public synchronized void updateCurrentMarket() { Price buyTopPrice = buySide.topOfBookPrice(); if (buyTopPrice == null) buyTopPrice = PriceFactory.makeLimitPrice((long) 0); Price sellTopPrice = sellSide.topOfBookPrice(); if (sellTopPrice == null) sellTopPrice = PriceFactory.makeLimitPrice((long) 0); String str = buyTopPrice.toString() + buySide.topOfBookVolume() + sellTopPrice.toString() + sellSide.topOfBookVolume(); if (!this.lastCurrentMarket.equals(str)) { MarketDataDTO mktDTO = new MarketDataDTO( this.productSymbol, buyTopPrice, buySide.topOfBookVolume(), sellTopPrice, sellSide.topOfBookVolume()); CurrentMarketPublisher.getInstance().publishCurrentMarket(mktDTO); lastCurrentMarket = str; } }
public void testManyToOneGenerics() throws Exception { Paper white = new Paper(); white.setName("WhiteA4"); PaperType type = new PaperType(); type.setName("A4"); SomeGuy me = new SomeGuy(); white.setType(type); white.setOwner(me); Price price = new Price(); price.setAmount(new Double(1)); price.setCurrency("Euro"); white.setValue(price); Session s = openSession(); Transaction tx = s.beginTransaction(); s.persist(type); s.persist(price); s.persist(me); s.persist(white); tx.commit(); // s.close(); s = openSession(); tx = s.beginTransaction(); white = (Paper) s.get(Paper.class, white.getId()); s.delete(white.getType()); s.delete(white.getOwner()); s.delete(white.getValue()); s.delete(white); tx.commit(); // s.close(); }
public double getPriceByCategory(String category) { for (Price temp : priceList) { if (temp.getCategory().equals(category)) { return temp.getPrice(); } } return priceList.get(0).getPrice(); }
public synchronized void addToBook(Quote q) throws Exception { Price sellQuote = q.getQuoteSide("SELL").getPrice(); Price buyQuote = q.getQuoteSide("BUY").getPrice(); if (sellQuote.lessOrEqual(buyQuote)) throw new DataValidationException("SELL Price is less than or Equal to BUY Price"); if (q.getQuoteSide("SELL").getOriginalVolume() <= 0 || q.getQuoteSide("BUY").getOriginalVolume() <= 0) throw new DataValidationException("BUY or SELL side is less than or equal to zero"); if (this.userQuotes.contains(q.getUserName())) { buySide.removeQuote(q.getUserName()); sellSide.removeQuote(q.getUserName()); this.updateCurrentMarket(); } this.addToBook(BookSide.BUY, q.getQuoteSide("BUY")); this.addToBook(BookSide.SELL, q.getQuoteSide("SELL")); userQuotes.add(q.getUserName()); this.updateCurrentMarket(); }
public void setPricePolicy(int cusType, int dateType, double dPrice) { Price price = null; if (_prices.containsKey(cusType)) { price = _prices.get(cusType); } else { switch (cusType) { case Customer.REGULAR: price = new RegularPrice(); break; case Customer.REWARDS: price = new RewardsPrice(); break; default: System.out.println("Error: setPricePolicy Failed! Caused by CustomType undefined."); return; } } if (price != null) { switch (dateType) { case Price.WEEKDAY_PRICE: price.setWeekdayPrice(dPrice); break; case Price.WEEKEND_PRICE: price.setWeekendPrice(dPrice); break; default: System.out.println("Error: setPricePolicy Failed! Caused by DateType undefined."); break; } } _prices.put((Integer) cusType, price); }
public synchronized void openMarket() throws Exception { Price bestBuyPrice = buySide.topOfBookPrice(); Price bestSellPrice = sellSide.topOfBookPrice(); if (bestBuyPrice != null && bestSellPrice != null) { while (bestBuyPrice.greaterOrEqual(bestSellPrice) || bestBuyPrice.isMarket() || bestSellPrice.isMarket()) { ArrayList<Tradable> topOfBuySide = buySide.getEntriesAtPrice(bestBuyPrice); ArrayList<Tradable> toRemove = new ArrayList<Tradable>(); HashMap<String, FillMessage> allFills = null; for (Tradable t : topOfBuySide) { allFills = sellSide.tryTrade(t); if (t.getRemainingVolume() == 0) { toRemove.add(t); } } for (Tradable t : toRemove) { buySide.removeTradable(t); } updateCurrentMarket(); Price lastSalePrice = this.determineLastSalePrice(allFills); int lastSaleVolume = this.determineLastSaleQuantity(allFills); LastSalePublisher.getInstance() .publishLastSale(productSymbol, lastSalePrice, lastSaleVolume); bestBuyPrice = buySide.topOfBookPrice(); bestSellPrice = sellSide.topOfBookPrice(); if (bestBuyPrice == null || bestSellPrice == null) break; } } }
@Override public final Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { Residence clone = new Residence( residenceId, name, description, (Address) address.clone(), (Price) price.clone(), (Date) published.clone(), (Date) expire.clone(), mainPhotoPath, phathOfPhotos, (User) contact.clone()); return clone; }
public String toString() { StringBuilder squery = new StringBuilder(); if (price != null) { squery.append(price.toString()); } if (time != null) { squery.append(time.toString()); } if (location != null) { squery.append(location.toString()); } if (ccontent != null) { squery.append(ccontent.toString()); } return squery.toString(); }
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { SqlSession sqlSession = RazorServer.openSession(); try { JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(""); Unmarshaller um = jc.createUnmarshaller(); Prices prices = (Prices) um.unmarshal(new"C:/price_0505_eur.xml")); int i = 0; for (Price price : prices.getPrice()) { System.out.println(i++ + " " + price); Product product = sqlSession .getMapper(ProductMapper.class) .altread(new NameId(PartyIds.PARTY_INTERHOME_ID, price.getCode())); if (product == null) { throw new ServiceException(Error.product_id, price.getCode()); } net.cbtltd.shared.Price action = new net.cbtltd.shared.Price(); action.setName(; action.setType(; action.setEntitytype(; action.setEntityid(product.getId()); action.setPartyid(PartyIds.PARTY_INTERHOME_ID); // TODO action.setState(net.cbtltd.shared.Price.CREATED); action.setDate(price.getStartdate().toGregorianCalendar().getTime()); action.setTodate(price.getEnddate().toGregorianCalendar().getTime()); net.cbtltd.shared.Price exists = sqlSession.getMapper(PriceMapper.class).exists(action); if (exists == null) { sqlSession.getMapper(PriceMapper.class).create(action); } else { action = exists; } // price.getFixprice(); // price.getMaxrentalprice(); // price.getMidweekrentalprice(); action.setMinimum(price.getMinrentalprice().doubleValue()); action.setValue(price.getRentalprice().doubleValue()); action.setCurrency(; action.setQuantity(0.0); // TODO: for 8, 15, 22 day breaks action.setUnit(Unit.WEE); // price.getWeekendrentalprice(); for (Service service : price.getServices().getService()) { service.getCode(); service.getServiceprice(); // TODO: add mandatory charges to product // Map code to price ID for Mandatory charge } Specialoffer specialoffer = price.getSpecialoffer(); if (specialoffer != null) { specialoffer.getCode(); specialoffer.getSpecialofferprice(); } sqlSession.getMapper(PriceMapper.class).update(action); System.out.println(action); sqlSession.commit(); // if (i > 100)break; } } catch (Throwable x) { x.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Finished..."); System.exit(0); }
public Ticket(Price price) { this.price = price.getInitialPrice(); }
public String getSetPrice2String(boolean isBuy) { return Price.toString((isBuy) ? this._buySetPrice2 : this._sellSetPrice2); }
@Override public int compareTo(Price o) { return storeName.compareTo(o.getStoreName()); }
/** * Gives the amount of its price * * @return int, amount of price. */ public int getPrice() { return price.getAmount(); }