;

  private XmlAttribute[] calculateAttributes(final Map<String, String> attributesValueMap) {
    final List<XmlAttribute> result = new ArrayList<XmlAttribute>(10);
        new PsiElementProcessor() {
          public boolean execute(@NotNull PsiElement element) {
            if (element instanceof XmlAttribute) {
              XmlAttribute attribute = (XmlAttribute) element;
              cacheOneAttributeValue(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue(), attributesValueMap);
              myHaveNamespaceDeclarations =
                  myHaveNamespaceDeclarations || attribute.isNamespaceDeclaration();
            } else if (element instanceof XmlToken
                && ((XmlToken) element).getTokenType() == XmlTokenType.XML_TAG_END) {
              return false;
            return true;
    if (result.isEmpty()) {
      return XmlAttribute.EMPTY_ARRAY;
    } else {
      return ContainerUtil.toArray(result, new XmlAttribute[result.size()]);

  protected void cacheOneAttributeValue(
      String name, String value, final Map<String, String> attributesValueMap) {
    attributesValueMap.put(name, value);

  public String getAttributeValue(String qname) { // todo ?
    Map<String, String> map = myAttributeValueMap;
    while (map == null) {
      map = myAttributeValueMap;

      if (map == null) {
        myAttributes = null;
    return map.get(qname);

  public String getAttributeValue(String _name, String namespace) {
    if (namespace == null) {
      return getAttributeValue(_name);

    XmlTagImpl current = this;
    PsiElement parent = getParent();

    while (current != null) {
      BidirectionalMap<String, String> map = current.initNamespaceMaps(parent);
      if (map != null) {
        List<String> keysByValue = map.getKeysByValue(namespace);
        if (keysByValue != null && !keysByValue.isEmpty()) {

          for (String prefix : keysByValue) {
            if (prefix != null && prefix.length() > 0) {
              final String value = getAttributeValue(prefix + ":" + _name);
              if (value != null) return value;

      current = parent instanceof XmlTag ? (XmlTagImpl) parent : null;
      parent = parent.getParent();

    if (namespace.length() == 0 || getNamespace().equals(namespace)) {
      return getAttributeValue(_name);
    return null;

  public XmlTag[] getSubTags() {
    return CachedValuesManager.getManager(getProject())
            new CachedValueProvider<XmlTag[]>() {
              public Result<XmlTag[]> compute() {
                final List<XmlTag> result = new ArrayList<XmlTag>();


                final int s = result.size();
                XmlTag[] tags = s > 0 ? ContainerUtil.toArray(result, new XmlTag[s]) : EMPTY;
                return Result.create(

  protected void fillSubTags(final List<XmlTag> result) {
        new PsiElementProcessor() {
          public boolean execute(@NotNull PsiElement element) {
            if (element instanceof XmlTag) {
              assert element.isValid();
              result.add((XmlTag) element);
            return true;

  public XmlTag[] findSubTags(String name) {
    return findSubTags(name, null);

  public XmlTag[] findSubTags(final String name, final String namespace) {
    final XmlTag[] subTags = getSubTags();
    final List<XmlTag> result = new ArrayList<XmlTag>();
    for (final XmlTag subTag : subTags) {
      if (namespace == null) {
        if (name.equals(subTag.getName())) result.add(subTag);
      } else if (name.equals(subTag.getLocalName()) && namespace.equals(subTag.getNamespace())) {
    return ContainerUtil.toArray(result, new XmlTag[result.size()]);

  public XmlTag findFirstSubTag(String name) {
    final XmlTag[] subTags = findSubTags(name);
    if (subTags.length > 0) return subTags[0];
    return null;

  public XmlAttribute getAttribute(String name, String namespace) {
    if (name != null && name.indexOf(':') != -1
        || namespace == null
        || XmlUtil.EMPTY_URI.equals(namespace)
        || XmlUtil.ANY_URI.equals(namespace)) {
      return getAttribute(name);

    final String prefix = getPrefixByNamespace(namespace);
    if (prefix == null || prefix.length() == 0) return null;
    return getAttribute(prefix + ":" + name);

  public XmlAttribute getAttribute(String qname) {
    if (qname == null) return null;
    final XmlAttribute[] attributes = getAttributes();

    final boolean caseSensitive = isCaseSensitive();

    for (final XmlAttribute attribute : attributes) {
      final LeafElement attrNameElement =
          (LeafElement) XmlChildRole.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_FINDER.findChild(attribute.getNode());
      if (attrNameElement != null
          && (caseSensitive && Comparing.equal(attrNameElement.getChars(), qname)
              || !caseSensitive && Comparing.equal(attrNameElement.getChars(), qname, false))) {
        return attribute;
    return null;

  protected boolean isCaseSensitive() {
    return true;

  public String getNamespace() {
    String cachedNamespace = myCachedNamespace;
    final long curModCount = getManager().getModificationTracker().getModificationCount();
    if (cachedNamespace != null && myModCount == curModCount) {
      return cachedNamespace;
    RecursionGuard.StackStamp stamp = ourGuard.markStack();
    cachedNamespace = getNamespaceByPrefix(getNamespacePrefix());
    if (!stamp.mayCacheNow()) {
      return cachedNamespace;

    myCachedNamespace = cachedNamespace;
    myModCount = curModCount;
    return cachedNamespace;

  public String getNamespacePrefix() {
    return XmlUtil.findPrefixByQualifiedName(getName());

  public String getNamespaceByPrefix(String prefix) {
    final PsiElement parent = getParent();
    BidirectionalMap<String, String> map = initNamespaceMaps(parent);
    if (map != null) {
      final String ns = map.get(prefix);
      if (ns != null) return ns;
    if (parent instanceof XmlTag) return ((XmlTag) parent).getNamespaceByPrefix(prefix);
    // The prefix 'xml' is by definition bound to the namespace name
    // http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace. It MAY, but need not, be declared
    if (XML_NS_PREFIX.equals(prefix)) return XmlUtil.XML_NAMESPACE_URI;

    if (prefix.length() > 0 && !hasNamespaceDeclarations() && getNamespacePrefix().equals(prefix)) {
      // When there is no namespace declarations then qualified names should be just used in dtds
      // this implies that we may have "" namespace prefix ! (see last paragraph in Namespaces in
      // Xml, Section 5)

      String result =
              new Computable<String>() {
                public String compute() {
                  final String nsFromEmptyPrefix = getNamespaceByPrefix("");
                  final XmlNSDescriptor nsDescriptor = getNSDescriptor(nsFromEmptyPrefix, false);
                  final XmlElementDescriptor descriptor =
                      nsDescriptor != null
                          ? nsDescriptor.getElementDescriptor(XmlTagImpl.this)
                          : null;
                  final String nameFromRealDescriptor =
                      descriptor != null
                              && descriptor.getDeclaration() != null
                              && descriptor.getDeclaration().isPhysical()
                          ? descriptor.getName()
                          : "";
                  if (nameFromRealDescriptor.equals(getName())) return nsFromEmptyPrefix;
                  return XmlUtil.EMPTY_URI;
      if (result != null) {
        return result;
    return XmlUtil.EMPTY_URI;

  public String getPrefixByNamespace(String namespace) {
    final PsiElement parent = getParent();
    BidirectionalMap<String, String> map = initNamespaceMaps(parent);
    if (map != null) {
      List<String> keysByValue = map.getKeysByValue(namespace);
      final String ns = keysByValue == null || keysByValue.isEmpty() ? null : keysByValue.get(0);
      if (ns != null) return ns;
    if (parent instanceof XmlTag) return ((XmlTag) parent).getPrefixByNamespace(namespace);
    // The prefix 'xml' is by definition bound to the namespace name
    // http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace. It MAY, but need not, be declared
    if (XmlUtil.XML_NAMESPACE_URI.equals(namespace)) return XML_NS_PREFIX;
    return null;

  public String[] knownNamespaces() {
    final PsiElement parentElement = getParent();
    BidirectionalMap<String, String> map = initNamespaceMaps(parentElement);
    Set<String> known = Collections.emptySet();
    if (map != null) {
      known = new HashSet<String>(map.values());
    if (parentElement instanceof XmlTag) {
      if (known.isEmpty()) return ((XmlTag) parentElement).knownNamespaces();
      ContainerUtil.addAll(known, ((XmlTag) parentElement).knownNamespaces());
    } else {
      XmlExtension xmlExtension = XmlExtension.getExtensionByElement(this);
      if (xmlExtension != null) {
        final XmlFile xmlFile = xmlExtension.getContainingFile(this);
        if (xmlFile != null) {
          final XmlTag rootTag = xmlFile.getRootTag();
          if (rootTag != null && rootTag != this) {
            if (known.isEmpty()) return rootTag.knownNamespaces();
            ContainerUtil.addAll(known, rootTag.knownNamespaces());
    return ArrayUtil.toStringArray(known);

  private BidirectionalMap<String, String> initNamespaceMaps(PsiElement parent) {
    BidirectionalMap<String, String> map = myNamespaceMap;

    if (map == null) {
      RecursionGuard.StackStamp stamp = ourGuard.markStack();
      map = computeNamespaceMap(parent);
      if (stamp.mayCacheNow()) {
        myNamespaceMap = map;

    return map;

  private BidirectionalMap<String, String> computeNamespaceMap(PsiElement parent) {
    BidirectionalMap<String, String> map = null;
    if (hasNamespaceDeclarations()) {
      map = new BidirectionalMap<String, String>();
      final XmlAttribute[] attributes = getAttributes();

      for (final XmlAttribute attribute : attributes) {
        if (attribute.isNamespaceDeclaration()) {
          final String name = attribute.getName();
          int splitIndex = name.indexOf(':');
          final String value = getRealNs(attribute.getValue());

          if (value != null) {
            if (splitIndex < 0) {
              map.put("", value);
            } else {
              map.put(XmlUtil.findLocalNameByQualifiedName(name), value);

    if (parent instanceof XmlDocument) {
      final XmlExtension extension = XmlExtension.getExtensionByElement(parent);
      if (extension != null) {
        final String[][] defaultNamespace =
            extension.getNamespacesFromDocument((XmlDocument) parent, map != null);
        if (defaultNamespace != null) {
          if (map == null) {
            map = new BidirectionalMap<String, String>();
          for (final String[] prefix2ns : defaultNamespace) {
            map.put(prefix2ns[0], getRealNs(prefix2ns[1]));
    return map;

  private String getNsLocation(String ns) {
    if (XmlUtil.XHTML_URI.equals(ns)) {
      String defaultHtmlDoctype =
      if (Html5SchemaProvider.HTML5_SCHEMA_LOCATION.equals(defaultHtmlDoctype)) {
        defaultHtmlDoctype = Html5SchemaProvider.XHTML5_SCHEMA_LOCATION;
      return defaultHtmlDoctype;
    return ns;

  protected String getRealNs(final String value) {
    return value;

  public String getLocalName() {
    String localName = myLocalName;
    if (localName == null) {
      final String name = getName();
      myLocalName = localName = name.substring(name.indexOf(':') + 1);
    return localName;

  public boolean hasNamespaceDeclarations() {
    return myHaveNamespaceDeclarations;

  public Map<String, String> getLocalNamespaceDeclarations() {
    Map<String, String> namespaces = new THashMap<String, String>();
    for (final XmlAttribute attribute : getAttributes()) {
      if (!attribute.isNamespaceDeclaration() || attribute.getValue() == null) continue;
      // xmlns -> "", xmlns:a -> a
      final String localName = attribute.getLocalName();
      namespaces.put(localName.equals(attribute.getName()) ? "" : localName, attribute.getValue());
    return namespaces;

  public XmlAttribute setAttribute(String qname, String value) throws IncorrectOperationException {
    final XmlAttribute attribute = getAttribute(qname);

    if (attribute != null) {
      if (value == null) {
        return null;
      return attribute;
    } else if (value == null) {
      return null;
    } else {
      PsiElement xmlAttribute =
          add(XmlElementFactory.getInstance(getProject()).createXmlAttribute(qname, value));
      while (!(xmlAttribute instanceof XmlAttribute)) xmlAttribute = xmlAttribute.getNextSibling();
      return (XmlAttribute) xmlAttribute;

  public XmlAttribute setAttribute(String name, String namespace, String value)
      throws IncorrectOperationException {
    if (!Comparing.equal(namespace, "")) {
      final String prefix = getPrefixByNamespace(namespace);
      if (prefix != null && prefix.length() > 0) name = prefix + ":" + name;
    return setAttribute(name, value);

  public XmlTag createChildTag(
      String localName, String namespace, String bodyText, boolean enforceNamespacesDeep) {
    return XmlUtil.createChildTag(this, localName, namespace, bodyText, enforceNamespacesDeep);

  public XmlTag addSubTag(XmlTag subTag, boolean first) {
    XmlTagChild[] children = getSubTags();
    if (children.length == 0) {
      children = getValue().getChildren();
    if (children.length == 0) {
      return (XmlTag) add(subTag);
    } else if (first) {
      return (XmlTag) addBefore(subTag, children[0]);
    } else {
      return (XmlTag) addAfter(subTag, ArrayUtil.getLastElement(children));

  public XmlTagValue getValue() {
    XmlTagValue tagValue = myValue;
    if (tagValue == null) {
      final PsiElement[] elements = getElements();
      final List<XmlTagChild> bodyElements = new ArrayList<XmlTagChild>(elements.length);

      boolean insideBody = false;
      for (final PsiElement element : elements) {
        final ASTNode treeElement = element.getNode();
        if (insideBody) {
          if (treeElement.getElementType() == XmlTokenType.XML_END_TAG_START) break;
          if (!(element instanceof XmlTagChild)) continue;
          bodyElements.add((XmlTagChild) element);
        } else if (treeElement.getElementType() == XmlTokenType.XML_TAG_END) insideBody = true;

      XmlTagChild[] tagChildren =
          ContainerUtil.toArray(bodyElements, new XmlTagChild[bodyElements.size()]);
      myValue = tagValue = new XmlTagValueImpl(tagChildren, this);
    return tagValue;

  private PsiElement[] getElements() {
    final List<PsiElement> elements = new ArrayList<PsiElement>();
        new PsiElementProcessor() {
          public boolean execute(@NotNull PsiElement psiElement) {
            return true;
    return ContainerUtil.toArray(elements, new PsiElement[elements.size()]);

  public void accept(@NotNull PsiElementVisitor visitor) {
    if (visitor instanceof XmlElementVisitor) {
      ((XmlElementVisitor) visitor).visitXmlTag(this);
    } else {

  public String toString() {
    return "XmlTag:" + getName();

  public PsiMetaData getMetaData() {
    return MetaRegistry.getMeta(this);

  public TreeElement addInternal(TreeElement first, ASTNode last, ASTNode anchor, Boolean beforeB) {
    TreeElement firstAppended = null;
    boolean before = beforeB == null || beforeB.booleanValue();
    try {
      TreeElement next;
      do {
        next = first.getTreeNext();

        if (firstAppended == null) {
          firstAppended = addInternal(first, anchor, before);
          anchor = firstAppended;
        } else {
          anchor = addInternal(first, anchor, false);
      } while (first != last && (first = next) != null);
    } catch (IncorrectOperationException ignored) {
    } finally {
    return firstAppended;

  private TreeElement addInternal(TreeElement child, ASTNode anchor, boolean before)
      throws IncorrectOperationException {
    final PomModel model = PomManager.getModel(getProject());
    if (anchor != null && child.getElementType() == XmlElementType.XML_TEXT) {
      XmlText psi = null;
      if (anchor.getPsi() instanceof XmlText) {
        psi = (XmlText) anchor.getPsi();
      } else {
        final ASTNode other = before ? anchor.getTreePrev() : anchor.getTreeNext();
        if (other != null && other.getPsi() instanceof XmlText) {
          before = !before;
          psi = (XmlText) other.getPsi();

      if (psi != null) {
        if (before) {
          psi.insertText(((XmlText) child.getPsi()).getValue(), 0);
        } else {
          psi.insertText(((XmlText) child.getPsi()).getValue(), psi.getValue().length());
        return (TreeElement) psi.getNode();
    LOG.assertTrue(child.getPsi() instanceof XmlAttribute || child.getPsi() instanceof XmlTagChild);
    final InsertTransaction transaction;
    if (child.getElementType() == XmlElementType.XML_ATTRIBUTE) {
      transaction = new InsertAttributeTransaction(child, anchor, before, model);
    } else if (anchor == null) {
      transaction = getBodyInsertTransaction(child);
    } else {
      transaction = new GenericInsertTransaction(child, anchor, before);
    return transaction.getFirstInserted();

  protected InsertTransaction getBodyInsertTransaction(final TreeElement child) {
    return new BodyInsertTransaction(child);

  public void deleteChildInternal(@NotNull final ASTNode child) {
    final PomModel model = PomManager.getModel(getProject());
    final XmlAspect aspect = model.getModelAspect(XmlAspect.class);

    if (child.getElementType() == XmlElementType.XML_ATTRIBUTE) {
      try {
            new PomTransactionBase(this, aspect) {
              public PomModelEvent runInner() {
                final String name = ((XmlAttribute) child).getName();
                return XmlAttributeSetImpl.createXmlAttributeSet(
                    model, XmlTagImpl.this, name, null);
      } catch (IncorrectOperationException e) {
    } else {
      final ASTNode treePrev = child.getTreePrev();
      final ASTNode treeNext = child.getTreeNext();
      if (treePrev != null
          && treeNext != null
          && treePrev.getElementType() == XmlElementType.XML_TEXT
          && treeNext.getElementType() == XmlElementType.XML_TEXT) {
        final XmlText prevText = (XmlText) treePrev.getPsi();
        final XmlText nextText = (XmlText) treeNext.getPsi();
        try {
          prevText.setValue(prevText.getValue() + nextText.getValue());
        } catch (IncorrectOperationException e) {

  private ASTNode expandTag() throws IncorrectOperationException {
    ASTNode endTagStart = XmlChildRole.CLOSING_TAG_START_FINDER.findChild(this);
    if (endTagStart == null) {
      final XmlTagImpl tagFromText =
                  .createTagFromText("<" + getName() + "></" + getName() + ">");
      final ASTNode startTagStart = XmlChildRole.START_TAG_END_FINDER.findChild(tagFromText);
      endTagStart = XmlChildRole.CLOSING_TAG_START_FINDER.findChild(tagFromText);
      final LeafElement emptyTagEnd =
          (LeafElement) XmlChildRole.EMPTY_TAG_END_FINDER.findChild(this);
      if (emptyTagEnd != null) removeChild(emptyTagEnd);
      addChildren(startTagStart, null, null);
    return endTagStart;

  public XmlTag getParentTag() {
    final PsiElement parent = getParent();
    if (parent instanceof XmlTag) return (XmlTag) parent;
    return null;

  public XmlTagChild getNextSiblingInTag() {
    final PsiElement nextSibling = getNextSibling();
    if (nextSibling instanceof XmlTagChild) return (XmlTagChild) nextSibling;
    return null;

  public XmlTagChild getPrevSiblingInTag() {
    final PsiElement prevSibling = getPrevSibling();
    if (prevSibling instanceof XmlTagChild) return (XmlTagChild) prevSibling;
    return null;

  public Icon getElementIcon(int flags) {
    return PlatformIcons.XML_TAG_ICON;

  protected class BodyInsertTransaction extends InsertTransaction {
    private final TreeElement myChild;
    private ASTNode myNewElement;

    public BodyInsertTransaction(TreeElement child) {
      myChild = child;

    public PomModelEvent runInner() throws IncorrectOperationException {
      final ASTNode anchor = expandTag();
      if (myChild.getElementType() == XmlElementType.XML_TAG) {
        // compute where to insert tag according to DTD or XSD
        final XmlElementDescriptor parentDescriptor = getDescriptor();
        final XmlTag[] subTags = getSubTags();
        final PsiElement declaration =
            parentDescriptor != null ? parentDescriptor.getDeclaration() : null;
        // filtring out generated dtds
        if (declaration != null
            && declaration.getContainingFile() != null
            && declaration.getContainingFile().isPhysical()
            && subTags.length > 0) {
          final XmlElementDescriptor[] childElementDescriptors =
          int subTagNum = -1;
          for (final XmlElementDescriptor childElementDescriptor : childElementDescriptors) {
            final String childElementName = childElementDescriptor.getName();
            while (subTagNum < subTags.length - 1
                && subTags[subTagNum + 1].getName().equals(childElementName)) {
            if (childElementName.equals(
                XmlChildRole.START_TAG_NAME_FINDER.findChild(myChild).getText())) {
              // insert child just after anchor
              // insert into the position specified by index
              if (subTagNum >= 0) {
                final ASTNode subTag = (ASTNode) subTags[subTagNum];
                if (subTag.getTreeParent() != XmlTagImpl.this) {
                  // in entity
                  final XmlEntityRef entityRef =
                      PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(subTags[subTagNum], XmlEntityRef.class);
                  throw new IncorrectOperationException(
                      "Can't insert subtag to the entity. Entity reference text: "
                          + (entityRef == null ? "" : entityRef.getText()));
                myNewElement =
                    XmlTagImpl.super.addInternal(myChild, myChild, subTag, Boolean.FALSE);
              } else {
                final ASTNode child = XmlChildRole.START_TAG_END_FINDER.findChild(XmlTagImpl.this);
                myNewElement = XmlTagImpl.super.addInternal(myChild, myChild, child, Boolean.FALSE);
              return null;
        } else {
          final ASTNode child = XmlChildRole.CLOSING_TAG_START_FINDER.findChild(XmlTagImpl.this);
          myNewElement = XmlTagImpl.super.addInternal(myChild, myChild, child, Boolean.TRUE);
          return null;
      myNewElement = XmlTagImpl.super.addInternal(myChild, myChild, anchor, Boolean.TRUE);
      return null;

    public TreeElement getFirstInserted() {
      return (TreeElement) myNewElement;

  protected class InsertAttributeTransaction extends InsertTransaction {
    private final TreeElement myChild;
    private final ASTNode myAnchor;
    private final boolean myBefore;
    private final PomModel myModel;
    private TreeElement myFirstInserted = null;

    public InsertAttributeTransaction(
        final TreeElement child, final ASTNode anchor, final boolean before, final PomModel model) {
      myChild = child;
      myAnchor = anchor;
      myBefore = before;
      myModel = model;

    public PomModelEvent runInner() {
      final String value = ((XmlAttribute) myChild).getValue();
      final String name = ((XmlAttribute) myChild).getName();
      if (myAnchor == null) {
        ASTNode startTagEnd = XmlChildRole.START_TAG_END_FINDER.findChild(XmlTagImpl.this);
        if (startTagEnd == null)
          startTagEnd = XmlChildRole.EMPTY_TAG_END_FINDER.findChild(XmlTagImpl.this);

        if (startTagEnd == null) {
          ASTNode anchor = getLastChildNode();

          while (anchor instanceof PsiWhiteSpace) {
            anchor = anchor.getTreePrev();

          if (anchor instanceof PsiErrorElement) {
            final LeafElement token =
            replaceChild(anchor, token);
            startTagEnd = token;

        if (startTagEnd == null) {
          ASTNode anchor = XmlChildRole.START_TAG_NAME_FINDER.findChild(XmlTagImpl.this);
          myFirstInserted = XmlTagImpl.super.addInternal(myChild, myChild, anchor, Boolean.FALSE);
        } else {
          myFirstInserted =
              XmlTagImpl.super.addInternal(myChild, myChild, startTagEnd, Boolean.TRUE);
      } else {
        myFirstInserted =
            XmlTagImpl.super.addInternal(myChild, myChild, myAnchor, Boolean.valueOf(myBefore));
      return XmlAttributeSetImpl.createXmlAttributeSet(myModel, XmlTagImpl.this, name, value);

    public TreeElement getFirstInserted() {
      return myFirstInserted;

  protected class GenericInsertTransaction extends InsertTransaction {
    private final TreeElement myChild;
    private final ASTNode myAnchor;
    private final boolean myBefore;
    private TreeElement myRetHolder;

    public GenericInsertTransaction(
        final TreeElement child, final ASTNode anchor, final boolean before) {
      myChild = child;
      myAnchor = anchor;
      myBefore = before;

    public PomModelEvent runInner() {
      myRetHolder =
          XmlTagImpl.super.addInternal(myChild, myChild, myAnchor, Boolean.valueOf(myBefore));
      return null;

    public TreeElement getFirstInserted() {
      return myRetHolder;

  protected abstract class InsertTransaction extends PomTransactionBase {
    public InsertTransaction(final PsiElement scope) {
      super(scope, PomManager.getModel(getProject()).getModelAspect(XmlAspect.class));

    public abstract TreeElement getFirstInserted();