Пример #1
   * Fills the structure (str) string with the predicted structure according to running the CYK
   * algorithm and traceback on the provided sequence string (seq). The parameters should be
   * double[3] including the following probabilities:
   * <p>params[0] = p(S->L) params[1] = p(L->s) params[2] = p(F->LS)
   * @param seq - The sequence to predict from.
   * @param str - The string to fill with the predicted value.
   * @param params - The Knudson-Hein Grammar parameters as described above.
   * @param verbose - Display output to command line if true.
  public static String predictFromGrammar(String seq, Grammar grammar) {
    int size = seq.length();
    BigDecimal[][][] parr = new BigDecimal[size][size][3];
    int[][][] tau = new int[size][size][3];
    String pred = null;
    if (size < 1) {
      return pred;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
        for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
          tau[i][j][k] = -1;
          parr[i][j][k] = new BigDecimal(0);
    if (grammar instanceof PfoldGrammar) {
      PfoldGrammar pfold = (PfoldGrammar) grammar;

      //			BigDouble[] kh_params = new BigDouble[pfold.get_kh_params().length];
      //			for(int i=0;i<kh_params.length;i++)
      //				kh_params[i] = new BigDouble(pfold.get_kh_params()[i].doubleValue());
      //			BigDouble[] Pfold_paramsUnmatched = new
      // BigDouble[pfold.getPfold_paramsUnmatched().length];
      //			for(int i=0;i<Pfold_paramsUnmatched.length;i++)
      //				Pfold_paramsUnmatched[i] = new
      // BigDouble(pfold.getPfold_paramsUnmatched()[i].doubleValue());
      //			BigDouble[][] Pfold_paramsBasePairs = new
      // BigDouble[pfold.getPfold_paramsBasePairs().length][pfold.getPfold_paramsBasePairs()[0].length];
      //			for(int i=0;i<Pfold_paramsBasePairs.length;i++)
      //				for(int j=0;j<Pfold_paramsBasePairs[i].length;j++)
      //					Pfold_paramsBasePairs[i][j] = new
      // BigDouble(pfold.getPfold_paramsBasePairs()[i][j].doubleValue());

      BigDecimal[] kh_params = new BigDecimal[pfold.get_kh_params().length];
      for (int i = 0; i < kh_params.length; i++)
        kh_params[i] = new BigDecimal(pfold.get_kh_params()[i].doubleValue());
      BigDecimal[] Pfold_paramsUnmatched = new BigDecimal[pfold.getPfold_paramsUnmatched().length];
      for (int i = 0; i < Pfold_paramsUnmatched.length; i++)
        Pfold_paramsUnmatched[i] =
            new BigDecimal(pfold.getPfold_paramsUnmatched()[i].doubleValue());
      BigDecimal[][] Pfold_paramsBasePairs =
          new BigDecimal[pfold.getPfold_paramsBasePairs().length]
      for (int i = 0; i < Pfold_paramsBasePairs.length; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < Pfold_paramsBasePairs[i].length; j++)
          Pfold_paramsBasePairs[i][j] =
              new BigDecimal(pfold.getPfold_paramsBasePairs()[i][j].doubleValue());

      Pfold_CYK(seq, kh_params, Pfold_paramsUnmatched, Pfold_paramsBasePairs, parr, tau);
    //		BigDouble prob = parr[0][size - 1][0];
    BigDecimal prob = parr[0][size - 1][0];
    int compVal = prob.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO);
    if (compVal > 0) pred = kh_trace_back(tau);
          "Probability of highest probability parse is <= 0. ("
              + prob.toString()
              + " :: "
              + compVal
              + ")");

    return pred;