public static Logger getLogger(Parameters params, String name) throws com.grey.base.ConfigException, { if (params == null) params = new Parameters(); params.reconcile(); Logger log = null; try { Class<?> clss = DynLoader.loadClass(params.logclass); java.lang.reflect.Constructor<?> ctor = clss.getDeclaredConstructor(Parameters.class, String.class); ctor.setAccessible(true); log = Logger.class.cast(ctor.newInstance(params, name)); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new com.grey.base.ConfigException( ex, "Failed to create logger=" + params.logclass + " - " + com.grey.base.GreyException.summary(ex)); } log.init(); if (diagtrace) System.out.println("GreyLogger: Created Logger - " + log); return log; }
private static Logger getNamedLogger(String cfgpath, String name, String alias) throws com.grey.base.ConfigException, { String tag = (alias == null ? name : (alias + "/" + name)); if (name == null || name.length() == 0) name = DFLT_LOGNAME; String xpath = "/loggers/logger[@name='" + name + "']" + XmlConfig.XPATH_ENABLED; fh = new; url = null; XmlConfig cfg = null; if (fh.exists()) { cfg = XmlConfig.getSection(cfgpath, xpath); } else { url = DynLoader.getLoaderResource(cfgpath, Factory.class.getClassLoader()); if (url != null) { cfgpath = url.toString(); String xmltxt = FileOps.readAsText(url, null); cfg = XmlConfig.makeSection(xmltxt, xpath); } } if (url == null) cfgpath = fh.getCanonicalPath(); Parameters params = null; if (cfg != null) { alias = cfg.getValue("alias", false, null); if (name.equals(alias)) throw new com.grey.base.ConfigException( "GreyLogger: Infinite loop between " + name + " and " + alias + " - " + cfgpath); if (alias != null && alias.length() != 0) return getNamedLogger(cfgpath, alias, tag); cfg = cfg.getSection("file"); } if ((cfg == null || !cfg.exists()) && !name.equalsIgnoreCase(DFLT_LOGNAME)) { if (sinkstdio) { if (diagtrace) System.out.println( "GreyLogger: Logger=" + tag + " has been directed to stdio - " + cfgpath); params = new Parameters(); } else { if (diagtrace) System.out.println( "GreyLogger: Logger=" + tag + " has been directed to Sink - " + cfgpath); return new SinkLogger(name); } } if (params == null) params = new Parameters(cfg); params.reconcile(); String key = params.pthnam + ":" + params.strm; Logger log = null; synchronized (loggers) { log = loggers.get(key); if (log != null) { if (diagtrace) System.out.println( "GreyLogger: Logger=" + tag + " has been directed to existing Logger " + log + " - " + cfgpath); return log; } log = getLogger(params, name); loggers.put(key, log); if (diagtrace) System.out.println("GreyLogger: Named Logger=" + tag + " yielded " + log + " - " + cfgpath); } return log; }