public static String copiesInStock(String book_id) { try { final int history = Integer.parseInt( Query.getString( "SELECT COUNT(sbm_copieshistory.ID) " + "FROM sbm_copieshistory , sbm_copies " + "WHERE copy_id LIKE sbm_copies.ID " + "AND book_id LIKE " + book_id, "COUNT(sbm_copieshistory.ID)")); final int all = Integer.parseInt(SingleCopyCountTotal(book_id)); final int caughthistory = Integer.parseInt( Query.getString( "SELECT COUNT(sbm_copieshistory.ID) " + "FROM sbm_copieshistory , sbm_copies " + "WHERE collected LIKE '1%' " + "AND copy_id LIKE sbm_copies.ID " + "AND book_id LIKE " + book_id, "COUNT(sbm_copieshistory.ID)")); return Integer.toString(caughthistory + (all - history)); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e + " => copiesInStock"); logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception ''{0}'' from ''{1}''", new Object[] {e, book_id}); } return null; }
public static ArrayList<String> Singlecopy(String copyId) { try { ArrayList<String> result = Query.anyQuery( "SELECT label, sbm_students.ID, distributed, collected, buy, notice, paid, forename, surname, sbm_books.ID " + "FROM sbm_copieshistory, sbm_copies, sbm_books, sbm_students " + "WHERE sbm_books.ID = sbm_copies.book_id " + "AND sbm_copieshistory.copy_id = sbm_copies.ID " + "AND sbm_copieshistory.student_id = sbm_students.ID " + "AND sbm_copieshistory.copy_id LIKE " + copyId); if (result.isEmpty() == true) { result.add( 0, Query.getString( "SELECT label " + "FROM sbm_copies, sbm_books " + "WHERE sbm_books.ID = sbm_copies.book_id " + "AND sbm_copies.ID LIKE " + copyId, "label")); result.add(1, ""); result.add(2, ""); result.add(3, ""); result.add(4, "im lager"); result.add(5, ""); result.add(6, "im lager"); result.add(7, "nicht ausgeliehen"); result.add(8, ""); result.add( 9, Query.getString( "SELECT sbm_books.ID " + "FROM sbm_copies, sbm_books " + "WHERE sbm_books.ID = sbm_copies.book_id " + "AND sbm_copies.ID LIKE " + copyId, "sbm_books.ID")); return result; } else { /*result = Query.anyQuery("SELECT label, sbm_copieshistory.ID, distributed, collected, buy, notice, paid, forename, surname FROM sbm_copieshistory, sbm_copies, sbm_books, sbm_students WHERE sbm_books.ID = sbm_copies.book_id AND sbm_copieshistory.copy_id = sbm_copies.ID AND sbm_copieshistory.student_id = sbm_students.ID AND sbm_copieshistory.copy_id LIKE "+copyId); */ return result; } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e + " => Singlecopy"); logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception ''{0}'' from ''{1}''", new Object[] {e, copyId}); } return null; }
public static String SingleCopyCountTotal(String BookID) { // Takes super long try { return Query.getString( "SELECT COUNT(ID) " + "FROM sbm_copies " + "WHERE book_id LIKE " + BookID, "COUNT(ID)"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e + " => SingleCopyCountTotal"); logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception ''{0}'' from ''{1}''", new Object[] {e, BookID}); } return null; }
public static String boughtCopyCount(String book_id) { try { return Query.getString( "SELECT COUNT(sbm_copies.ID) " + "FROM sbm_copieshistory , sbm_copies, sbm_books " + "WHERE buy = 1 " + "AND sbm_copies.book_id LIKE sbm_books.ID" + "AND sbm_copieshistory.copy_id LIKE sbm_copies.ID " + "AND book_id LIKE " + book_id, "COUNT(sbm_copies.ID)"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e + " => CauchtCopyCount"); logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception ''{0}'' from ''{1}''", new Object[] {e, book_id}); } return null; }
public String[] words() { String st[] = current.getString().trim().split("\\W"); // get all words // from current // query return st; }